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hello and welcome to Pokeman Pokémon plus dopamine my name's Liam uh I'm really pumped for today's video probably the most excited I've been for one so far we have not one but two mystery slab collection boxes from Pokémon World Australia really pumped for this one so let's see what we can get all right here we go we have the blue Edition Blastoise mystery slab collection box and the green Edition Venusaur um Pokémon World Australia they just absolutely nailed the packaging on this um you get a mystery slab obviously so a graded card the minimum nine grading um five booster packs and a mystery card each one uh one and 10 has a chance for a graded Bas set Blastoise and obviously the graded B set Venusaur um I'm going to start off with the Blastoise cuz I have a good feeling about the venur one not going to lie let's get straight into this one cuz I am very excited one quick last little look how nice like I don't even want to open this up feels like uh getting Pokémon Blue Back in the Day such good packaging I love it so much show me let's uh open this up okay I don't want to ruin any surprises here so uh let's dig in okay what we got there's packs that's a slab I don't want to ruin anything gang okay so I think these are our packs let very careful there just leave Venusaur over here what do we got okay a evolved all right Skarlet and violet what am I doing this upside down obsidian Flames oh sword and shield base oh and sun and moon holy this is cool so we get five packs p D obsidian Flames skullet and violet sword and shield sun and moon that's very cool and what else do we have back here I'm going to be very careful to try and get this slabby out and not real oh okay there we go very stoked of these packs got our graded card right here we'll open that up at the end just going to leave it there to tease myself what should we start off with P evolved scarlet and violet SC start off with scarlet and violet then P evolved let's get into it first pack our Pokémon World Australia mystery slab collection box let's go okay first pack code [Music] card wish me luck Magnemite tantula Pokemon catcher clauncher toad scroll cyar Vitality band Vilan lunk and Hollow mascarada not a bad Holo to be honest just your standard Basic Energy okay just getting warmed up second pack P evolved let's go code card so obviously missed last week's video we're going to keep it real on this channel wasn't doing too good had to take take care of the mental health take a little bit of a breather but we're back we're all good and we're ripping some cards rookie D Magnemite fallinks flamigo bombarder skiploom theoa that's cool little Barracuda Tink Tink and Hollow obom snow obsidian Flames so I don't um I don't think this would be my first uh graded card to be honest I got a I did get to like when I went to Supernova last year I bought two like mystery ones from some Rando Australian company and they were both open one and it was the um promo Snorlax from1 and I was like what another one one and I opened the same pack and it was another promox from 151 my two first slabs of any kind so not a good start but now we got a PSA minimum 9 I believe so hopefully we get something cool there candit Lapras mascarin gum shoes Wiglet oh Pidgeot ex that's sick that's nice I love Pidgeot obviously suck if anything OG 151 and toiss Hollow that's cool don't have that from obsidian Flames so can't complain well I could but I won nice I think the centering is actually pretty maybe a bit bottom heavy bit of a Nick up there but uh yeah now sword and shield B I've never opened up a pack of this actually gold oh yeah yellow B so code card should be four to the front three four so if I ruin that fire let's pull some fire Etc Garian lenon roten bike drizzle drizzile goldine rosilia jolk silly Cobra blug oh verse Lapras that's nice and nonhollow Lantern can't win them all I wean could but poke gods are against us now yeah a son and moon I wasn't expecting that that's very cool let's rip in shall we oh yeah place your bets on who was going to do better Green pack or blue pack I obviously thought green because I save it to last can't remember the card trick for Sun and Moon and I don't want to ruin it and I can't be bothered looking it up right now that's the level of professionalism you get on this channel once again Pokeman Pokémon plus doam me my name's Liam Brisbane Australia see if we can get something cool our last pack of this first mystery slab collection box from Pokemon world Australia cutie fly Dratini speiro side duck Eevee oh it's kind of cool weird kind of expression on his face oh crushing Hammer so let's go grand ball Metapod an interesting card art team skull grunt go left two three energy and well that suspense for a non Hollow masquerain well at least we got our reverse Holo crushing Hammer my favorite card what are you going to do okay moment at least I've been waiting for our graded card from our first mystery slab collection box from Pokémon World Australia what do we get I'd love it if it was Blastoise related of some kind I don't have a slab so anything is kind of going to be good for me yeah oh that's sick gem mint 10 Blastoise EX from1 that's sick for my first lab you can you could do worse couldn't you look at the little St stars all shimmering twin cannons that's sick I'm stoked with that that's cool that's very cool not a bad start to my grading my slab collection PSA 10 gy gym like I'm my half kiwi Bloods coming out gem mint 10 gem mint 10 Blastoise ex15 W that's sick stoked with that thank you Pokémon World Australia couldn't really do too much better but uh yeah I'm stoked stoked now can we do better is the Bas at Venusaur hiding in here Bas at Venusaur from when I was a kid let's see what we can get trying not to ruin any surprises there we go and we'll get a little surprise teaser o we got a Japanese PSA card we'll leave that there to annoy everyone including myself nothing else in there one last look Pokémon World Australia green Edition mystery slab collection box star is my first one not going to lie see what packs we get in this one p evolved obsid Flames oh evolving Skies scarlet and violet and sun and moon man stok with this out of um yeah already stoked with these packs I would definitely already get another one great value let's start off with skarland violet P evolve then obid then evolve and then sun and moon let's go is our green Edition Blastoise Pack Green Edition Venusaur pack thanks for watching the channel give it a like subscribe if you're watching this and haven't means a lot helps all the algorithm makes me feel better about myself makes me think people like me and why wouldn't you want to why wouldn't you want to help out a guy that you don't know feel better about himself code card let's go first pack small of like surely they know what they're doing when they're making these I feel like it's like they do it on purpose graveyard mief wug Trio judge float s he's actually floating there wab Billy Riv room and cideon hello second pack pad evolve there we go rockr my guy P me lavat Sandy gast toxic croak croca whoops pipa piman rabska and oh oh bolt ex it's better than nothing okay obsidian Flames we did good on the last obsidian flame so let's can hope I get something good here electric electric electric lavat Magnemite Eevee Pupitar totic Volcarona abusel Heria and mol e x cool card to be honest shine and green leaf energy didn't be the last pack but what are you going to do two packs left as uh my friend W rips would say let's go evolving Skies Keen for this sure we've got the Moon beer on why wouldn't we just for you code card one two three four energy lumbre urin swoat Psyduck flet drowsy liby Rock and roller tra cool art and smeagle unfortunately we did not get mumon but lucky us we got [Music] SME really is evolving cries okay last pack sun and moon base again if you like this video literally like it on YouTube uh subscribe leave a comment follow me on Instagram @ Poore same as this sorry about the break last week but got to protect the old MH and uh let's go last pack Skarmory cutie fly drowsy rowlet L and grimer not your usual one energy retrieval oh I forgot to give you the code card dartrix Nest ball ROM deck and beware oh man sun and moon doing is dirty okay we ready we ready guys got a Japanese PSA graded card I would love if this was that like the JP Venusaur from1 but we'll see we ready we're ready one two 3 oh oh lunala 25th anniversary collection Gem Gem mint 10 I do actually quite like that heart nice guys let's let's have our two grades next to each other very nice very very nice hey thank you so much for watching my name is l this is pokine Pokémon plus dopamine we just opened up two mystery slab collection boxes from Pokémon World Australia the green and blue Edition got some cool slabs got some cool cards what more can you ask for Please Subscribe if you haven't and I'll see you next time
Channel: Pokamine
Views: 306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemonopening, pokemonmysterybox, pokemonaustralia, pokemontcg
Id: t1AE1-muuVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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