I Made Avatar The Last Airbender in 3D

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I made the four elements of avatar The Last air bender in 3D using blender making a simple fluid simulation in blender is fairly easy I just select the object I want to turn into a fluid and then go to object quick effects quick liquid that turns our object into a fluid simulation type and adds a surrounding box with a domain fluid type domain controls overall settings and the calculation B B of the simulation and when I hit play a bunch of particles Spawn from the fluid object and start moving like a fluid I increase the domain resolution to add more particles to the seam enable this diffusion option and by default it treats this liquid as water it seems easy right but controlling this fluid like a water B well that's a tough part it's harder than it looks so don't be disappointed [Music] if I need a force that can suck the water and keep it together without losing the water Behavior blender comes with a few force field objects that I can use to add certain Dynamics to the simulation I add a force type set its strength to a negative number and set the flow to one and now the fluid gets attracted to the force field then I can just animate the force object location and the fluid will follow it but what if I want the fluid to follow a specific path not just a point for that I add a curve object to the scene and distort the curve to make an interesting part [Music] also the domain must be big enough for the fluid to follow the path now in the basic settings of the curve I can add a force and set it to curve shape hit play and the fluid will follow the curve path and it looks much more interesting now to add more details I can add stuff like spray particles and to convert this to a mesh I enable this mesh option finally in the cache I set the type to all adjust the animation frame range and hit bake or this will bake the fluid simulation also blender have already set me a material for the fluid so I didn't have to worry about that it's pretty good for a water material but since I'm not going for a perfect realism I made tiny changes to it I made this a bit blue increased the density and gave a bit of roughness and that's how I mastered the art of water bending when it comes to Earth bending I can just animate a rock object but let's make it come through the ground first for that I add a mesh Cube and scale it down to act as our ground then I add another Cube at subdivision surface modifier for more resolution and follow it with a displacement modifier I use a cloud texture and increase its size a bit then add subdivision again and follow it with another displacement modifier this time I decrease the texture size and the modifier strength shade smooth the object once I have my shape I just convert it to mes to apply all the modifiers at once and that's how you can quickly model a rock in blender now I can animate this rock to come from below the ground to break the ground into pieces first I draw a breaking pattern on its surface using annotation tool and then use the cell fracture addon to break this into a bunch of pieces once it fracture I add rigid body physics to all of them and they all start falling down due to gravity I select a few of them and set their type to passive to make them static to stop them from falling through before contacting with the rock I enable deactivation in the dynamic settings in blender I can hold the old key while doing this to apply that change to every selected object then add a rigid body to the rock as well but since it is animated I enable enable this animated option to add different Mass to each piece based on their volume I calculate the rigid body mass from this huge menu I select the stone type to prevent the ground pieces from falling through I add another Cube and set it to passive rigid body type change its Collision shape to box as well after all this I can take the rigid body sink to add more detail to this I add a cube and put it below the ground around the area where the rock comes through then I use the free molecular addon to create a particle system select the Rock and set it as a collider object calculate the particle weight and set it to sand enable [Music] linking also to stop particles from falling through I add another Cube below it and set it to collider as well increase its stickness damping and friction [Music] values set some of these ground faces to colliders as well to turn this into soil particles I add an icosphere to the scene and use that as the particle shape [Music] oh by the way to see the actual particle simulation results you have to use this simulate button on the molecule addon just playing the animation in blender will not show you the actual results I forget this every single time and that covers the basics of how I going to do the Earth bending I have this small sphere that moves around in the 3D space I'll turn this into a fireball just like with our water bending I use Quick effects feature but this time quick smoke immediately I can see my domain is not big enough so I scale it up we have a smoke but no fire I select our emitter sphere and change its flow type to Fire and smoke by increasing this fuel value I can add more fire to the simulation I reduce the surface emission enable initial velocity to transfer some of the object velocity to the smoke and we have fire and smoke a very low risk for fast moving objects I increase the sub steps count now to domain settings I enable adaptive domain decrease these two values this will prevent the flames and smoke from from rising up immediately and decrease the vtic city a bit enable dissolve to make the smoke disappear after a while increase the fire reaction speed for a bit smaller Flames I enable noise for extra detail but I reduced its strength to2 and increase the domain resolution for more detailed simulation also I did increase the surface emission even more to make the Flames emit closer to the sphere surface once that is done I set the cach drive to all adjust the frame range and bake the [Music] simulation to make the fire material I add a volume info node which contains our simulation data drag from Flame and multiply it with a higher value like 500 and plug that to black body intensity and we have our fire see it lights the smoke as well here I can add a color RAM and adjust its sliders to add a bit more detailed look to the Flames also to get more Thick Smoke I can use the density data and multiply that by something like 20 and plug it into density here remove this attribute also I like to add a bit more red tin to the fire but no fire is complete without tiny Sparks for that I use our fire emitter object and create a new particle system for it turn off the gravity and add some random velocity values to them I can also add a force fi like turbulence to add more Dynamics to the sparks then just like before I use an icosphere for particle shape for the Sparks material I select the icosphere and create a new invive material I use a particle info node to access particle simulation data divide its age by lifetime value to get a nice gradient from particle's birth to death then I add a color ramp and make a gradient like this for the Sparks they start as bright white particles and become more red and at the end [Music] black uh I think I need to flip this and that means fire bending is ready as well to be honest I'm not sure how to show the air Ving I had a few ideas and thought the best way to do it was by adding secondary elements to the scene like Tusk or moving debr so to show this type of effect I made this shape animate its rotation and create a particle system to [Music] it I remove gravity and at more normal velocity this way I get this twirling Vortex looking particle Sy I add a turbulence feel to randomize the movement then I select the emitter and add a smoke effect just like before instead of mesh here I use the particle system of the emitter to spawn smoke enable initial velocity and it gra this smoke simulation just like with fire bending I tweak some domain values a bit to get something like this for the material I just increased the density and gave it a dark yellow color to mimic a dust effect also just like the water sink I can make this dust follow a path as well add a curve and make the path you want add a force feel to it and the smoke will follow it for this one it's better to use a different mesh like a sphere as the emitter and set its flow source to mesh and flow Behavior to Geometry so it will not keep adding smoke to Zin and that is our fourth and final element and let's see how I put this together to make a simple recession of this intro sequence I start by quickly modeling the stage to display each bending sign I made an LED screen I know Avatar world and led screens might not align that well but I saw a ducky 3D video and really wanted to implement that here so I made a RGB pixel texture and used that to make an LED screen Shader if you get close to it you can clearly see the pixels and for the characters I found some free models online that kind of fits the scene and makes tiny changes to them I Rigg them using acurate to animate the characters for the first time I started using cascad it helps you to create physically accurate animation quickly this is the first time I'm using this and I definitely made some mistakes but luckily before I finish animating I did a quick test to see how I could export from cast to blender without having any issues and well it took me some time to make that work so I export characters that R in acurate for Unreal Engine skeleton and import that to both blender and casc make sure when import into blender don't adjust the orientation or remove leaf BS whenever I did that animation imported from cascad just didn't work anyway cascad was fantastic although it's my first time using it I was able to animate characters very quickly and you will see me using this a lot in the future some of these characters had cloth parts that needed a simulation for those I adjust the animation to slowly blend from their rest po the starting POS this way Pro simulation has enough time to settle it before the animation starts using the same technique I used earlier I was able to create the water bending effect for the first scene and for the Earth bending instead of rigid body seams to break the ground I use knife tool to make some cuts on the surface and use shape keys to animate them opening because the ground is metal also I use the molecular particles in to add some dust to the effect and for the air bending I added some leaves and sticks to the ground using a particle system and made them react to the air bending using a turbulence field in the final Avatar scene to make this STI fly towards the Avatar's hand first I drop it from there using a rigid G then bake that Sim into key frames and reverse those key frames similar always didn't exactly end up as I expected I had some issues rendering the fire seam increasing the water simulation speed broke the Sim and I wasn't able to add spray or four particles to the water simulation because blender kept crashing whenever I tried to make them other than that everything turned out okay then I rendered all these scenes using the help of fox render far a powerful online rendering service use the link in the description to get a $50 render coupon to render your next big animation in blender once the render is done I did some postprocessing and some sound effects and here are the results water Earth fire air and that's how I made the four elements of Avatar World in 3D inside blender
Channel: Motion Dreams
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Keywords: avatar the last airbender, avatar, 3d, blender animation, avatar in blender, blender3d, 3d animation, water bending simulation, fire bending simulation, earth bending simulation, simulation in blender, fire simulation in blender, blender simulation tutorial, aang in 3d, avatar the last airbender netflix, vfx, cgi, avatar the last airbender vfx, how to, blender animation tutorial, avatar the last airbender in 3d, motion dreams, hell fx, cascaduer animation to blender, air bending
Id: pPg2srtA_Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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