I Made Popular Healthy Brands "Unhealthy"

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in a previous video I redesigned junk food as healthy snacks and you all seem to love it so in this video I'm turning that upside down by rebranding healthy foods as junk food to make scarfing down that puree broccoli a little easier first up we have green Giants whole kernel corn now threatening you with a 60ft tall steroid abusing Shrek is a heck of a way to get you to eat their canned corn but I want to take a more fun approach to encourage you to buy this so I'm going to grab another familiar green character from one of Jim car's biggest hits the mask then start reh shaping his face into a new green giant mascot something that's a bit more quirky and fun than the original to better match the over-the-top look of typical junk food mascots I for sure want to keep his Chad likee jawline but make it even more extreme and I'll even shave down his skull to get those cartoony proportions I'm looking for now our new giant has to be happy of course because he gets to live off of nothing but pre-cooked yellow vegetables we don't want to just show the corn pieces on here cuz then people would realize they're just buying boring vegetables so to make it seem fun and junky I'm going to make his teeth out out of corn now you might think that's a stupid idea but I'll remind you that many people with yellow teeth have accomplished great things I figure a giant probably needs some pretty dang big ears if he's going to hear people from way up in the air just need to situate those on his head and make it a little fatter to match everything else now I am kind of afraid if we leave him bald his head will burn from being too close to the Sun so I'll throw some stylish thick black hair around his nogget and two bushy eyebrows to boots now as it is this probably won't sell too well so as you might have guessed I'm just going to use this monstrosity as a base for a more refined illustration get these eyes to resemble something a little more human and get this hair to look less like a blob of jelly and more like hair put some gums between those teeth and add a tad more detail to the ears now once we have a little green on the skin we're ready to tackle the Shadows when it comes to something complex like this face it can often be really helpful to draw contour lines over top of it to help you better visualize it as a 3D object and once that wireframe is in you just choose your lighting direction like the upper top right and it's a whole lot easier to tell where the Shadows should go and you might notice that I've made sure to choose ose a lighting direction that gives us a lot of contrast between the darker left side of the face and the much brighter right side I'm actually launching a full course on lighting and shadows in the next couple of months you can sign up on my website to get notified when it drops and you'll even get a special bonus surprise when you purchase the course now I'll add a blurred version of that same Shadow to give it a smoother look and to time with these super black hair and mouth I'll add some really dark shadow areas at key points around the face and why stop at one layer of shading when we can have two honestly I really dig this kind of look cuz just seems to help give the entire character a lot of extra volume for a touch of flare I'll add in some bounce sliding across the edge of his face as well as areas of the skin that are close together and you can even further push out that form with some soft shadows in the dark areas and soft Lighting in the bright ones and just as a stylistic choice I'm going to add some ridges to help him feel a bit more blocky lastly I feel like no giant has Perfect Skin So some blemishes and blotches are in order let's get the eyes in real quick and I'll just give those a cartoony green Iris to match his skin with some small shine for a bit of life now we can get to those corn teeth so corn tends to have these little pits in them which is great cuz your average person's tooth does as well now admittedly these will probably look closer to gold teeth than corn but my main goal really is to just make them look pretty a touch of softer shading just like the skin some subtle bounce Light Between the teeth and of course they won't look Gold without some big sparkling shines all across the front I'll take care of the gums real quick too and finish off with some black shadow to help separate all the different mouth Parts obviously this can't be a green giant product if the can isn't green but now we do have green on green so I think a blue accent will help our buddies stand out more and maybe I'll even add in a yellow Accent on this other side for even more contrast I've actually recently seen several illustrations use tiny little highlights to help the skin not feel so matte and I actually really like the extra shiny look that it gives certain characters like this now when it comes to the hair we can leave the majority of it black but because the giant is green I'll paint a little sliver of green lighting in here and that's a trick a lot of cartoons use to help a car character's black hair better match the rest of their body just like sheo has a green hair outline instead of a white one to match her green suit of course it'll be blue over here though because of that accent light and a little touch of reflective light will give it extra volume now my big idea here is to make it look like our Jolly Green Giant has popped his head out through the wall of the can similar to an old cartoon I'll just make everything inside the can black since the light can't get in anyways which will also save me from having to paint him a body the metal in this image kind of feels too soft to me so I'm thinking some sharper Reflections will help it better match the character's cell-shaded style then the rim linting will match the rest of the scene to help tie it all together a little drop shadow will help those pieces feel 3D just got to warp them to make them look realistic and that big old giant head is going to have a shadow too let's get the Green Giant name up here and I'll leave a little of it covered by the hair just to help make the head really feel like it's popping off the can this is technically a can of whole kernel sweet corn but I'm going to call them golden bites instead cuz that feels way more like a junk food snack and our giant does have golden teeth after all well we've got from a corn product your mother wishes you would eat to something that looks like your next dentist bill will send you straight to the POR house next up I'm going to try turning sunmade raisins into junk food and I'll be using the sponsor of today's video KD it's basically a One-Stop shop design software and for nonprofessional designers they' got a huge library of templates to start you off on the right foot you can change all the colors of the design super easily choose different fonts to better match your brand and even adjust all the warpings of the individual Elements which is super cool or if you're like me you can just use the templates for inspiration cuz I'm really digging this vintage style so I'll just grab this little Sun man here adjust his colors slightly and cover his current face up because I want to find a new one and out of all of these I think I like this mouth and these eyes K even has masks that I can use to spread the eyes further apart now instead of raisins which sounds way too healthy I'm going to call them grape gems to make them seem like a grape flavored candy let's get some funky vintage fonts for these I think the grape text should be purple and I'll choose this 3D text style to pop it off the package they've also got this really cool line effect that I can use to have like a blue light shining up in a retro style I'll give Jims a more subtle version of that and leave it white for a bit of contrast now the original brand is sunade as you can see by the ma on the package I'm going to turn it into sunade so it's like our happy little Sun character is making these grape candies himself I'm thinking a pink background to match the grape theme then I'll take a circle stretch it out and then make it purple so that text really Pops I was also able to find this sick swirl illustration which I'll pop this little gradient on top of and adjust the colors so it looks like the sun is actually casting out that light maybe he'll even be making some Shines on our grape text below now I want to put a big juicy grape right between these two text blocks so I can either choose one from KD's massive library of illustrations or I can use their AI tool to create one in several different styles or I can even upload a custom one I made myself which really is a great feature because sometimes you might want to put something in your design that isn't in their current collection like a logo or a product shot and with the layers panel I can place that right between the two words then I can warp this text to make it look like it's hugging the grape a little Sparkle coming from our grape gym and I'll even throw in a few drops of grape juice to make it feel super delicious now let's give all our text a shadow a little half tone burst behind the Sun and then one of my favorite Parts about KD is all the cool textures they have like this noise texture that will give our design some grit or this half tone pattern that will bring the style of all of our elements together perfectly now I used a custom box mockup for my junk food raisin brand but K also has a ton of pre-made mockups that you can use for any of your designs and all the lighting and warping is done for you K really is an amazing tool for beginners and even a great way for more season designers to create designs quickly if they need to you can try k out today completely free with my link down below and use the code Brandon to get 50% off your first month of pro so the shriveled fruits that used to ruin every cookie they were in are now a sweet grape treat that everyone is excited to try up next we have lacroy which is a popular brand of flavored Sparkling Waters basically it's for those weak people who can't handle plain water but they're healthc conscious enough to not drink te 10 cans of Pepsi a day now I've chosen the lemon flavor here and I'm going to turn it into a sugar stuffed epic looking energy drink we'll start off with a crisp modern font for the logo and according to science adding extra pointy bits will help it feel more energetic I also think I'd prefer a curved X instead of a straight one just for some personality and of course every cool energy drain obviously has to have a tilted logo I do like the blue of the original text but I'll go with more of a neon version of that color and heck maybe we can just make this thing a straight up neon sign if I can just Finagle a nice shiny metal frame for it now you can't just have a 2d sign and it's honestly amazing how a few shadows in the crevices and a couple highlights along the middle surfaces gives us a pretty convincing 3D look then a little blue Rim Lighting on this bad boy to match the blue text and you probably wouldn't even be able to see it on the can but I can't not put a metallic texture on a metal sign these types of signs are usually darker around the edges and that lip will cast a shadow too finally a weathered texture across that whole thing and we can get this thing lit up properly personally I think nothing says energy drink quite like a giant lightning bolt and with a very similar process I'll make that a 3D piece of metal too with some shiny shines of its own and I even found this epic metal great texture to use over the surface now if you've been wondering where the law was well there it is nice and small to bring maximum Focus to the main name now maybe it's just me but it feels like every proper energy drink has a super dark background which means we need a nice bright object to help our title pop out since this was a lemon flavored drink it just seemed obvious to stick a lemon behind the logo and it's even at the perfect slanted angle to make it look like the sign is resting on top of it I do want to accentuate some of the details though to make sure we have a nice contrast between all the different parts of the lemon a few extra shines Here There and some little Pits on the peel to beef up that texture I still don't think we've driven home the energy aspect of this drink quite enough yet so I'm just going to surround this entire darn lemon with lightning strikes like there's so much power built up here it just can't help to escape in literally every direction kind of like those giant Tesla coil setups all that will add a good amount of extra lighting to our main logo now and a little science fact for you running an electric current through water tends to produce a ton of bubbles which just makes this whole scene feel even more lively and exciting lastly I can't imagine a more appropriate flavor name for this drink than lemon bolt so we've turned an unsuspecting tropical seltzer water into an amped up fever dream that Nicola Tesla and lemon lovers everywhere would be proud of then we have Cliff Bars which are designed to give you a quick boost of energy when you're working out now it's hard to say that these are actually healthy for you but they certainly look it since their entire brand is centered around rock climbing which is a sport that requires a decent amount of energy now I feel like this logo has a lot in common with Clifford it's big red and draws all of your attention so I want to keep that same Vibe with the junk food version and use a big blocky red font for Cliff if you've learned nothing else from this video it's that I really like 3D fonts and I think they look fun this underlighting is just to add a little drama by the way give that whole thing a stroke so it looks nice and cartoony and I'll slap bar right underneath that but let's go with yellow so it stands out from clip now you see how these outlines are perfectly smooth and straight well for a high energy junk food bar I don't think we want that so we'll go with a super ruged outline instead you know something that looks like a toddler's wild scribblings but when a professional does it it's art and what if we made the text actually look a little bit like rock maybe even add in some cracks to a few letters and top it all off with some motion lines to make the whole thing look like it's shaking or crumbling or something now we can't have a super ripped climber on a junk food bar so he's going to have a little accident and then we can just focus on the mountains but of course mountains by their nature are still very natural feeling and if there's one thing about junk food it's normally anything but natural So the plan is in instead of making this mountain out of rock what if we made it out of chocolate since the original flavor is chocolate brownie but it was imperative that we use sharp edges and corners for everything here cuz a big smooth curvy Brown Mound might too closely resemble a pile of uh excretions let's say let's get some shading in here to develop those forms and add some separation between the three structures to be honest I'm not entirely sure what these snow caps are made of maybe just a lighter variety of chocolate or something but what I do know is this looks like a perfect spot for a face because characters even if they're a big chocolate mountain always bring a lot of personality to the party now a few highlights here or there a couple of finishing details and our buddy is wrapped up in order to make him feel super big though I'll make it look like he's tall enough to peep through the clouds and if we've got this huge mountain of chocolate we might as well just go full-blown Willy Wonka and add in a chocolate River too I'll just run it through the clouds coming out of this cave and I think this is the perfect area for the flavor text to go but instead of chocolate brownie I'm going with choco overload because that certainly describes this scene and I think we can even make it look like it's floating down the river then a big blue sky behind him and lastly some little sunbursts to show off his vibrant Joy to the rest of the world and so we've gone from a quick snack for The Adventurous athlete to something that will ensure you'll be too large to ever get off the couch again now if you want to watch me do the opposite of this video and turn your favorite junk food products healthy then watch this video right here
Channel: Brandon Shepherd
Views: 3,078,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design, package design, photoshop, illustration, graphic design
Id: PTIiv4J_IAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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