Serving the WORST Desserts to Humanity

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so today I'm going to be making ice cream and then I'm going to feed it to these idiots so each day we get a new base for ice cream I guess that's what it is on day nine we get a cactus I'm looking forward to that today is the first day we gotta start with this Popsicle thing awesome it says all right well that's uh pretty obnoxious anyway let's choose some ingredients here we have kiwi strawberry grapes banana that's an orange that looks like a mango let's put some mango in here and then let's give them some grape I've never really put grape in an ice cream before but we're gonna do it and an orange as well there we go yummy let's add some milk oh I get to hold it down I could fill okay so let's stop what else would go good in here and by good I mean disgusting what's this pink I don't even know what this is but let's add some of this in and then how about here some chocolate yeah let's give them some chocolate syrup to finish off oh yeah yeah that's incredible I know oh my goodness yes freeze it please oh wow she loves it now give me your money so she likes it she's gonna give me 126 dollars I got three stars and I'm gonna click this no ads button because this is getting ridiculous all right we're back it costs four dollars to get rid of ads and now we're going to the next customer I get 250 for a daily reward all right and then I get a donut in one hour and 11 minutes but I'm probably not gonna play that long anyway let's upgrade the paintbrush is that what that is oh wait make it dessert for my ex wants me to make her a crap sundae all right we can upgrade later this sounds really fun to me so we're gonna use the poop but in order to use it I have to watch an ad even though I just paid money oh my gosh okay we're back we got three craps on the tray here now we get to pick our syrup we have milk chocolate so chocolate oh crap let's just try this how would this be I'll get a dragon move okay let's put some here yeah good and look at my hand is in the crap that's bad wait do I only get to use chocolate wait no I want to use well I wanted to use the poison syrup oh whatever yeah here mix it up uh yeah we're just chopping up the crap we're gonna be feeding the crap to his ex-girlfriend wait what are these like are these are these worms worms in the rap oh now we're dude that looks disgusting oh now we're spreading the crap around okay and then we're freezing it good now we get to choose our cut type I don't have a choice for the the roll or the star how do I get the VIP oh play VIP levels to unlock okay so we can only use the square so let's drag it down ooh very good so now we got chopped up crap now we're gonna take all this crap we're just gonna uh put it into this cup here and then we're gonna give this a cup of chopped crap to our customer oh we can choose a topping we can put cockroaches Nails some ants some bugs chocolate chips jelly beans sprinkles we got Oreos Marshall we got so many toppings here you know what looks good to me how about these nails I have to watch a stupid ad all right so let's add the nails how do I do this drag to move oh okay so we're sprinkling the nails into the the crap there we go oh look the bar is full but I can keep dropping them wait can I do some ants oh no okay so we got a crappy ice cream with tons of nails yes eat it girl oh look at him oh he's laughing that's called a win and let's get my 315 or a 315 gold we made uh poop oh thank you I'll take that oh so this is his ex-girlfriend that just ate the crap with nails so she's back she wants me to satisfy her sweet tooth it's day two obviously she's alone she was poisoned by her ex-boyfriend so now we're gonna go to the shop here I can buy wait what is this unlock random okay so we're getting a new cup oh we got the the waffle cup okay let's get some new gloves and wow we got gloves with stars on them okay so let's make ours uh something tasty she says okay I only got three sugar that's not enough I need more oh wait oh wait that's ice we're making her a slushie I see wait why am I using the old cup I'm supposed to be using the waffle cup that I just unlocked it's so annoying I'm gonna give her some kiwi give her some strawberry some uh lemon grape some orange I think good some pink okay we're losing other colors we gotta start re-adding the old Colors oh yeah there we go cool hopefully she likes it why are you eating that with your finger number one that's really hard because it's slushy and it's gonna be be really sticky but thank you for 133 gold we've unlocked watermelon oh it's Kanye West all right choose a dessert let's give him this one choose an ingredient do we want to give him a hot dog yeah I'm gonna watch the ad I'll be right back all right we're back we got uh the hot dogs let's drag to the left took off the cover of the box and there we go I didn't really have to do anything oh we get to put syrup on it wait what's this black stuff why do I have to keep watching an ad to unlock all the cool stuff you know what fine you know what I'm gonna go watch and add to get whatever this black syrup is we got our new poison at least that's what I think it is I actually have no idea what it was oh look at my glove yeah we're putting this acid onto it it's laced with something toxic not sure what it is are we gonna freeze the hot dog and then roll it up oh I think we are okay so we're serving Kanye West Frozen chopped up hot dog including the bun with whatever this psychedelic syrup is all right we got our poop cut out so let's drag it down nice now we're gonna scoop all these up and put it into our oh okay good we got our waffle cup finally can't tell you how long I've been wanting to serve that oh I didn't finish okay Kanye I made this for you psychedelic syrup covering uh the hot dog oh we got toppings now okay let's give him some sprinkles some Oreos are always good and uh what else we get them how about this is this candy cane or maybe it's a trick candles you ever have those trick candles that look like this and then you light them and they never blow out yeah oh it's definitely candles okay I'm just gonna keep doing this I'm not gonna stop oh they made me stop dang it all right Kanye oh no those are like those chocolate stick things oh I guess he was happy he looked upset for a second but look at this masterpiece you've never seen something this good before I've unlocked the hot dog oh it's also got jalapenos I got fired make a dessert for my boss we're gonna put some crap in here I took that earlier oh that's some small crap muscle came from like a cat or something not me um you know what we're gonna put some mango on top to hide uh hide the crap and then how about some grapes look at that who would not want oh all right so I'm being forced to watch an ad to get our death syrup so I'll be right back all right back time for the death syrup uh yeah just filled up all the way I don't want any anything else no chocolate no strawberry no Peach just death there we go it's now Frozen oh yeah this looks perfectly safe for uh someone's boss to consume wait why do I have to watch an ad for the nails again I swear we already did that we gave it to the girl oh the stupid game all right you know what let's give him some nuts or whatever these are yeah those look good and then on the other side uh blueberries yeah the bosses this is definitely gonna hide all the Death that's gonna come out of this ice cream come on now let's get every corner it's still letting me go for some reason that's fine by me let's just uh don't stop hey that guy just got it dyed it yeah take that idiot only 147. oh what a skim I have to watch an ad to get the 441 that's just stupid I'm not doing that anyway we've unlocked the waffle oh I need a dessert okay this is day three but for some reason it said the day two stuff was still locked whatever all right let's give her some of these I love these little Rainbow strips I always buy them at the candy store and then next we gotta oh okay so we're gonna mix up the rainbow strips and whatever that is is that like water or milk I'm guessing milk oh we got a mold we have to go with the cat that's what I like and oh it's waffle batter duh yeah steal that it's gonna Steam and there we go look at that beautiful kitties choose spread what do we put on cats how about whatever this is uh actually this looks like a white poop of some sorts that's perfect I just spread the crap around there we go and now do I get uh to put some toppings on there at least no oh choose cream yeah we're gonna go with the brown well that's just crappy get it okay anyway we're just gonna fill the whole thing with cherries yeah sorry lady and it finally stopped me it says cool and that yeah try it she knows it's good who wouldn't like this four star or three stars next to unlock the ice cream cone I can't wait for that one I know she's probably famous but I don't know who this is she just looks like a giant booger I have not upgraded my Cafe yeah see this is all I'm serving of you know I'm happy with this people are buying from this little uh this box whatever I'm doing business out of I'm keeping it I don't want chairs when you buy my ice cream I want you to leave that's it oh that's perfect a little Mickey Mouse Mouse glove Smacker so let's take that and we're gonna make her uh an ice cream cone because that's what we just unlocked choose the cone okay see so apparently we're not on day three even though it said day three I'm also not gonna watch an ad so we're gonna give her the basic cone kiwi waffle cone who wouldn't like that it's green it's boogerish it matches her outfit so uh take it off oh yeah look at that booger waffle cone we're gonna fill it up with crap because that's what our outfit looks like look at that that is just beautiful you can kind of see through it right there that just shows you how thick the ice cream is even though it might taste like crap all right let's put some marshmallows on here okay and then we're gonna give her some of these chocolate straws again and I'm just gonna keep going because it's not stopping me and I could tell that she really likes straws all right it finally uh forced me to stop look at all those straws oh yeah just jam it into your mouth booger lady and there we go ladies and gentlemen how good does this look 403 coins that is a winner all right we have unlocked a VIP item that rainbow syrup I was bullied by mean girls naked deserve for them you came to the right place here we go ah we're gonna take our regular waffle cone onto the waffle maker just kidding this is just the poison so we're gonna make a poison waffle cones probably illegal I don't recommend doing this you will definitely go to jail hello can you finish please thank you and all right let's put some ants on here let's give them some chocolate chips with a really not chocolate chips those are actually crap crappy chips and I'm gonna fill up this whole entire cone with them because I can it lets me I don't know why but it lets me keep going and going okay whatever anyway here is your oh of course you give to the cheerleader whatsoever did you oh she ate my crap only 147 for that oh I got minus two billion 147 million 483 648 well I guess we're gonna be making that next let's get my money I need a dessert so we can finally make the roll oh got some new creams here I like this one it's blue I believe that's bubble gum oh she wants three scoops okay why can I do multiple flavors that would be really cool so we got uh we're gonna give her some balls some blue balls that is and with these blue balls we're gonna put on whatever this rainbow syrup is and now with my chicken hands we're gonna chop it up all right there we go those look like doggy doo-doo bags if you have a dog then you know what I'm talking about if you don't you're probably like what the heck's he talking about there you go lady take it eat it with your fingers because I can't afford to give my customers spoons it's not my fault I was born sassy poor oh we got the waffle cone well the fish waffle cone whatever who are you surprise me sure or give her something disgusting so we're gonna start with whatever this is this is a new mold we have we're just gonna give her a kiwi that's all you get is kiwi just straight up Frozen kiwi uh kiwi syrup yep I'm telling you all you're getting is kiwi you need more green in your life girl a kiwi pop with nuts okay she's got it does she like it oh yeah she loves it who wouldn't like a good kiwi pop she gave me 513 coins wow well that's a good recipe oh make a dessert for my ex so now she wants to hurt the man he has wronged her in some way but honestly it might deserve it with those glasses you're wearing all right so we're gonna give X something really good we're gonna give her him some uh Jello I'm kind of on the side here just because she just kind of looks crazy so yeah we're giving some uh strawberry jam who doesn't love strawberry this is definitely going to be the best dessert I've ever made she just kind of looks crazy I'm sorry I'm taking his side don't get mad at me folks he could have been a very good guy and she just got bored or something all right we're gonna give him the rolls why would I give him ants when I could give him sprinkles for being such a good guy there you go boy your ex is gonna love this no I'm not using cockroach here give it to him yeah eat it you're gonna love it yeah he loves it stupid girl give me your 72 dollars I don't care stop trying to hurt your ex-boyfriend oh look it's it's him he's like hey man that strawberry uh Jello he just made for me was really good I'm looking out for the boys all right let's make him another delicious ice cream how about this we got this fish waffle let's just make it chocolate so it's just gonna melt in his hand it's probably not a good thing but you know what his ex-girlfriend just tried to kill him and I saved him she wanted me to give him poison but I said no here we're gonna have chocolate on chocolate that's what we're making them here so we've got the chocolate fish then we got the chocolate ice cream how about some chocolate chips on that I would actually eat this in real life a No Cap all right man tell me what you think I've saved you once oh you like it I made him happy twice excellent is this Drake we're gonna give him a waffle how about a cookie waffle oh yeah this is actually something I would eat make me some waffle batter with cookies chocolate chip cookies that is our mold you know what we're gonna give him the Mickey Mouse mold Mickey Mouse waffles and then is this honey and we don't want to give him honey how about some peanuts maybe he has a peanut allergy so I might be trying to murder him here don't judge me I right drop them on the plate can I give you some toppings how about some yellow syrup oh some yellow cream yeah we're just gonna cover this thing in blueberries out of everything I've made today this is probably the grossest thing blueberries with a yellow cream yeah I don't know try it what do you think oh he likes it oh look and then we got this girl she wants to poison her boss I will allow it because most bosses suck oh here's a new mold the butterfly mold so in this mold we're gonna put poop I'm literally just gonna take a crap in there wait why is this all the poop no no oh there we go okay so we got a little bit more uh poop chips to call that's what they are they're poop chips it's gonna make me watch a stupid ad let's fill it up with the poison syrup and then we're gonna freeze it and her boss is going to die if you eat ice cream with ants on them then actually you deserve to get whatever happens that's just the reality and there we go okay give it to your boss oh it's this guy again oh how is that stupid boss yeah that's what you get all right everyone this was dessert DIY do it yourself give me my money and I've unlocked a it so if you like this video then just let me know and maybe I'll do another one I'll see you next time
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 158,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dessert DIY, how to make poop ice cream
Id: G-86VWq1bJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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