I Made LEGO Cars 1000x More Dangerous

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I'm once again back in my destructive Lego vehicle of death and I'm actually getting owned here wait oh that's because I turned autopilot off got a bunch of rewards here to claim unfortunately they're trash so let's try this again I know this guy is good okay yeah so I have to drag to actually move it come here yeah get oh wait okay no stay up no no he's going to push me all the way into the red spikes or the the not the spikes the red saws these things are going to cut my head off if I okay and yeah I just got eaten up all right let's change up this car this is what we had last time I think I need to use this uh epic block here what else do we have oh yeah we have this epic Whirlwind thing it's like a little boost what if I just made like the tallest car you've ever seen will this actually work this is the vehicle let's play I have no idea how this is going to turn out all right so I'm just going to actually back up a littleit okay those two wheels don't really work oh he pushed me back up he's pushed me into the the red saws again no I'm out of Wheels I'm out of Wheels but we still killed him the hammer came in clutch at the end knocked off his head his brains are destroyed well that was pretty epic we do have a problem with uh the wheels down here there is no balance on the vehicle of this type can I actually unlock anything no I need 500 points and then I get a purple crate and then yeah you can see just get a bunch of stuff but you have to play a lot to get all of that all right since I won let's go again this is an interesting enemy but my vehicle we just got to have faith he's going to knock us uh yeah this isn't going to work so actually I don't have faith in this vehicle that is all right so let's put down another wheel I'm thinking we need to make get thicker yeah something like that so we should have more balance now I'm a lot bigger but oh do not fall over do not fall over oh what's it doing crap oh uh okay just get close okay yes good no screw your fire your fire sucks oh no no we're actually doing so good oh no his missiles just going to launch here and tear me apart and then these red saw blades of death are going to come from behind and cut me in half bye have a great day that did not go as planned let's go again I don't know why I have such bad balance here maybe I need to spread out the wheel he's got like 18 Wheels how's that fair okay you know what I'm still going to win watch he had so many wheels he just ran over me oh and he had like a jet engine and everything okay do I actually have any more I I have two more of these big wheels so oh yeah we got this like tank wheel I forgot all about that okay that's good so far and then we want our legendary gun and our jet all right we got three modes of propulsion I can't wait oh and you know what for good measure I will put this cannon up here because you know it might come in handy all right you're going to get oh my gosh this vehicle is still massive do not fall yes yes good the Cannon's coming in clutch watch ready is going to shoot and blew up that purple block very good so far he doesn't stand chance my gun is going to take him out it's going to shoot through the cockpit he's dead the bullet went right through his uh nose all right let's unlock this crate see what we get dude go every I swear every round just wants me to spend money we go again because I didn't die and as long as this car keeps surviving I'm going dude how do they have he has TNT up there oh my gosh wait please don't okay let's start pushing him oh no I just lost everything uh I'm dead and my body's at the top up here I don't understand how the the the cars are so big the computer has these massive cars I feel like it's bigger than this oh actually you know what maybe it's not bigger because if I put these these two wheels here and let's just move these out of the way for a second I believe we can get a really long car just like uh the computer has so I think we're ready we're going to put the uh flamethrower at the top I have a lot of strong feelings about this C I think it's going to own we're basically taking up the whole entire thing oh yeah we're finally big look at this you're not going to even get close to me cuz I'm just going to back up a little bit if you try so here goes missile goes up and Bam okay we just okay I'm going run over get out of here kid all right let's use this baby again I'm really liking it so far it's nice and wide as low to the ground oh my gosh it looks exactly the same it is it's exactly the same as mine the computer's coping me no and how my whole entire vehicle just exploded I have no idea why wait can I repeat that that I want to fight the same exact battle let me fight myself again I got to see how it actually oh look at this little pey idiot hey come here just going to run you over yeah get launched oh can we have like a replay on that he got shot up into the air and then a rocket or something hit the cockpit in midair and it just blew him up all right next up we have this cubed idiot and I have already lost all oh my goodness okay uh we might oh what okay we've we've been flipped around no come back we're going to push him into the saw blades yeah yeah you're going to die kid oh boy we go 2 second oh yeah push him in he just got destroyed dude this car is actually dominating there's nothing you can make that okay that's I made this one earlier remember there just no chance it's going to work so you know we're just going to leave him here for a little bit I'm just going to launch my rocket it's going to come down yep and we're just going to kind of torture him yeah how do you like this huh yeah yeah yeah get pushed okay oh and he's dead a victory is a victory a capital W what the heck is this thing okay now they're bring out the big guns who stop pushing me I'm going to win I'm going to S dude come here come on come on come here yeah thought you were good now you're dead bro thought he was going to just push me bully me into the side but I have a golden machine gun this machine gun is actually owning and can I actually Forge let's see let's Forge these three wheels should give me a bigger wheel right yeah so I got another big wheel which means I can actually fill up all like the whole entire bottom but I don't want to do that yet I actually don't have enough of these like armor cubes it' be kind of pointless all right we got the three chests oh there's an armor Cube that's actually really good and another armor and the last one is a propeller which we're probably never going to use but I will use the armor okay my Behemoth is getting bigger and bigger is always better so here we go this a little puny idiot he's not going to even get close to me no you're okay just I'm sick of you get out here yeah come on get pushed yeah I'm not sure actually how I won that I just pushed him and his car eventually exploded you know I should actually start watching Those ads cuz you can get five pieces every time or I watch an ad now and I get this epic piece no no let's not do that I gave the developer a lot of money in the last video let's try oh my goodness how is this thing what okay stop pushing me you bully okay come on I have a jet engine how is it not okay oh no this isn't good he he's out of range from my fire so it's just oh look at the blaz snuck in yeah yeah we woned last minute and then we just blew him up a few more seconds I would have died to the red blades on the side they would have sawed me in half that was kind of crazy but seriously I got this like jet here and he was still able to push me he didn't even have one all right what do you have for me next okay this little thing okay he is surrounded by a lot of armor and I've already lost all of my attacking pieces are you serious okay but I'm I'm stronger look I can push him going push you going push you into the saw blades loser oh yeah oh you got 5 seconds left to live any last words child here they come oh no I wish I would just keep going just keep going saw him up someone needs to make a game like this that's like PG-13 or R-rated and just extremely bloody I think that would be a lot of fun anyway's let's jump back into the action St okay this is actually a mirror of my vehicle but I'm better look at that yeah what's what are you going to do now what you going do is just saw you up another 7c Victory okay here we go so there's always lag on these so I just got to tap before the the green ready and tap I still miss with such lag freaking lag I only get four parts okay let's see what we get wait where'd it go do I really have to wait 19 minutes so okay fine you know what I will watch a stupid ad all right here we go we got uh only one armor piece the rest of this well you know I guess that tire wheel is pretty good so let's just uh let's just get rid of this one add in the Epic Wheel all right we got the rare armor so let's just take out one of the green cuz the Green's trash actually maybe get rid of that and put that in okay let's just see how it goes we're just going to keep building up until we're actually taking up the whole entire screen but I need more armor so armor pieces are the key all right here's Dragon we just back up a little bit do some damage oh you just okay well this idiot just got absolutely owned and we're going to just kill him with a gun perfect an easy victory for me let's jump right right back in what are you going to do no let's back up back up back up back up okay we now have the initiative we're just going to keep pressing forward he dies and about ooh 7 seconds once again it's actually really easy to get items in this game you don't have to spend money I think you only have to spend money to get legendary items but you know what you don't need them look I don't have any okay I'm just kidding you actually need them even though I had them I still died so oh here we go again okay I'm going to actually click when it's on that times three because there's just so much lag ready and click oh wait what all right here we go we get this common trash what am I going to do with that I will never actually use that can I just throw it away look it's it's like my first one I've ever gotten give me an option to just delete it permanently I do have some common squares but yeah see I'm never going to use that all right come on let's get going come here where are you oh he's way down here that's actually a good spot look how he's hiding down there and oh he just got launched into my my blade that was pretty crazy I'm itching for battle oh my gosh I just immediately hit his TNT oh wait no he had like a blade and it sawed his TNT which made him lose I'm just like slowly cutting into his car and you're dead sir 10c battle ooh look I can claim this we get five items more common trash but we get an epic armor so let's head back in here get rid of the uh the green one I guess put this in the front yeah why not you know let's have all the epic armor on the outside does make sense to me right we have a good uh bumper basically oh man that's a dude so back up back oh well you got owned oh he has he has a gadling gun do I have that I can't remember I don't think I've ever actually gotten that more rewards okay all right let's see what we get oh what it's all full you stupid game so I actually don't get anything even though I just watched an ad that's called a scam if you don't know what a scam is and if you know anything about this channel I'm always getting scammed hey get out of my way okay so we just uh well he just took out my my missile launcher and now we just kind of let the flamethrower do work here slowly but surely making our way in and he's dead imagine if I just turned on the saw blade right now would feel really good oh you poor puny child yeah I'm just not going to move I'm just going to sit sit here uh okay actually you know what I changed my mind I'm going to push you into the the saw blades down here oh yeah I love it be fun to make a car with just spikes but you know I don't think I have any I have none so it actually probably be hard but look I can forge uh three of these so this is how you actually get rares to Legendary I think what is it or epic yeah epic oh becomes that that's garbage okay well let's turn this into and epic gun oh we got the Gatling gun actually okay well we don't have any of those what about the spike what what will three of these turn into a flamethrower no well I have three flamethrowers so what will these turn into an epic ooh wait why am I excited I have two of them what I'm really dumb I just got that okay uh legendary you're good but we're getting rid of you we're going to move the fire and you're going there yeah okay and actually I can put this back so we're just going to have just a bunch of guns Just bullets spraying across the screen I think I can actually make the next wheel oh uh just kidding I guess it's random I thought it would like actually upgrade but apparently not I thought it would get like the Epic Wheel so I don't know what's going on we got another one yeah this is just weird okay let's get back into the game we're just going to be launching a firestorm of bullets is that even the right oh yeah look all these bullets going oh my gosh his TNT just got knocked get absolutely shredded so many bullets being lunch in right now and oh he's dead all right four pieces yes I would like to open it now taking all my money actually it's not money it's just time all right what do I get um I guess the epic armor is pretty good so get rid of this trash and throw it on let's see what three of these will give me give me some spikes that's not it a freaking trampoline I think it's scamming oh look I can forge three of these crappy Hammers and that's not it I got three of these epic little turbines is this going to give me a legendary jet here we go it did well that's a good Improvement here let's put this on there we go and you know what this propeller's dumb all right enough talking back to killing cuz that's what we do in this game we just let our bullets fly we just stand back oh yeah no no stop coming forward okay now we just push forward let the S do work and we saw him in half and then his car pieces just fall on top of his head and we like that oh we got a couple blocks over dude stop trying to take my money uh was just trying to get me to open my wallet what is that common wheel crap yeah I don't think so give me back into the game throw me in coach okay ready yeah yeah M tear him down tear him down just blast oh he flips completely upside down completely powerless doesn't know what to do and finally dude these bullets are actually really weak I saw at least 20 of them hit the cockpit and just wouldn't break it so it's a really cool gun it just doesn't have a lot of damage I wonder if there's like a legendary version I think there is I think I've seen it pop up here before oh it's no matter it's really cool that's all I care about here we go let the bullets fly yeah yeah look how weak it is just yeah it's just shooting stuff nothing's breaking get your armor out of my way your stupid Wheels oh my gosh that rocket just broke three of the wheels at once dude I love this car we we have not lost oh I got green all right let's see what we get oh that's right I have to wait 25 minutes to open it are you serious okay give me my pieces please I watched another ad o we got the Epic spikes finally and epic armor I've been wanting these spikes for so long like my dream is to just get like 20 of these and all we'll have is just a spiky car where do I actually put these so let me move them back here at least I have spikes all right idiot this is a clone of my car no mine's way better stop stealing my ideas yeah yeah yeah get oh oh no oh no oh no okay yes we have the momentum we're pushing him we're pushing him there's a missile's going to come down where is it okay this is a fight for our survival I'm just slowly pushing him the saw blades are out it's been about 20 25 seconds oh we just blew up his missile oh oh goodbye oh just get chopped absolute Ownage dude I love this car oh my he's got legendary blocks where did this guy's car come from okay maybe we can win okay okay slowly yes we won dude that's a crazy carard he's got all these legendary armor blocks I'm kind of jelly I don't think I have any because yeah no there's no way I have uh legendary armor if I did it would be on my car what am I doing just get back in the game bro oh my gosh I'm sorry people okay that's a lot of TNT we're going to hopefully blow okay there goes one there goes two there goes three TNT blown up and now we just shred him he's just waiting look at he's just in his cockpit just the inevitable is coming and come on bullets do more damage come on there we go only took 18 seconds what the heck is that he doesn't even have wheels okay I'm just going to stand here like do nothing and you're dead it took 5 seconds I wish I could fight that again I actually want to see what that was maybe there's like more creative things that you can make in this game you know what let's let's go to the editor here all right we got two of these like trampolines okay so let's just uh let's get rid of these wheels for a second here oh yeah I'm sure this is going to be a really good idea all right let's watch this baby go oh yeah we're just kind of hopping around I can actually back up I am backing up I'm just like a little Hopper oh oh oh what's happening okay I'm actually moving forward look I'm like jumping I'm like yeah just going to walk for forward a little bit and you're dead oh he almost fell in the spikes that would been such a cool fatality that would just be crazy oh we got two chests to open let's open this one more armor what's green we don't care about green and TNT is trash let's do it again I swear I can move this thing back and forth watch I'm going to go backwards ready and okay start start walking back yeah or maybe okay now I'm pushing forward this little thing does it doesn't look strong but he's got a turbine engine so it's making it difficult oh he might actually beat me how is this little Trash going to oh no no you you little lot that's insane how's that little Trash car beat my freaking legendary beast you know I got to try this again hold on okay we got our little trampolines yeah come here come here oh yeah yeah I don't even know what happened but it looked really cool and I'm guessing I did it oh yeah get owned all right one more let's just do this one more time I am liking these little hoppy feets I want to get an entire bottom of just hoppy feets oh yeah NOP you're not good come on S room oh he's jumping he's everywhere he's in the front Okay that's why you don't put your cockpit in the front you just get absolutely oblit okay well that was really fun another epic adventure in Lego car destruction or or whatever I I actually don't know what this game is called and this time I didn't spend any money which that's actually an improvement cuz my wallet is suffering
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 250,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doge, vitamin doge, vitamin delicious, lego game, toys crash arena, toys crash arena gameplay, toys game, lego upgrade game, upgrade game, toy game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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