I play the NEW, IMPOSSIBLE, Madden 23 Gauntlet... Wish me luck.

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today I attempt the new impossible Madden 23 Gauntlet for the very first time here on level one with the lowest rated team in all of Madden so all we need is a first down here this should be easy enough and it is so here we just have to get number 31 in that box we please not already fail a level broken tackles oh thank god dude dude level two was already a struggle now I'm attempting The Gauntlet today with three different teams and if we don't make it to level 40 and defeat the final Madden 23 Gauntlet boss unfortunately for me I have to tweet out this video's most liked comment you guys are gonna get me canceled all right let's keep the streak alive like who even is my running back Damien Pierce you idiot oh gosh Davis meals has to pass the football like I think we can literally just hit this Mickey Mouse drag here and we have completed the level oh gosh our first boss of Madden 23. just don't choke just don't choke please I choked I freaking choked are you kidding me dude fail once just don't make the same mistake twice I I really hope I don't make the same mistake twice this is actually so nerve-wracking I'm actually so nervous we actually successfully complete the level with one second left the first boss already gave me problems how am I supposed to beat the other ones just another simple little Mickey I got set I actually got sacked and we're the easiest freaking levels dude just concentrate bro Jesus it could have been that freaking simple I mean I guess this is the worst team in all of Madden we should still be able to complete these easy levels you have to specifically throw a low pass here and we did it okay I got scared I pressed the wrong button but I didn't oh gosh your first play on defense I mean Carson Wentz is their quarterback so I should be okay why are the jerseys look so funky I mean I guess oh my gosh dude level 10 this is one of the hardest bosses in the entire game I'm an offensive lineman and I have to block for the running back now it's extremely important that I beat this boss before my lives run out because if I do I get to boost the overall of the next quarterback that we use by five which definitely could come in handy in beating some of the bosses we're gonna have to face today bro please let's just not choke this oh my gosh the same thing as last year the running back just completely runs to the left side of the field every single time bro this is so fortunate all I can do is pancake dude break tackles bro break another one oh my god dude it's just gonna come down to Broken tackles I actually beg bro I actually freaking bag break some tackles oh my god dude it's all gonna come down to this oh my God please bro we need the Boost we need the Boost break that tackle oh my god dude it's so lucky we got so freaking lucky but finally and yes it might have came with only one life left but bro I'll take the overall boost even though you guys don't know what team it is we're using next oh it does suck we only have one life left now with one life left I have to be extremely careful and that level was easy enough oh my God this could have not came out of more clutch time success on this rep earns you one extra life and oh my God we got the Mickey Mouse free life challenge I don't know God what I did to deserve this but thank you so foreign oh my god I've got to be the first person who accidentally failed a free life challenge it's all right though we don't need the Mickey Mouse free life because we have a lockdown def it's just gonna be one of those days isn't it how am I gonna make it all [Applause] we get to boost Lamar Jackson from a 92 to 97 overall I mean you assume this would be easy enough oh my God bro I'm Mickey Mouse in it it automatically restarted it for me how am I getting to level 40 when I came and beat level one Jesus dude why is this Gauntlet so hard now our Target for Lamar Jackson and the Ravens is level 20. and if we make it to level 20 I get to give our third quarterback and eight overall booze I'd like to thank siki for sponsoring today's video the football season is in full force and that means you can get 20 off your tickets at Sea geek if you use promo code RBT if you live under a rock and don't know what sea geek is they're a ticketing app that makes buying tickets super simple and I kid you not I have the receipts here to prove it I've used geek for every sporting event that I've attended in the past four years no matter the sport or if you want to attend a concert or Festival ziki puts tickets all over the web in one place to make buying simple and as I mentioned yes I do have the hook up twenty dollars off your first purchase of tickets at seeking if you use promo code RBT once again as twenty dollars off your first purchase of tickets at CE if you use promo code RBT and make sure you click the link in the description box below to download the app like these simple simple levels these are the ones I love can be like Mickey Mouse it again like it's so simple and stress freeze unlike this stupid mousetrap boss again all right the goal don't fail it this time stay within the white lines like it's actually a lot harder than what you think but I think this time on attempt number one we made it we've actually made it through a boss without losing a life level 20 with the Ravens is absolute bare minimum please please please get wide open thank you very much dude still haven't lost a life the defensive levels give me so much anxiety dude first down bro his feet were not in bounds bro uh you've got to be kidding me like I'm only one human being dude goodness gracious was it that hard like I feel gypped that we've lost a life so this is definitely a new level in Madden 23 we can't let the running back get to the hot spot and oh my God he almost did dude not another boss this time we get the Flying V we have to score without entering one of these circles JK Dobbins please bro just stay away from the circle just cut the left side of the field and we should be able to get into this end zone we'll avoid the circles we have made it to level 10 and only lost one life which we shouldn't have I'm still mad about it I'll got another defensive play like these are boss levels in their own right lock in he's running the football Nick Chubb oh my God he got there didn't he oh my God that's kind of my fault too isn't it gosh dang it we have four lives to spare and ten levels to reach minimum like at least I know this time that he's running the football thank God my CPU did all that not me we do actually have to complete a first down here and that should be a first down and it is simple enough we have to leave this past down and like why can't all the levels be that simple now this is more like it dude Patrick Queen has to hit stigmick job of all running backs I'm actually kind of nervous dude like Nick chub is gonna make us look like absolute imbeciles and no he doesn't do Patrick Queen forces the fumble that's huge no not another a boss so literally all we have to do is score a touchdown on this play but there's four Brown defenders in my way just keep running what are they going where are they actually running to what is their awareness ratings like negative three like Jesus that's the easiest boss I've ever came across should have renamed that boss to the zero awareness challenge this is definitely the furthest we've been so far so they're probably about to get more difficult for each level and uh I'm just an idiot dude I just don't be dumb bro I guess all I have to do is not be stupid we should be able to at least get to level 20. first hunting challenge so all this has to do is land in the white box and I think that works right yes it does we are literally three levels away from getting a plus eight quarterback overall boost but it's me holding the controller I very well could choke this away I'm struggling to get to level 20 bro how am I supposed to beat the gauntlet and get to level 40 oh no dude I might not even get to 20. I'm actually like trying my hardest here oh my God we might actually fail this dude oh my god that actually counted how how how we still have life no pun intended yay Sports I should get a free pass on this level because that description doesn't make sense switch to the closest past Defender to the intended receiver by like that's just a run-on sentence billion dollar company I actually have a really bad feeling about this level dude the Ball Hog I gotta get the pick on my own it's not the easiest thank you oh my God I actually did it oh my God if I do this dude I literally thought we were done for bro if I find a way to get this quarterback boost I might be the happiest man on this side of the Mississippi River so I literally just have to score a touchdown on a fake field goal who gets to carry oh my God oh my God please oh my God please oh my God please oh my God please we did it let's go that just made our next quarterback eight overall better imagine a miraculous run right here and we get to level 30 or level 40 even yeah at least we got to level 21 an extra life challenge would be so clutch right now dude gotta get the first down gotta get the first down please please no dude how in the world are we gonna get 19 levels further and the team that hopefully can save me and beat the Madden Gauntlet is none other than the highest overall team in all Madden 23. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers which means Tom Brady is now going to lead us as a 99 overall Welcome to The Gauntlet Tom Brady and I actually really need to get off to a super Flawless start here and I think that's a success and it is oh please oh please oh please Devonte Adams get out of here but if we can get to level 10 without losing a life that grants myself an extra attempt at The Gauntlet with the box like what are the actual odds I get to level 10 without losing a life take the easy ones take the easy ones all right I'm just gonna take my time like technically I really can't because I have to score within the next five seconds but I think we should eventually get there all it takes is concentration all we have to do is prevent a touchdown here everybody Blitz everybody Blitz oh my God thank you so much DB literally just a few more levels to go Leonard fournette thank you for breaking that tackle bro I need this extra life so bad this is an easy one all I have to do to Grant myself an extra attempt at The Gauntlet is to complete this with Leonard Fernando boys we do it it might not be much but we get a little extra hope because honestly I might would need 20 attempts to beat the entire dang thing with an extra one for now we'll do I love it oh he's wide open like what do you want from me it took 12 levels to lose a life I mean that's one way to make it simple for me now this is a new one I have to pass through all three circles before the clock Runs Out can also get tackled which we almost did oh broken tackle Lenny for that please bro please bro use your magic Houston Magic let's go level 15. the point has to land in one of these circles like honestly I'm just kind of praying here dude I just need a miracle it's gonna literally oh my God Mickey Mouse bounce I'll take it just need a first down it was actually pretty freaking simple bringing the entire city of Uganda on this play have got to prevent a touchdown we didn't Uganda do better Jesus bro we had enough time in the pocket to write a freaking poem this play kind of tickles my fancy it's the fake field goal again we have the edge and the trickery Works level 20 with four lives remaining Brady really is Magic as much of an achievement this is we're only halfway to completing the gauntlet we still have four lives so honestly we're on Pace to do it and next challenge if we can make it to level 30 here for what would be our final attempt I can make Tom Brady a perfect 99 rated I mean hopefully we can just beat the whole guys dang thing on this attempt our d-line is creating pressure and it's making me retry like why am I punished Derek Carr's offensive line sucks [Music] we failed oh my gosh we have hope that level always gives me fits Thomas this is supposed to be such an easy level dude why why is he covering me so well hey how the frick am I supposed to complete the one in the world you've got to be kidding me dude if I don't beat the gauntlet on this attempt I actually have to tweet this video's most like comments kind of got lucky [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just follow your blockers brother just follow your blockers follow your blockers get lost in the crowd get lost in the crowd Lenny fernet oh my God I'm actually so happy I am so happy that I didn't fail lockdown oh my God how bro like where's the actual like extra life challenge where's the latter challenges bro can I get some luck why did I fail there I literally lost my first life of the attempt because I didn't pay attention to the instructions typical RBT which one is the real line oh my god dude I got confused no there are only three lives remaining I was doing so good Jesus why can't I done that the first time what the frick is this why is Frank and Phil on the field all those guys have their helmets on oh finally can I fill this this time what are you an idiot sandwich he just won't celebrate I pressed the two buttons down at the same time dude that's the hardest free life challenge I've ever seen I'm still so mad dude I should have four lives right now I mean you think you need to give us a little bit more variety at least this one is a little bit more spicy of course the third guy takes me down dude it was horror and fro I'm gonna need some sort of Miracle to beat this gauntlet he broke my tackle he actually broke my goddamn tackle I literally have one life remaining I hit stop dumb game even though we failed I can sincerely say I gave it my all not really looking forward to what you guys come up in the comments though now if you guys doing the aid in turning my frown upside down you can subscribe to the channel and make sure you have all notifications on so you're notified every single time I upload to the channel
Channel: RBT
Views: 475,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, madden nfl, nfl, madden 23, game, gameplay, challenge, madden challenge, rbt, giant, size, gauntlet, funny, new, mode, madden gauntlet, record, madden 23 gauntlet, mini games, level, playthrough, walkthrough, how to, tutorial, completing, finishing, impossible
Id: zM5NsE0WOkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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