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hey yo what's up everybody welcome back to my channel my name is Melo [Music] [Applause] now if you want to see my fully moved reaction to this movie or any of the other movies that I do or the TV shows that I'm doing go ahead into the description below click the link and join my patreon man I would love to see you there and with all that being said let's go ahead and get into this movie reaction [Music] thank you okay so this movie I kind of had some interest in man I don't know what it is it's just over the last couple months I just something about this movie was calling to me it was like I want to watch this movie there's so many Disney movies that I haven't seen bro y'all be surprised like I really grew up just watching the same movies over and over again there's magic in air tonight I watch it as he hit that tonight ugly little frog looked up oh that's too much paint and she got all the Disney princesses on her freaking shelves raised him to her lips and kissed that little frog that's kind of like real life you feel me it's time for us to be heading home say good night Tiana that voice sounds familiar girl you too young to be thinking about something like that why I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in New Orleans John Goodman that's what's up recognize that boys you Dora you suppose you could whip something up like that yo you need to talk to your daughter man she too handsy that girl rough it no bone Mr pushover [Music] that's doing the most [Music] Louisiana I would like to go there but I heard it's dangerous man like you get robbed and stuff I think it's going dead but I know they said the food is amazing wait you know you gotta put that hot sauce in our little girl got a gift yeah especially at that age would you like six years old cooking gumbo wow that smells good I got some Hush Puppies Tiana hold on everybody I said I made gumbo I didn't say I can have some I can take y'all walking towards the house like yeah let me get some hell no heck you think this is I didn't say I can get some foreign you should call it Tiana's Palace not Tiana's place if you make a wish on the evening star and [Applause] [Music] the girls that old star can only take you parted away you gotta help along with some hard work of your own and yeah you can do anything you set your mind to oh that's some great parenting right there fantastic advice that you'll never ever lose sight it was really important okay what's important that the voice acting in this movie is throwing me off it's like you can tell that they're in a studio you can hear the Reverb and stuff why do you still have that crown on Girl Like You Gonna Kiss Me [Music] you tell me we don't transition to her being all grown up in your room still looking the same dang girl I hope nothing happened to her dad y'all know how freaking Disney movies are we'll be there soon please don't tell me her dad died man you gotta be kidding me that's some [ __ ] language why the dad Gotta Die what is it with Disney and killing their dads off and you know she black they gotta kill the daddy oh I know there's gonna be some people pissed off about that [ __ ] they like black people got daddies yes it's a joke my guy it's a joke God if you upset go cry to somebody who cares cause you know I don't uh I mean hey he might like that you feel they cut away he probably accepted it was like thank you man this girl got two jobs night shift and morning shift yo that's inspirational right there I admire that strong woman man that boy looking like the dude off from the Looney Tunes I forgot what the Monster was called the dude had some fresh shoes though thank you for letting us know he's a villain immediately golly but that's how you know that's great storytelling because he didn't say a word or anything and I mean like visual storytelling you can save for your restaurant I know I know girl all you ever do is work yes because once I get the restaurant I'm gonna be freaking rich and y'all gonna be asking me for money and they ain't gonna be asking me to get some drugs for y'all and all this stuff bro and I'm like hey now then y'all gonna be asking for discounts and everything like you know let me get a booth on the side I'm like nah you serious bro why don't you support my business but no I thought we was cool like that and I'm like no bruh like for real it's my business and then you're gonna be wanting to get some drinks on the low and I'm like bro are you serious you just don't want to support me at all and then we're gonna start arguing you gonna get upset because you can be like oh you changed you're like are you serious no I just got a responsibility now man I'm trying to keep my business running [Music] you really gonna have him do that with your daughter there you already know what's gonna happen sir unless you want it to happen so you can uh you know get get that money and everything we'd have all the paperwork ready to sign first thing after Mardi Gras bro I really hope they didn't finesse you girl he is a little something to help you get started Mom I need some furniture not a pot but I appreciate the sentiment but he had something better he had love that's just gonna have to wait a while how long girl then I start singing oh she had a sexy singing voice yeah that brother's starving [Music] oh this is this song yo I've been hearing this song like crazy on Tick Tock yo you killing that dress too girl just doing what I do look out boys yeah you definitely right about that girl you should be really proud of yourself because you're doing something that not a lot of people can do and they didn't have you jump through hoops to do it even though I really think they finessed her [Music] oh okay sister she was really holding on to it for that long [Music] okay I see you but it killed him moves I have been avoiding you everywhere where is he from again because that accent sounds uh like something I've never heard before an incomprehensible dead language hello bonjour crazy gibberish man you need to be optimistic bro like have a good time man gentlemen bro where your shirt at look like you just wearing a vest with no undershirt and then I'm not I stay away from games of chance bro you should not trust a dude who's going to steer you into an alley man especially when he has a voice like Keith David y'all are so freaking stupid man y'all really gonna go in here with him this dude has like a pirate symbol on his hat that's probably one of the best hype men to have your own shadow especially his shadow got some Rhythm I got Voodoo I got who do I got things I ain't even trying does that really keep David singing I didn't know he could sing yo those masks singing right there really reminded me of the Wiz I'm a royal myself on my mother's side your mother ugly them mom and dad cut you off hopefully boy sad but true oh so you're a douchebag and they're trying to teach you a lesson it's the green it's the green is the green you need and when I look I need more than just some ones won't you shake a pull Sinner's hand heck no you just called yourself a sinner why would I shake your hands multiplication Central can you why is he doing this what's the point that song gave me like some scar Vibes when he was singing with the hyenas step Stella excuse me Stella no no oh you're drooling all over the table man Travis when a woman says later she really means not ever I mean she kind of is telling the truth yeah I swear I'm sweating like a sinner in church I'll tell you it's getting to be so late there's still a few strategies girl you've got pretty much everything you've wanted besides this one thing why are you acting like this being so overdramatic girl foreign why did you have to give yourself a fake beauty mark I hate when girls do that they just it to me it makes you look ugly I know they do it to think it's cute or whatever and I think Marilyn Monroe was the first one to do that or I think they did that like way back then 1700s or whatever or like medieval times or some [ __ ] but that's just like that stuff's like stupid to me I don't like that unless you can top us off about Wednesday you can kiss that place goodbye yo well then you need to put my pants pastries bad which is why a little woman of your background my background whoa what you mean by that you tall neck mother giraffe looking time to hit Prince charmer with those man catching what happened I got messed up by the system [ __ ] what do you think happened thank you Evening Star babies I liked how they teased this with what she's wearing and then they building up the anticipation here oh aren't you just as pretty as a magnolia in May yeah she's really looking like a Disney princess both little girls dreaming our fairy tale dreams I mean I like that you supporting your friend and dressing her up like this but I don't know why you would do this because you know dang well she's gonna get more attention than you with that dress I know it's not far off that Disney's gonna make this into a live action movie you know they trying to make every animated movie into live action now you know just so like to get some more money out of you like hey I've been waiting for that kiss I'm back very funny I'm not playing kissing would be nice yes yo so they go to Prince so okay so he did that for like a transformation type thing yeah because it was something about transformation I am Prince Naveen [Music] wow what a coincidence that this same story will also have a book in this movie nobody wants to kiss a frog do not kiss frogs I don't mess with frogs in general do not have a frog near me bro like for real I'ma kill that frog I do not like frogs [Music] shorty I could offer you some type of reward uh a wish I could Grant perhaps one kiss unless you beg for more oh my God no this dude gotta earn it come on girl foreign [Music] oh why are you praying perfume into your mouth yeah well that's a Twist I really didn't think that was gonna happen that is not slime what you are secreting mucus that's still slime nasty hey that dude making it such a big deal about some frogs man God yo Zorro what you doing here [Music] shoot now if I was him I probably would have kept on drinking did that dog just talk also the the fat dude is the prince now why though I thought that you transformed yourself into the prince fun fact about Voodoo Larry can't conjure a thing for myself all you got to do is marry Big Daddy's Little Princess is his name his daddy I'm not calling no man Big Daddy bro why why would the princess need to work hard huh oh I'm not a princess I'm a waitress a waitress well no wonder the kiss did not work you lied to me man I never said I was a princess you never said that you were away a waitress she doesn't have to be officially royalty I'm gonna tell him don't this movie is a hoe and I thought it was gonna be [Music] yeah I was just about to ask that since now they're frogs and they can talk so all the other animals can talk to them now man that's like a snack bro y'all need more than that so we may as well get comfortable oh that's nasty it is not slide it is mucus it doesn't matter bro this is gross and then you over trying to get too close Live man disgusting frog dip a mouth blue why does he have a trumpet anything to be up there jamming with the big boys man so many voices here that I just it sounds familiar but I don't know exactly who it is I would have been like speechless like dude this crocodile is really playing the trumpet like the con Mama OD do why would y'all want to see her I definitely don't want to see her seem like she might be worse than Keith David [Applause] yo pause I don't even know why they would shoot at the crocodile I understand some people would be scared because you know it's a crocodile but as soon as you start seeing an animal playing a musical instrument or whatever wouldn't you want to make some money off that Lewis life is short when you're done you're done we're on this Earth them butterflies look like damn hoochie mamas [Music] ah that was the best song So Far Man oh man you have to say the blood was gonna run out okay that boy got that but donkey donk yo dang look at that booty look at that horse booty damn boy yo that sounds pretty fun always wanted to try red beans and rice move for lettuce what the hell does this freaking crocodile know about red beans and rice don't kill that freaking insect [Music] hey we just kissed the Frog again y'all find anything to eat yeah oh my um [Music] how's that that's worse I thought he was really going to unhook him I was going to be like yo that dude must be a Rubik's Cube master girl I guess you and your boyfriend gonna look good away you mean one more time now what's up with this damn bug bro yo who's voicing this bug right here bro I don't know how to feel about this bug my name Ramon but if I call me Rick yeah okay yo I'm gonna have to put on subtitles for this dude bruh I like the beat I just wish I knew what the hell they were saying no no no no no no no no homie where you make it home where you make it but seems our little froggy prince starting to come out as soon as I dispose a bit dead in the buff you'll have all the Wayward Souls I mean how are you gonna make money if there's nobody living there then and then that's when whenever some tourists come in they're just gonna take their souls too so you didn't really think this through bro foreign [Music] [Music] looking like he's special but he's smarter than the alligator I can taste him frog legs frog legs no are you speaking Creole or something bro what the hell was that Jason chamber Maids around you your Ivory Tower man nobody cares bro like this dude need to learn a lesson man [Music] yo there's so many people in this movie who are so over dramatic they doing the most oh my God I know that's so uncomfortable [Music] okay [Music] oh yeah yeah shoot him in the head shoot him in the head oh yeah shoot them in the nuts there you go oh you lucky bro [Music] they smart and we talked too foreign yeah them boys gonna think twice when it comes to freaking hunting some damn frogs you all right there little bug but your breath doesn't kill me to death would you mind bro you can't be talking man you haven't brushed your teeth since you've been out of the womb see that dude look like he bathing dookie talking about somebody breath's thing mince the mushrooms I don't know how to do anything [Music] then why haven't you tried to learn to do anything you seem like you still trying to act spoiled and stuff and lazy keep practicing and I just might hide really no oh I'm gonna meet this girl where's she at she glowing right up there in front of y'all ah okay so here he is stupid all right that ain't no [ __ ] man let him tell him the truth bro you told me nobody has told this man hey bro that's not a firefly I'm gonna tell him you dare do something like Randy Newman if he had peanut butter in his mouth oh look how beautiful that looks that was a great shot now I wonder if they did a hand-drawn animation here because I know a lot of people miss that animation style because a lot of more companies starting to go towards CGI or computer generated I guess unless that's the same thing yeah we um we best be pushing all right not feeling for each other pretty quickly bro how can you fight a shadow who was that oh that's Mama dude we're ready not bad for 197 year old blind lady is that grandmother yeah we want over here you bad boy that's a boy I thought that was a girl going off [Music] it's good to see you again Ray y'all want some candy ah it's a special candy what a twin y'all that look like a marble how on Earth did you know that we wanted to turn back and bro come on man this old lady's gonna be a handful she playing too much if you hate it girl listen to me hit it hard with a couple of shots of the basket and it's the bee's knees now a lot of hot sauce I mean when it comes to a big tub full of Gumbo you're gonna need more than just a couple of drops of tabascus Tabasco yeah y'all want to be human but you're blind to what you need don't matter what you look like don't matter what you wear yo you are abusing this snake right here oh girls she bringing us to church right here foreign I wish I had one of those things bro I've been doing the moves and everything because I kind of know how to do it but even though I haven't been to church in a minute yo was Mama Odie over there twerking for a second maybe I have a word yes ma'am about damn time that's what I'm talking about girl yes get me in the fields get me hyped right here now that has to be probably my favorite song or my second favorite song dig a little deeper and work even harder to get my restaurant [Music] but she's not a princess [Laughter] that's right Big Daddy's King of the Mardi Gras parade so that makes Lottie a princess yeah that sounds stupid so she has to kiss both of us oh she's gonna kiss one of us I want fingers and toes and a belly button nothing kind of sticks out but the kind that goes in y'all you seem like you need an Audi bro you look like you was a badass kid playing Mardi Gras yo what about the Bland bro you're gonna leave us hanging foreign I don't think you ever really been on a date I don't even think you ever like really talked to a man I think you just pushed him off every single time they even tried to come up to you I have dated thousands of women and [Music] let me begin again bro just just shut up you you ruined it you talking too damn much bro but you know when you meet a girl that you really like it's it's hard to like control yourself it's hard to really act cool like I'm I'm single now but it was one girl I was involved with I just I really couldn't control myself I didn't really know how to talk to her I just I felt like lame or whatever but all these other girls that I talked to I just I felt like I was the coolest guy in the world I knew exactly what to say how to say it when to say it yeah I don't even know why you're trying to propose to this girl you only known each other for like what three days [Music] why are they really calling a star Evangeline bro he didn't know what do I do please tell me yo that's your fault why would you like Walk Away by yourself man you forget what was coming after you okay okay honey lamb we'll be waiting in the packet Dennis not wifey material bro Charlotte he go marry you as soon as he get himself kissing you're both getting human he gonna find a job get you that restaurant oh I didn't know what he said until like towards the end and I was like oh okay then when he wants to like talk all fast and everything it really has my mind spinning in this fine celebration to join together come on girls oh well she doesn't know about the whole curse and everything Evangeline's nothing but a star Ray no this girl right here sounds like Beyonce man foreign great yeah don't make me light my butt okay little man let's see if you can watch that I got it yo this little dude taking them out okay he got hurt yo he really killed him you can't be kidding me he really killed him I heard that Crunch and everything [Music] [Applause] yeah that's kind of dark for a Disney movie especially with it being animated how the heck did you know what she wanted think of everything he sacrificed girl all you ever do is you gotta do better than that I don't give a damn about how they feel and what they say oh man of your backgrounds you're better off where you at okay now that yeah right there that's a low blow that's a real low blood you can give your poor daddy everything he ever wanted bro you got some nerves just bring all this stuff up man I don't know how to slap yo [ __ ] right I was like but he had what he needed had love [Music] are you kidding me being a slimy little frog it's not slime it's mucus I mean doesn't even matter but oh is that that's what you do for cheating no this is definitely not the right place to be with something like this yeah you gonna pay him back with your soul yo this movie is really good man it's just nice to see a different type of culture right here being represented I am the real Prince Naveen it happened again if I kissed you before midnight you and Tiana turned human again and you talking too much just do it you must give Tian all the money she requires for her restaurant [ __ ] her up buttercup [Music] I have to do this and we are running out of time I won't let me wait to get to your dreams my dream wouldn't be complete but you win it I love you Navi okay all right I guess as I said would y'all wasting time man it's already probably been 12. Tia yo that it's nice to how easily she's accepted of all this [Music] do it now clocks a little fast oh I mean that's your fault for taking forever and then you're lean like that too hey man that dude is probably one of the best characters right here and he's about to go on to the upper room [Applause] there you go go ahead and be with Evangeline bro that's what's up shoot did any of y'all like tear up when this happened I really didn't think anybody was gonna die [Music] do not tell me that's Evangeline coming down bro oh that's him lighting up with Evangeline what what oh snap man [Music] oh [Music] that's that's really the highlight of the film right there get it I Now Pronounce y'all frogging West get to it hop along get your lovely bride some sugar congratulations congratulations it was already good girl what you talking about look at these uh effects right here it's nice that they put them back in their clothes because I know but both of them was butt naked once you became my wife that made you a princess you just kissed yourself a princess it was already a princess sugar now this is what you call a happy ending and it was well earned too Panera Bros Realty oh oh yeah yeah don't be over here trying to mess with me bro just because I'm black oh so it is called Tiana's Palace that's what's up because like maybe can't call it Tiana's place so I wonder if they did like a typo or something whenever uh like when it comes to the photo her dad gave her [Music] is that Neo and this was a great movie I like the animation the story was okay it was cool and it just like the representation they were showing here and I'm not just talking about when it comes to people of color or whatever I'm talking about when it comes to just a culture like this you don't really get a lot of movies like this shoot but I got a question for y'all who is your favorite Disney princess me I don't know I I think it might either be Jasmine or it might be the girl from The Hunchback of Notre Dame even though I haven't seen either of those movies but you know I've seen pictures and I've seen like clips and stuff all right everybody and that was the Princess and the Frog bro I hope that you enjoyed watching this movie with me enjoyed this video you know please like share comment down below subscribe click the Bell so you know when I upload more videos and then follow me on all my social medias you know the links will be down in the description below like Instagram Twitter Discord twitch all that stuff I really appreciate it what this movie was doing and how they executed it and this the story that was being told man it was just a great film the voice acting was nice you could really feel the chemistry amongst the actors I am gonna check out some more like 2D style animated films because I would love to see Hunchback of Notre Dame that's like probably the main one I'm really excited to see when it comes to those old school animated films the 2D animated films I've only seen like a couple like I've seen Lion King I've seen Hercules I've seen Tarzan and I've seen Mulan and I think that might be about it I've seen Beauty and the Beast but I haven't seen the 2D version I saw the live action version and I know a lot of people was upset about Beauty and the Beast because it was pretty much the exact same movie I mean like I could watch the 2D version since it's in a different format and I know that they did some things differently than the live action and stuff but uh since a lot of people say there was the same movie pretty much like with Lion King I don't know that's up to y'all this is a character that is really good for little girls to look up to because of just how strong of a woman she is the music was on point man they had some great songs I like the beats and everything I will go ahead and give this movie A minus if you would like to see my full-length reaction to this movie any of the other movies that I do the TV shows that I do you can click the link Down Below in my description to my patreon and with all that being said I'll see y'all on the next one all right peace [Music] thank you
Channel: MellVerse
Views: 189,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess and the frog reaction, the princess and the frog, the princess and the frog movie reaction, princess and the frog movie commentary, the princess and the frog reaction, disney, animated movies, movie reaction, movie commentary, disney's princess and the frog, disneys the princess and the frog, the princess and the frog movie commentary, first time watching, first time watching disneys the princess and the frog, the princess and the frog commentary, princess and the frog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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