I played Irish Ps2 games for St.Patrick's Day

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top of the morning to you ladies my name is kevin and i think i did that wrong i'm just trying to be a little bit more irish but don't worry it's st patrick's day and i'm here to teach you about ireland i mean look at that how could you not love that country right i hope that's ireland and what would you think about when you think about ireland would it be the cliffs of moher would it be lush green scenery would it be guinness if so you've got a problem no it's ps2 irish games of course of course there's at least three of them one of them being a sequel of the first i think i tried to play the first gaelic games football game on my channel two years ago but it didn't quite work out i was using an emulator but now i'm a big time youtuber i can afford a playstation 2. so we've got the proper game this time jesus christ i am pale i don't think the lighting is helping but you know what in the spirit of saint patty's day i should be as irish as possible go on i i should be more pale to be honest i'm letting my country down but yeah let's uh jump into the field and get started in our hurling career and gaelic games hurling i hope you enjoy oh look at this my fellow country man except for you kill kenny thank you yeah cork i love [ __ ] you kill kenny oh but i didn't kill kenny look my fellow country man just getting on they're a grand bunch of lads all just having a good time except for that fella he got [ __ ] duped idiot all right this is making me feel too patriotic let's skip the intro ergorous entertainment i wonder how they're doing they're defunct that's no surprise i guess it does say following its release gaelic games football was the highest selling ps2 game of all time in ireland citation is needed though i'm afraid i mean that's nice and all but it's kind of bound to be it's like the only irish themed game ever all right i'm going to play ascoliga and the rest of the video is going to be oscar wilga on will cad gum dolgody on lehrer small shade holly that's about all i know took irish for about what 12 years and i only know how to ask to go to the bathroom okay this is saying wait wait there's no space neil gallard space our memory card you know what i think i'm okay without saving neil oh okay i'm supposed to click start i didn't realize it said irish down the bottom even though it said start in there you'd think i i would click it but no apparently not okay i totally know what most of this says what the hell is rogue night what is that word press x anyway i'm rogue naying ah there we go my precious car key all right let's clock if anyone irish is watching this they're gonna be so [ __ ] disappointed in me i pray to god that the commentary is an irish that's what i need that's the spirit of saint patrick he was some lad i'll tell you that much got rid of all the snakes in ireland too small down the hipple is the power but the mind there was a a bit of irish there but he kind of gave up pretty fast oh [ __ ] earl is running ah well good old earl got a point i wasn't ready i was scratching my eye can we get that stricken from the record i think i was the guy behind him just standing there i'll just keep running what are you gonna do stop me unlikely i'm just walking through them how the effect do i hit him with the hurley that's what i want to know what what was that i think he got hit with the hurley that time i heard a yell in pain picked up by oh i think that's his name can i pass it to him again it's just picked up by wait what i didn't even touch the guy i wasn't playing as him who's this guy he i got a black card i don't know what that means he does it's not good apparently oh god i heard some ruffling on a microphone there i think the commentator just fell off his chair i thought it was the player first of all but no i don't think so all right i hit it in the air thanks for adding that if commentary is that easy i definitely need to get into it he runs he runs the crowd around the edge of their seat picked up by oh yeah this is a shocking display of when each name was read just once with a certain inflection in the voice and it doesn't fit any other situation go on run in what i got it i i brought it in the net that's the goal to cork your feckers oh here we go the crowd's going nuts wait hold on hold on the circle isn't in the middle hold on [ __ ] i messed it up [ __ ] wait why is jameson running away with the ball okay they reset it he is just taking off with it wait why is it half time it showed 38 minutes and something seconds on the clock very oddly specific half time this is the lowest scoring game of hurling in the history of ever he keeps hitting me with his stick stop it how do i keep missing this [ __ ] i just gotta keep the circle in the middle i'm just really struggling for some reason okay okay now we're good now we're good yep what you [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] i want to create my own version of it oh but they probably have a copyrighted i'll just call it irish stickball game perfect what the hell jesus christ he just flaked the back of him he's angry to be fair i'd be mad too if my name was a or foogaloo [Laughter] oh it's earl versus earl he passed it away he didn't want to find out who wins in earl versus earl just going to run the pitch they don't seem to be able to take it off me anyway so it doesn't really matter and i don't think players can get tired in this game stop hitting me with your sticks i'm just gonna go over here i'm gonna take my ball and go over here what was that thanks ref for clearing that off but he just keeps saying catches it that's about it i wonder how many lines of dialogue are in this game probably just two the rest are names oh that's full time as if it couldn't get more exciting it's a draw two points to two points do we get an extra time i think we do good i didn't have enough [ __ ] hell they're more violent than i am look at that oh you didn't even have the ball wait is that a goal no one seems to give a [ __ ] okay i think it's a goal is it yes it's a goal yay cork the paper crowd didn't even react some horn went off but i assumed that someone just died i thought it was like the hunger games or something it's violent enough to be if he says catches it oh my god it's just about to say one more time i'm gonna snap his neck i'm gonna go up there with my hurley and teach him a lesson hit hit would stick hit with stick in the spirit of saint patty's day get violent wait am i going the wrong way i'm not sure i think i'm going the right way no one's moving up this side they don't care look at that another goal i'm starting to get good and that's very depressing all right i'm going to stop playing now and i'm gonna see can they catch up why are you attacking that guy he's not got the ball what the hell you hit him three times in a row i'm just standing here with the ball take it and stop picking on him [ __ ] hell he's dead he's gonna die why can't they get the ball they're all just huddling around me guess i'm just gonna let the clock run down or wait till my guy literally gets killed that's a very high challenge oh it's a very high challenge apparently three times is fine but the fort hit that's too much gonna call you on that one what a shattering laugh a shattering loss just rubbing it into them poor litrum [Laughter] all right well i also got a little dvd with it so we're gonna have to figure out what that is all right here we are developing the skills the skill development model the skills or wall ball what let's just look at the intro i guess to help coaches and players develop the key skills of hurling all right for this demonstration i will be your coach you see it's actually a really fast sport if you were watching it on television or whatever i don't think the game does it justice like look at this some in real life footage wow why did i say it at that exact point okay we're done all right let's see wall ball what's that is that literally just hitting the ball against the wall look at that the one guy in the crowd has gone nuts he loves it and always keep them here at hand join up with a friend or find a suicidal wall to practice your skill he looks grim as hell it's like he's warning you to have a gun on hand in case there's a home intruder or something maybe that's what he's talking about he's like have the hurl in here to bed if someone gets into the house you give him a smack guys as your coach we're dipping out here i don't think this is gonna help us at all maybe if we were hitting the ball against the wall sure but we're watching people hit a ball against the wall oh my god that person hates that wall jesus christ they're destroying it over the course of 500 years generations will erode the wall and finally see what's on the other side jesus coach this is chaos no one's learning shite here can we exit this all right we're on to gaelic games football two we're gonna do this in english australia was too bloody difficult was manager mode down is a ridiculous county like why would you call a place that's so up down what kind of person do i want to be a father figure maybe the mouth oh that's what i need the mouth has never played a game in his life but he knows how the sports business works yeah that's me skip training lads no need yep skip far for the match yep farfit [Laughter] all right we'll play this one no lads i got nothing going on this weekend women's gay like football started in 1974. where was the spin-off for that why didn't they have an expansion pack women's gaelic games it's literally the exact same game the exact same like i know fifa gets a lot of [ __ ] for being the same every single year but they're literally the exact same the interface the menus everything [Applause] [Music] yeah thanks linesman we really needed your help on that one the naked eye couldn't see it it was moving too fast the only difference in this one i don't have a stick to assault people i think i just punched that guy below the belt though maybe i don't need a stick all right let's evade let's evade okay i'm evading right now effect's sake evading does nothing gold shot is square all right here we go here we go right into the center [Applause] just pass it right to him after all that what the hell was that jesus christ that was some matrix [ __ ] i think he just coughed on me the goalie was really brilliant look at that he's not brilliant enough earl is too good why are there so many earls yeah give him a smack on the head [ __ ] egypt you almost messed it up eastern fell heaven what why are we getting a black card he should have got advantage though he was running away the goals i had no one in between him and the goal and then the refs like nah come back man you pushed someone who didn't have the ball he's nothing like the ref who's in the hurling game they were beating the [ __ ] out of my guy who didn't have the ball and he didn't care attack someone who doesn't have it yeah give away a free if he's getting away with the ball just knock someone else down wait what he's just running away no you had a free come back oh wait it's the end of half okay that guy was just going home and taking his ball with him the goalie's gonna run the whole pitch really embarrassed him oh my god what the hell dude he was not in the mood to be embarrassed he just pushed him the fact down okay now they've caught up [ __ ] sake you know what let's just end the match forfeit after all these people came out to support you just walk off the field skip the next training we're too depressed after losing and four for the next match forfeit another match and then we'll do the training the wife's away at the shop so i'll come down to you lads and we'll do a bit of training oh it doesn't actually do anything all right screw that we're never doing that again i don't know why it needs to load every time just to load this calendar you cannot progress any further this championship we only showed up once and we walked off the field because we got caught up well you know what we tried our best well actually no we you know what we tried i don't know we kind of didn't you know what [ __ ] it it's showing me how the rest are doing like i give a [ __ ] once corker out of it none of the country pays attention corker the only interesting ones i'm just going through menus now because i got kicked out of the league i don't get to play anymore it just loads and then goes through some menus and that's it i get to listen to this funky music though oh jesus i think i've had enough of a menu simulator i don't get to play anymore do you wish to continue with another season yeah why not drop player yeah drop them [ __ ] drop them all they don't deserve their place they didn't talk me out of not playing any of those matches well i've destroyed the team didn't it say i knew everything about the sport even though i hadn't played a game i think that menu lied about me that was just my cv my resume grossly overstated my abilities alright folks that's the end of the video i hope you learned a lot about ireland i sure didn't but i do have quite a large american following and from my experience with america most of you have some kind of connection to ireland so i figure now at least you have a bit of knowledge to back up your claims if someone hands you a schleicher a hurley and points you to the wall you know what you gotta do but we are gonna leave it there i appreciate you as always thanks for watching the video but now we're gonna do a traditional irish farewell namaste senor i'll see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 565,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, st. patricks day, saint patricks day, paddys day, gaelic games, ps2 irish game, ps2 gaelic games, ps2 hurling, ps2 football
Id: qmXidzPhPeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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