Silver to Unreal SPEEDRUN.. (Fortnite Ranked)

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in the wise words of Mr Beast himself life isn't about finding yourself life is about creating yourself it's no secret that fortnite speedrun videos have recently taken over on YouTube and are without a doubt the most popular videos here on my YouTube channel as well you guys always love them so today I thought what a better video to make before the end of chapter 5 season 1 we're going to be starting fresh as an unranked player and in one single video we will be reaching the max rank unreal quickly i' like to shout out normac for the kind words on the previous video if you want a chance to be featured next time drop a comment down below and I might pick you if you enjoy this video let me know by dropping a like you may not know it but liking the video does help it to reach more people on YouTube so if we could smash 5,000 likes I think that would be insane as well as we are on the road to 100,000 subscribers so if you haven't already it's free make sure you're subscribed and you will never miss a new video without further Ado let's kick off our final unreal speedrun of chapter 5 season 1 by securing our starting rank oh my God I wait bro what happened bro it's an AI no way bro did you actually die to an AI man he didn't even finish me man I'm sorry bro here take Shields okay bro you are weird oh my God these guys were crazy with it I'm not going to lie that was a challenge not sure where they are but I'm going for them yeah I see him I see him I think this is an AI team wait I might actually die here I'm good for now I have one dead wait I'm getting third party though so I don't know I mean we're facing Olympic Champions right now this is insane yoink five on that kid nice I don't have a grapple so I just got to run at them cracked them chopping again yeah that's a that's a GG's man one 10 full piece wait where'd he go later head oh wow he looking at me with a lens lay right there that brother had the riot shield equi I like that I'm going to go for something crazy though oh that was actually close too wow I'm building over in my sky base ah that was close bro we kill the AI first that's going to get annoying what I don't have heals on me so all right I killed one of them we can go on no bro you no no it wouldn't let me grapple all right let's see 30 kill win and unranked gets us silver 2 37% silver two I'm silver one what bro I'm in silver 1 37% for some reason Epic games wants my speedrun to be more challenging than my very own Duos but we did end up getting our starting rank we are now in silver one and we are not going to stop until we hit unreal it's at this point in the speedrun that we began absolute Carnage that sitting in a bush bro he wants it cracked on the re van CRA on the other guy too I wonder I just heard Peter laugh oh on me oh in my box you don't got to talk about that aim but you were like K one a lot of people let's go man three two one SN thank you crazy oh his teammate's here what the heck oh my did we just double snip here 3 two one again on I'm reloading I sold I got somebody on me somewhere too I just don't know where I see him there's a bush up on the wait I see them I think I cracked one they're right here that was so close bro oh my man no hold on I got this I got it right here oh wait I actually hold on let me get him I'm going to put him in a box are you boxing him like a fish bro I like that watch this full piece box up silver three all right I am 40% silver 2 now as you would expect we absolutely blasted through the silver one rank and now we're heading into silver 2 with absolutely zero signs of slowing down wao right here yeah full be 200 wow wow he just just ran me with [Music] Auto on my wall y on me oh my God I a triple flip that I one where is he the other guy I'm landing on a Duo just straight up landing on him all right his bot just griefed later later bro wow what is this guy doing bro what the he's cheating wait is he actually he's a bot he's literally resing in the middle of the open you can snip him wise it was all head shot with an AR he need to get better cheats ly did Peter did Peter like I was about to say something devious I'm not going to lie whoa bro the these AI have the best name in the world bro I swear they have the best name in the world I'm not even trolling look at there no no I'm not trolling I'm not trolling he noed me with a sniper not that one not that one that one why is he just not turning him on for you bro that guy is wicked I'm going be honest Bro you've got bro if you see this from my POV bro 110 reloading my sniper that's not his teammate on him up there dead whoa they have the strats all my life they do fighting the LeBron James of fortnite right [Laughter] here I'm gold let's go bro I've been carrying this guy and he's a higher rank than me how does it make sense fortnite it was at this point that I realized I was having a lot more fun doing this speedrun than I initially thought I was going to we are now entering the silver 3 Rank and the domination is only going to continue wow they're full boxing up on me it's a 2v one coming on their back hit one guy 116 over here as well he running at me with an auto man I'm not with you yet trying to get to you down low they're just cranking dead I just died to fall damage bro I fell he's trying to kill me he's getting shot by someone else no way he that weird wow remember there's a team pulling up in a car on your back so how do I miss that doing was B running to so try to no scope him wow you're crazy for that wow wow oh this guy's playing Med he's got the strats bro he's cranking up there bro look at him oh that was such a clean shot I'm not going to lie to you bro let's go I got gold one gold to 42% so finally we are out of silver and into gold one but that does not mean that the Carnage is not going to continue right here in gold one could land on a hoverboard and just poor guy I'm very weak I have to to hit a make kit oh so we got some actual what swe might be dead bro if you die I die yeah it is I'm dead have get are like brother when I said I was 2 Hp with like literally zero mats I couldn't have done nothing to I got them yeah you're good uhoh bro it's a superhero skin it might be cracked out of his M I'm on the way yoink invisible invisible how's he alive knocked one of my guys got them both let's go that looked like Aimbot CRA his teammate nice that was the healthy guy too nice bro this is a and he's AFK bro all I'm going blow him my kiss e he's a Dallas Cowboy [Music] fan okay I missed P 200 yes sir three 43% so as you would expect we absolutely flew through gold one and now we're heading into gold 2 looking to keep up the aggression slowing down for absolutely nothing I might actually die here have no mats and they have shocks too oh I'm dead bro it's over yeah I'm dead four bro oh is this the guy this can't be him bro he took my wall and just didn't wow oh cuz he's trying to kill you out of the sky yeah Whoa man he's going to kill me probably they're just so happens to conveniently be a sniper rifle right here he's in your box oh oh wait I forgot you only had the def oh wow you're just like in there wow holy moly Peter Griffin just caught the smoke bro I'm not going to lie I don't know what he was doing but he has the movement him he wanted I mean my aim was incredible I'm not going to lie I've never had better accuracy in my entire life dead whoa he almost did that to me watch this wow I mean c it's just all natural you know what I mean oh oh okay so he just died the STM let's go go thank you I will be taking all of the good loot you couldn't build a wall right here so that guy just got completely destroyed because of it I feel kind of bad okay I'll be honest I was not expecting the riot shield play that was actually probably the only way he would have killed me wow I'm so sorry Derek I really am truly no way bro yep you can't be standing still in the open man you just can't yo that brother did not even heal I am baffled yo no way bro ah ah thank you for the Medallion bro no bro we missed the 20 bomb uh-oh nothing's Reloaded 200 1 V one for the 19 kill Victory Royale let's go baby oh wow guys that was the most intense 1 V one of the entire decade we' ranked up oh my gosh let's go so as you guys all saw we finally went from gold three into Platinum one we were really having a lot of fun so far in the speedrun and it's interesting to see that all the way up into the Platinum ranks we've had almost no difficulties it was at this point that I started to wonder when ranked would actually become really challenging and heading into Platinum rank I quickly found out that it wouldn't be this early that would have been so cool if I had that no scope it's Peter oh wow that's a free headshot snipe if he doesn't move wow I admire his commitment you should have healed though bro I don't know why you wouldn't healed after that let's go you don't jump in on me buddy oh my that was a crazy shot like kind of overpowered that could have been bad uhoh bro he started slashing that like that Turtle thing at me bro whatever bet that up bro I I asked him CU he said he was like I saw your invite he was like we were already 2v2 and some other people so that's why he didn't join last time and he was like but next Duo cash cup I got you he was like he was like yo if you guys don't already know this vertex kid is crazy p pce let's go let me see my rank up really quick somebody said Roy say chicken if you see my chat let's go platinum [Music] too got him oh wow look at you bro you're just better oh wow all right buddy killed one of your guys under you I want this kid dead I need his Grappler wait we have 13 with 44 it's going to be a bomb Oh wow what the what is that wait what gun is he using I don't know but he's the goat for that oh he's using the Aimbot pistols that's what it was bro stuck High ping problems bro I literally can't take a wall from a plat player like yeah bro like isn't it crazy the world that I play in bro wow 58 W is crazy I mean maybe he's trying to trying to solo clutch for the boys and you're just ruining this WOW here we go again there's so talented too when they just hold their wall like that let me tell you wow they are just the best build your head their car is going to blow up soon wow I mean they're just the best ever I still have to wait on my Medallion the tur oh bro what am I playing bro yo why are they so passionate and why do I suck like bro what am I you only have five of your that was the kid that killed me by the way I mean this team is going to be the death of me I'm not going to lie you got to be up on these kid he's probably going to try and shoot a rocket launcher at you I'm not going to lie no way nice you're 555 again like this is insane I'm not going to lie nice there we go calm down buckaroo oh oh my I couldn't even see that kid oh that was different he's standing dead still bro what and you hit a body shot it's a one V2 yeah that's never happening bro you got tags on both of them though so knocked to storm how is he still alive is it a five oh there it is I was about to say bro that one team with the Anvil rocket was kind of cracked I'm not going to lie wait what person are you I am Platinum 3 71% we absolutely soared through the Platinum ranks and now you're about to see the game where we enter Diamond 1 this is always the most interesting part of every ranked speedrun and the reason is because once you enter Diamond 1 you can then play in lobbies with diamond ranks Elite champion and unreal players so basically everything Diamond Plus gets ranked all together so this is maybe where we're going to see a little bit better competition but I can't even lie to you going into Diamond 1 we were as teed as we was before and we kept dropping bombs there's another team there's another team yeah kned one these guys over here well one of them just drove straight out of where you were going wow this guy is teed out of his mind FU oh wow here's in grenade what wow me not hitting that isn't thing yo is that LeBron James nice yo why did you edit that that looked a little TS though no nice other guy is on you 100 give me away from it whoa that thing is broken oh yo that was so cool oh no I didn't hit D2 yet but I am at 88% that was a pretty insane way to end off a game since I didn't hit Diamond 2 that game I decided why not jump back into some solos go absolutely crazy and rank up a lot of this by myself because guys I still have to prove to y'all that I got that dog in me this gun is so unfair bro it's crazy wow I'm feeling Swifty let's go baby you can tell that the players are like starting to get slightly better now that I'm in the diamond rank they they at least like know what they're doing a little bit let me snipe this guy out of the sky never mind Snipes are just on point right now I don't know oh my god wow I almost sold that that was a crazy shot bro that actually like looked like I had Aimbot right there for a second that was actually crazy bro let's go we got the rank up too going from Diamond 1 into Diamond 2 was the first rank up that I was not able to do with with only one win as you saw there we had to win two games in order to go from Diamond 1 to Diamond 2 so just right there you can already tell that the rank ups are not going as quickly as before which is to be expected as you rank up it should be harder to achieve the rank up since I went crazy right there and I was feeling really good I decided why not go on a crazy solos win streak so fasten your seat belts because it's about to get crazy for the oh my God that guy got destroyed wow I mean just wow wow full piece baby nice oh wow easily going from diamond Diamond 2 into Diamond 3 with that win and I wasn't slowing down the pace anytime soon I can guarantee you by the time you see the end of this game that what happens is not what you were expecting to happen we still went crazy though wow oh my God wow I'm just him for that not going to lie oh my God through the bush ow uh-oh let's go we have now successfully entered the elite Rank and this is where the percent games for each win starts to slowed down dramatically on average I was seeing around 20 to 22% every win that I got in Elite and it gets even worse once you hit Champion so we still have a long way to go but so far we are nearly Flawless in this speedrun and you haven't even came close to seeing the best games of this speedrun so far heading into the elite rank this is where I knew I really needed to step up to the plate let's go baby what the heck or lagged out wow bro I am something different with the sniper today [Music] [Music] is wow I was below my ramp when he hit me that's definitely not a ping difference let's go baby okay that's a pretty decent gain 21% I for for let's go plus 21 W's I'm not even going to lie to you that game felt like the game one of a solo cash cup it was like a mini end game so I'm not going to lie I'm going to cut out some of the games from this rank I don't want this video to be too extremely long I'm trying to keep it around an hour long roughly and we did end up hitting Champion although I did die in the middle of the game when I hit it so nothing too special but now we have entered the home stretch the final showdown the champion rank this is by far the slowest part of the entire speedrun on average I would gain around 10% for a win in this rank sometimes a little bit more if I dropped a lot of kills and not to mention it is also the sweatiest rank before hitting unreal so that really wasn't going to make our lives easy heading into Champion I Was preparing for the bags under my eyes due to the lack of sleep that I was going to experience but this is where we had our best games of the entire video so sit back relax I hope you enjoy heading into Champion it's about to get absolutely insane uh J you looking at this oh okay heal you're good I'm landing on him might be a Duo wow I mean it is a Duo but I put him down quick oh this is another Duo I got your back oh I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I don't see them 100 don't die don't die I'm coming up yeah yeah yeah I'm good wait I was okay these kids are decent one nice getting in from behind got the wall 100 De he got fried right here in the wood s watch right watch your right watch your right oh my God he's one HP dead nice good job that's m kid crack on the on the duo cracked on the duo 30 white no that's all you bro you're way ahead of me got that oh my God I have a beam nice nice 60 white 60 white he died he died he died you want to go get in just jumped in spray spray I'm getting in crack 60 white 80 white 28 blue on the other dead nice other one hit 8 white okay wait I guess not wait he smacked me oh yeah he's cracked him he's weak he's weak got the wall I got wall got wall going behind him going behind him he's just going up and up and up he's got to be weak dead nice right here 26 on him 50 on him coming nice you're crazy got him wow I see him oh what is he doing bro wait white white nice oh Jai and I are lowkey about to take over this rank as you saw there we had a pretty easy win so we had a good start to entering Champion but there is absolutely nothing that could prepare you for the game that you about to see if I were to sum up this next game in two words I would say absolute domination I'm going on that I'm going on that okay it's a one V one right there 140 140 on this kid nice bro oh God that I had to go I killed one though nice dead got you baby let's go oh wait right here right here one0 nice bro oh my god oh there's another team to my right one0 yeah he's on me okay dead nice you're crazy bro good job might Are You full piece oh my it's two it's two it's two I killed one though no no bro I pieced and destroyed that kid it's a solo he's going to try sticking res probably oh my God oh my God you're so good bro he getting on his head yep two I'm getting a different angle give me time cracked 26 white 26 White cracked him had to get out I'm here I'm here 28 on one you're alone you're alone dead nice bro I'm going to spray in on this guy you ready yep with holding pump dead you're so good wow I mean that's Sr three nice holy crap 100 okay give me time give me time nice I'm here I'm here I'm here you're the best oh my God who am I wait his teamate left him dead nice bro I'm going for the solo yep big here actually big here okay I'm coming I'm coming good coms cracked nice eight white that other team's looking careful yeah I'm I'm playing on his backside here Dead all right come down come down come down you have Zone actually stay there oh he died I'm still back wait get the full get the full before you kill his teammate he's on me nice y one in oh I got hit wait oh my God dead pushing you in let's go I'm going I'm going okay I'm coming looking at it I got a kill nice good job coming to you stay up here stay up here we're good I'm going to go back side IEM 130 by the way 39 white 39 White dead I got fried I need help I need help I'm keeping hype for us okay coming up yeah bro PS all the way down Southwest I'm just playing height dead oh my God okay ypg joined our party I dropped him cracked him 6 y full piece oh my oh he's he's the best 200 what percentage is that oh oh yeah that's a big gain I went from 26 to 40 all right guys so we're about to go into our last game of the speedrun as you can see I am on 99% Champion I'm going to be honest I had a lot of boring games in the champion rank so you probably only saw like a few wins in Champion but I'm going to be playing this last game solo and no matter what I do this game as long as I don't die off spawn I will hit unreal it's pretty much impossible to not get at least 1% we're going to try to end it off on a bang try to get a win but whatever happens happens and this is where we hit unreal let's go baby I got that guy with a sniper from this far away that feels bad man doesn't seem like it I'm out of here oh I might be dead if this guy chases me I think I die by the way oh yeah he's chasing me de brother gave up no way oh my God no way this is not how I was expecting my last game to hit unreal to go bro not going to lie that's the one thing I think I'm not going to miss about this season like I loved using the sniper but I hated getting sniped this season it was so annoying I lowy didn't play this aggressive I just wanted to secure it so I could be done I've been playing for like so long long you guys don't even understand now that I know that I've hit unreal without a doubt I'm just going to fight this guy right here there we go oh let's go bro oh this guy was so dripped what oh my God I'm him wow he was dripped even more for let's go no way wow I am insane bro that was such a crazy game bro now that's how you hit unreal ladies and gentlemen that was a banger let's go couldn't have asked for a better way to end it off dude let's go bro and we did it in solos too if you made it all the way to this point of the video you are an absolute Legend and make sure to comment the blue heart emoji down in the comment section below because you guys already know I'm trying to see who the real ones are it's been a little minute since I've done that outro drop a like on the video if you did enjoy it helps so much to get this video out to more people on YouTube you want to see another one of my videos it's on the screen right now thank you so much for the recent support we're so close to hitting 100K on YouTube it's like a dream come true to me and as always it's been your boy jcm I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day or night and I will see you all in the very next video peace
Channel: JCM
Views: 534,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite ranked, jcm, fortnite ranked speedrun, fortnite unreal, fortnite competitive, kenbeans, jivan, rodeybros, itsjerian, fortnite news, fortnite item shop, fortnite leaks, fortnite tournament, fortnite montage, fortnite battlepass, fortnite update, fortnite event, sypherpk, clix, bugha, ninja, nick eh 30, fortnite tips and tricks, fortnite tips, fortnite chapter 5, fortnite chapter 5 season 1, fortnite speedrun, fortnite solo cash cup, fortnite tips & tricks
Id: ry47XK2MCKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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