I PAID Bakeries $900 EACH to BAKE MY DOG!

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hey guys it's ro welcome back to my channel now you guys liked when i paid local bakeries to bake a cake of my face so today i paid local bakeries to bake cakes of my dog a blueberry muffin they just came in i haven't seen them yet and either has my dog blue blue's gonna help me we're gonna check them out and evaluate them they are cakes of dogs but they're for people to eat they're not for dogs to eat so sorry blue you can just evaluate them with me and because you're being such a good girl you can have a little biscuit before we start the video i have some exciting news you all loved the plushies the blueberry the coconut and cookie plushies these were super requested so they are here by popular demand we ordered a limited quantity so if you want one go to rosannapansino.com i'll put a link down below and they're so cute they're basically mini versions of the plushies that you have been enjoying now i like these ones because they're like pillow size and they're nice to cuddle with and like get cozy on the couch we keep them on our couch but these are the little mini sizes and they have the little hearts on the bottom of the tummies just like the big ones blue what do you think blue's just trying to get these biscuits and i don't blame her and if you are liking these videos do not forget to give this video a thumbs up click subscribe it's free and ring the bell to receive notifications every time i post a new video now blueberry are you ready to see some cakes that look like you now without further ado let's check out the first cake this is the picture that i sent to all the bakeries so they all had the same reference photo and i'm excited to see what they've made and the only feedback that i gave was i was hoping it would be a 3d cake but i just said have fun with it so i have no idea what i'm about to see my sister and my team have been hiding them in the other room so i am actually going to close my eyes right now i am not looking all right guys let's bring in that first cake blueberry you can't look either this is a surprise oh no blueberry don't look blueberries here's the first blueberry muffin oh no sit sit blueberry sit stay oh my god this is adorable oh my gosh what do you think blue what does it smell like oh oh she gave it a kiss what do you think of you this cake is amazing they even created her to be in the same position as the photo look at this little body oh and they got the color just right i'm super impressed i always get impressed by 3d cakes and it looks really similar to her they got the same seating position they've got her dark gray color which is called blue which is how she got her name blueberry muffin i love that they got her tongue sticking out because blue's tongue sticks out a lot she's like so i feel like it really captures her personality all right team how much was this cake 370 370 you guys inflation is crazy and for a 3d cake like this with a quick turnaround for that price is actually really good things that i love this cake is 3d they've decorated even the cake plate they've positioned her to be sitting like she was in the photo the colors are pretty spot-on it's got the beautiful blue-gray color and the cream coloring around her feet and chest and face just like blueberry muffin and the personal touch of having her tongue out the fondant that they use to cover the cake is not dyed it's airbrushed and i think that they did a really good job the only critiques that i have about this cake design are one her eyes just are a little bit darker and they kind of get lost in the design they don't have enough detail and the cake board i love that they took the time to decorate it but i feel like it got rushed at the last minute because you can see a lot of even the green parts didn't fully get mixed and dyed like there's chunks of white here so the buttercream wasn't fully mixed before they started spreading it onto the plate and i can tell that they did a quick little cleanup here you can see the streaks right here and if they just did a second wipe all that would have been really clean but honestly i don't want to be too hard on some of these little details because for this price this is an amazing cake now it's time to cut into this cake see what flavors are inside i also didn't give any instruction on flavor i let the bakery choose whatever they thought would fit her personality i'm gonna cut this little leg oh my gosh i'm so sorry blue i'm so sorry blue oh that's a nice smooth cut that wasn't hard at all oh this always freaks me out same whenever i see those hyper realistic cakes being cut i always get so nervous right when they're doing it because it's just so eerie i know blue you can't have this oh we've got a chocolate cake you guys oh right look at those beautiful layers oh there's a lot of buttercream on top this is a very well shaped 3d cake all right let's take a taste mmm this is a chocolate cake with mocha buttercream and the flavor combo is amazing let's see what's going on inside this cake it's making a crispy noise so it's either crispies or styrofoam oh it's styrofoam so let's see here if all oh yeah we've got some cute fondant ears oh our cute little tongue oh yes it's fondant a lot of details even the little line down the middle i think that's really neat all right this whole thing is a styrofoam so let's just remove this okay oh my gosh that's really on there it's okay i i'm holding her face well here's her little styrofoam head and it's secure into the cake i actually can't get it out and then the cake is below let's see if the legs are ready oh i'm feeling a towel there's a little structural support oh yes perfect yes we've got a wooden cake dowel right here and her little feet right here are just made out of fondant so the cake is really right at the base of her body now i want to see what all these layers look like i'm going to do a big cut this is the biggest slice of cake ever oh look at that all right there is a good amount of cake in here almost seven layers of cake overall i'm very happy with this cake i think for the price you're getting a lot of cake great flavors great design and in the future i'm gonna be ordering from this bakery again i loved it all right now this cake is gonna be hard to top but let's bring out the next one so blueberry muffin is sleeping i've got my eyes closed i am not cheating i'm not peeking i'm ready for this cake i love cake reveals they're so fun we're trying to be very careful we've raised cheating blueberries blueberry don't look okay have one are you ready okay one two [Laughter] this cake is humongous it's so much taller than the other cake and it's 3d look at this look at the tongue the tongue gets me every time let's see if blue thinks this is a dog you think that's your friend oh no blueberry blueberry no no now the first thing that i noticed other than it being a beautiful 3d cake is that it smells really good because instead of decorating with fondant they've used icing which is really impressive because it takes a lot of talent to decorate a cake with no fondant and icing it's a different skill set it looks like it's all piped the presentation looks pretty clean the cake board's clean and even the design that the dog is sitting on it looks like she's sitting on a little dog bed things that i love we've got the frenchie ears we got blueberry's tongue that always sticks out and we've got this cute little sitting position that she's always in how much did this weigh how much did this cost this is massive it weighed basically a ton and this yeah whoa mike that's like a wedding cake let me know in the comments down below would you rather have this at your wedding or a regular wedding cake the eyes are really pronounced she has this little derpy look on her face which is very blue the detail that i really love that they added in the eye is this little white dot on each side just adds a little bit of dimension little pop a little brightness little sparkle in the eye it's very thoughtful and it works really well my only critique for the cake is that this coloring is too brown could have been a little bit lighter more cream color like blue and i think this dog has three toes and blueberry how many do you have come on they have four one two three four four like little toes in the front and then they have a dew claw on the side so just like a human hand there's five but really from the front you only see four this dog is the first of its kind it has three my last critique for this amazing looking cake is that there's just a little bit of exposed styrofoam on the back of her leg and a little bit of cake showing right in there it's a small detail but we are here to judge and evaluate these cakes oh and i just noticed they gave her a cute little tail just like blue's tail i'm super excited we're gonna cut into this cake see what flavors are inside and see what kind of structural support they got going on oh what is oh this is not fondant it's paper the ears are made from a cake board not with fondant i'm gonna cut a slice in the back just like we did before because i'm pretty certain this is where the cake is all right here we go sorry blue oh i feel some layers some support oh what am i feeling oh gosh [Music] inside we've got a chocolate cake with french vanilla buttercream wow that is a great chocolate cake recipe the flavor of the cake is amazing it's a close call like this chocolate cake compared to the first chocolate cake very simpler but different i think i might like this recipe just a little bit more and now i'm curious to see how much cake is in here i gotta know how this is put together okay here we go we've got a big cake plate right here for structural support and i mean that makes sense so what i'm seeing here is a large two-tier cake we got our first tier here and second tier here and each one is one two three layers and this one is one two three four five layers there's no fondant on this entire cake it's all cake and buttercream now let's cut into this head place your bets right now in the comments down below i'm gonna give you a second do you think it's made out of rice krispie treats or styrofoam or cake i'm leaning towards styrofoam now let's find out oh my gosh i'm sorry i'm sorry oh it's styrofoam look at that styrofoam let's check if the front is also styrofoam i saw some underneath the chest of the cake and the two front legs are styrofoam and so is the head and for the legs just like the other cake the first cake there's a dowel that goes all the way down for structural support which is really important when you're making a cake this big i feel like i'm one of those old barbers oh my gosh the tongue was made out of buttercream isn't it crazy how different you can look after a shave there's a huge mouth in there you could put a tent ball in there you could blueberry do they have your bowl okay you can have your own ball i had one more here you go there you go all right that's cake number two now it's time for cake number three all right cake number three is coming no looking blue bit blueberry don't look don't look okay one two three oh all right now this is a flat version of blueberry muffin i love how pudgy it is michael look at her whoa this is heavy holy smokes i bet this is all cake now this is our first cake that is a shaped 2d cake versus a true 3d cake and i will say it looks like blueberry muffin the coloring on the top is really good i feel like this is blueberry muffins color even the pink in the ears of the little cute tongue and even the little jowls here it looks a little like winkly and squiggly the cons of this cake is that we're missing color around the sides i think it would have been cooler if they continued this dark airbrushing around the sides of the cake they just kind of stopped and it just kind of got like mushed so it looks like really messy and can we just talk about these eyes for a second it's the only thing that's scaring me about her i just realized that they are just black holes and it looks a little demonic and the more that i'm looking at it i'm getting a little scared my last routine that i have for the cake is that the cake board itself it's a party design it has a bunch of little squigglies and streamers and confetti and it's not quite centered i would have moved the dog over more towards the middle because on this side you have much more room than you do on this side so even for photos it's not quite centered up but it's a nice thick cake board that can hold the weight of this cake and maybe the reason they used it is they needed their most durable cake plate because this cake is heavy all right mike what's the damage what did we pay for this 618 no no this is more expensive than the last cake and it's not even airbrushed on the sides if i don't have an out-of-body experience when i'm eating this cake i'm done oh no i just saw this it's not even fully covered in between the two legs look at this that's exposed cake i think the only pro that i can give this cake is that blueberry's colors are correct on the top and it's probably all cake because it's not a 3d design like there's no styrofoam or crispies now without further ado let's cut into this cake and see what flavors are inside we gotta evaluate this cake all right let's see what we got going on i'm excited there's some different forms what are the flavors quick oh shut up these flavors are good i didn't want to like the inside of this cake but it's delicious i think it's a coconut cake and i'm getting pineapple and pina colada which is my favorite tropical drink in the entire world it's dense it's got some moisture in between the buttercream i think this is some type of like pineapple oh my gosh my is this saving the cake the pina colada cake on the inside might outweigh the demon dog eyes on the out i tip my hat to your recipe it's delicious but this design was i think the most disappointing for the price now let's check if this whole thing is cake i'm assuming it is because it's nice and flat because for what we paid this whole thing better be cake this better feed a whole wedding party whoa it is here's the ear this is a pretty thick layer usually i do a little bit thinner but i get it all right now let's cut through the whole thing just to make sure here we go wow the layers are really pretty the cake is delicious look at that honestly this is some of the thickest fondant i have ever seen look at that it's time for our next cake our fourth and final cake i really hope it's gonna be another 3d cake my eyes are closed i'm waiting for the final cake with my dog poo berry muffin okay don't look don't cheat blue it's last cake last cake i didn't think i liked surprises so much but now i might be changing my mind about them okay and go ahead oh my gosh oh my god so many things are going through my mind right now blueberry are you seeing this what do you think nope she just wants her biscuit here you go baby okay it is one of the largest cakes that i've seen today and it's 3d one i love the size i love a grand massive cake i think that they're really fun and i love that it's 3d i think that they got the colors of blueberry really well like these look like her blue colors i think the cake artist even got blue's eyebrows she has really distinctive eyebrows the toes you can see in the front there's one two three four there's no dew claw but most places don't do the dew claw i'm just impressed that there's four toes and the way this dog is sitting is the exact same way blueberry is sitting right now it even has the little skin roll that naturally occurs when blueberry is sitting this is great attention to detail i feel like the person making this cake really understands structure and she's got her cute little tail the only thing that's making me giggle is her face i don't know what it is but it just looks really derpy and smushy i think the critique that i have that's a little off is that i think if they shaped areas like the neck i think this would be the best cake that we've seen today because if you just gave a little shape here it would look more exactly like blueberry muffin she does have a really pretty neckline even though she's a muscly dog the cake is covered in fondant it's airbrushed i like the colors that they chose for airbrushing i think they're very similar to blueberry muffins and the lighter areas that are supposed to be cream colored are just like her the eyes have a lot of character they have a lot of definition they have little pupils they might have used corn syrup or confection glaze to add a little glossiness to both the eyes and the tongue to look like a wet tongue the nose is so cute the ears have the little pink look at this little airbrushing and there's even some texture of fur on like her legs and her chest right here even on the face underneath right here under tummy is the only place i see a little bit of patchwork the size and weight of this cake is probably the heaviest and biggest that i've seen today mike hit me how much did this cost 900. michael no that's a vacation to hawaii i could have gone to hawaii i'm gonna say though for the laughs might be worth it look at that face all right let's see what a 900 cake tastes like all right here we go oh i see some chocolate look at that that's a really dark chocolate cake i mean this looks like cookies and cream all right mike what's the flavor chocolate with salted caramel we have had three chocolate cakes today they're all different this one is the darkest chocolate cake that i've had today and to get this they use a dark cocoa powder versus a regular cocoa powder let's see how many layers we got going on here i'm gonna cut a massage oh my gosh is this all cake it's too soft so what we have here is many layers of cake like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten up to here but to get the little butt design looks like ran out of cake these cakes are going horizontal and then on the butt these cakes are going vertical i don't think that's a bad thing because i think you gotta do what you gotta do but overall this chocolate cake recipe was the best tasting today it was delicious now without further ado let's explore the rest of this cake i want to check out the structural support and see what the head is made out of i'm going to check out your little paw oh i hear some crunchies so this might be styrofoam in the paw like we've seen before yes indeedy we've got styrofoam there's the dowel you guys shut up is this cake no way no way oh it's cake it is the very first cake of the day where the whole cake is made out of cake i am so impressed and now i understand the price it also makes a lot of sense why the neck isn't really narrow because i think it's just cake on cake this is impressive all right mike wants to see the whole cake on the face so mike this is for you oh no i'm so sorry let's remove it [Laughter] look it's half me half hers [Music] it's all cake baby it's all cake baby all right that does it for the video a big thank you to blueberry muffin for hanging out with me all day spending the day with me all right you want to go outside okay go ahead okay go have fun i hope you guys enjoyed the video blueberry okay blueberry didn't want to leave you guys she's trying to get back in the chair when you up up here you can come sit and hang out that's fine i'll pull up your chair there you go and just a reminder if you want your own blueberry muffin you can check out these on my website i'll put a link down below you can get the regular size plushy blue or the new minis which are my new favorite anyways i hope you guys enjoyed the video i had a lot of fun i love supporting local bakeries and seeing their creativity also let me know in the comments down below which cake was your favorite today was it cake number one cake number two cake number three or cake number four i loved all of them but if i had to pick a favorite i think it would be cake number four the last cake that we tried because it was 3d it was made of all cake which is very impressive and it really looked like my derpy little blueberry muffin but honorable mention to cake number one the first cake that we tried it was a really well sculpted cake it looks so much like blue and the recipe was yummy i think my least favorite cake today was the pina colada cake i never thought that i would be saying those words out loud but i think it was just because it wasn't 3d like the other cakes that we saw today and if you've been enjoying these types of videos don't forget to give this video a thumbs up click subscribe and subscribe and ring the bell to receive notifications every time i post a new video alright thanks again for watching you guys bye-bye and if you'd like to watch any other videos you can click up here or up here appear over up here blueberry's asleep again she's got a doggone good life she just has treats and sleeps treats and sleeps treats and sleeps
Channel: Rosanna Pansino
Views: 1,098,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cake, bakery, recipe, try, $10000, $1000, cakes, selfie, food, test, testing, trying
Id: sSQd9COs9-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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