Three Dimensional Scrolling with Hans Meier

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and I guess I should say my name is Hans Meyer for those who don't know and I apologize I usually don't say that so tonight we're going to do three 2-minute we're going to do three dimensional three dimensional is the most fun to do how many people have done three dimensional and this is going to be a boring class okay okay three dimensional is cutting whatever you cut twice and there's only a couple rules you have to follow first we're going to make it eat we're going to do an easy one okay here's the Swan okay you getting in the camera okay there's a swan okay you can do any animal any person anything you want what you have to do is draw a one dimensional drawing on one side so as I T tell people or teach people when I'm out there you know as if people say I'm a circus barker okay this would be the Swan here is like you facing me and I'm drawing your front okay all you got to do then take that object rotate that object 90 degrees and take the other side one dimensional drawing okay you put you put one on one side of the wood one on the other and you cut it out this will become what I call true three dimension we're going to cut this out real quick hopefully if I'm doing three dimensional I like to do the thicker side first so I'll do the sick of that first now ask questions if I go fat I've done enough of these that I do them with my hands but if you don't feel comfortable you can use a clamp or you can make clams by taking a bolt and some wing nuts and and you put put them between them and you put this between but the only problem is this is probably cheaper than that wingnuts I've gotten very expensive boiling with bolts and but I'm saying so you can make your own to whatever you want and some people there's one I have and I don't know what I couldn't find it to bring it especially if when you do in chess sets and stuff you can put two pieces in at the same time but I always like to do the the thicker side first in this case it's it's pretty much the same but we're going to thin it down this is second and I know this is like paint waiting to dry but the Turner has been the same thing okay so now that's why I say I'd like to do I like to do the thins I like to do the thicker side first the thinner side is easier to cut in because it's I'm cutting it two ways I end up with more pieces so I have to hold less and it's easier to hold a flatter piece and it is a taller piece really what I want to do is I want to come in go around and come out I don't want it I don't want to just cut off the side because I've got to have the black hole I want the black hole when I'm done I want to stay inside your line because what I want to do is I want I want to kind of keep it intact because being that I've got to blade at 90 degrees and you know if everything said I don't want okay so now I've got to have to see that piece which fall out okay so I don't want to fall out so I use a special clamp on that it's called scotch tape does two things for me what it does it holds the piece in so I don't cut it off especially if I'm doing something that's really fancy and also what it does it lubricates the blade so now what I'm going to do is cut it again Oh now the other thing is nice about three-dimensional see now watch it okay can everybody see where the blade is see how it's deep in the feathers and somebody see we can't see it from the top okay so what I'm going to do is back the blade out a little bit then what I can do is drive the blade back in backwards got to give you a nice sharp point if you need nice sharp points that's what you can do this one's kind of easy here so I'm just going to I'm just going to cut now the nice part about doing three-dimensional is when you put glue and stuff on you don't have to you don't have to worry about putting tape on your wood or whatever this either do your spray or in my case I use rubber cement I don't care for glue and pregnant some wood because I think I'm going to throw that piece of way in because what I want is I want what's in the middle of this seeing these are the two pieces these are the pieces I throw away but that's but you can do anything like that now why I got one so here's just same thing same principle okay maybe easier to see okay everybody look at their chair this is their chair from the side that they're sitting in can you get that or do I need to rinse it down okay so that there that's better lay down okay you go okay and now this is it this is taking the chair from that one degree one angle now we rotate 90 degrees and see now we got 90 degrees that's the chair we see this particular one has a back in it and if we cut it this is what we did see this is this is basically looking at the chair from this way I'm doing that intentionally guys yeah okay then if I go like this that's the chair that way that's what came out of the middle of that block does everybody get that concept it's fun and you can do all kinds of stuff with it thank you mr. George okay here's my swarm okay now the other thing you can do is I had to make a make a presentation for somebody and so I'd give it to her so what I did if you will okay what I did is took letters okay I need to go to the board okay go this way so you guys know cefotetan okay this is my block of wood I really don't care how long it is to a certain degree okay but from this point to this point is going to be one of three courts because otherwise you get started getting pinching or whatever that's the that you're going to travel up and down so what I'm saying so so if you make yourself a block this is going to be we're going to make this side one we're going to make this side too that's that is basically this is side one okay and that side too if I was doing this project but we're going to do a fun thing I just did for a cut I just had had one of my rotary members became a judge he just got it he just got point to the judge so I said okay be kind of neat if I made one so what I did is I just and this probably won't be able to cut it from what I'm doing but what I did is I said okay if I do this and I can even spell up your baby hey it's a whole different ballgame when you're up here okay so on one side I created letters this using word or whatever an inmate is so it's a judge on one side and I said oh it would be kind of neat if on the other side I put his name so on the other side so what I'm just saying this is three-dimensional you got it this is you have to you know and you're connected I put them together okay so I put that on the other side now the only factor that I had to put into play was this factory the top of the tea in the top of the J that point right there in that point right there had to be exactly in the same position on one side of the block and on the other side of the block just like this is I can get rid of I'll show you how to do that well I was the top man because what happens is if I was over here you know he'd put the J down here and I had the other block and I had put the T up here okay I cut out two I cut out the T everything's good and cut everything on that side I turned my block over what happens is now I've got the G now now when I cut to J I'll cut the T up you see what I'm saying so long as you mix it tops the same and my favorite tool and I think a couple people followed me when I was at it at its tool show this is my favorite tool for that I like this tool because I can do this proper name for it what is it Imogene I don't know but it goes on it goes on a square but I'm saying I love because what this does is I able to put it on both sides draw a line and draw a line okay pass it around with a passing around there then see in fat past these two and they can see the process but anyway so anyway so I made this I made this form you don't have to worry about the bottom so much because what you can do is as long as you don't remember you're never going to cut across the bottom you don't want to cross the bottom because you want a base on it so what you can do is you can fake the bottom there's the two okay and here's here's two sets not the best pictures I apologize but that's that's what it looked like when it was done you got to take in consideration when you get to cut one your cutting both sides you're going to come out with some very different things the first is just no not the back side not the back side think about it assembles we'll go at this yeah because see see I'm cutting that I'm cutting that all the way through and I'm cutting this side all the way through see that this really here's like this it's at an angle it's like that block that's going around and that what that does is I can cut this one all the way through and then I cut that one all the way through like when I cut this one I leave it in pack I turn it and cut that out then what I'm doing is I take it apart but you can do anything you want now you can also do the same thing if you want it go in that direction you know I could have done this you know if they were together you know what I'm saying you know I could have done the same thing and then it would be a best thing I could roll lie times I'll do is I'll put first name last name and make a debt you know make a death set for somebody but I'm saying that's to wait and that's that's three-dimensional cutting but it's internal this is giving you a three-dimensional this would be this could be three-dimensional and yet you can also do it internally too but you can do three you can do the same thing if you stood it on the edge but step curiosity if you give via the judge on the front I guess and instead of having a firm square have a rectangle shape with whether it was a ton of kind of the side of the of the birds why don't you do one for us from next time and obviously for work I don't know yeah I don't think it'll work because what's going to happen when you cut the other side you're going to be cutting through and you're going to cut out you're going to cut off the judge it's got to be they gotta be 90 degrees I mean anybody it's got to be it's got to be at night it's got to be it's got to be a square block and going through look am I that I found that to be very very critical get that block exactly 90 degrees because it is not when you're trying to do something it doesn't line up they don't line up exactly on talent that have to be a vein so that's the way it did and if you'll notice on those pictures I want to say because the way I had it remember if you look at it the talent longer than the judge I make a letter bigger here because I'll drawn them but I think they II took out the a on the other side but if you look at on you can still see the a in talent you notice on that picture whoever got the picture so he's got talent if you look at talent you'll see you'll see that the II see how the e the II took it out but anyway it works like that when letters I mean you could do you could do it so image that but one side would be one but one side would be big in one side to be small it just needs to be squared it just needs to be flat I don't know see say if I'm at an angle and my find that this and I cut it I'm going to be cutting in on the other side I can't do a truck I don't think I can do a triangle I don't think you would work in a square rectangle I can do a rectangle because I can do you can do it I can do a rectangle too but you have to do the letters smaller on one side just yeah be smaller on this on the side that's thinner so anyway but anyway so that's that's that um this is one this was a new pattern I just got or not new new pattern so old pattern it's been sitting around remember I said I got to cut stuff I wanted to cut okay it's a guitar it was in them it was in the scroll song magazine okay this one's kind of interesting from this standpoint okay this one's kind of interesting from the standpoint of what it did it's almost like paint by number this is called 3d by number okay and we're going to see what the outcome is I didn't cut the last thing because one was to cut this hole out I drilled in this case what they're doing is not taking not cutting the piece out of the block so what they did is having me drill to drill three I want to say four was there five was here and six is here okay so we're going to cut six and see what happens so I cut one I cut two I was cut a line from here to there I cut three which was a line from there there but I didn't go outside the block so that way they really didn't have to tape it back together because it doesn't fall apart because I'm inside okay and so now we got one cut so then I came over here and cut four and I cut five and now I'm going to cut six and see what happens we're going to cut six and see what happens okay so I don't know what's going to happen but we're going to see I use my blade of choice which is a number five ultra reverse I hate the sand and when I'm doing three dimensionals like this I don't like the seen now it doesn't say which way to go but doesn't tell me which way to go but I'm going to go this way because I'd rather do the keys on the on the top of the guitar then have to do that last any questions while I'm saw it here I just have a hard time looking up but I can answer the question the 3d can be fun too these are kind of interesting what's up man that's another one I didn't even touch that that's a balsam there's a lot of patterns out there if you've never done a three-dimensional the first one you do you look at and say how in the world did that come out especially when you're doing something like one of these okay that's a seahorse on one side and you say ain't no way that's going to work so you put the picture of the seahorse on one side and you put a picture of the mermaid on the other side when you cut it out you you cut one side you tape it back together because you want that square block then you cut the other side out and then you take it apart like a puzzle and just like most of my students when they first do it you don't cut this off at the bottom you leave that because you need to stain and one thing I know you've heard me tell me a lot of times I used to cut all my banks exactly the same size I couldn't sell them worth a flip because everybody thought they were mass-produced now I make them as you can see any size my wood worked the basis now they look kind of say ooh they're handmade but anyway this is a this is a ain't this is that the candlestick maker and that's the angel and this is the then this is the normal one this is a mouse and the cat it's best if you can use some kind of softer wood I'm not saying you can't make it out of hardwood but you just got who never night instead of cut in three-quarters of nature cutting an ancient 3/4 so it's a lot thicker but this is going to be interesting to see what happened he's estranged because I don't understand what's gonna happen that's the one thing about three-dimensional it's hard to see sometimes what the outcome is going to be I meant they were in scores on magazine I hadn't loved the long time to deliver didn't and I finally got founded and I said okay this is my time to do stuff I want me to do now we'll see what happened okay oh no no no it wouldn't be any different wouldn't make any difference oh because I'm cutting I'm cutting all the way around it's going to pop out anyway yeah no but what I'm just saying if I had taped it down it still would have come out I don't know what there's the guitar and these are my scraps sometimes sometimes the scrap sometimes end up a little bit but I'll pass that around and everybody can see and here's the guitar and what we did but anyway that so that's that that's making what I'm going to call true 3d and I say true three true three-dimensional is because you're taking a single object and you're make doing the front of it and then 90 degrees and doing the other side like that's a guitar for three-dimensional you got one side you got the other the chair that George had true three-dimensional because you got the side and seat and whatever now the part that's fun then you can have some a good time with and I'm not going to cut any but are these because you can do you can do anything okay here's a fish okay there's a book that has a lot of these in it don't know the name of right now I apologize but it's not there okay so that's a fish on that side okay that's a mermaid right you've all wrong because it's a rabbit see the rabbit on the end but we'll pass that one around but I'm saying the part about these I call these 3d two and one and you can have and you can have fun with these is is what you've got is here's a football player what football player look sorry okay maybe I do it this way well yeah go to vote for one time no don't worry about it there see that's a football player I know it's let's do it this way maybe okay there's a football player okay now if you have a football player and have football players the quarterback who's the next person you need I could have done the other side of the football player not a head total three-dimensional with that quarterback okay but instead I got the receiver so you can have some fun things you can make for gifts and that type stuff that are very unique here's tennis player okay well that's overhead there's ground stroke so you can make some interesting one so this is what I call 3d two-in-one this is what everybody normally doesn't get but we're going to do it this way first okay there are a lot of them everybody has them there's probably one there's at least one within a couple blocks of your house firemen with their hose his hand so you can play around and so there they're a lot of fun to do and then I'll do one last one since I heard today is what ten months till election so what I tell people's they take this and they can put on a lazy susan and spin it but anyway so that's those for you to look at okay now you can do this is this camera working better than that one right now so this these are these are these ornaments you can make for Christmas I know it's not Christmas but these are three totally three-dimensional so what I'm saying is what you add on one what I had on one side I had the same thing on the other side and when I cut it it made made these these shapes okay then you can do the same thing and you see me make birdhouses okay so there's the birdhouses okay I mean there's umpteen patternnow me in my case if you look that's a three-dimensional bird okay now and here's here's a here's a stand up version of that you don't have you can't get from your side okay but anyway but anyways so I like to make birds and so and I found out birds birds made out of that kind of would really work well even though if I do a dark if I do a light bird house and I make them out of that I'll sell out sell them three two one using that colored wood now these two birds are made out of the same wood except turn the opposite direction it's kind of hard to see that way out there okay but anyway so but people don't like sawing these for this reason there's the blank okay okay that's one side this is two birds and there's the other side okay that's looking at the bird basically from the underside up or the top down I'm seeing his feathers out okay so what we're going to do and you get used to doing these probably don't have to do this but I like to be I like the smallest piece of wood I have who cut he makes a lot easier I took off the I took off the end okay is that yours bees see I took off I just took off that side because then I don't have to cut it now in this case I always do this side first and in my case not George's not stewards lines are suggested travel you know if I'm kind of out no big deal if I want to big make a bigger tail because all the birds are a little bit different so so we're going to start this one here and I start in just like my other things I want to stay within the block because if I stay within the block it's easier to keep the block together for doing it now you can use the clamp if you're not comfortable with what I'm doing here drives people crazy sometimes okay so there so there is cut one way okay okay but that goes back in there so I'm going to have to use piece of tape and I'll put it over there I really don't care where the tape is I'm just this is tape I usually just use regular three-quarter inch tape okay so now what I'm gonna do is cut the other side now if you'll notice on this one it has a round circle down there what's you take the round circles for fits on the fits on fits on a canvas where they are score bamboo skewers is what I use for making the bacon to think if you look at them of course I don't have one here I've got one in the box but if I do my blanks what I do is I have a square blank what I do is I get my square blanks it might make my blank then what I do is I make my birdhouses paste them on bloom on however then and I remember I just glued both ways like in this case this house is different is not totally symmetrical its square in the front its back like this and that house is see this is this side okay and that's that side that makes it look I'm sorry your honor okay that make sense okay but then what I do is then take it to the drill press I take it to the drill press and I drill this hole which is the size of my bamboo skewers you can go to the go to any place and get a whole bundle of them for a couple bucks and then what I do is I take the skewer put a little like glue I've have some glue on a glue on a piece of plastic put a piece of glue on it stick the scoober in there it's nice and long and then I take scissors like this and have a little notch in them and I just cut them off where I want him I used to I used to go and cut a hundred purchase this big it drove me nuts now I just put the big one in take it where I want it and cut it off and it's done and if you use Eileen's glue I stick the bird on there this they they stay they don't move and you know what to clamp them you don't have to do anything so they work fine but anyway so that's how I make my blanks and you can make them any size you want of course these are miniatures so what's this what does this cause me to do I've got to make birds that are half the size of that so anyway so anyway now in the bird what we want to do okay I want to that's a perch so what that does is gives me a gives me a rocking point where I can put it on that screw or it'll stay real easy so I can put a dab of glue on that and stick it on that perch to estates so usually I start on the tail because then it's iced if I start on the tail I come around and come out the other side and I'm just going to come up here okay okay so that's my bird so when I push it out okay I have three birds okay I have two birds which I give to my friend mr. Rob and he takes him who puts him on his birdhouses because he he doesn't care about I like totally three-dimensional birds but they're easy to cut they're fun to cut I've even had some Turner's come to me and asked me if I could cut some birds for them for their they make these nice beautiful bird houses that they turn on the lathe and then they go try to go to Hobby Lobby or some place to get some birds so I've given them some birds you know anyway there's one to pass the room I mean everybody's done that having raised your hand if you've done birds I mean probably half of you guys people in here Gladwell okay now the other one is what I gave what I gave out tonight I gave a hair bow out I pre pre-prep this one a little bit so it's not a matter of fact I think I pre-prep Tishman even more okay this is the this is the one side of a bow remember I've made these the size of my finger and I've made them as bowties okay and all you got to do is take the fixture off of one of those 19 bow ties and they work really well just put two hooks on and they work really well for people you know just gives unique thing but anyway this is the one side that's the other side okay and it's got two holes in it so you drill two holes you cut those out in this case then I cut those out then I cut this and then I cut this and then I take my block together because what's interesting people once they see it don't understand in this case I like to start over here and my board you told me yet this particular patty along with the road hassles are out of scrollsaw magazine that's where the patterns are in this ball pattern they've made different ones there's three or four different patterns out there some people even can use to to make package and pose for the cactuses remember I said the lines are suggestive suggesting travel okay now so I take this out okay that usually gets thrown away okay this side might better down here guys so both of you can get money cameras on both sides that's why don't you go where you were okay this one I usually I used to throw all this stuff used to throw this stuff away but now I keep these I give these out to the little girls and stuff you can put magnets on the back of them and you can make locker magnets or whatever so here's this piece he's got the camera there so this piece this piece gets thrown away and then there's my three-dimensional boat and you've got just enough recurve in it like that because it fits a barrette perfectly with that curve like that this is one of the books I have out there this is one of the books they have out there it's on the shelf that there's another book there is another book which is which has some of these patterns what got me started into that I looked at the first pattern on the first page when I got the book and I said no way it's going to show up like that uh-huh how can it show they showed this picture in the front it ain't gonna come out like that with that pattern cut it out it will blow your mind the first time you start doing 3d 3d twos and ones okay but this one has a couple this one this one's kind of fun the mailbox that's the Swan I just did there's a common Tula that's a that's a common one that everybody does mailbox is always fun but once you get the concept err that's basically test one there's a butterfly there's a swan there's a Christmas tree there's cherries there's a set of golf clubs but that's the same same see there's a little intricate let's see that's on one side and that's on the other side until you do it it's hard to get your head around it but if you haven't done it go try it and you don't have to get a book you can just go get something off Google and Google and put it on one side and make sure it fits within the diameters you love the thickness and you can put it on there and like I said just make sure the tops of your pattern whatever you do line up and you can do anything you want I mean it can be anything you want okay then this was the book that we had um at the last meeting that they ran out they wanted some more this is the one if you haven't done scroll sawing and if you're new to scroll sawing this book allows you to and I'm not going to take it up there this allows you to do it talks about blades it talks about saws it talks about what type of blades to use and that type stuff and then what it does this to me I'm taking this over I said it wasn't what I'm going to do this to me for some people when you scroll saw you say I can't do those cuts I'm having a hard time doing those cuts I'm in a hard time doing those cuts make you a couple copies of something like that okay and before you work on that project that you've got that special wood for in whatever that pattern for take that and put that on a piece of scrap and cut it I say that's like a football player a baseball player basketball player this is the warmup this gives you the ability to warm up to get those get those curves and get your hands moving with the speed of the saw and that type stuff get your mind set in there after you do it a while you don't but I'm just saying when you're first starting out this will make more difference than you think because this this right here can make just about any cut then you can is there and can be used on anything you scroll some but in the thing I like about this book it starts that's pattern that's exit what I'm sorry let's screw it up that's that's exercise one there's exercise too okay what it does it takes you through everything it can be done on a scroll saw exercise by exercise by exercise then you can start at the front he it's like this it's a building block and then you can say I don't like doing that stuff I'm not going to do in my case I can do it I think but I would stay away from intarsia that's not my thing I think I could do it George says I think I can do it when I've done some but it's not something I do all the time Rob does a lot of fret work he does a lot of portraits and that stuff he doesn't like three-dimensional he hates cut in three dimension now he'll do so but he would much rather do as he did birdhouses like this then birdhouses like that he'd much rather do a two two-dimensional intarsia piece versus that but this will take you through it does that Lake said it does the it does the an easy one there's a fish there's one now we got to do inside cuts okay now we've got to tape something down and do it doing something in there here's what we're doing stacked cutting shows you how to do stack cutting here's another stack cut why do you stack cut this is fish all of them are good but the one thing that helps if you stack cut and you do like let's just say you're using quarter-inch material if you put four pieces of quarter-inch together what do you have in each if you put three you got 3/4 it gives you resistance and it's much easier to cut than trying to cut one piece of quarter-inch so it's really faster to cut four at a time than it is one at a time unless you're doing something just like you're doing portraits you do the same thing it's much easier for that resistance but then see it takes you through you do some more here's now that you say well what's this this exercise is is doing what I'm calling cork in a bottle it's allowing you to tilt your blade and you've got you end up pushing stuff through because the next pattern I think oh yeah this pattern is here because what you're making is a basket which is right here and you had to tilt your blade the thickness of the blade the thickness of the wood and the tilt of the table allows you to do this basket and if it's done right the basket only goes 3/4 of the way up and sticks if you if you do too much angle it's like an inner spring mattress but when the same but this is a good book for those type things any general questions ok I think we got it we got it we got a few minutes left right in that right bomb we got a couple minutes ok this is these were questions I left over from Oh two more things I put a said this last time I put this up in my shop or in my in my booth at the show up down cameras or side cam I'll get out them do it this way I'm here ok when you buy something from a woodworker you're buying more than an object you're buying hundreds of hours of airs and experimentation you're buying years of frustration logs of pure joy you're not not buying just one thing you're buying a piece of a heart a small piece of someone else's like the last four or five shows after I found this I started hanging this in in my booth never had one person mention anything about pricing of my product not one word they read that and whatever I had on that they bought there was none of this bickering tactic well can I get you know there was no bedroom that mean he you know so that was kind of interesting well last month we did we did the questions and answers I had some left over so let's see if we can do some more oh let's call luck of the draw cutting 3d pieces how can I hold the pieces together for the second cut I can use tape or if you're cutting a lot of them you can use a claim okay get some good blades once you find the blades you like then use them I like 98% of time I use the flying dutchman ultraverse number five main reasons it cuts anything from quarter-inch to my inch and 3/4 okay it cuts hardwood cut softwood in my main purpose that I like on it it I hate to sand and I don't have to say in an ultra reverse versus reverse blades altered verts in this case every fourth three are down ones up three is down one up what that does is that polishes the would effectively okay what do I do to make my project move better on my table okay you can wax your table you I just use floor wax now sandwich yeah huh if you got a new table to do on the other say yeah if you got a new table but once your table has been in use in this gets patina I'm not going to see in mine unless I got some rust and I I try to stay away from that but what I'm saying there are some people that say you can't use wax it'll ruin the finish of your things I haven't had a problem yet in what what you're doing is basically when I'm finished in my shop at night I say hmm it's getting a little bit you know not smooth as I like it I will put I will put wax on it then the next time I come down in my shop I will I will wipe it off and polish it off you be a surprise remember to cut you need the type of wood the blade speed the blade and you've got to let the wood cut and so if you're not getting friction from the table then you can easily move the wood around to cut doesn't work that'll work I use Ben I use Johnson Johnson floor wax is what I use okay we've got one more of these I can comment on don't grow you old a you know in my shop I have the skewers that I'm using of the skewers that I bought one of the skewers I've taken a piece of I've taken a magic marker and ran it across the the middle of the school and it's sitting by my drill thing even though I know I've taken my drill nobody else does this I don't think I've taken I've got a drill that's in my drill thing I put a piece of blue blue blue tape on it and it says bird household you know and so it's there but I'm saying so once I cut the first one I check to see if my skewer fits and if it fits fine I'm good I was falling plans every 1/8 inch hole and I walk over and get my steward it doesn't work that way um any any questions any additional custom yeah you go that's 11 speed speed is depending on what you can handle and what I'm going to say from that standpoint if I'm nudists if I was a beginner scroll saw I probably would not use speed number one let's say say in this case we got it one to ten okay if I was a beginner do not use number one do not use number two these are the slower speeds do not use number three do not use number four maybe five six or seven because it'd be honest where you as a beginner trying to use two and three you say okay it's slow of easier just keep the peace this keeps walking Mountain blades not going fast enough it keeps catching it okay so you want to use a little bit faster but if you get too fast then it gets ahead of you you need to just get it so you can when you turn when you've got a piece of wood and you've got it in the machine this is one see when you're going to be constantly holding them and I don't think you need to go that slow as a beginner so I'm saying here then you can still follow it even that may be a little bit too slow for me but I'm saying for you as long as you can follow the pattern remember you're letting the wood cut you're letting the wood letting the blade cut the wood see because what you want to do is when I get done here boy this is for me see I have two over there if I'm letting the one blade cut the wood then this will have yeah that piece will just come out because I've cut straight 90 degrees now George and I we've wished it ran about twice that because once you did it it's so much easier so what I'm saying I would say if you're beginner get in that get in that five to seven ring you know now if I'm cutting quarry and tile or if I'm cutting Plexiglas I cut six or seven why to keep the heat down otherwise I cut it it looks great I try to get get it apart and it doesn't go part because it glued back together because of the heat so thanks you
Channel: Gwinnett Woodworkers
Views: 245,510
Rating: 4.8294911 out of 5
Keywords: gwinnett woodworkers association, gwinnett woodworkers, gwa, woodworking, woodworking clubs, woodworking projects, woodworking classes, scroll saw
Id: Io1PJ31efjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2016
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