I Made my Girlfriend Re-Design Smash Bros

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three all right I F oh what the this is my girlfriend Nicole today she will cause chaos oh what did I do presented to her is a tier list with the 89 Smash Bros characters we'll show rank them as to how good she thinks they are based pretty much entirely off look she's played the game like twice before ever without looking at it I sent my modders Nicole's tier list where they adjust to the characters based off what she said and where she ranked them me and my pal EDM are going to play these characters for the the first time and guess where Nicole put them on the tier list and whoever is most accurate by the end wins you can tell by the first game that this was not going to be easy I know a little bit about the meta I know Yoshi is her favorite Nintendo character no we'll see what we're working with here oh wait Yoshi is so much slower why oh my gosh okay okay she thinks Yoshi is not that good clearly Yoshi I love Yoshi however Nick said in the new Mario game that he's like the beginner person and you don't die as Yoshi she so that just gives me like he's not that great even though I love him so I guess we're going to put him here he's going to go with D I can't do an aeriel I I can't do an aeriel wait you can't no way you can't do moves dude no dude this just ass bro Nicole hated banjo I'm so curious what did she say who the hell is Banjo and Kazooie is that a talking bear and parrot oh it's not a bear oh it is a bear D I'm going to time you out I honestly won't be able to do anything I cannot catch up to you oh wait oh wait you can't recover what what is it what happened you're getting timed out brother no please oh let's go n what did you do I thought you liked Yoshi what is this what did you do to him I thought he was your friend so I guess we're going to put him here he's going to go with d unfortunately but we're going to trick Nick cuz he's not going to think I'm I'm going to put it up there dude you deserve all of this I do blame Nicole though it's her fault dude other Nick you are evil I hope you watch this and see what you created well that's 7 minutes of my life I'll never getting back I have decided to kill myself let's no all right here I'm going to screen share with you you got to tell me where you think Yoshi and banjo are going to love definitely banjo's F tier she hated banjo there's no other way she put him anywhere but F and Yoshi I'm putting in I'm going to give a d yeah that's what I was thinking too we're just going to have the same tier list uh next you are going to go weit my friend let get a good stretch and uh who will you be playing this fine evening gentlemen I will be playing daisy oh you son of a [ __ ] you with your Daisy drip all around her talking about Daisy you watch your Daisy videos and you're like um uh can you make a teer list and then you pick Daisy oh my God no listen bro if anything she did she put Yoshi in like the bottom tier so it's like she clearly doesn't give a about how much we like these characters wait what the we look at this look at his ass dude the dump the dumpy what oh bro does it feel good to have a character again I have no recovery wait really I cannot hit the a I can only hit the B button why do you do this to me well okay I'll tell you this I can't float she took away my float oh oh boohoo oh I can't float are you kidding me no bro try to up be bro the last thing you ever did can you forward smash you have no smash attacks oh wa the booty bro what did she say Nicole what are you talking about what are you talk like I have to know what is going on inside head why is the we fit trainer on Smash what is she going to fight you with her downward dog I'm so confused all right but that's going to be e I'm guessing she saw we fit and she's like what the is this character doing hero he doesn't fight this is awesome though this is I'm having fun personally I'm personally what the skill issue oh I'm also a little annoyed she did she did Daisy dirty I thought I thought she would hype her up oh Daisy see Nick's going to hate me for this but I don't think he plays as Daisy and smash so maybe he may not come after me for this um I think I have to put her at C we do love Daisy I mean I put Yoshi at D we're we're thinking practically here oh what the I dude come on I can't even pop editor don't include that pop off that was I was like beating up child bro all right Daisy is like doesn't have float but is a Godlike character so I'm put daisy like a tier we fit I'm going to put like uh I want to say C tier clearly she hated weit which I respect weit was worse than yeah F tier the worse than Yoshi Daisy Daisy taking away her float doesn't kill her she here she's nothing she's like a midle mid ass character mid ass character that's all we get okay I'll let you choose this time since I am such a kind content creator maybe she's like like a like a Legend of Zelda fan maybe I'm picking I'm picking the link she I think the opposite of you I'm thinking she saw a little little child she's well I no here's the thing I thought maybe your girl played like a a Zelda game and was like link is powerful bro you could be right that's the thing we do not know oh my gosh you're fast you are moving's a gamer bro tun link oh ton link I don't know what it is he's an S tier he's just so cool bro what percent was I at bro okay she's a big fan of the tunink bro what could she have thought that made this character so good my brother played as him we're gaming that sound far as hell yeah that sound far as that kill okay dude that's crazy interesting interesting sure a he's cool I feel like he's better than regular pit I mean why would they make an emo pit you know if they were just a regular one I feel like the emo is better no please yeah oh no I might be dead what the oh my God that is% bro oh he wants to kill me that's so dud I'm sorry this character's corash wait okay he's kind of okay I'm I'm muting you on Discord on Discord I'm muting you as well stupidly strong tun like I'm going to put an S you can't have that back throw and not be SED darkpit I think was solid P tier nothing I don't I think they made him like slightly stronger but like not much he wasn't that crazy that he's 18 either nothing was stood out to me he's B tier that was crazy oh my God this character is without a doubt s tier this character is great I'd say dark pit I would put it like maybe B tier actually you know what I'm going to put dark pit at a and Daisy at be cuz there's no float just go DK bro you know what just go DK just go DK oh DK yo I know bro look look at that profile picture how can I not give him the DK all right let's just ball okay did you did that cancel I don't I don't know uh you're still Steve so w oh look at that jump monkey movement oh my gosh he okay awesome I think I can cancel oh I'm scared mom pick me up I just got to do it this is for all the dks who are buling oh my God oh my God this is this is this is therapeutic oh my God what is this she bro she's okay good take I'll take it I'll take it I respect it Donkey Kong he's just s tier that's just where he goes bro just end me just end it just do it oh my gosh is not fair I want to have fun oh dude can I combo off of jab let's find out wait can he could he always craw uh yes he could I think wait no I don't think he could could he I is this new dude I know very little about Steve no he could he could not addit or fact check that this is new this has to be a new [Music] animation [Music] dude that's crazy that's crazy anyway oh my God it did work let's go dude that's for every Steve that has just beaten the out of me is do I needed that she does not pay attention to me I always be like babe yo [ __ ] Steve want another tournament babe can you believe this [ __ ] and she makes some War doing Nicole come on oh my God Steve from Minecraft I think I was told that he was in like one of the finals at smashcon or else I'm literally making up if you are playing as Steve from Minecraft you just have it figured out I feel like you have played all these people and you've been like let me be the most annoying person truthfully he be down here he be inde D he felt slower but he didn't feel bad so I put I put C tier next to Daisy DK was stupid dumb why I wish I got DK bro he's so lucky he has a DK profile picture Donkey Kong without a doubt s tier a tier for Steve it's not s tier but it's still Steve so I think that's a tier all right we're going to have a brawl off dude snake braw Vette all right I what the all right she has a clear opinion on DDD DDD I feel like when I've seen him I think he has like a giant hammer um yeah he's going to have a f day with this dude let's go oh w Wait okay I like that I like that he looks just so stupid dude look at this oh that felt strong dude that snake that that might just be no dude that's not dude that's crap you think so you think so damn it damn it I jumped okay crazy that should not be killing at that percent oh snake I've heard of snake before I feel like snake's pretty cool uh he probably has some fighting skills let's put him up here mean no one's Nam snake and not talented right dude snake is cracked oh he says with the hammer the size of a small country please I'm going be dead uh I think that's just kind of a skill issue oh oh I'm crazy oh my bro look at that bro that a size of like 10 characters Nicole being smash is a bad thing I just want you to know this for future reference I tier right next to these bozos the thing about snake he was a lot stronger the thing is I didn't get to see anything because I could never get in that hammer was too big I'm just going to put him in a he definitely wasn't the level of these guys yeah yeah a I think snake got buffed so snake is a tier but holy moly DDD is s tier that's crazy all right big man who do you want Kirby or Simon I believe in the Kirby the BBY okay that's a very Wise Choice girl listen it's a stereotype I feel like a lot of girls like playing as kirvy the jumping the down be right after that's a broken strategy also like Ultra Mega Giga Chad Simon you know probably going to be pretty good oh he looks faster oh boy oh wait w w baby oh is this what power feels like oh yeah I have no no dude I have no Aerials I have no Aerials I only can suck you I literally can just suck that's it let's go Nicole so Kirby Kirby I've heard like mixed reviews on I love Kirby my friend said you play as Kirby when you've never played smash before but I also know that Vernie is like Kirby and I don't want to diss him if you know how to use Kirby then he's good if you don't you just swallow people and it's a fun time so I feel like he's up here no she does not know the Kirby lore I love that I love that that's no I love let's go dude that's way more broken than DDD who else who looks cool oh Simon who's Simon he was like a viking Thor sure s tier I like Thor dude this is cruel oh this is hype bro oh I did damage oh let's go wait is that the only move you have yeah does it work is yours a dude no does mine even do damage hold on let you know what I'll let I'll let you I'll let you hit it I'm curious oh also oh we're playing this game whoever lands at first wins dude you there [ __ ] no finally thank you Nico I had a feeling I was like I'm not choosing Kirby here I ain't choosing Kirby I I was hoping EDM would and he did cuz he's trash and he belongs in F tier Simon will put in that axe was stupid he had way better jumps but it was only in the axe I'm going to put a eight tier cuz these three were like ridiculous no these these two were more ridiculous than these three I'm thinking I'm confused like The Meta has shifted now that I know these other characters exist I think is e TI and he's at no okay okay all right well we have a lot of s tiers we have a lot of s tiers all right I'm probably going to put Kirby in like uh I don't know C tier all I'm going to put Kirby in D tier cuz Kirby can do nothing but suck Simon in s tier because of the air Mobility the insta kill neutral be and um yeah I kind of want to choose here but I'll let you CH I'll let you choose I don't even want to know the other one I want you to choose I trust you okay she's going to okay you go you go little Mech now who do you get I I'm I love little Mach but I feel like she's going to think this character is good oh you she's going to think this character is a beast bro I thought you were going to say like Isabelle you you gave it to me no Little Mac the thing is he might be really good too cuz he's a boxer and she sees that uh what dude what is that did you what are you talking about I have no idea what this thing is ridly is it an elephant all right we're putting it there at C cuz I'm intrigued oh uh we killed us uh editor [Music] editor oh let's go go gosh how bro he's at 160 what is she I'm just so curious what she said about Ridley though like to the like what the hell she like looks like an elephant is it an elephant I'm trying to hit you with an aerial I want to see if the Aerials are good I don't think you'll find out big guy back here oh he he found out also there's a little mac this also says there must be a Big Mac I can't find a Big Mac maybe he ate Big Mac Lil Mac let's put him up here I don't know your name's Lil Mac you just deserve to be up there I'm kind of scared though it's Lil Mac you never know oh but it is at the end of the day it's still Little Mac baby it's still a little mac baby how do you not die oh no oh he's so ugly though he's a little ugly Nicole's funny bro she's a funny lady what did she even say what Tom fooler is she talking about she made rley B tier though I'm guessing or C tier C tier again nothing crazy not not that good little ma she made better so going from F to like C is an improvement for him yeah I think c c tier for for Little M although Ridley wasn't wasn't that good either he's a he's kind of worse than he is and he just looks like an elephant I'll put him in D tier I'll put him in I would say Little Mac is correct Ridley has a trunk on its face but I put Ridley at like B tier and I put Little Mac at s tier all right do you want Luigi or do you want Pichu um I feel like Luigi looks like a huge weenie but I also think at the same time she did dress up as Luigi in your cosplay I saw on Twitter is it a cosplay though if it's Halloween I noce people say that that's such a costume rro all righty so Luigi is dead dead and killed our switch console um we cannot play him we don't know what he's going to do and so we're just going to blindly guess him real quick let's oh let's let's see if I we can read Nicole's mind the face he he looks like he's in trouble this face I feel like it's a baller move you're picking Luigi over Mario they seem like their like biggest weapon are their dance moves sh shap pick for some reason she's a gamer and has played Luigi's Mansion she knows she's very wimp so maybe actually a little worse D tier The Meta The Meta knowledge I know my girlfriend I think I hope I hope she doesn't see this if I don't she went as Luigi on Halloween and she was like mustache was cool and uh wasn't too powerful when I cosplay or had the Halloween costume as Luigi B tier I'm putting Luigi at I'm just guessing B tier for now I don't know we'll see oh man dude it's a Pac-Man ditto they're both yellowe yes cheese ditto let's go go Nicole is white too so she loves cheese this must be a good sign oh no oh no dude this is my only move no you're kidding me you didn't do this to me again you didn't do this to me this many times I think Pac-Man instantly goes into e what is he doing eating some berries Lolly gagging e i what the oh oh you took no damage did you see that bro where're oh my god oh dude that's fire dude this is going to be a long ass match dude are you serious Nicole let's go Nicole Pichu I just I love you but I don't know how much damage you're doing baby I think you got to go in E you will evolve soon and you will become very very powerful oh you only have the Wakka Waka moves the one that actually looks like f tilt for some reason for some reason all right me and Ed we have gentlemen to just do a one minute rule set to go ins chane and we'll probably just do sudden death and see who wins from there but I think we both know where our characters are going to go what would be the biggest punish if if you break my shield bro what you uh oh baby oh baby oh my God all right all right this is going to come soon I know what you're thinking here speedrun I'm going to speedrun it before him F tier and where's Pichu where's Pichu F tier boom done time all right Pac-Man I'd say Pac-Man is like Pac-Man is like C maybe D tier I'd say Pac-Man's D tier and then for Pichu uh definitely D tier no doubt all right they're both that TI by the way oh of course that's how I got this what what the did you do Nicole I feel like there's like a o Lucinda I think that's who he play I could be so wrong let's put her an S tier cuz she's cool she's got like navy blue hair we got to put some more ladies up there we need more ladies Lucy L Lucinda yeah yeah Lucina Lucinda all right okay seems pretty normal oh my God he's crazy he's crazy oh my God I went deep Bro damn dud what do you me this character you can say that you can say that please please all right all right I don't know what the to do with metanite other than die apparently I feel like he's up here he's cool he's like Kirby with armor oh my there's no way there's no way dude that was crazy there we go oh the back hair all right there you go there you go they were literally unchanged there was no change that match was just Lucina versus metanite they're just going to go in the respective tiers I think Lucina is an a tier metanite also is like B tier C tier C tier uh I'd say Lucina definitely doesn't have a lot of uh Buffs I put Lucina at B and metanite at B I feel like I'm not sure just because metanite and Lucina felt pretty Norm norble all right we're both going the man himself the Mario Mario all righty let's see what we got let's see what we got all right cool what why is there a pipe on my hand bro what is Mario a sword fighter bro and this is dude am I a swordy I need to hear her logic she's like yeah um Mario he he always canonically has fought with pipes am I right I'm so interested who picks Mario for a smash I told Nick I was like what are his skills does he like take a pipe and just like beat someone with it like what are what are the plumbing skills that are coming into place here oh but he has like his jump is no yeah I know his jump D this guy oh damn all right all right girl okay nice all right last dock piping it up as they say oh that's good good night girl oh my God I don't know what the kind of weird I don't know I don't know if that's an S tier or an a tier that's what I'm curious about D tier ass Mario Bro right next to brother Luigi Mario got a sword which is cool but Mario had like I don't know I'd put Mario at a dude we we about to compare yes sir on camera bro so let's let's try this all right so the way this is going to work is that we'll get one point for each character that matches the tier list to Nicole's tier list okay and so whoever has as many Whoever has more points in the end wins all right I amen let's see it here it is all right here we go Yoshi and D I got that right bro oh that's that's your tier list nope I'm go eight bro I beat you by one I had nine oh wow clutch it I know my girl baby I know my girl that was close that was a listen good game I'm shaking your head I'm shaking your head thank you thank you how do I how do I end this um [Music] subscribe
Channel: TCNick3
Views: 468,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu, smash ult, persona, persona ost, smash ost, smash bros ost, mario, captain falcon, bros, tcinick, tcnick, tcnick3, elite, elite smash
Id: tT4qdO6_Yhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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