FROZEN Movie Reaction *FIRST TIME WATCHING* | ELSA Might Be The BEST Disney Princess!

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yo what's up everybody welcome back to my channel my name is melo [Music] [Applause] yo if you want to see my full-length movie reaction or any tv shows that i do or any other movies that i do go ahead and click the link down below in the description to my patreon but with all that being said y'all let's get into this movie reaction [Music] yo this is one of the things that i like what disney be doing every intro has different music and stuff it's really cool and then sometimes they'll go all out and change just the disney logo up to the theme of that movie shoot but nothing will compare to like what warner brothers be doing now pretty much just like moana frozen is the same thing i haven't seen this movie but since i have little sisters i've heard i think one song or two songs like so many down times especially since i think one of the songs was like a meme for a while yo that song was fire ain't no way [Music] you gonna eat a carrot right after an animal come on bro it's nasty i mean i understand it's your pet or whatever but like come on bro if i ever feed some to my pet i'm eating it first and then i'll give it to my pet stronger i like how the animation looks with this lighting here bro that's what i'm talking about make this it makes the job more fun you feel me we all singing together now that that is gorgeous i would love to see something like that i i don't know where necessarily that is i was thinking it was probably like in alaska or something i don't know or maybe canada or colorado or something but i think you might have to go to europe to see the sky like that i just can't just damn gonna put your big head all up on me man i'm trying to sleep do you want a bit of snowman no girl come on come on come on oh my god i mean i i would love to build a snowman i have never built a snowman i don't even know how to build one i don't even know how how to build a snow ball man why'd y'all build probably the most stupidest looking snowman i know some people like oh don't talk about him like that bro i'm just joking man jane again wait yo that looks so fun you know what uh ice powers hey she turned that girl in the rogue elsa what have you done this is getting out of hand y'all really upset about your daughter having powers yo i would love if my daughter had freaking ice powers [Music] oh that was a nice effect man boy you need to stop being nosy in mind your business where are your parents at [Music] it's the king oh you already know they sold hella toys in them cuties i'm gonna keep you the heck you are lucky it wasn't her heart the heart is not so easily changed i mean she would have threw that at her heart froze her heart listen to me elsa your power will only grow there is beauty in it but also great danger how you're you're an idiot we will limit her contact with people and keep her powers hidden from everyone including honor [Music] that's messed up man that's your daughter are you really gonna do that to her why would you keep your kids away from each other do you wanna build a snowman i'm out the door it's like you've gone away hey i didn't think we was gonna get into this song this early yeah all the funny memes that they have made off of this song bruh conceal it don't feel it don't let it chew and don't have her be afraid of who she is i'm scared it's getting stronger another thing i don't like mara they get elsa dressing like she about to go to a runway show and then they get anna dressing like she's the damn maid and stuff that's messed up right do you have to go you'll be fine elsa oh my god bro that's one of my greatest fears bro i do not want to be out in the ocean witness storming even though they treated their daughters like crap they didn't deserve to die what is up with disney always want to kill their parents bro like why does the parents always get to die or the grandmother has to die somebody always has to die we only have each other it's just you and me what are we gonna do she hasn't seen her sister in like probably 10 years but they've been living in the same house [Music] over y'all over here talking about she got to learn how to control her powers nobody's trying to teach her and then y'all not even gonna let her practice to try to get a better hold on to her powers congratulations you played yourself snark what's the magic word please uh uh uh cher that is disgusting oh you got all his slobber all up on it he probably going like mmm yes that's extra flavor there nice yeah open those gates so i may unlock your secrets and exploit your rituals did i say that out loud he reminds me of the teacher from incredibles oh that girl's sleeping good that's what i'm talking about i wish i could sleep that good hair all messed up freaking snoring and you freaking uh slobbering and stuff my sister's corneration it's coronation day about time y'all let her dress nice the window is open so is that door i didn't know they did that anymore yeah you never freaking explore joe house [Music] i'm already liking this song right here don't know if i'm elated or gassy but i'm somewhere in that side yo girl do not dookie on yourself at this ball man just look at the detail and everything in this house this is beautiful i know it is totally crazy to dream i'd find romance girl you coulda been got you a man what you told me all you gotta do just get out the house stop worrying about your sister one wrong move and everyone will know oh i definitely like this part of the song she is killing it so is this elsa's birthday or something hey i'm so sorry are you hurt hey okay boy i see you with the side burns um get the nice little fit on too oh boy this is awkward oh no this is the stereotypical disney first impression so elsa is the one that is the heir okay it'll be nice if y'all would like teamed up on this whole thing but you know there only could be one queen oh they made her like the queen or something thought it was her birthday [Music] why would y'all make elsa the queen when she's the one that y'all are trying to hide i guess it's because she's the ones with the powers or something or i guess she looks somewhat more beautiful than honor or whatever i don't know you know they'd be doing stuff like that hi hi hi me oh um hi damn that's messed up two sisters gotta have small talk they should have grew up with each other man chocolate [Laughter] there you go so this is building that chemistry back that's what i'm talking about has your closest partner in trade it seems only fitting that i offer you your first dancer's queen [Laughter] that's what you get for doing the most bruh why did they shot them in the first place do you know the reason no are you a reporter sir why are you all up in my damn business the monkey i fly that is hilarious that his freaking toupee keeps slapping up and down bro he doesn't feel any of that i wish it could be like this all the time me too you the queen but it can't well why not i mean just can't girl just because you got ice powers doesn't mean you can't have people around you you feel me unless you feel like you have to just explode glad i caught you hans okay prince charming i see you the boy came to the rescue i'm just happy that she had a good time 12 older brothers three of them pretended i was invisible that is nothing i got like 20 something siblings what okay can i just say something crazy i love crazy yo the animation they have for their faces is fantastic man it's so smooth i've been searching my whole life to find my own place dang we gonna do it already okay oh i can tell we better have hella songs in this movie man well it is a musical so okay oh isn't that adorable i think this dude is about to die or something the fact that they get all this happiness right here in the beginning of the movie something's about to happen i don't remember seeing this dude in any of the trailers i'm gonna tell him don't you dare can i say something crazy oh young love can you marry me already even crazier yes what girl the first dudes you meet you say yeah let's get married i mean queen me again um you really gotta call your sister the queen come on now or you gotta address her as queen wait would we live here here absolutely who are you to make decisions on where to live you don't live here sir you can't marry a man you just met you can if it's true love anna what do you know about true love yeah what the hell do you know about yourself people out i was like yeah she she got you there just because you want to hide yourself from the world doesn't mean i need to hide myself from the world too and you definitely are not going to force me to hide myself from the world please please i can't live like this anymore then leave bye you say nothing but a word i'm grown what are you so afraid i said enough i don't know why you scared because you meant to do that she was really gonna kill her sister right there and now she acting like oh i didn't mean to do that what did you meant to do then stay away from me stay away monster oh wow she's definitely having problems controlling her powers right now but this kind of doesn't make no sense because she's the queen like you can't attack the queen or whatever like that isn't that against the law unless they try to do like a mutiny or whatever yo that is fire how is lightened up when she steps on it dang how powerful is this girl to just turn almost the whole lake or ocean into ice man and she just made it snow i'll bring her back and i'll make this right i'm coming with you i need you here to take care of arendelle on my own yo girl you are putting too much faith into this man you just met him tonight be seen oh man how the way this song is starting all right you can tell this is going to be fire girl you better hit them notes [Music] see um who is on the keys right now oh this is this song let it go let it go [Music] i did not know this was the beginning of this song [Music] i agree with you on that that's one of the things that i've done some research on uh one of the reasons why uh the growth of depression and anxiety has been happening in the world is a lot of people don't get out of the house they just sit and deal with technology and stuff they don't really talk to people and stuff so you'll have a lot of people who is more accessible to becoming depressed and stuff and you see right here she finally get out of the house she starting to feel free and get some happiness in her and stuff yo this stuff is giving me chills bro no pun intended uh yo really got goosebumps off of that [Music] hell they going all out right here oh my god that this girl really just made her own castle [Music] that's what i'm talking about girl get that attitude and that's what i'm trying to get that confidence girl hell yeah okay yeah that song was fire all right that was my first time hearing the full song but yo that that was fire i could see why that song was i could see why i blew up man it was like number one for months or i think it two years or however long bro dang that was so nice now i wonder in real life because i know they've done presentations and stuff of this song you know like disney on ice or whatever i wonder if they tried to have a presentation somewhat similar to the movie because yo that presentation right there was on point [Music] i know they had like a concert or something like that bro to do something like that would be expensive but i know it'll be worth it it's that cold i'm freezing my nuts off big summer blowout for now um how about boots winter boots oh those them boots would do young woman oh he only got one dress and one pair of boots only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you dear you and this fellow [Music] [Laughter] i thought that was probably like his co-worker or something for the supply and demand to have a big problem you want to talk about a supply and demand problem i sell ice for a living why do you sell ice in an area where it's like mostly cold now back up if i deal with this crook here why did you cool me the definition of a gentle giant right there that dude was huge nice duet girl do you ever knock you just walk into people's places take me up the north mountain we leave at dawn and you forgot the carrots for sven oh sorry i'm sorry no you did that on purpose girl you petty she thinks she's slick no hang on you mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that can you keep your eyes on the snow she wore the gloves all the time so i just thought maybe she has a thing about dirt what um i love the directing right here it's definitely adding on to the scene it's creating the tension and stuff i hope they do not do a jump scare what are they why would you stop though like you i would have kept going even if i heard something if i heard something i would have been telling my reindeer to go faster yo these wolves are dipping shoot okay action star i see you i'll replace your sled and everything in it i understand if you don't want to help me anymore so you get this man's sled destroyed and you're like all right peace bye come on man [Music] oh my god that looks beautiful i would love to see something like that but i'm also kind of afraid of like what we just saw you know wolves coming out of nowhere or like a bear yellow and snow no go yo this girl elsa has gone crazy she really made this dude come to life wait what am oh my god that looks terrifying right there i'm sorry i've always wanted a nose yeah i actually do like that nose oh now you made his nose stupid bro that nose looks so stupid olaf did elsa build you yeah why do you know where she is yeah why do you think you could show us the way yeah why how does this work ow stop it sven so is that going to be like a running joke in this movie people telling him to stop and focus summer and sun and all things hot how do you even know what summer is it is a good time to stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and i'll be a yes exactly to be honest now that i'm thinking about it how powerful elsa is and the fact that she has ice powers it doesn't matter what season it is i think olaf might still be alive even if summer was to come up the princess may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress she left me in charge and i will not hesitate to protect arendelle from treason i hope he doesn't get he doesn't grow crazy with power man i'm gonna tell him don't you dare and should you encounter the queen you are to put an end to this winter do you understand to be honest i really don't feel like the villain is really really much of a threat yep so you're not a god bro you could have died you better pay attention bro stop in focus oh look at that i've been impaled wow that is a sick joke you know most people who disappear into the mountains want to be alone nobody wants to be alone except maybe you i'm not alone i have friends remember a reindeer is not really much of a friend bro [Music] you gotta go up there slowly bro yo i really think that that is a hazard you get ice stairs bro i will sue your ass about to walk up the steps bruh give us a minute okay one three bro don't like literally give us a minute man just look at the architecture man it's beautiful that they even thought about this to create this man okay girl i see you got that light hitting you okay you built me remember that and you're alive yeah um i think so yo i just now thought about that too though well now i did question that how powerful is this girl man no we can't goodbye anna elsa wait for the first time in forever i finally understand i think she might shut her down when it comes to this song unless they do a duet please go back home oh okay wait sorry no i'm not gonna be able to play a lot of these songs bro but they the songs are a lot better than i thought they were going to be let me know how y'all's feeling when y'all's watching this movie in the theaters man i can tell that this movie is pretty epic oh she got her in the heart i think i was just about to compliment her on that freaking uh or sing it again what power do you have to stop this winter to stop me the power of love girl that dude looked like an action figure [Music] why would she throw olaf she created him but then she's like throwing him away that is so disrespectful i'll be pissed if i was old see now you made him mad i'm distracted this dude really exploded like the hulk over being hit with a freaking snowball dude you made of snow you sensitive that's like if somebody was swimming and they were drinking some water and they did like a spit take at the water or something tell me the water gonna get mad like bro really you're just gonna throw water on me bro you water i give you my leg i can't feel my legs those are my legs cute little ring gear don't talk does this dude not realize that this man want to eat his nose oh what am i gonna do she threw me out worry about your hair what yours is turning white white it's what it's because she struck you isn't it i think she could probably turn into elsa or like if elsa hits her like enough times she will have ice powers like elsa or something or maybe she would just like completely freeze up and turn into the ice statue or something i don't know you know this how hold on bro don't feel don't feel i mean you saying that it's only making it worse and you just sitting in this freaking castle is making it worse you gotta do something to keep your mind busy girl find something that you love you know find yourself are you cold a little nah bruh i'm just rubbing my shoulders what did you think is going on so uh about my friends i don't want to scare you they can be a little inappropriate and loud very loud so that's a good way to describe them for people who are trolls and they're also rocks they can be stubborn whoa i don't even recognize you you lost so much weight how the hell you lose weight when you rock bro cause i love you anna i insist you run christopher yeah cause i think he was calling a christopher or something right trolls they're trolls he's brought a girl i like the like bowling sound effects they use for these trolls why are you holding back from such a man is it the clumpy way he walked or the grumpy way he talked yeah i was wondering if they was gonna start singing so he's got a few flaws this is somewhat embarrassing man this is probably my favorite beat out of all the songs so far besides the let it go song [Music] bro you've been living out here you get bugs man do you wanna take kristoff to be your troll fully wedding yeah we're moving together getting married what i see i'll pick y'all sleep bro i'm about to get up out of here your life is in danger there is ice in your heart put there by your sister only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart i mean you still didn't really remove the ice from her head because her hair was still white [Music] girl you got ice powers why are you running away about damn time girl if you don't use your powers these dudes are only mortals don't be the monster they fear you are i mean y'all came to her crib you know she got every right to drop y'all i know i would even though she has ice powers can she die from ice if you would just stop the winter bring back summer don't you see i can't yeah somebody with ice powers how do you undo ice powers the only power you have is ice yo this dude olaf is having a blast yo that does look so fun bro the first thing you do after i tell you to stay out of sight come on bro dude does not listen prince hans anna you're so cold hans you have to kiss me what now now slow down i'll give you two some privacy come on here we go i think we all know where this is going so let's just skip to the end a true love's kiss oh anna if only there was someone out there who loved you oh damn this boy a douchebag oh snap bruh i knew you could not trust this man man 13th in line in my own kingdom i knew i'd have to marry into the throne somewhere bro i had a feeling he was going to get consumed with our bro all that's left now is to kill elsa and bring back summer see now this is a good villain right here like the old dude with the glass isn't toupey he ain't nothing wow isn't that a twist right there princess anna is dead okay what's him what happened to her she was killed by queen elsa oh bro your acting is awful at least we got to say our marriage vows before she died in my arms you just had to add that little extra in there all right bro [Music] i thought she was gonna crack them open because pretty much you turn into ice isn't it like glass now [Music] where's olaf at even though he really ain't gonna do much but i feel like he might save anna just like i said there you go i already had a feeling man well this dude knows how to light a fire love is putting someone else's needs before yours like you know how kristoff brought you back here to hans and left you forever this boy olaf trying to shoot his shot oh it's kristoff and sven interactive true love right there riding across the fjords like a valiant punch and reindeer king yo you said it best right there olaf that was probably the smartest thing you ever said i'm trying to figure out what the message is for this story i think it's probably learning to accept oneself not hiding who you are accept yourself love yourself elsa you need to figure something out man it's like the world is going to destroy itself because of all this damn ice yo those fingers turn blue i think the finger's gone now christopher i think even if kristoff kisses her this girl's still going freeze today [Music] damn that was fire what the hell this girl froze the snow well you better slide on that ice [Music] just that fast wow they really just killed her off like that she would like only her hands and the top of her head was frozen like what the [ __ ] damn this is sad bro and then they're not even playing on music too it's just bringing up on that oh my god oh my god it's having so much more of an impact how the heck did that happen you've sacrificed yourself for me she's your sister what the hell are you talking about act of true love without a frozen heart come on bro really they tried to be slick with that bruh now this is another one of my favorite songs in this movie bro and this just gave me goosebumps i felt all the chills through my body hands down this is the best day of my life and see you later my own personal flurry [Music] i mean still he's getting hit from like almost all sides when it comes to the heat except the top so how does it even matter [Music] girl get one hell of a right bro y'all need to freeze him or like drown him or something oh look at the lighting right here i love this [Applause] why he walked up like that bro [Music] oh hell no bro i'll run like now you can keep that bro i'm about to use something that you had in your mouth [Music] yo this is dangerous though oh where did they get ice skates from i like the open gates we are never closing them again this is probably the thing that makes me the most happy is just seeing the sisters spending time together and you know loving each other and stuff and being happy hmm what a beautiful ending man even though they thought they were slick when it comes to whatever that was i don't know if it was a prophecy or some type of saying or whatever you know the true loves and all that stuff it was a nice twist at the same time this was a great movie man this was a whole lot better than i thought it was gonna be the thing is when this movie came out bro i'm gonna be honest with y'all i was a hater i was like bro i don't wanna see this [ __ ] and then i was just hearing about it constantly and i was just like bro shut the hell up about frozen i don't care then that's one of my little siblings playing the song over and over and over and over and over again it was so annoying but now that i'm seeing this movie i'm really happy that i finally gave this movie a chance okay everybody and that was frozen a pretty surprisingly good movie man and i just really liked a whole lot of elements in this film when it comes to the animation the soundtrack the voice acting the directing was really nice this is one of those examples that lets you know that you just need to give something a shot instead of just pushing it away because i've been pushing this movie away since it came out and like i think 2013 or whatever i love this movie i did not think that i was actually gonna like this movie man i thought it was gonna be kind of corny or whatever but no this was a good movie just the only thing that was lacking for me was the story i really feel like the message of this film is just finding oneself and accepting yourself for who you are and to not push away the people that love you and that you love i just really hope that you enjoyed watching this movie with me and you enjoyed this video you know please like share comment down below subscribe click the bell so you know when i upload more videos and then follow me on all my social medias the links will be down in the description below like instagram twitter discord twitch all of that and if you want to see my full-length movie reaction to this any other movies i do the tv shows that i'm doing now and i'm trying to get into anime i'm i'm sorry i'm like really trying to get into anime i just i don't have enough time right now but hopefully sometime in the future we can get into that because i know there's some people that really don't really want me to get into anime i'm telling you right now i'm not putting it on my youtube channel i don't know why people keep asking me that i'll never put anime on my youtube channel it's never gonna happen because i'm not about to get a copyright strike for any of y'all i'll give this movie a 8 a minus man one thing i do got to say whoever was the singer for elsa killed it i loved her voice every single song that she was singing man her voice was just so beautiful to listen to but with all that being said i'll see on the next one all right peace [Music] you
Channel: MellVerse
Views: 132,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, frozen reaction, frozen movie reaction, frozen, frozen movie commentary, frozen songs, frozen soundtrack, first time watching frozen, movie reaction, disney frozen reaction, commentary, first time watching, funny, mellow, movie, movie commentary, movie reaction first time, movie reactions, movie review, react, reactions, review, aniamated movies, disney movies, react to frozen, elsa, olaf, let it go frozen, kristen bell, idina menzel, jonathan groff, alan tudyk, josh gad
Id: 1jlSIwX9lMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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