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we can finally announce the UnlistedLeaf mystery boosters are officially for sale on enlistedly.com ended vending machines all across Australia all you gotta look for is that pop attack logo on the vending machine but I know what you're thinking why would I want to buy one of these UnlistedLeaf mystery boosters what do I get inside well I'm glad you asked little Timmy so basically every single booster pack has five sword and shield boosters inside and one mystery booster and this is in a colored envelope so 1 in 25 of these mystery booster packs will have a gold envelope and that contains a Wizards of the Coast booster AKA a potential base set and then one in every 10 mystery boosters that has a silver pack inside which could contain a black and white era booster one in five has a red pack which has an X and Y or a sun and moon era and then there's the green envelope which has another bonus sword and shield booster inside one lucky customer that actually bought one of these on the original drop actually pulled a shining Charizard V-Max from one of the boosters and I gotta say they gave me a bit of an idea for today's video I've got this Charizard binder right here but to be honest just having the front page covered into your results wasn't enough so why set out today to just Port your resides and everybody knows the best Charizard card is a hollow base at Charizard so in today's video we're opening up a base set booster we're gonna open up some unless Leaf mystery boosters see if we can't pull some more shiny Charizards out of those things but if we don't get any chill results from those I'm gonna head to a trade day this afternoon and see how many Charizards we can trade for and how epic we can make this binder so let's see what we pull now obviously this is what we want the base set but again shining Fades would be icing oh it's green it's all good in the hood though now I won't give away my exclusive UnlistedLeaf video QR code right there but we will have a look at what we uh we get we get a lost origin Darkness Ablaze we could get the regular Vmax Charizard battle Styles astral Radiance and a silver temp burst it's Lugia time now I think I'm gonna wait to uh open this one up until last so let's start off with the silver Tempest and see if we can't actually get you imagine that we start the video off pulling a Lugia honestly I don't really mind what we get out of any of these either because if we don't get the Charizard to add to our binder uh and make it the best possible Charizard I'd find ever we're adding ammunition to take to trade day this afternoon so I'll take any good pull even if we've already pulled it before because I can then just trade it away are you joking on the very first one it listened to me are you joking on the very first booster Lugia V Star if you're gonna get any Vista you kind of want it to be Lugia at that set astral radiance it's got a really nice cross section I can't remember it's got any crazy hits that we're still after for astral Radiance collection because I never Master set of it so I couldn't tell you what blanks slots I need for my binder and ladies and gentlemen there is a extremely colored card back there and we started with an unlistedle Leaf energy if you've ever worked out a secret formula it's if it starts with an unlistedle Leaf energy it's gonna contain an absolute slapper oh no hold on to your seats Luke your V-Star and what's after this oh my gosh are you joking this is oh my goodness we've just got them pulled Golden ice rider calorex full-on card what's behind it oh oh no no oh my goodness calorics Vmax gold card I can't even talk I'm so flustered oh this is the best video ever please demolish your like button origin form Dialga Vista rainbow rare the scary part is all of these boosters are out of booster boxes so even though we've just gone and pulled the craziest amount of cards right there this could again have another hit it could have a Tyranitar could have an Ursa food crazy card because they're all separate booster boxes separate sets they have nothing to do with each other now I think I gave it away there I don't think we've got anything on this one and that's valid why would we get something on this one Pharaoh carnivine Escape robe bronzer bro I don't even care about what's in the green one really now Lick It song and salazzle dude Darkness Ablaze now this is where the charism is going to count this is where we need another Charizard to make that crazy binder if we oh my gosh there is something in here too that's nuts now if we don't get anything any show results throughout this whole opening I'm not too worried because trade day just around the corner but we've got that base set booster pack to open no matter what so we could get another base at Charizard which would be ridiculous Lunatone and oh my mic is just [Music] who I would see editing this video because this is just insane I'm screaming away what there is no way there's anything good in this mystery bag my luck has all been used on this one holy smokes I want to do a recap now we've just opened what four packs now you guys all know there's a card in Lost origin that if I'm gonna say I want something it's probably out of this set and it's a look at that black border so the card that we're all looking for it is gold and it does resemble this bloke a lot so that's all I'm gonna say I'm gonna talk a little bit to the cards because obviously it works with that Lugia Paul Snover right horn a pawn hold on to your pants guys we're about to go flying off Holo Volo now let's see what's in our green Envelope as I said shining Fades because I saw that Tick Tock of um the girl pulling the Charizard but I don't know it could be anything Pokemon go would also be really good to get out here because that's just got some easy Charizards we could get let's find out though what is it what is it what is it what is it oh is this slot no chilling brain uh okay let's go for the Zapdos let's have a look at what we can get and you can really feel how the different rappers feel across the prince like that rapper feels different to the other ones but they're all sword and shield on anyway fighting sight Agatha Flannery old Cemetery got the Delhi bird so there's no way we get something out of here no Malamar now let's open up the second UnlistedLeaf Mystery Pack right here oh it's green again that's fine there we go Okay so we've got another green envelope to crack open but what's our booster packs battle Styles good Fusion strike this could be really nice Espeon or Gengar astral Radiance again silver Tempest and the voltage rainbow rare Pikachu would be awesome now we are going to start with the silver Tempest just because I'd had such a good like run on the previous one why would we change it up so let's start and hopefully get another like Lugia V Star or something out of here the Aztec Dratini clink stunt Fisk toga tomorrow espa oh my dumb dumb I'm done oh my I think I just broke the floorboards in this are you serious no way we just pulled Blaziken V and there's a cardboard oh it's a double hit too this is too much oh my goodness we've just bought a double hit and they still have a base set booster pack to open up after this I'm not sitting down I'm not sitting down let's do the voltage now I'm ready to jump into Pikachu if we have to do what we have to do the rainbow rare Pikachus in this set guys if we go and get that Poppy I don't think so though I reckon that was a solid green bee giraffe rig MooMoo cheese it kinda looks good maybe that's because I haven't eaten lunch yet Flareon as the regular rare okay astral Radiance now you guys remember what happened on our last actual Radiance origin form Palkia Dialga definitely the cards everyone wants to get but not looking too good oh it's unlisted late that's always a good sign after that first booster I low-key just don't really want to answer anything I don't care sneeze all mystery this Evie oh no way that's really good because I've already got this probably six times but we can trade for something good with this Brady and her legit maybe you could trade like a Charizard V like a regular one or something that would look nice so let's put our radiant Hood launcher at the back and I'll Rapidash okay Fusion Striker clock let's go for even if we don't get the espion we don't get the Gengar VMAX there is something in like look at that oh no that could very easily just be a v or um something along those lines but it could also be texture I don't think I saw too much texture skaters Park come on let's go for regular Mew card drill bit Shinx here we go bug catcher this is the second last pack then we get to open a grain oh it's a v gorilla boom V here I'll definitely take another b anyway look at him banging on the drums right there these are crazy and now we're gonna battle styles Empoleon dude let's open this up okay Battle Stars a lot of cool cards I want in there I don't know why I get so much hate but genuinely I'd love to pull any textured card at all let's swing it around water tight it's looking okay Goliath score indeedy then we've got hounds or Shinx I need to sit down again oh I'd share them as the hollow card okay let's get the seat okay let's work out what are we gonna get in this green shining Fates please please please be a holiday set that would be awesome anything like that would be cool but what are we gonna get here all right another chilling rain all right back to that chilling range I'm not too mad just because I want that Zapdos but is there something there is something there I think there is something oh no guys what the boy why are these so good what happened unlisted Leaf again are you joking okay Lantern Agatha I'm with you guys I'm stunned Heracross what is going on Spiel had Cena no way is it textured oh I think it's color too stop it stop it stop it I've never oh I'd still be Vmax right there that's not that's really really good it's not too bad at all so let's put our Celebi V-Max right at the back for guys now it is time for the humongous opening the Charizard base set booster this is gonna make or break today's video I feel like it's gonna make the Blinder really really special or it's just man it's gonna have nothing in there and we're gonna have to trade for something knowing my luck with the base set openings regular rare Electabuzz it's on the cards oh look at this this is such a gorgeous one the fact we're just casually opening a basement in the middle of today's video I hope everyone's left a comment guessing how many Charizards we're going to end up with so far if you've answered zero you're correct now let's try our best it's the odds of getting the zard very low the odds are pulling a hollow low again so let's just hope for this one I can't believe this another base set opening what are we doing let's do it all right please thumbs up the video if you want more of these challenges too because I genuinely enjoy them so much where we pick out some product to open up then we go to a trade day and we see what binder we can come out with should we go three oh I hope it's three all right let's go okay we did good we did good dugong right here gosh look how thick these cards are they got the crispiest wood from the Amazon forest when they're printing these they're nice shiny washed out looking Magicka maintenance right there drowsy oh so much Nostalgia energy removal got the tangler looking good Staryu Squirtle this is decent we got a starter okay oh here we go we've got the energies got the lightning what can we get come on there was a fire did you see the fire everyone oh no oh no what imposter Professor Rogue oh guys I think we did too good on the mystery packs all right let's put this in a binder and let's head down to Mayhem our local Pokemon card shop and trade for as many Charizards as possible to make this Charizard binder oh and a really cool giveaway today if you guys can guess how many Tour results we're gonna add to my UnlistedLeaf binder by the end of the video the correct number I'll pick a random comment who guesses the correct number you can win a free UnlistedLeaf Mystery Pack so definitely leave a comment right now what is your prediction for the Amana show results I'm about to pull and trade for in this video yeah you like these cards out of the binders we've got the Japanese uh terraform Arcanine we've got the urshfu Tyranitar tag team old school Machamp so would I be able to trade for the reverse Charizard right here you like that deal all right let's take this puppy out we've got our first Charizard of the day all right dude thank you very much I appreciate it oh my goodness Mr nine tails is back on the channel everyone's absolute favorite and I think we've just done the craziest deal of the day like this is insane you wanted all of these puppies and I'm like dude I'm collecting Charizards today I don't know what to tell you and he comes through with the big red binder look at this I open it up on page one was this Charizard section and I've gutted out three of these puppies so I was thinking radiant Charizard in English radiant Charizard Japanese and you had the V-Star Charizard right here rainbow rare so three of these for all of those is that gonna be a trade man we're doing it oh thank you so much this binder is gonna go off the charts foreign [Music] y we've got absolute veterans back on the channel and we're doing the trade of a lifetime guys so you had a look through my collection if you really like the cute stuff you've got the Mew the Jirachi which is going to look fantastic I think the Pink's gonna go well with the pink binder and then you picked out some real strong contenders here his sui and Samurai after the peak which is a nice shiny gold card and you're thinking Ender I want one more gold card so you picked out the Pikachu bad boy so I was like all right I'm gonna do one Mega trade so I was like all right I want this one but something I saw in your binder that I absolutely loved I haven't got yet it's the illustration contest 2022 promo cards the Bulbasaur looks so cute so I'm gonna trade all three of those and the Charizard but I'll give you guys all of these cards right here what do you reckon yeah that's gonna be the trade of the day let's do it thank you guys I appreciate it alrighty let's put up the Charizard counter and let's find out how many Charizards we got to add to our binder and see whose comment was exactly spot on so we get our first V1 there then we got the golden full up which I'm a really big fan of and then we also got a reverse Evolution Charizard which I'm so psyched we can add to the first page we've got a charmeleon so I'm willing to give half a point there so we're gonna get really technical now it's got half a point added look at our very first English shining Charizard or radiant Charizard and that's uh important for later illustration Bulbasaur and this will I cannot believe we got a V-Star Charizard that's the trade of the day then we got a Japanese shining Charizard radiant as well and a couple more illustration rares and a promo card so at the end of the day if you've guessed the correct number of Charizards that we added to the binder congratulations I mean I'll round up or down if no one gets the 0.5 but I think that John million's gonna throw a spanner in the works I'm psyched with how that first page looks and even the second page this is such a good effort for 24 hours what do you guys think definitely let me know in the comment section below and I'll also link all the unlistedly mystery bags below as well thank you again for watching but most of all Gonna Keep On gaming until next time I'll see you then
Channel: UnlistedLeaf
Views: 92,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bjsdyVoe_UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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