I PASSED My Cyber Security Certification Exam! Now What?

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congratulations you passed your certification exam now what in this video we're going to talk about what to do once you've passed your exam make sure that after this video if you haven't seen the rest of the series on how to pass cyber security certifications that you go back and you don't miss anything but first this is the first time that we're meeting welcome to my channel my name is john good and here i get to spread my passion for cyber security training tips and tricks and career advice to help you go further remember to smash the thumbs up to like this video hit the subscribe button and the bell icon so you don't miss future content and make sure to leave a comment for the youtube algorithm check out my website at john good.com for more training without advertisements you want resume reviews career advice and consulting services also if you're trying to break into cyber security check out my getting started page for free resources and a copy of my ebook on cyber security careers all right let's get into the video so you went to the testing center or you took your exam online at home or at work and you received that congratulatory statement saying that you passed there's no better feeling than having put months of hard work and preparation into studying and then you get that passing score of course some certifications seem to feel dramatically better than others but regardless you really should feel proud of your achievement so where do you go from here well first you got to consider a brief break because you've been studying and preparing for a while you've earned it it's important that we recharge our batteries so that we stay fresh and charging ahead second hopefully you've already thought about the next certification to start pursuing whether that's a higher level certification down the same track certification or a different subject area altogether if you haven't already thought about it then you need to make that decision based on where you want your career to go third you need to update your resume linkedin profile and any other place that you list your certifications be proud of your achievement and show that shiny certification off if you haven't watched my video on building a resume then i highly suggest you watch it because you might actually be able to make additional tweaks to your resume now that you've passed your certification exam i would also put your physical certification somewhere where you can see it and that way it reminds you of all that hard work that you put in the fourth and final point is to review areas that you were weak in during the certification exam let's be honest a pass is a pass on certification exams but if you can improve your knowledge in weak areas especially while that knowledge is fresh it's going to do nothing but help you additionally if you happen to have an interview soon after passing you might get asked about topics that are on that certification question of the day which certification did you recently pass which one are you going for next let me know down in the comment section below in this video we talked about what to do now that you passed your exam remember be proud of your achievement but stay focused on your objectives make sure to watch the rest of this series on how to pass cyber security certifications if you haven't already as always make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe check out my website ajanga.com for more training without advertisements if you want resume reviews career advice and consulting services and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Jon Good
Views: 541
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jon Good, cyber security, cyber security career, cyber security certifications, cybersecurity, cybersecurity careers, data security, education, entry level cyber security certifications, exam pass, free certificate, getting into cyber security, how to get a job in cyber security, how to get into cyber security, information security, infosec, it security, pass, passed exam, passed test, technology, test pass, top cyber security certifications, what to do after you pass
Id: Uje0Z2P9NaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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