I made These wooden animals using only a Bandsaw!

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[Music] [Music] welcome back thank you so much for joining me in today's video today we're making wooden animals with the bandsaw let's get started so the idea to make these came when I saw this video right here on YouTube about 11 years ago it's a guy making one of these super quickly with the bandsaw would like a super thin narrow blade so I think the kind of video is just making these to show off his new band saw but what really intrigued me was how quickly he makes one of these so ever since I saw that video 11 years ago every time I've had a bandsaw in front of me and a bit of time to kill I've tried to make one of these this is the first one I made when we bought that little band so when we first moved into this job but as you can see from this little guy the proportions aren't always super easy to get right especially if you haven't made one in a while so to make that process much easier I made a couple of paper templates they can cut out and glue onto the wood and then you can just follow the line and cut out the animals like that so I got a template for a deer similar to the one in the video and I'm also made a squirrel and a little dog enough talk let's start making so all the templates are made to fit inside the standard 2x4 and all of the templates have the dimensions of the piece of wood that you need to start making this I use the table saw to cut my two before into the dimensions of the template but you can also use the bandsaw Flores so now that we have our pieces of wood cut we'll take our templates cut them out and then use some glue sticks to glue them onto the wood [Music] don't worry this is just normal blue stick I don't know why it's perfect [Music] we've got all three pieces of wood ready with the templates glued onto them and the next step will be to start cutting out two pieces I'm over here at the bandsaw that I'll be using to cut out the pieces I've got a six millimeter plate on here if you have multiple blades for a bandsaw put on the thinnest one that will make the job much easier so we're gonna start with the deer and we're gonna cut this side first we'll start by cutting away the pieces in between the legs and the horns first and that will make one long cut on each side of the deer that will make more sense in a minute so let's start cutting [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the first tide is cut and we now have this little guy looks great from the front not so much from the side okay the next step is to cut out the other side and a trick to making these animals it's the same for all three of them the important part is that from the first side we cut we need to save the two sides so now that we have our sides that fit against the deer we're now going to move some tape and tape the thing back together and now we have a block taped together and ready to be cut out on the other side on this side especially you don't need to worry about being able to follow the line precisely if you can't make all the small curves you can also cut a little bit outside the line and then go back and clean them up after just like I did on some of the harder areas on this side let's cut [Music] the other side is cut out and now to the almost magical part of this process and that is seeing how this suddenly can turn into this look at it isn't it just so cool that's the deer let's make a squirrel and for the squirrel we're again gonna cut the front side first oh and by the way keep watching until the end of the video I'll show you how to make all these figures even better [Music] [Applause] [Music] same two steps cut out the front tape it back together cut out the side and so far this is definitely much easier to cut out than the deer and this is our little squirrel right now however this little guy is not finished yet so right now he's still a little bit chubby and quite square and he has one big thingy in the front instead of two little paws so you might have noticed that on the template this squirrel doesn't sit flat like this but at an angle and that is on purpose because now that he's cut out we can set him flat down on a table and he will lean back enough so that we can cut his little arms without cutting into his nose so we're gonna set him on the table like this and then cut him some arms and also give him a little bit more of a squirrel like shape I made an illustration of what we wanted to look like right here [Music] and that's our little squirrel also quite easy to make the cuts are definitely a little bit simpler than with the deer and he's a little less fragile although there is another operation ok and last but not least let's do the little doggy so up next is our ll da go here exactly the same principles as with the art of animals the only thing different which also makes this a little bit harder is that the first I will cut is the front which will have to cut standing up so we'll need to cut down the tall end of this block but otherwise exactly the same say the two halves table back together and then cut the front [Music] okay so that's our little dog you cut on both sides I'll tip what this one is to cut out the waste first and then tape that one again so you holds together nicely wait what if this dog has a little bit weird ears there's a few more steps to this little guy first we're gonna start by flipping him upside down and then cutting away all the excess material that is stuck to his ears [Music] look at him now much better there's only one last thing that we need to deal with and that is his little neck thingy that he's got hanging on underneath here luckily that super easy to fix we'll just take a pair of pliers and break it off and that's it a little dog is finished now it did promise I'll show you how to make these look even better here let me show you you see with just a little bit of sanding and rounding over some edges and maybe defining some of the features you can make them look even more realistic so depend on how comfortable you are with the bandsaw you can also use it to round over some of the bigger areas on these animals just be really careful and make sure that you don't cut yourself I find a deer looks much better with a little bit of a rounded body and the scroll also needs some heavy rounding and giving the dog a little bit more of a pointy nose and a little bit of a waist also makes it look much more realistic okay so that will be first one guys I hope you liked it if you want to try and make these yourself I'll leave a link down in the description to where you can download these templates and if you do make one of these tabby on instagrams I can see what you're doing so let me know which one of these is your favorite in the comments down below as for now thank you so much for watching give this video a thumbs up if you liked it please consider subscribing if you like what I do and I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Alexandre Chappel
Views: 33,993
Rating: 4.9631987 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, wood, workshop, tools, tool, bandsaw, deer, dog, toy, making, maker, diy, do it yourself, howto, how to, squirrel, fun, educational, creative, gift idea, hobby
Id: vXgIuJAlTvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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