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you guys are all hanging out with me down on the flooor today cuz today we're going to be talking about something I never thought I'd be talking about which is a projector designed for Xbox the Corsair hs80 Max Wireless low latency gaming headset features Dolby Atmos spatial audio for PC and crossplatform compatible with PC Mac PS4 and 5 and mobile devices creating a single headset solution the long lasting battery life and plush Comfort ear cups provide a comfortable fit for long gaming sessions while the omnidirectional microphone with Nvidia broadcast guarantee your teammates will always hear you even when the action both in and out of game is intense to see the full list of specs and features of the Corsair hs80 Max wireless gaming headset click the link in the description below that's also why we have our green rag it's appropriate anyway now we're going to talk about it today um obviously a projector is designed for more than just an Xbox we're going to talk about why that would even be a thing um but this is the X2 d4k a gaming projector from vonic we've taken a look at quite a few vonic like Elite panels and stuff we almost use Elite panels exclusively and all our benchmarks and such but this is a 4K HDR projector that we're going to do some gaming on and see exactly whether or not it's even worth it so let's talk about first and foremost a projector like who does a projector even like appeal to well those are going to be folks that are just heavily into Cinema to be honest that's where I'm going to start with but gaming is usually gaming and projectors tend to not go hand inand for the most part but people who are into Just Like Home Cinema or trying to get that whole home like that theater recreated feel at at home is going to look at high-end digital LED projectors not only that you can make the screen massive because the farther projector away is away from the screen the bigger the screen will be the problem is if it's not a high resolution projector or it's not a great quality projector the farther away it is from the screen the bigger the pixels end up being um and then it just starts to look real fuzzy the nice thing about projector images though is that unlike a grid array or a pixel array on a screen that is physical with like a screen door effect and all of that um the because this is light shining at a screen and that light scatter on the screen tends to sort of blur a lot of those pixels so even though we might be looking at 4K like 120 in screen which we're going to be using on here uh you're not going to have this very like defined pixel that's going to be um like kind of in your face sort of like like the theater at if you go to like the cinema whether it be like AMC or whatever and you're looking at like were they like, in screens or bigger no they're way bigger than that they're like 40ft screens they're massive they're 8K LED projectors most of them are 8K I think some are going up to like 12K now but most of them are like 8K and the reason why you're not seeing big old pixels on the wall is because of the fact that it's just all blurred to the way that the light is hitting the screen and the screen design is just as important as the projector itself you can't just put up a white bed sheet and expect to get a nice sharp screen but what makes the X2 4K a gaming projector supposedly is the fact that it has high refresh rate now let's talk about the refresh rates real quick and the resolutions and then we'll kind of get it going we'll take a tour through getting it all set up because obviously it's going to have some skewing depending on whether or not it's on a table or it's a pie or it's an inverted hanging from a ceiling um all of those are options for mounting it but it's a 1080p 240 HZ 1440p 20 HZ 4K 60 HZ so you'll notice every time we up the resolution we go uh an order of a magnitude of half for the frame rate now 4K 60 is more than enough for watching movies and stuff whether it be through streaming services or 4K AK Blu-ray players um because those are only at like 2396 or something like that 24 frames per second or 24p that's cinematic is 24p so 4K 60 is going to be High Fidelity pretty sharp um but 60 frames per second for most people to depending on the game typees just probably not going to cut it a lot of games it's going to be fine um especially if you're on Console gaming cuz the thing is designed for Xbox and we have one right here cuz we're going to be running it on Xbox to see how it performs um most consoles are not going to be able to achieve 4K 60 or higher anyway but because it's C HDMI means that you can control the projector through HDMI doesn't have to be hooked up to an Xbox it be an Xbox it could be a PlayStation 5 it could be a PlayStation 4 it could be an Xbox One X 1 s Xbox One whatever uh gaming PC home theater PC laptop it doesn't matter so the cool thing is that you can have the device turn on and turn off with the on and off of the device connected to it so if your Xbox turns on it turns on the projector because nothing sucks more than like I want to play my game so you turn on the Xbox and you got to find the controller and point it at the you know the projector up on the the ceiling or on the table or whatever to get it to turn on or when you're done the worst thing you could ever do is leave most projector especially like a filament lamp projector just on for no reason because the number one killer of projectors is heat and light especially like touching the lens or touching the lamp getting any sort of finger oils and stuff on there this being led that's not going to be a problem so it's got 60,000 hours of rated life obviously that depends on your brightness and other things um but 60,000 hours of Life on there but anyway as I started to say having CEC connection being able to have it turn on and off with your device is really nice in fact um you can do volume control through it as well now if you want to go in and change any of the specific like ViewSonic um projector settings you need a remote control to do that but it's just kind of nice to have that CC connection now that's going to work with like I said anything that is rated CC so it's not just a Microsoft Xbox exclusive um kind of tin foil hat here though I think one of the only things that makes it quote unquote Xbox ready or designed for are the green bars and the fact that it has Xbox and the marketing material um I can't really blame vonic for maybe taking Microsoft money to put it in the name I mean that's that but I just want to kind of put that out there because I know by now people are like what does that even mean it was just a collaboration and probably to put the color green on it to be honest uh but because it's an LED it's also really light um so obviously mounting it like on the ceiling whatever it's not going to be too bad but you can see we do have top mounted controls here so anything you can access from the remote control um is going to be accessible from the unit itself obviously if it's hanging upside down from the ceiling it's going to be kind of inverted you might need a step stool to get up to it so don't lose your remote but this is also where you've got your throw lever right there and that's how you're going to adjust the amount of uh zoom in or zoom out for the Optics itself um and then you have your fine focus control on there as well so if we take a look at the bottom though you can see right now we've got this little flip out foot that's got two positions here we got like a little bit of a higher position or a little bit of a lower position or the lowest position period that's just so that if you're sitting it on a table like we are you can get it propped up and pointing correctly towards the screen and if we go and take a look at the input side you can see we've got two HDMI 2.2semifinals separate from going through this just that way you're not going HDMI into here to a 3 and2 mm analog out that can pick up all sorts of interference from Cables near it um and then obviously we have our USB stick right here and this could be for like updating firmwares you can play audio you can play MP4s um through that but the the projector itself has like built-in streaming features for like Netflix and Hulu and HBO Max and all that sort of stuff all right enough of me talking about it let's go ahead and get it on let's get it set up show you how we're going to get it sort of adjusted to the screen and then let's start testing some of these uh frame rates and stuff so as you can see I have a beautiful image right here which is probably a lot of now this isn't a tutorial of how to set up a projector there's a lot more to it than I'm about to show you like the squareness of the projector to the screen is very important otherwise you could have various points of the screen out of focus if they're even one degree off I don't have the equipment to make sure it's perfectly uh perpendicular to the screen but it's going to be close enough for the point of this video anyway here's the uh throw knob as I was telling you so we can get it sort of adjusted how we want it we can get it into Focus here pretty good now you can see and I'm not going to go full I guess I can go back a little bit so as you can see one of the ways to make it bigger outside of just the amount of throw that you have with the knob is by how far away it is from the screen so if we hit this we can do Keystone adjustments now Keystone uh is where we can adjust right so you see how now we're getting the vertical adjustment just right and that's pretty much all we need to change simply because of the fact that it's you know vertical height is off cuz it's so much lower than it so we can get that to where it's pretty square like we're still a little perpendicular we also if I I know that it's a little bit not flat like this is a concrete floor that has carpet on it it's not perfectly level so we get things like where it's a little lower on the right side of the screen than the left and this is where Professional installation would come in and shim everything perfectly with the mountain get it all just right um again we're not going through all that today um but we've got that adjusted now I can go ahead and sort of Zoom this in a little more to fill out the screen and then adjust my focus again and I'm focusing for trying to get the sharpest image right at the center of the screen you might find the the very far extreme Corners might look a little bit fuzzy again this is a $1,599 projector I haven't mentioned the price yet but I'm going to mention that now you start getting up in like the four $55,000 Cinema projectors then you get a lot of fine control on a lot of this Focus but some of the other settings here we can do corner adjustments right so we can bring Corners in and out 90° or 45 but I'm not going to do that right now because again this is not about how to set up your projector we care about the image quality you might notice too is a little bit of light in the bottom left corner of our screen that's cuz there is light in the room over here we've got Nick back there playing a game uh he might just look like he's playing game but we actually wanted some lighting and stuff going behind us so we can get an idea of what the ambient effect is going to be on the monitor or the projector itself because overall brightness is very important speaking of brightness it's actually rated at 2,000 lumens ansy it doesn't have an HDR uh 10 or HDR 1000 or any other rating there so I can't convert that to what the HDR um sort of standard people have adopted is but it's 2000 lumens anzy now here's the thing it's going to notti you're going to notice right here it says do you want to enable Ultra fast input Ultra fast input is obviously designed for input latency with like controllers and stuff mice keyboards wireless controllers wireless controllers already have some latency in terms of like the connection with the Xbox and stuff it's not too bad but you start adding stacking of latency including the image producer itself then you're going to have what seems like a ton of input lag when it comes to your devices if you turn on uh the ultra fast input you lose the warping settings the Keystone settings the corner adjustments the aspect ratios the over scam the zoon and everything will be set to to default and the reason for that is it is going to allocate all processing power to the uh the image itself in terms of displaying it as fast as it can without any of those processings done on top of it so as you can see now we have a very skewed image because we lost our Keystone setting so that is in my opinion one of the most fatal drawbacks to a gaming projector to lose any of the absolutely necessary functions of getting the Keystone correct cuz it's never going to be perfectly centered right at the screen cuz that's where you're your eyes should be so I think this would just be for people that are like I want the fastest input even if the screen looks like it's like a monitor that's like falling over so that to me is a terrible terrible trade-off in advanced setting this is where we're going to adjust our color and our sharpness and our gamma and all that sort of stuff all the stuff you would expect to see in any sort of like TV or whatever enough of that let's go ahead now and turn on our Xbox our input should automatically change I'm going to tell you right now I'm not a fan of the OS built into it for screen mirroring um yes we want to change to our input for screen mirroring it's it was laggy it dropped out a lot we already had a movie night here we invited some friends over we ordered some pizza we watched uh Team America I've never seen it before so of course I laughed my ass off because it is just my kind of humor and I still have to go in and fix the keystoning but um we tried to do screen mirroring from like our iPhone and all that sort of stuff and it just was not working well so we downloaded like the app directly like I downloaded the Hulu app um and it would not log in it kept saying incorrect username or password but it's exactly the same username or password that I have for my Hulu account that I logged into both my phone and my computer to verify that I was doing the right account it would not log in so I would not use the smart tv/ built-in OS of the vew Sonic x24k as a selling point to me it's weak so it needs to be whatever tooked up to is the driving source of your gaming and your streaming and all that needs to be through whatever is connected to it not it itself there needs to be some serious work on that fortunately for vew Sonic that is something that can absolutely be improved through firmware and OS updates and stuff in fact I'm going to go ahead and show off the CC portion of it right now so imagine the projector is like mounted over my head right where I can't reach it and stuff so I'm just going to turn off the console and what you'll notice is it's going to turn off the projector as well we got a green light saying that it's on you can hear the fan blowing and now it's off this is the best part about it being an LED is an old school filament lamp would have probably ran for 5 plus minutes to cool it down because if you were to just turn off the projector and then the fan turns off that radiant heat that's still in the bulb can pop it nice thing about it being an LED is it just cools Down super fast you've got a heat sink right on the diode itself on the backside keeping it nice and cool um it's nice also too that means we don't have to wait any length of time to turn it back on so now that it's been on we can just go ahead and turn on our Xbox and then the projector will just simply turn itself on there we got a green light it'll automatically detect the Xbox input and then we'll start to uh give us a display as soon as it's fired up and there it is so a little bit on the slowest side but still can be done okay so let's talk about uh resolution and refresh rate here again Ultra fast mode which I already mentioned that's an input lag thing that will not increase your frame rates your frame rates are tied to the resolution with this with this particular projector so Xbox is capable of doing 4K up to 120 I believe depending on the game so some games are automatically going to be limited by the developer because they know it's not going to be achievable it could be a stuttery mess so they sort of artificially limit um it's not a universal experience game to game to game on how the resolution and the refresh rate wants to work and you'll notice on Xbox there's a lot less settings for dialing any of that in then say it's PC counterpart so let's go to something like uh ET league right now and uh we'll talk about the audio here too it's going to play some music these Harmon Card and speakers are actually very good and I know why I'm using the remote cuz I can do it I can do it from here so if I hit the see it automatically asked us do we want to go Ultra fast we're going to say inactive because we know what's going to happen if we say active it's going to mess up our keystoning so I can turn volume up and down just by going here see how it's cuz the CC it's going right to the uh projector there so I just went and turn the volume down but the speakers are actually very good on this I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about the speakers one cuz you're only going to hear them as well as the mic's picking it up which is a lav mic and your speakers are playing it which is not going to do it justice I'm going to tell you right now it is very usable on its own as a standalone speaker if you're in a pinch but definitely hook it up to a surround sound or Soundbar or something for for better audio it's going to be very difficult for you guys to see because of the fact that you are on a 30 fra 30 FPS video but this is getting a 60 FPS right now in uh turn the volume up so I can kind of hear what I'm doing it's getting a 60fps 4K right now so in something like rocket League oh it's so laggy and I say laggy the bindings are still for training I say laggy only because I'm used to PC not the console lag to the game so that that's what I'm referring to not the actual projector itself but anyway um if we want to get this to say I keep hitting the wrong but I keep hitting a roll which is like sending it flying anyway we can't go in here like in a normal computer game and then just tell it let's just change the resolution we get two settings performance and quality right performance is automatically going to make it um low low settings and then quality will change some of the settings but not all games will let us go 1440 1440p 120 htz within the own its own game menu so typically what a person would do is they would go into here they would go into the settings and then we would go over here to TV and display options and you can see our resolution is actually set to 1440p 120 HZ right now so the reason why I'm demonstrating this is the fact that this is sort of the problem with console not not the vonic at all but this is the problem with it being a gaming projector we're not getting 1440p 120 HZ we've we've set that as a default resolution for the Xbox right now but the only place we're actually getting that for sure is in the menu system which is why when I switch to the menu from the game you get the black screen for a second because it's resolution switching CU in the game the projector is displaying 4K 4K 60 so the only way we can get it to like give us the 120 HZ 1440p is to go into video modes and physically disable allow 4K now you'll see the screen is switching itself it'll say 1440p there it is 2560 X 1440 120 up at the top left corner now the projector is like bro this is a 4K projector you should be using 4K so it's going to tell you that you should be using 4K every time it loads a game and stuff which gets a little bit on the annoying side but now we have 120 HZ so I'm only pointing that out because of the fact that we learned that while switching between different games like Halo would not go 120 obviously with Halo being a shooter game we would want the re higher refresh rate Gears of War however would do 1440p 120 based on what the console was set to and would ignore that uh resolution that the device is which is the projector in this instance and not force itself to 4K 60 which is what like Halo was doing so just a bit of an issue there as far as I'm concerned however 1440p on a projector like this is not the same as going into say your monitor and enabling 1440p and then immediately seeing how the 4K screen gets sort of a 1440p image stretched across it which then makes the pixel count and the pixels look odd because of the fact that it's stretched out it really is stretched out because of the fact 1080p to 4K means four pixels in a square for 1080p uh would equal 4K right so a 4K screen doing 1080p it's just four pixels drawing that so you still get the exact same um overall look it's just looks like much larger pixels when you do it 1440p however does not have that equal ratio like that but on a projector a lot of that is lost in the fact that that light bleed like I explained earlier in the video um let's just go ahead and go over like fora Horizon 5 um not only that too because there is motion blur automatically on it doesn't look terrible because of the fact that again motion blur hides a lot of that input um or that refresh rate crappiness at 60 if you will now we're at 1440p 60 HZ in for of horizon because this game only supports 60 HZ um but you know it's it's I mean I I'm not complaining about 120 in gaming display right now like this is I could sit on my couch all day long and play this in fact it kind of looks like I already have that's why I'm I I'm I look the way I do this is Body By gaming so now if we wanted to like start watching some of our streaming content then what we would have to do is uh to get 4k we'd have to go into our Xbox settings now and reallow 4K again which to me is a little bit of a drawback now I'm just going to I don't I wouldn't call this like a great Cinema projector um only because of the fact that there's too many other things that are limiting what I feel would be necessary like the finer Keystone adjustments all right so that I mean that's gaming in a nutshell that's kind of the Nuance that you have to set the Xbox to 1440p 120 and disable 4K allow 4K if you want to guarantee the 120 hertz on the titles that support it but the drawback to console gaming like I said is not all titles support 120 HZ even at 1440p um they all will support 4K 60 but that that's that's a preference if you prefer uh high resolution lower frame rate or lower resolution higher frame rate I'm a lower resolution higher frame rate person myself so now when it comes to like Netflix right now I'm not even going to play like a video or whatever I'm just going to let sort of the menu go right now but if we want to get this to 4K now I've got to do this right I got to come here oop not go sign out go settings go TV and display Go video modes allow 4K now it's going to default to 4K and then our streaming content would be in 4k and I think if you've got a 4K projector there is zero reason whatsoever you wouldn't want to stream your content in 4k that's the whole point of having it so that switching back and forth that's a console thing this is something you're not going to experience if you have hooked up to like a HTP uh htpc or home theater PC or a desktop or a laptop or whatever it's the PC is just going to leave it at that resolution and you can change the settings within the application to be the resolution you want it to be so this actually looks really good like I'll be honest when we watched this for movie purposes it was actually really good um in fact it was even being uh directly connected or streamed from Phil's MacBook when we watch that movie um so I would have no issues at all watching movies on this and and feel like I'm at a theater with the nice giant screen like this with a proper surround sound and whatnot but when it comes to gaming um it's really best to either have like in my opinion just one functionality over the other or you have to be okay with 4K 60 everywhere and I think a lot of people probably would be okay with 4K 60 but that's where you have to basically comment and let us know like is is the trade-off worth it to you would you go 4K 60 or would you do this dance of switching back and forth between different modes between apps and I don't think most people would want to do that so yeah I mean in terms of sharpness even through something like YouTube this looks really really good this is just 4K footage it also doesn't help right now that we do have ambient Lighting on in here but in I don't think a lot of people have dedicated closed off home theater rooms that this would go in without any sort of ambient light or window or something nearby and I think if you did have that level of room you would probably be shopping a much higher level tier projector anyway and you'd be less concerned about its gaming settings and 100% concerned with its uh like Cinema capabilities all right guys sound off down below like I said I I think for the price it's been sold out so people are buying it um there's been a lot of positive and there's been a lot of critiques and I think a lot of the critiques that I've brought up today are valid ones that vonic can go in and hopefully um improve through firmware and software updates the the fact that it's $16.99 that sounds expensive when you really compare it to like a gaming monitor but unless you're shopping 120 in gaming monitors which is like the max um recommended resolution or size I should say Max size of the screen for this particular projector um is I'm going to turn this music off is uh you're not going to find a gaming monitor for 120 Herz at 100 at $1,600 so it really is giving I think for the projector um the person looking for projector that can game cuz just about all projectors are going to be 60 FP 60 HZ no matter what like so having 120 HZ option at 1440 or even 240 HZ option at 10 which we didn't even demonstrate it works the same way we demonstrated the 1440 um it's a nice way of getting both worlds it's just you have to flip some switches sometimes to get between those worlds and that's where I it's up to the user to decide if it's worth it or not all right there you go guys that's the vonic x24k um again thanks to vonic for sending this over for us to take a look at they will watch the video and they will hear their critique and they've always been super open to critique so do me a favor be constructive down below give some some realistic criticisms on what you think would make this better and if you would have considered it but you're not because of fill that out down below I'm interested to really see what people have to say I'm not personally a projector Enthusiast but I know those that are and those that are that's liked audio file for your eyeballs okay to be honest I mean more so than even like looking at OLED screens and stuff projector enthusiasts yeah all right guys thanks for watching we'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 285,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming monitor, gaming projector, 4k projector, 4k gaming projector, 4k gaming monitor, monitor vs projector, projector vs monitor, viewsonic, x2-4k, viewsonic gaming projector, viewsonic x2-4k
Id: Hi2gHBWw_rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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