I MAXED OUT MY ISLAND! | Minecraft Skyblock

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you wanna know something insane my island makes millions of dollars a day eight billion about 50 billion dollars literally millions by the second and apparently and apparently i'm poor i want to prove them wrong though i want to become one of the top 10 islands on the entire server these guys i'm going to become one of them because i know a trick they don't i made a couple discoveries recently on the last map i figured out three things that i don't think anyone else has quite grasped number one when you've got the enchant shard collector on the pickaxe you can go into your little mine here you can mine any of these ores and honestly you get a good amount of shards from it i just made like 25 shards from like a few blocks but you can also mine hubble stone and it makes shards do you know what you can generate in minecraft for free cobblestone this is big brain so i can make a big cobblestone farm and just farm shots and shards are like even better than money on the server you can do tons of stuff with them you can sell them for insane amounts of money and you can use that to max out your island yeah five thousand shards going for five billion dollars yeah it's about that and i've just looked on the is top i need to get 352 levels to get onto the is top and that is a trillion dollars i need eight million shards just to do that but i have a secret trick so because of that char trick there's a few things we can do to maximize it in one of them that i don't know if anyone on the server knows about you can put down a block of blue ice some soul soil and some lava and boom basalt generator doesn't require a big box for the water and spawns pretty quick too and so i have made that this thing is five layers of seven by seven farms it is insane so insane that it can cope with the blast of the earthquake enchantment they should be able to stand right under it here mine upwards and it should just break a ton of blocks now it is a little bit slower than the regular cobblestone farms for just this middle block but that's because it is generating seven times the amount of blocks so it's pretty quick though now i could have used redstone lines for this but i want to create the least laggy version of this and this is what i came up with it uses this simple little clock here which is just fast enough you grab it pull it up and push it as soon as it generates i can't really put a hole in it quite fast enough but there we go this is what i want to be doing which should lead to an immense amount of shards i'm thinking that i can just sell the shards on the open market the only problem with that is that i might deflate the value of shards because i'm putting out so many of them that's genuinely the issue i have a plan for that i've got a good idea on how to make some afk money as well but first i want to build this farm infinite love bucket bam there we go can i sell basalt no good great that's what i wanted i had to build so many iterations of this thing i'm pretty much an expert on it i used to have it set up so the farm would individually activate itself and i had to ditch that because uh it turned out whenever it got full the block wasn't updating and it just couldn't carry on made way more sense to do it on a big clock it's working i'm doing it manually but it's working since you can only reach five blocks i had to do another one here to then make it maximum radius when i mine upwards and hopefully it's all out of the range there it is yep that's the exact right amount okay cool let's get the other few of these things built [Music] oh yeah that's why that's that's exactly why i have two pickaxes it is complete and i only ran into ten issues while doing it turns out uh observers are redstone blocks and it turns out i need to upgrade that so i i had to cut down on the amount of observers that i needed but it also made it a little bit cheaper but it it works really well i made this thing it turns out spawners are the only thing the pickaxe doesn't blow up and one block below that is safe so i'm designing a little like platformy bit down here not sure what to do about that honestly really hard to make this thing look pretty um it does feel very nethery because of the basalt though so i'm gonna get some gold gonna make like a little golden staircase going up i think so here's how it does actually it's really cool so i stand on here i look up i mine and it explodes and it gives me a ton of shots all i have to do is just hold the click button down it just goes it gives me about 16 000 shards right now and let's wait for it to fully fill up that was about a thousand shards every time it goes oh it looks cool look at that it looks like magic it's just flowing in my only issue is that my sky god pickaxe is actually not an instant break i think if i use a gold pickaxe it's technically faster to get shard collector again it would be millions million well i could do it i could do it with my current xp that i've got in the storage here oh it's so annoying okay fine i'm gonna do it it's worth the money another 10 and another five i at least need haste three i'm poor now okay but don't worry i'm gonna level this thing up with my old pick let's get some shards look at this i'm already at 28 000 shads okay well okay this montage is not going to last very long i'm already at 50 000 shards and 50 000 shards gets me about 50 billion dollars maybe 40 billion dollars about 50 billion dollars in a minute i'm going to exploit this i want to make another one of these farms and then have a pusher going down i could even have one going up okay back onto the creative server i've got to figure out how to do this didn't work then work like i wanted it though none of these could actually get in there it's only this top one that's actually functioning so i've still got the top one running it's a little bit of extra blocks so i'll keep it going it is a little bit faster and it does work pretty well look at that plus i realized that it's so stupid to try and upgrade this thing it makes so much money look just in the few seconds that i've been talking to you i've already gone up like 10 000 shards it's very important not to mine any block other than the top one though i learned that the hard way in fact let me see how much it makes in exactly one minute oh there we go oh my god i wanted to see if it match up it's making pretty much like 11 10 i'm gonna say 10 10 11 000 shards every minute right now i can upgrade how much do i have i have 800 billion wait oh no well i've been building it my bedrock robots have been going this is what i want this is what i'm trying to get upgraded the higher level mine i am the better those robots work and the better the afk money is but i can use those points to get more of this now that's only gonna cost 500 billion actually that's cheaper now that i've got that i'm gonna put it up for 80 billion just so i get a quick sell on it since i kind of can just control the market now and it immediately sold a million shards for sale i want a million shots how long would that take an hour it's only going to take like an hour and a half i have an idea i'm not going to spend the money on this here's what i'm going to do i know that i can buy gas spawners for a billion dollars a piece i can currently buy 300 gas spawners with my money that can generate me a lot of money the only issue is that i need grinder robots and they're kind of hard to i found one for 400 billion dollars 64 000 shards for a grinder and another 100 000 shards easy dude this thing is gonna be my guest killer it's something i can actually put my money that i'm earning into so i can then just automatically generate money just exponentially grow plus since i've got like infinite shards i can buy infinite robots as well so doing well for myself i can put a stack of 50 gas spawners down at a time so let's buy them in 50 lots okay that's 200 gas spawners 200 billion dollars this is actually spawning a lot more gas than this little guy can hold up with because he's got no upgrades on anything i need more of this i need way more shards only like 10 minutes worth change of plans before i upgrade this robot i want to gamble i've got a one in four chance of getting a grinder obsidian robot and actually it's not that hard to get 128 000 shots i've just got 160 which would be enough to upgrade the thing or i could gamble it and get an even better robot i'm gonna gamble there's a one in four chance give me a grinder robot please or i'll cry [Music] well that's useless right number two i'm gonna do it again i've got a one in four chance surely everything can go right this time it's gonna work what did i need more oh my god i need one thousand more oh no whatever shall i do up done funk [ __ ] okay that's actually not that bad that's okay i can add that to my mind down there that's fine it hasn't been lumbered lumberjack that's good okay i am prepared i have a lot of shards now i spent the last 20 minutes on it which is not a lot actually this one's gonna be the one if it's not i can do it again if it is it means i have shards suspend on it extra goodness okay bam oh my god bam ah okay well now i have an extra bedrock miner well hey bam other mine again come on just one bed just one grinder robot round five [ __ ] oh my god okay oh my god you go there okay upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade and i'm out oh my god okay can you finally keep up with this thing not really i'm gonna need some fossil fuel luckily it's cheap as heck and bam the car one it doesn't really matter they just there's nothing and now this thing should actually be going a bit faster because of it yeah look at that way faster i'm gonna farm this thing for a bit i have this thing to level up completely oh and you don't sell the robots anymore by the storage menu you use a sell one to do it now so you just bunk there we go 35 million dollars that's okay not as good as that though but eventually it will be i'm gonna spend a solid hour doing this in one hour i should be able to generate one trillion dollars worth of shards and i'm gonna start leveling up my gas spawner so i'll see you in a few hours i might take a nap i i don't know i know there's no dislike button anymore but please you can still press the like button i spent like 10 hours on every video at least so please do something comment share my video with your grandma put it in the school newspaper racked up quite a fortune i managed to gather a good couple robots i got another grinder but i got an emerald one and i got an obsidian one i have killed easily enough dolphins for the first level and the second level let's go bam bam i can now get 150 stack spawner size so i can grab you grab you and combine them on you 150 and 50. let's buy a hundred more even after upgrading these robots and yes they are upgraded well okay not these two but these two are and i've kept this thing topped up still going strong i haven't got any other xp though i didn't want anyone messing with my farm or killing the gas so i locked the island which means i'm not making very much xp but i am safely making a lot of shards without the possibility of other people getting them now since i've been mining let's see how you've been doing my kv boys oh my gosh what the f that's 300 million blocks think of it like this right that one billion island points actually accounts for 10 billion dollars damn are we doing on levels then i should be able to at least level up one for free oh yeah easy how close can we get not very far at all okay i'm gonna need money all money now they said 85 billion is a lot of money for 99 people i'm here i just go dude the guy that owns the number one island on the server border kinder bulk number one island owner this guy out of curiosity do you really want to spend five trillion dollars on shards because i can get him i just need to do all the work that i've done but twice and then some more i'm getting this man's discord all right let's do a little fast motion [Music] the admins are watching me this is not good he left when i looked at him this is bad what i'm going to do is to get on an alternate account and do the exact same thing overnight because i don't want to be caught within a square mile of this thing because admins there are four of them on there are three senior mods and two admins and the manager of the entire server and they all keep looking at me i don't feel like this is allowed i'm gonna pretend like i don't see them and i'm just gonna get a note and grind this thing on there i will see you in the morning whether this thing is here or not i can't lie i'm slightly scared the next morning i've had a long night i won't lie to you i have managed to get up literally the most shards that i've ever seen one person have in fact if i do shards top i am number one buffin three million that's not a trillion dollars worth i know that is just what i have done today from leaving my account on overnight waking up seeing how much i had 3 million was a good number because guess what i got 2.3 million last night before i went to bed and i would drew it just so i could know how many shards i actually got today but i have 2.3 million shards let's go which means i've got about five million five million shards that's gonna equate to about five trillion dollars that's going to get me up to about level 340. i need 16 more levels after that let's make this trade i've got the owner of the top island on discord because how many shards are you talking about i say however many you can buy i can supply i'm a rich boy we did a little bit of haggling i've got the price up a little bit more because the off initially offered me 70 billion per 100 000 shards and i said that's well below market right but he's figured that i've figured out some better way of making shards and it's gonna be worth way less when you upload the video smart however consider this video's gonna be out in a good few days i managed to talk him up to the actual market rate plus i'm gonna throw in my obsidian grinder robot right there to sort of balance it out let's get it all withdrew what is this place there we go there's the 5 million shards and that's and then the five trillion dollars how is he making that much money my god thank you buddy obsidian robot take that good sir be on your way i just made five trillion dollars it sounds so weird when you say it out loud i made five trillion dollars it's raining money baby yeah every island point that i get is the equivalent of like ten dollars so please be a lot that's pretty good this is pretty good how much does the gold sell off okay eight billion that's pretty good let's get you let's get the iron another four coals not a ton calls like one billion but don't worry as soon as we get the rank up we're gonna unlock stuff like diamond and emerald that's what we want we need to be level oh my god i'm two levels away from unlocking i'm like 10 levels away from unlocking diamond yeah the next 10 levels are free i've got another few trillion dollars to make and this is not gonna make it plus i'm burning through sell ones it's just not gonna work ideally i need to make money with slash sell all because that gets me a lot of boosters but you start working buddy here's the idea this farm produces shards at a rate the server cannot match right now and i'm leveling up my cape i've decided that i'm gonna level up my cave with all the money i have right now using all of the island points everything because i can use the shards right i can use the shards to buy obsidian robots obsidian minor robots worth a lot however it's legitimately a one in eight chance to get an obsidian minor robot from the shard shop so they're worth a lot of money they're worth like 400 to 600 billion dollars and on average they should cost about 500 000 shards to get so my plan is all my money is going to go into robots here to then put into this system if i just had 60 more billion i could get 340. one second sell the gold bam in fact let's sell all of it confirm level 300 baby i am level 340. does that mean i have diamond in the mine oh look at that it's generating okay as the bedrock goes away it's got a chance to spawn diamond now time to flood the economy with shards then robots here i come let's do bam miner bam again really i'm gonna auction that 69 billion someone will buy it because it's funny trust me hey i have a question i need you i'm willing to pay you think about all the groceries i've bought for you zero who paid for the water you drank you'd be dead without that i'm drinking pepsi max i need you to do this i'll pay you money one dollar an hour just tell me what you want me i'll pay you money one dollar all right one dollar an hour i need you to log on to my minecraft server and just mine blocks you're gonna be my employee okay this sounds like such a great deal princeton thank you i've got my employee they're currently staying over at my house so i think i i'm providing accommodation i'm gonna give them this pickaxe as a loan they can't keep it and all i need them to do is just look up and do this and in theory they should get the exact same amount of shards as i do and then they can just pay me the shots this is brilliant i'm maximizing dude i could even build another one of these and then i could do it and i got two times the shot hello welcome to being my employee anyway here's your pickaxe now please go no it's nice look at that oh this is so cool from a different perspective right now automatically making mad bank how long does it take me to get xp as well because i know 100 000 xp sells for about 25 billion dollars which is quite a lot i just don't know how long it takes me to get a hundred thousand xp how much do i have now it's been one minute seven thousand it's not gonna work okay that's not viable i need a better way that would make me about half as much if not less than half as much as that i have an idea but it's so much it's so much work i could work on a faster version of this okay i'm gonna do it oh my god i'm gonna make a faster version of this machine by the time but i'm not even wasting any time wait this is productive okay i'm not even wasting time because i've got a different account mining for me this is the best decision i've ever made later i'm done by the way someone came to my island and i said oh i like the music going on and i didn't realize i've been using note blocks as a way to trigger observers and listen to the sound that this farm makes i didn't realize i created a monstrosity rue's been mining for a good little bit now because that only took me like four hours i need the pick back i need the money 3.7 million okay thank you buddy what was i building in the three hours ah this thing look at it it's so good actually i calculated this is making 35 blocks per second and this one is making 70 exactly it is literally double but it's also the same size if not a little bit smaller actually it looks really way more clean and then in theory if i look up put it up there it is look at it go so it's moving in from four directions now and it's got a criss-cross pattern which means it should never get stuck on each other they'll only just push each other out the way look at that whereas with this one if one of them reaches the other end it just stops and it also has to go all the way to the other end to be really efficient this one it only needs to go halfway and then the other one does the rest of the work it's perfect there we go watch it go this is so cool it's way faster than that one as well now what i've got to do i've got to buy some robots miner [ __ ] miner oh my god miner there we go one no miner yes okay one obs there we go that wasn't too bad actually that was bang on my estimate of how much it would cost let's upgrade you we've already got a lot in there diamonds how much are you worth another another billion from the diamonds already all bedrock remind that's way overpriced but okay who's the guy scomondu he's auctioned off for bedrock robot i wanna know how much i can pay him in shards instead give me a good deal bro please ah this dude is hard to haggle with he wants 50 billion dollars i i even withdrew my amount of shards so he couldn't check my shard account and see that he could get more he wants five hundred thousand shards and fifty billion dollars funk there we go five hundred thousand shards fifty billion dollars let's go give me show me the money bedrock minor robot baby all right another one down bunk i'll give you max br miner for free deals please i need them so badly i've worked i wanted a deal with one of my mods you gave me this take these things i don't want them anymore one more for the pile this one's actually upgraded so let's go i might have worked out a really good deal i have someone on the server right now willing to pay me for shards with bedrock miners so that's kind of dope how many shots is the max vr miner worth this they're figuring it out in chat together three million see actually insane one million per one that's a harsh price but okay that means with two million shots i don't be getting two you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get marisa back on i'm gonna enchant this pickaxe as well where's that i'm not on freezer i'm not i don't care get on get on now i made a new pickaxe for you i'm gonna farm as well i made a new farm i need you i i this i can't pay you though you've gotta be an intern i have better things to do no you don't like that's untrue my time is valuable not at all okay you take this it's my pride and joy don't lose it we're gonna make triple the amount of shards i've got this farm doing 35 blocks a second this one doing 70. that's like more than double that's like triple it's like three times that's like three dude i can't hear you your machinery is too loud it's not loud at all noise what noise shot farming done give me the pick i need it back right pay me the shards and then we're done you can you're fired what you're fired i don't need you anymore that's how you do it people that's that problem gone interestingly enough because we farm for over an hour and at the same time i get to check how much each one made and i was right i made around 2 million from this farm and marisa made about 1.1 million from this farm so this thing seems to have a tiny bit of inefficiency i think it's because sometimes the pistons get bugged if they're moving into each other and also it might actually be generating so fast that let's say two sides reach the middle before the explosive enchant like happens so you'll see there we go that's i just reached the middle immediately before it got to the middle on that one and sometimes you'll see it go all the way up and not break yet you gotta wait for the next push like that there we go and then i have to do it again for it to go oh how many bots can i get for that five let's go that's gonna make me so much money dude a lot of the top islands don't have like 20 and i'm gonna have like 20. i'm making so much money hey buddy can i have the i didn't know you were just gonna throw them i did the inventory space bro dude if a clear lag comes in i'm screwed okay that's three oh he's doing half an hour four five oh my god i could leave wait don't worry i'm not scamming i just need 2k more shads it's not i don't have a perfect five million yet there we go so quick dude okay shards withdraw all there you go you're welcome that's sitting on the floor is so much money okay how much can we upgrade now this is gonna cost me like 18 billion but i can get up to level 354 okay how close am i no way why is it saying 355 did i go to 355 i did that was an accident oh my god i spent more than i thought holy sh i need to go up three more levels which is going to cost 500 billion dollars i need to go up three levels dude i can do that i am on the is top i'm number 10. it's not a higher number but i am one of the top 10 islands on the entire server by one level i am the top 10 island i am not bragging about that it's only one level but i am a top 10. i just somehow need to make 500 billion oh my god how much would you pay for 200 gas spawners that's got to be at least 100 billion credits i don't want to have to sell one of the robots but i will i wonder what the robots are gonna look like in fast motion if they're just going we'd be stacking we'd be stacking hard look at that money sell it sell it sell it sell it next oh 124 million have i need 40 billion extra dollars okay dude i'm gonna get 100 000 xp i can sell that for like 20 billion easily exp withdraw a hundred thousand cheap as heck that's gonna get me half the way there surely my blaze farm is gonna come in use here there we go it sold one five thousand levels i just need a hundred thousand more it's gonna take me like 10 minutes or so but that's fine i'm gonna make me a grilled cheese 129 000 xp boom sell boom 20 billion up again new xp on ah if this sells i'll have exactly enough please buy the xp no one's buying my xp there it is come on finally we've been leading up to let me unlock emerald spam confirm yes is top where am i there i am 358 let's go and i should let's see i should have unlocked emerald i think there it is emeralds 15 where are they i want to find one i want to find one i've never seen an emerald in this mine before there it is and it got look he's got an emerald look at him go let's go okay emerald a million this is the top resource let's go see now i've got that i can actually start selling stuff i can leave my account on overnight i can log back home with a sell one sell this i just click on there and bam i make tons of money apparently if i let this stack up to like 500 million a piece i can get like a trillion dollars if i sell it it's pretty good now i don't really have to upgrade anymore oh my god okay boys island is complete i maxed out everything i can get on my island it's now just smooth sailing and money making so i hope you enjoyed this video my god it took me like days to record i hope you learned a little something just in case any of you on survival need like a seven by seven cobblestone farm this is by far the best design honestly imagine like tnt dropping there or something easy cobblestone so boys i will see you in the next one whoa what the hell's never done before
Channel: F1NN5TER
Views: 298,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, richest, day one, episode 1, ep 1, OP, hypixel, cosmicpvp, cosmic, lets play, op farm, f1nn5ter, finnster, banned, redstone, cactus farm, showcase, challenge, games, mini game, mod, map, skeppy, funny moments, skywars, cannon, discord, funny, 1.8, overnight, mining, mine, building competition, minecraft skyblock, skyblock, skyblock farm, one block, sky block, minecraft new, minecraft challenge, craft, gaming, minecraft but, minecraft island, island, maxed out, maxed, 100 days
Id: rN-bwEweLpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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