I Made A Better Mallet

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I start by cutting out the mallet head on my Oliver Bandsaw This is drop off from a walnut table top I use my marking gauge to layout the mortise I'll cut the mortise using my Oliver 91D mortiser You could also use a chisel or router for this I cut half way then flip the piece This is a 1/2" mortise with the mortise cut I can now work on the tenon I start by laying it out with my marking gauge I saw just to the outside of my line on both sides With the cheeks cut I can now come back and cut in the shoulders I like to cut proud of my line then chisel up to it I'll use the mortise to make off the remaining shoulder cuts I'm cutting the tenon slightly smaller than the length of the mortise This will give me room for the wedge I use my router plane for the final fitting of the tenon with the tenon correctly fitted I can now scribe a line for the housed shoulder Now I can use a chisel to cut out the pocket for the shoulder The router plane does a great job of keeping the bottom of the pocket flat I'm cutting a 5/16" deep Now I can move on to rounding the mallet head This is a process of first shaping it into an octagon and then shaping round I use my scrub plane here to take heavy cuts Now I'm switching over to my low angle jack plane to refine the surface and finally I use my adjustable throat block plane set to a super fine cut This surface is ready for finish the last order of business is to shape the handle This cut is for the wedge I'll use during assembly the tenon sits about 1/8" proud finally I can wedge the tenon locking it in place I'm applying a single coat of GF Arm-R-Seal All right, so I wanted to give you a quick rundown on why I decided to improve this old mountain Which I made probably a year ago on this channel. It's gotten quite a few views a really a pretty good mallet one problem I ran into with it that restart happened is the head has come a little loose off the handle and I think the biggest reason for that is this handle actually has no shoulder on the tenon. It just slides right through the mortise So there's no shoulder there the shoulder on a mortise and tenon adds a great deal of string. I also don't like portions I always thought it was a little long and I always thought that it was not quite heavy enough So that's what prompted me to do some improvements. I got about an extra quarter inch in diameter on this one I think we're a half inch shorter, which I like the look of that a little better We have a shoulder which you saw on the video that is buried into the head of the mallet So that's gonna add a got about 1/8 shoulder all the way around that tenon. It's gonna add a lot of strength This is one of the cool things about being a furniture makers. You should make your own tools I encourage you all to do that You make your tools you use them you find things wrong with them and then you improve them until finally you have The perfect design. I don't know if this is it or not, but I feel pretty good about it I've always liked the feel of a handle so I didn't change that So we'll see I'll give this six seven months of use get used to it and we'll see how it holds up I also want to mention if you're interested in dimensions and size On this mallet and you want to make it my blog we'll have that info so you can head over to that I'm gonna try to keep that a little bit more up-to-date I've been a little slacker on that which it's understandable got a lot going on, but I'd like to Relay information about my builds over on that. So that isn't the link to that is in my description go check it out It's called go and make it finally. I want to remind you. Most of you probably already know about this But if you're new, I have a second channel. I just started the beginning your called haven't made that I'm super passionate about it's basically me documenting other craftspeople taking the camera out of my shop and going To other people and showing what they do So I have three videos up there on that now that is a lot of work that channel So we have another one coming probably in March on a glassblower that's going to be exciting So stay tuned for that If you haven't checked that channel out, I would recommend you go over right now and subscribe watch few videos I love that support as always. I appreciate you guys tuning in and I will see you next time
Channel: Andy Rawls
Views: 293,903
Rating: 4.9296575 out of 5
Keywords: andy rawls, andy rawls bandsaw, andy rawls blog, andy rawls boots, andy rawls demolition ranch, andy rawls instagram, andy rawls mallet, andy rawls merchandise, andy rawls shop tour, andy rawls spoon, andy rawls youtube, diy, go and make it, goandmakeit, hand made, how to andy rawls, relaxing wood, texas, woodworking, woodworking asmr, Router plane, mortise and tenon, woodworking joinery, mallet, woodworking mallet, making a mallet, asmr, joiners mallet, how to make a mallet
Id: kRoaN2AT3i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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