I passed Security+ with no experience.

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what's up you guys welcome to my channel today we're gonna talk about security plus certification cool so just to jump right into it security plus it's just a test that verifies that you can perform certain security aspects inside of an IT environment I'm just gonna talk about a few things and my experience and taking the test so I want to talk about why I took the test what I did to study and what materials I used and what score I got success like one of the biggest questions that everybody asks so first why did I take the test I would like to advise everybody to really do some research about why you want to take the test maybe there's a job in your area that you're looking at getting that requires it your employer requires it or you're just getting into the security realm of IT kind of like me and you just want to get your foot in the door and help pursue a career in information technology security so I'm actually in the Air Force and my job requires me to have security plus so I finished you know the whole boot camp thing and I got here to my school and all my instructors are like alright you got to take this test and like 50 60 percent of people fail the first time that they take it so study study study study it's really hard blah blah blah so just like really think about why you want to take it and what its gonna do for you and your career and your personal path right now but like I said I'm in the Air Force and it's required for my job and so the Air Force actually gives me a lot of materials but I did also go and get some other materials to help me study for it but just kind of a word of caution like everything that I say really worked for me and I'll give some other examples of some of my friends that were with me but really just know how you study and how you get the information into your brain and I'm just gonna give you what I did and what some of my other friends did so I actually have quite a few books I had exam cram if you're familiar with that um but I lent it to a friend so that she could read it and exam for him was really good so so first book that I read was by Daryl Gibson Security+ I really liked this book it really laid out the information in kind of a simple way and he would be like tell you what it is how it works and he would give you an example of how it worked and then he would ask you some questions about it and for me that like really helped me understood like what's going on inside of the concept and everything and I would take like really detailed notes on what I read and that's what I did with this book I read the whole thing took me like I don't know like a month or so to read the whole book the next book that I actually read was exam crammed an exam crammed for me was like a little bit harder to understand because it just really just dives in to what everything means and like gives you a quick definition and maybe a small example of how it worked or a real situation and like moved right on to the next thing it was just like really quick paced for me and I was having a hard time understanding it and I feel like Darrell Gibson I feel like the Security+ book here like kind of takes you into in a really good order on how to learn things from like zero because I started from scratch I have zero IT experience nothing insecurity nothing in fixing computers whatever but Darrell Gibson's book was pretty simple on the layout that it took but exam crime was like pretty complicated for me but if I hadn't have read Darrow Gibson before exam crime I would have a really hard time but if you like that kind of reading like here it is next here it is this is what it is next then that would be a great book for you but if you have like no experience and you need a slower and you need examples I think Darrell Gibson would be pretty good so after you read and get like a really solid foundation on the concepts of cybersecurity and and all that you need to do some practice tests you really want to familiarize yourself with you know sitting in a chair and choosing from a multiple choice because once you get into the exam you're gonna be all nervous and you're gonna get test anxiety and you don't want to do that you don't want to waste your money you don't want to waste your time and so really just familiarize yourself with test questions and so this uh this was by Cybex so Cybex a Wiley brand I don't know I don't know what like where they came from or whatever but they have a really good online testing um little web app that is super great I did that test app like at least twice and there's like a thousand plus questions on there you can do it in exam mode where you just answer the question it doesn't tell you if you get it right or wrong until after the set of questions you can set how many questions you want to answer it tells you how long you're taking so you can kind of gauge that which is really useful tool but I did that and it worked out really well um I feel like if you can start getting about 90% on like a forty question little quiz on the Wiley you'll do pretty good on the test that the test questions are pretty comparable to Wiley which really helped me out so basically what I did I just read a couple books got a good solid foundation and just did a bunch of practice questions just really hammered them and really helped solidify the knowledge that I had and just keep practicing keep practicing but it took me a really long time to read those books and take notes on them I had about two months to study and take the test while we're here in tech school in the Air Force like we have other classes that were going on and I was just doing this on the side so that I could get ahead of the schedule like if that's not how you study and you don't want to read you know two three text books and take a bunch of notes on them then you know you don't have to again like I said just know how you study and how you get the information into your brain I had a buddy of mine we were studying together he didn't even read one book all he did was the practice questions he just did practice after practice after practice and you know he would get it wrong and he'd read why you get it wrong and read why the right answer was the right answer and that was on the Wylie test by the way and that way you know was better for him but for me I couldn't just go right in to start taking tests because I just be purely guessing and I didn't want to start memorizing what certain acronyms meant and stuff like that I wanted to understand what they were and how they worked and that's just how I work and that's what he didn't I have a couple other friends that did a little bit of both didn't read an entire book they would just read chapters they were struggling with but continued to do practice tests it just all depends on how you learn and what you wanted what you want to use all right just to wrap it up there's a lot more material out there that you could use I just used these books to read there's probably more there's probably better ones this is just my opinion on what I did just make sure to hit those practice tests wherever you get them read some books get that knowledge in your head and just practice practice practice before you take that test oh one quick thing exam cram did give like a cram sheet at the front of their book it's like a trifold thing that has like every topic and it's a good refresher like a couple days that you can study a couple days before the test and everything so that's pretty good of course I'll leave links in the description for all this stuff that I used and everything but the day that I took my test I went into the computer lab I sat down they give you an hour and a half and it's about 75 to 80 questions I finished and I had like 30 minutes left so I had some time to go back and review which was great but after you finished they'll print out this little packet for you and they give you your score and I'm sure you can go online and pick it up go online and get your certificate but I got an 803 I don't know if you can see it who knows but I took it a couple weeks ago it's out of 900 and you need at least the 750 to pass so I feel like I got a pretty good score for just having zero IT experience and just reading a couple books and doing a bunch of practice tests so if I can do it you can definitely hit it so good luck guys
Channel: Insider Airman
Views: 21,673
Rating: 4.8942151 out of 5
Keywords: TechSchool, USAF, Client systems, Techschool, IT, Airforce, Client Systems, Cyber, Tech, Security, Security plus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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