I made the softest Sonic on YouTube

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hey folks my name is Adam and I like to make tiny nerdy things and there's a new electric blue Hedgehog game coming out soon so I thought this would be a great opportunity to make a little Sonic sculpture of my own [Music] no I wasn't really sure which version of Sonic I wanted to make since I'm a sucker for views and the movie version feels like free real estate but I also just really like the Simplicity of the original design for artistic reasons of course not because I'm a lazy artist who just wants to do the bare minimum amount of work now this mental back and forth flip-flopping is a recurring theme throughout this video but I think it's a good win-win to how I actually like to plan for a project ahead of time or more specifically how little I actually think these things through for instance I thought maybe it would be a good idea to run some wires through the body in case I wanted to connect some lights somewhere along the way spoiler alert though I uh I never did I did however notice this little albino looking Sonic fell on my clay packaging that took me down a very different path I also figured that YouTube is inundated with copious amounts of incredibly awesome movie versions of Sonics that are full of lights and lightning and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone really wants to see me make a subpar version of somebody else's already awesome work so I scrapped the lightning quills and led eyes and decided to try something a little different of course before we can get to that something a little bit different I need to actually make myself a Sonic which brings us to the present which is me making a little body with long noodling arms and legs now once I've got those noodles smoothed and blended into the OG Naruto run pose I can stick a little tail onto the butt area and then mount it on a block of wood so that I can get to work adding the finer details starting with his little red running shoes [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] at this point I think I've crammed as much detail into his shoes as I'm gonna get so I think it's time to make some gloves as I mentioned before it's a little acknowledged fact that what the internet obsessively caused the Naruto run maybe ought to be called the Sonic Sprint since Sonic was doing the arms back head forward power run a full year before Naruto even hit the scene now none of this is really relevant to how I make my gloves but I was radio silent for almost a minute while I made Sonic shoes and sometimes I worry that if I'm not talking my heart might stop also someone left a comment on one of my older videos asking me why I talked through the entire process and I think it's because while some artists like to let their work speak for itself if I do that there's every possibility that my work which is Babel incoherently while drooling on itself so I like to give it a little conversational help along the way to that end I finished making my pair of oversized gloved Hedgehog fists and I could slip them onto the tip of my long noodly arms blend them in and then add the folded wrist sleeve things otherwise that Sonic's lower half all but finished and I can get to work making his head I'll start with a ball of clay then slowly build up the cheeks and eye ridges trying my damndest to say some somewhat character accurate Sonic is very much one of those characters that can quickly dip into The Uncanny Valley if you deviate too far from the correct proportions and if there's one thing that encapsulates that patented north of the Border jankiness it's wonky proportions so I'm really trying to make sure everything looks well not just good but good enough once I've got the overall shape sorted out I can start to grumpy up his eyebrows and add some deeper furrows in his brow normally I wouldn't give Sonic such overly exaggerated wrinkles but when I add the fur later it'll fill in all the furrows so I'm hoping that by going a bit Ott with them now they should look better in the finished third face then I can give him a cheeky little smile add a bit of a corner wrinkle and stick his ears in place this was actually the first of probably three or four attempts at the ears over the course of sculpting Sonic since they never really seemed to sit quite right and I think that's because I kept adding them too far back on his head whereas his actual ears sit pretty far forward and angled downwards then I can poke a divot for his future snoot before giving him a nice alcohol-based bath this removes any of the fingerprints and helps to smooth the surface then it's finally time to add his um his quills or hair or tentacles or I don't know whatever the fleshy blue protuberance is at the back of his head are [Music] thank you now to make adding the fur easier I'm going to completely finish his body and his head separately and then attach them back together at the end however I want to make sure that it's as seamless as possible so once his head spikes are in place I'll temporarily attach his head to his body so that I can line up the spiky dealies on his back now once I've got them stuck in place and temporarily affixed I can do what Dr Eggman never could and decapitate Sonic this will let me smooth the rest of his spikes and bake his head and body separately before moving on to the painting most of his body is going to be covered in fur but I want to lay down a base coat with the correct color so that any spots Where the Fur hasn't stuck properly won't be quite as noticeable or if they are noticeable then I could say that I was going for a more authentic battle scarred Sonic look and that was always my intention of course his eyes aren't going to be covered in fur so I want to take a few extra minutes to make sure they look correct then I can coat them in a layer of UV resin before moving on to painting his gloves and boots I'll give everything a base coat of white then dirty up that white by giving it a gray wash followed by a heavy dry brushing of more white to create a little contrast and shading then I'll paint the shoes a nice shiny red and I can mask off his eyes using a little sticky tack finally with the eyes masked off and everything painted I'm ready to add the fur now this is the same method using the same magic machine that I used to make my real life Pikachu a few weeks ago that thing turned out pretty neat and I had all this blue flock just begging to be used so I thought why not try to make it with Sonic what I don't have though is the off-white flock that goes around his chin and belly so I'm gonna have to try and make some of my own now if I wanted to mix up the color I was after using paint I just mix brown and yellow with a bunch of white and because the fibers of this flock are so fine I can pretty much mix any colors I want together in the same way to get very similar results so starting with a little yellow a little brown and a whole bunch of white I'm left with this perfect shade of Light Beige wow now if there's one thing I learned from last time it's that this gets everywhere so I built myself a high tech collection unit using an old cardboard box I'll use a bit of window screen to help sieve out the clumpy bits of my grass making sure to get a big enough Pile in the center of the static box and just so you can appreciate how important the cardboard box is I'll stick a little black sheet at the back so you can see the yellow fibers doing their thing then it's just in case of painting some PVA glue onto Sonic's face where I want the fur to stick turning on the box and watching the magic happen oh and maybe watch your fingers otherwise the static box charges the flock causing it to stand on end giving Sonic a pretty convincing five o'clock shadow any of the loose fibers can be brushed off then I can paint his belly with glue and repeat the process for his body foreign chest hair I can clean up the yellow fibers add some blue and then give Sonic a proper coat of fur [Music] once the glue is dried I can pull the tanning goggles off Sonic's eyes and clean up the light colored bits using my airbrush I haven't quite mastered this fur technique and I'm not sure how to keep the darker fibers from getting tangled in the lighter fibers since there's no way to mask It Off otherwise the only thing left to do is glute Sonic's little black nose in place and attach his head to his body with that though Sonic is looking pretty good so all that's left to do is build him a base we'll start by cutting out a small section of foam then carefully applying some texture then I can give it a nice dirty brown base coat now I've used blue static grass for Sonic's fur so I figured some nice green static grass for the grass would make a nice contrast foreign with a nice thick layer of short three millimeter grass before applying another layer of longer six millimeter which will leave me with a nice varied grassy base then I can scrape away a little section for Sonic's foot drop a dollop of hot glue down then stick them in place finally once I've pressed the grass around his foot we're all finished here and onto the Glamor Shots [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you to my wonderful patrons and a special shout out to my newest patrons bubble Beluga bloody wild witch Ollie bear Meister William Fowler pirate Angel Baby Mara Yasmin Matthews Talon Richards Jackie VT Amy Hales Anna Gible monster johnmen927 Jeremy e gets spooky pen stiffed David Ingram Paula barcellos of the big stergeski Ashley Bauer Tiffany wood Mr Lee J hand Lord of cats Robert Menke Ana cavan renese and demonic cat you are the tiny blue fibers that now coat the inside of my lungs as always if you subscribe to like then be sure to video the notification and as always comment on that smash otherwise we'll um see you next time cheers [Music] foreign
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 2,213,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made the softest Sonic on YouTube, sonic the hedgehog, sonic movie, sonic boom, sonic adventure 2, sonic movie 2, sonic frontiers, ps5, switch, xbox, nintendo, sculpting sonic, sonic sculpture, clay sculpute, static grass, sculpting fur, how to add fur to a sculpture, realistic, north of the border
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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