I Paid Stockfish To Beat Me At Chess

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today I'll be playing against the maximum level stock fish 3200 rated on chess.com and I'm going to be playing it over and over again until I win there's one Special Rule and that's that stockfish has to spend money every time it moves a piece it's one dollar for the pawns it's three dollars for the knights and Bishops five dollars for The Rook nine dollars for the queen and the king is free I'm giving stockfish two hundred dollars to see if it can beat me now of course stockfish doesn't know the rules but it's a question of can I survive long enough to make stockfish spend more than two hundred dollars let's get started I do have my calculator open with 200 set on it I'm going to be subtracting as the game goes on to make sure that I can keep track and know if I actually win or not so here we go I'm gonna play D4 let's see what stockfish is going to do D5 all right so minus one dollar all right great let's play Knight of three and C6 wow minus another dollar okay this is gonna this is gonna be tough if he's just gonna use pawns to beat me um I think I want to just go for something really solid like a long game let's let's feed Kettle the bishop over here what stock which okay Bishop F5 so that's a three dollar move there we go feel pretty good about that let's go Bishop G2 Knight F6 okay I'm gonna cast so I'll get the king to save d oh thank you stockfish Queen to C8 that's nine dollars right there buddy all right he wants to come in here and trade my Bishop I don't care that's fine I'm just going to if I can make this game last I'm gonna be happy so let's see how am I gonna do this let's just bring my Rook over and maybe I'll Loop the Knight around here to defend my king okay use that so stockfish is at 180 all right yeah let's let's just play super defensive here let's bring the Knight over uh pawn move okay well it's something all right Knight to F1 with the Knight on F1 black has no fun that's the saying right he moved another Pawn okay wow 178 dollars still to go all right let's just keep playing some solid moves how about C3 all right there comes the bishop I mean I feel pretty good about my position right now so I think I'm just going to play B3 let's see he castles lots of free move okay that's too bad uh let's fiend Kettle the bishop here seems like a good Square for it B5 that's a pawn move on 174 okay we still have a ways to go let me just see if I can make him move that Bishop back and then I'll just go back to F1 because I'm just trying to survive okay he does move it so that's three yeah I'm just gonna go back I'm just gonna go back okay a pawn move all right I think um maybe I should bring this Rook over to the C file let's do that uh oh oh but it's a queen move hey I'll take it I'll take it all right minus nine he's attacking this Pawn I mean I can always go back I could play A3 then he could push but I can I can block it up um if he takes then my Pawn would be but I do have the Rook over okay uh let's see yeah we'll play A3 let's see what stockfish is gonna do he does go for C4 which I think this is good because now I can really make the game last a while probably with B4 all right this is go oh and another queen move if only stockfish knew the rules of this challenge I would have no chance but he doesn't know that or it doesn't know that all right let's see what's a solid move that doesn't mess up my position I'm doing good let's just keep it keep it going let's go Queen D2 okay A5 that's another dollar there if I haven't messed up stockfish has only used fifty dollars and we're already on move 17 yikes all right so he still has a lot of money left hopefully he's gonna start moving the Rooks that's my my plan anyway because the pawns are kind of getting locked up here it looks like I am going to need a rook over here so let's let's bring it back over there getting ready uh okay there's five that's great that's great he's gonna double up Brooks that's perfect uh I'm just gonna chill and and see what he's gonna do let's go H3 I think that's a safe move I think he's gonna bring the Rook over yeah he is okay there's another five that's good that's good now if he wants to take this and trade I'm pretty happy with that I'm just gonna kind of wait around here I think yeah I'm gonna go King H2 okay Knight B6 so he's not trading that I was expecting this he wants to go there okay that's fine I think I'm just gonna go back I mean or I'll just go here to H1 I like my position so I don't want to mess it up yeah Knights A4 minus three he's got 134 dollars he wants to take this I guess which is weird to me why is he taking my bad Bishop I don't care unless he's planning something else let's see takes takes could he be planning to Triple up and then trade everything well we can deal with that if that happens let's go back to H2 I'm gonna just wait around he is taking that Bishop that's amazing why would he do that that's so weird to me that's so weird all right well I'm gonna take it thank you stockfish I don't get oh he's okay he is going for the trip but can I just move away now yeah I can just move away and that's oh that was a queen move I almost forgot to subtract that nine that was a queen move my friend so here's the thing I can't just leave it or I lose but if I just move this away what's he gonna do you know what is he gonna do oh he's trying to trap my queen maybe all right so I gotta go here to give my queen a place to run to all right let's go here all right so he uses a dollar there we'll take it back now he's gonna have to use some some serious cash to infiltrate here he brings the bishop back okay um all right I'm still feeling pretty good I'm gonna make him come in with those pieces so I'm just gonna kind of chill over here let's go Queen to D2 I could probably set my queen right here oh that was a bad move wow because the night okay he's got 115 dollars left guys that's a lot that is still a lot all right we gotta survive a lot longer why is it such a good position for him though I don't get it what what am I missing well I'm gonna go here to try to defend okay The Rook comes in that's five so I can still defend this so let me do that with my Rook oh that's the oh boy 107 and I'm already falling apart oh man all right all right all right I missed that because now this is falling and then these guys are going all right I'm not gonna give up I'm not gonna give up hell that's I don't know let's let's play 95 I'm not sure okay it takes that if I take this that's only a one dollar move that's like nothing oh I could go here though and make it moves the queen that seems like a good a good move because that's gonna spend some of his money let's do it perfect there we go so that's that puts him at 95 okay can I do that again can I make a move the queen again I mean if I leave the Knight there oh alternatively I can go like this that's going to force the Rook to come over here it's probably not worth it I think I'd rather him ways to move with the queen all right so let's leave that we'll actually just leave that and let me think he's attacking this I should probably save that so let's go here and if he wants to take my knight he can take my knight no okay he's going for the bishop so Stockbridge is at 92 dollars he's attacking my queen of my Rook normally I would Save the Queen I'm tempted to let him take it because it uses five dollars though whereas if the bishop only uses three so like I could save the rook and then I lose this or I try to Save the Queen no maybe the queen is going to defend nicer let's let's save the queen so we'll go Queen F4 he's gonna take this yep I'll take it with my Rook so that was three so stockfish is at 89 I think he's gonna move the queen perfect minus nine so he's at eighty dollars so if I can get him to move the queen a few more times we can do this we can do this um because my king is still feeling like Checkmate is a ways off he's gonna have to like push all these pawns and stuff I could play F3 make a move the Knight it's something just seems I don't know if I if I like that let's go Knight let's go 93. oh beautiful beautiful and he's gonna take me it's gonna be another nine dollars stockfish is about to lose this game all right I'm gonna let him do it like I'm gonna let him do it I'm going to reposition my king over here so this is defended and he can trade Queens all day if he wants take it dude take it yeah that's another nine okay is it 62 dollars he's at 62 but now he doesn't have a queen so he does have the Rook that's five so he's at fifty Seven dollars I don't really want to activate his other Rook I think I would rather just go here although then he starts pushing the pawns yeah this is probably still better all right we're gonna go here make him take us that's gonna be another five okay he's at fifty two dollars we're gonna take this with oh yeah probably the bishop gives me my king more places to run is he gonna bring the rook in no he's gonna push the pawn that's what I was afraid of all right fifty one dollars but once he gets the queen he's gonna have to use a bunch to move that away okay okay okay let's see if we can slow them down a little bit here let's play F5 hopefully get a bishop move perfect 48 can we do it guys can we do it okay okay let's think if I take this it only but is only one dollar it's probably not worth it how do I survive longer I could go here he's probably gonna Trade It that's another three dollars it's not a lot or do I need to keep that Knight to try to survive longer and make him use the Rook I actually don't know I actually don't or maybe I could play F3 just to make him move the Knight would he even move the Knight let's try it let's try it okay perfect 45 we made it move the Knight and let me bring my king up here I guess okay one dollar those pawn moves forty four dollars guys I'm worried I'm worried now okay um let's I think my king needs to run over here probably okay another dollar forty three dollars this is not looking good let's try to create some space for my king because I'm gonna need it all right he's gonna get the queen which is fine but then he has to move the queen which is what I'm counting on you know buying me enough time so let's play H5 he's gonna do one more pawn move okay so he's got the queen he has mate nine he's he has mate nine but that's gonna start probably with a queen move over here right to put me in check I assume is the Mateen 9 I could play Bishop G2 he checks me I go over here The Rook might come down he's gonna try to check me here I run here yeah it looks like I could survive a little let's go Bishop G2 oh Maiden seven okay queen move 32 dollars I don't know if I'm gonna make it all right it's mating six but is it Mateen six if I run this way or if I run this way that's the question so if I go here he's got check but I could block or I could even run this way now running that way looks terrible because the Knight comes back and I'm done for but I could block and maybe I'm surviving longer that way and what if I go this way he probably brings The Rook down he's going to come over here oh no he's going to try to do this if I go here he's gonna do this I bet Hold On The Rook comes down then the Knight comes in I'm still surviving he's got 32 okay okay hold on hold on am I missing something obvious is there like a trick to get mated really fast if I go here or here he could bring the Rook down right away actually I could still block though I could still block with the Knight check or I run this way he what if he plays F6 I still have the Knight I don't know guys I don't know which way I'm supposed to go um I'm gonna go F4 it looks like I have different ways to escape so I'm gonna try it in five yes all right cool cool and he has to use a queen twenty three dollars twenty three dollars all right Maiden oh did it change from five to four really well we can block or we can move here now if we move here what's he gonna do because I'm threatening the Knight so he kind of has to deal with that he can throw in a check but then I have F4 still threatening the Knight so he's probably got to move the Knight or this way what's he gonna do I don't know he can go check I go back that doesn't seem to help him he can play F6 he played G5 I take this I don't know what he's going to do this looks pretty good this looks he might he might just take it actually then I take him and he goes Check okay let's do it okay perfect that was three dollars he has twenty dollars it's mean three how is it mating three though I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it man all right where's the Checkmate that's the first thing we have to to identify main three that's one thing this is one thing this is one but then this Square so he's got to keep that covered so how does he Checkmate me that's what I'm wondering how is he mating me in three moves let's say he pushes and gets a queen oh and then he takes this is that it one two three is that the Checkmate so let's say that's true that's nine ten eleven oh he's gonna have enough he's gonna have enough he has twenty dollars so I have to make him use the queen somehow wait a minute wait a minute if I go here he goes there I go here if he does that I can take that so E3 might actually buy me some time where's the mate in three I have no idea I'm just gonna go for it I don't know and hope that it's something I'm Bishop takes G4 okay so that was three dollars he's at 17 so I have to make him make two queen moves two queen moves and we got it is the checkmate with two queen moves uh if I take it what's he gonna do what's he gonna do check no check I have on passant is it a rook move no what's the checkmate am I crazy hold on here dun dun dun I have to go here no where's the mate in two I don't see it I oh is it here one oh one two that's it it's oh it's it's it's this and this I think that's I think we got it I think we got it because he doesn't have he doesn't have enough money for two queen moves fish you're gonna run out of money stockfish only has eight dollars and he has to make a nine dollar move with Queen to H2 but he can't do it because he's broke minus one dollars we just beat stockfish even though it says like a checkmated we won with exactly or by exactly one dollar that's incredible minus nine would put stockfish at negative one dollars that's what it feels like to beat stockfish on the maximum level how many moves was that 50 moves I survived 50 moves against starfish that was really close I didn't even I had no idea that 200 was gonna be the perfect amount that was um so much fun all right cool I might have to do this again but tweak the rules a little bit because that was very exciting I did enjoy that all right well let me know what you guys think and I will see you next time stay sharp play smart take care thank you [Music]
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 89,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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