I Married MAMA'S BOY & Annulled Marriage Month After Wedding Because His Mother Got Rid Of ME

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women what is it like to be married to a mama's boy i tried i really really tried his mother tried everything to get me away from her son and she finally succeeded her son had a spine like jelly if she told him to hurt me he would do it on to the last straw that brought me to this decision i have a very crazy allergy against latex i react really badly to it we found out when i was a little toddler and i was treated in the hospital and went into shock after a nurse just touched me since then i have a little sticker on my driver's license and i wear an allergen necklace i can literally die from sniffing a glove ex-mother-in-law knew this ex-dear husband told her last week after i got home from work i was angry with ex-husband i can't remember why everything is really fuzzy now i cannot remember too well however i went to bed early i just bought this bed a month ago because i refused to sleep in the old one because ex-mother-in-law slept in there the first night after our wedding i spent my wedding night on a couch when i laid into bed it felt really comfy but i could feel a small layer of plastic under my mattress i assumed that this was normal since it's a new bed i might have missed some plastic cover on the mattress i didn't think about it much and went to sleep i woke up 17 hours later in the hospital ex-mother-in-law cut up 75 latex gloves to create a little layer under my duvet cover i do not remember but when ex-dear husband went to bed several hours later he found me white as a ghost and sweating and barely breathing you know why i knew it was mother-in-law because she called me to brag about it while in the hospital she told ex dear husband that she was afraid i would wet the bed since i acted so childish remember i am a 27 year old woman x instead of going full no contact said he was sorry about my behavior he was sorry i was in the hospital for a week ex visited me once to make me apologize to his mother which i did not i got security and told everyone he is not allowed to be back in my room i don't know what happened i don't he was not like that we were together for five years we were not naive kids it is like i married a man that i have never met before i am still shaking with anger and disappointment and i am furious of myself how could i have married such an excuse for a man how can i still love him after everything he has done to me married at the 25th of january nulled the marriage at the 20th of february i will try to calm down maybe i can tell you all the other crap she has done to me i still have no name and i cannot think of another one then lucifer it is probably not a good thing to walk around with so much hate in your heart i don't want to but i also can't forgive she has been pushing my husband to divorce me since our daughter was one she has an unhealthy obsession with my daughter and acts like she is my daughter's mother people kept warning me that she wants me out of the picture and to take my daughter from me nothing i did was ever good enough in her eyes i am not a good mother and never will be i suffer from depression and that is one of the reasons she thinks i am an unfit mother i was so naive to let her move in with us after she divorced her second husband also i have to add she considers herself to be the best christian in the world i am religious myself but i can recognize a false one three co-workers warned me that i am making a big mistake by letting her move in with us they assured me that it would lead to the end of my marriage it did it was the worst four months of my life one day she came to me and told me she wants to pray for all of my addictions cola cigarettes and coffee then she would force my three-year-old to go on her knees every single night and pray she also changed pediatricians because she did not like our current one without asking permission we were not allowed to drink because we would get a speech every time apparently if you have a child you are not allowed to drink after every meal she would check if my food is cooked properly my depression got worse in fact i did not even want to go home anymore i asked my husband to please ask her to move out twice he wanted a divorce he wanted full custody of my daughter the reason being because i am depressed i am mentally unstable and cannot raise a child during my stay in the psychiatric hospital i was diagnosed with bipolar and was taking the wrong meds all these years my husband got a job in ireland and planned to take her with him she backed him all the way she would tell me that i should stop crying and enjoy the little time i have left with her she would tell me to my face i am an unfit mother and i should grant my husband permission to take her abroad anyway i got my own lawyer we had the court case and the judge basically said that my daughter will stay with me since the divorce and the court case i have done so much to change my life for the better i saw therapists and the new meds make me feel great i have gained my self-confidence back i was never a bad mother hell her i am definitely not unstable the look on her face was priceless after the judge's verdict she is only allowed to see my daughter every second saturday for four hours until the divorce is finalized my soon-to-be ex-husband is in ireland i feel great i love my daughter i am happy again i just wish i could forgive my mother-in-law i'm beyond livid i don't really have anyone else to rant to so here i go lol so i told my husband i wanted to move because i literally can't stand living next door to his parents and living in the middle of nowhere so my husband told his mom about it and she said that i can go and get a job myself if i want to pay rent and pay for my daughter's daycare she also told my husband she doesn't see us lasting she also mentioned to him that i would try and take our daughter away from him which i would never do she is literally trying to ruin our marriage i am so beyond mad i can't sleep the only reason i even know about this is because i went through their texts i know i'm that crazy wife but she had done crap like this before it's like he doesn't even see what she is trying to do she is literally trying to keep us here and when i mentioned that we were going to see my family sunday she was upset and not even happy for me my parents lived three hours away from me and i hardly get to see them and i was so excited i told my mother-in-law and it completely backfired she is so immature when it comes to things and she thinks that she can control her son even though he is married works full-time as a nurse and has a baby it literally feels like she is always going to be number one and i'm number two and i just don't know what to do when i've mentioned it to my husband he says i married you and that's it because of her he doesn't want to move or have a joint bank account because she is convincing him that we won't last i'm so done with putting up with her crap any advice would be great because i am struggling so bad tonight i feel so hurt and betrayed by mother-in-law her saying i need to get a job which i'm trying to i've applied to jobs and been on an interview and pay for rent and daycare when we already are going to have to pay for daycare starting in january and we pay rent ugh i'm so mad and hurt i've been with my boyfriend for about seven years mother-in-law is going through a divorce and is subsequently having a difficult time on her own of course that's to be expected she asked us to move in with her about six months ago and my boyfriend jumped and said yes without talking to me about it first this resulted in a huge blowout argument because i would have preferred to live in our own place nearby so we could still be there for his mom while also having our own space boyfriend told me there was no way we could make that work because we couldn't afford it and told me that i wasn't being supportive of him wanting to take care of his mom fine we move in my own parents warned me about my mother-in-law latching onto my boyfriend as soon as we moved in i brushed it off but they were 100 right the whole reason the divorce is even taking place is because mother-in-law was convinced that her husband was having an affair with a co-worker when he definitely was not she came to this conclusion when boyfriend's father filled up the co-worker's water bottle for her she posted sticky notes all around the house calling him a disgusting cheater wrote him long letters about how much she despises him cut up the family pictures and tried gifting her wedding ring to the other woman who had absolutely no idea what was going on shortly after we moved in my mother-in-law disclosed to everyone in the family that she feels i'm trying to take her son away from her that i don't want to share him with her she also blew up on me one time for sitting in the car while my boyfriend was driving she said i was being disrespectful even though i offered her the seat and she declined she said i should have known she wanted to sit there she pouts when we go on dates and don't invite her when i hold his hand she will hold his opposite arm when i come home from work she is often snuggled up on him or lying on his lap she says he doesn't take her anywhere or hang out with her often enough it annoys me beyond belief because we literally live with her i get to see my mother three to four times a year if i'm lucky i feel like she treats her son as a makeshift replacement husband and to me it is not normal or healthy the worst part is while i love my boyfriend very much he constantly enables and makes excuses for this behavior he will acknowledge that it's not healthy but i can tell that he doesn't see the problem with it i am just so fed up with being in this environment where i have to weirdly make room for my mother-in-law to be doing the things i should be doing with my boyfriend just to get right into it future husband and i are in the process of buying a home this will be his first time moving out of his parents house even though he's 32. even though i've been on my own since i turned 18 the good old days i didn't have much of a problem with that because it has allowed us to establish our careers and save some money as usual his mother was lovely in the beginning but the longer we stayed together the more her devil horn started to show she is the most narcissistic manipulative person i've ever met she uses guilt trips and exaggerates her medical issues to get what she wants and even though she has her own husband of 17 years sweet man whom she treats like a dog she treats future husband as if he's her husband but more king on a pedestal like anyways back to the issue we started house shopping in secret months ago because i wanted his mother's opinions involved nowhere we're going to start our newlywed lives plus what's more magical than buying a house and planning your future in that house with your husband okay minus the disagreements on having a wraparound porch ugly shutters kitchen sizes etc well one day he spilled the beans to his mother because she wanted to know where he was always disappearing to and she flipped like full on calling him a liar and a horrible person for wanting to leave home who is she going to take care of now reminder she has her own husband she was literally going to die if he left and why couldn't we just live upstairs in their house hell no because that's what she always thought would happen how i was a witch for controlling her son and forcing him to move like whoa lady he's 32 did you think he was gonna stay home forever so to appease her he decided to include her in the house hunting process she starts sending us houses way out of our price range and not our tastes and every time he left the house outside of his work hours and going to the store she hopped in his truck because she just knew we were going to look at houses fast forward a long two months and we finally found a house we liked on the one occasion she didn't join us thank god and signed a contract but future husband didn't tell her we were under contract until a week later and she flipped again because she wasn't the first to know after taking her to look at the house she suddenly decided that she wasn't going to renew her lease at her home next month or continue looking for rentals and said well it's gonna take a few months for me and stepfather-in-law to find a place so we'll just move in with you for the time being absolutely not i told future husband i was not living in a house with mother-in-law controlling everything from the cooking to the decorating and not having any privacy for us to spend time together mother-in-law had already looked at rentals she liked and her husband has a great job so they literally had deposit first and last on hand and she suddenly has to move in with us before the slow season starts and no rentals will be available uh-uh nope he agreed because his spine basically spouted out of nowhere when she cussed him and me when we started looking at houses so he tells mother-in-law and what do we get tears yelling screaming again he's a horrible son and deceitful she was just gonna move far away and cut him out of her life she's just ready to die you know the whole nine yards she honestly probably would have gotten an oscar for that performance now because that's his mother and i couldn't check her myself even though i really wanted to i excused myself to his bedroom and took a nap two hours later and he reappears and says everything is fine now sweet relief right wrong the next day mother-in-law starts talking about where certain furniture will go and what color to paint the walls and i asked if she had found another place already and she goes oh i'm talking about future husband's house he said we could move in for a few months pump the brakes nope nope nope and she had this maniacal gleam in her eye because she knew from my reaction future husband didn't tell me that i turned around and future dear husband has this dead look on his face and i tell him i have to go back to my place so he drives me back since i didn't drive my car that day once we got to my place i told him again i will not be living in a house with that woman because you let her guilt trip you into it our relationship would not survive it if she was moving in i wasn't and my name would be removed from everything having to do with the house and home loan he tries to rationalize it by saying she's sick and whatnot and i point out hello she has a whole husband to take care of her i told him again our relationship our engagement wouldn't survive that so either he man up or i walk he was honestly startled and devastated when i said that me too and said he would fix it and help her find another place as long as it's not in our house or within a 25 miles radius i'm okay with that now on to the juicy part the meeting with future mother-in-law we caught her just before she was leaving to get some moving boxes uh no witch we sat down with her and future husband produced the purchase agreement and told her mom i made a mistake agreeing to let you move in with op and i it's not fair to opie and it's not the best way to start our marriage plus the way you run your house is the complete opposite of the way op and i do things when we're together i think it's in everyone's best interest if you just stay here or maybe find another house that you like mother-in-law so you're just gonna let this witch steal your house and control your life i knew this witch was no good and you you're trying to take my baby boy away from me i'm just gonna die how about that i'm going to move far away and die if you don't want me in your life then i don't want you in mine either future husband stands up and gets loud first of all opie is my fiancee not a witch and you won't talk to her that way me he's 32 not a baby future husband and if you cannot support me moving on with the love of my life then i don't need you in my life i refuse to deal with your toxicity anymore and i'll be cursed if i subject op to it as well and you ruin our marriage before it even starts y'all when i say his spine was blinding bright i mean i need to go to the eye doctor and get my eyes rechecked i didn't expect future husband to let loose like that but boy did it shut mother-in-law up she just blinked at him and said nothing then she started with the waterworks but oh no that didn't work on future husband he told her that he loved her but he thought it would be best if he moved his things over to my place for the time being and they go low contact while we strengthen our relationship he also said no more late night calls and if there was a real emergency than to call 9-1-1 and to have father-in-law and a doctor contact him she ranted and raved about how she wouldn't call him for anything and that she was glad that her adult son was finally moving out because she didn't want to live with him any longer than needed and it has been way too long already yeah okay lady we know you've been playing warden my husband is returning from a seven month deployment and mother-in-law wants to stay with us in our two-bedroom apartment with more extended family the night he comes home i had prepared for the obvious romantic evening champagne candles and other new sexy items i recently found out my mother-in-law has had other influence on my relationship with my husband pre-marriage comments concerns trying to set him up with another woman as well as her control over our wedding going so far as to even wear a white dress to it this causes me not to trust her but i do enjoy spending some time with them i love seeing my husband happy and we have a fairly good time they also do a lot for us but i feel like it contributes to their control over him anyways husband tells me mother-in-law will be coming to stay then adds his uncle then adds his aunt i get upset but offer to put them in a hotel and i will pay for everything my husband then adds his uncle has cancer and that oh such a burden for you i feel a lot of the hatred coming from my husband is stemming from his inability to make his own thoughts without mother-in-law's opinion fast forward to new year's day and my dem husband got the flu the rest of us had i had picked it up christmas day and was miserable but it passed fairly quickly my husband doesn't get sick often and when he does he thinks he's dying he's had uncontrollable diarrhea for days hasn't left bed supposedly losing his voice whatever i personally think he's being dramatic but i've been avoiding him because i have a newborn who i don't want to get sick in comes mother-in-law husband asked me if i would call her to take him to the emergency room because i refused to take all three kids to a german-fested place she starts freaking out and brings over meds husband is asleep in our room while i'm cooking dinner and caring for the baby who is crying i let her in and just tell her to leave the meds with me he's asleep and i'll give them to him when he wakes up she sneaks off when i'm not trying to burn our dinner up to our bedroom and wakes him up to give him his meds she goes into my kid's room and after a while i thought she had left she comes waltzing down like she thinks she's some messiah i'm annoyed she grabs baby and decides she's going to take out my trash whatever lady just leave was all i could think the next day she tells me she could tell husband wasn't being taken care of and she should have just made him come to her house so she could keep an eye on him he's 33 years old husband had soiled himself a lot and i refused to clean his underwear she came over took all of his dirty clothes so she could sanitize them and made it clear i'm a crappy wife like lady hell you not once did she ask if the baby was all right she just had to tell me my house wasn't clean enough and i needed to wait on my husband before my kids basically what is wrong with these women also we got the clothes back today apparently i had a pair of period underwear in the same basket as husband she folded my period underwear she was looking at me laughing for no reason today and now i know why stupid witch [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 94,202
Rating: 4.8931689 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, askguru, ask guru, reddit spineless husband, reddit moms boy, reddit mommy issues, reddit marriage, reddit marriage red flags, reddit mother in law, reddit mil, reddit cancelled marriage, reddit marriage annullment, reddit divorce, reddit mother in law ruins marriage
Id: qUszURqDV7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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