I LOYALTY TESTED my Friends GIRLFRIEND, then THIS Happened... (Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds)

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for today's video in the strongest Battlegrounds my friend mangle poool hired me to do a loyalty test on his girlfriend and guys real quick before we get into the video okay I'm just going to say I did this for educational purposes I don't actually want bro's girlfriend I am fine I have my own girlfriend of my own but basically bro ended up calling me on Discord he seemed pretty upset and you know I had to help bro out I had to loyalty test her but guys things ended up getting pretty crazy pretty fast so you want to make sure the sticker on for the whole video the find that what happened so smash that like button hit subscribe and let's get right into this hey yo Mango's calling me on Discord okay hold up what does bro need he literally spammed me with a tatsumaki gifts to get my attention too okay I should probably answer this this might be important yo mango what's up bro bro X I need some help bro I think I think my girlfriend might be cheating on me dude wait wait actually wait what do you mean why yes bro like I saw her post a picture on Instagram on her private story of some other guy and then she just deleted it right away wait like actually bro like for real yes dude no cap no flippers bro I don't know what to do xde like I've been kind of distant with her recently because I've been really busy you know we're working on goobers I got my channel and she's just been acting kind of weird ever since then all right so what do you want me to do about it then bro I think I need to hire you to do a loyalty test on her demon bro you want me to loyalty test your girlfriend yes dude I need you to loyalty test her cuz I got to see what's up bro I don't know what's going going all right bro I got to I'll record everything and I'll show you what happens okay Bet let's do it all right guys and since our buddy mango po wants us to loyalty test his girlfriend apparently I don't actually have her added on Discord but if I do go into my friends over here on Roblox and then search up Anna I actually have her friended and wait she's online okay what if I just uh go go ahead and send her a chat yo Anna what's up G oh and she's already Ty she said hey oh my God she was quick with it what are you doing right now she said nothing much just bored and lonely and she put a sad face oh okay you good or something yeah just haven't really had anyone to play games with recently oh bet this is perfect then maybe we could actually easily get her into a game with us oh okay okay want to play some strongest right now I'm in my private server she said sure happy face okay I think we're going to easily get her into our game guys say less this is about to be easy but you know for mango sake I really hope she's going to stick loyal to bro I mean she literally has mango heart in her bio still so that obviously means she still loves him right anyway guys I was literally about to get the link to my private server but she already joined right off the bat wait what oh my God she's already in the game she's just jumping and B okay well she's being at the dummy okay all right damn what the dummy do yo and long time no see she said hi demon why she's putting extra letters and exclamations might be a little flirty I don't know maybe that's just normal I don't remember her ever talking like that though so you said you're lonely and then she said yeah okay well I asked her if she wanted to like one V one or something I mean hey I brought her here oh but she said sure okay you know what guys maybe we can One V one her get her spirits up even though I'm probably just going to WBO combo the crap out of her okay oh actually she just zoomed around me okay oh Anna's getting better at the game ain't no way okay one 2 3 I'm not going to hold back bana if you're going to play like this then I'mma play like it too oh where she trying to go she trying to lead me to a tree I'mma lead you to a tree sweetheart no sir let me go ahead sneeze right all over you oh look at that she's spamming her block button now she doesn't know what I'm about to do next ooh what am I about to do ooh what am I about to do okay well she can do that okay ow okay but not going to lie I don't know if Anna's been practicing this game but she's actually getting a lot better better at it and you know if there's a girl gamer that's good at the game she's got my respect but uh sorry buddy you're out of here s you to the moon and she said oh man but I said yo GG she said GG too oh and then she said this is the most fun I've had in a while okay now she's just taking selfies thank you so much for inviting me it means a lot oh uh no problem no problem yeah and then she said to be honest though I've been thinking about you a lot lately wait what oh you have I've been listening to a lot of emo music lately and it reminds me of you what and it's she F happy face bro I don't even listen to Emo music what why have you been listening to Emo music she said like I said before I've been lonely and then she put a depressed face mango hasn't been around lately he's been ghosting me and it hurts well I mean we have just started up our goobers Channel which by the way if you guys haven't checked out that channel yet we revived it it is you know linked on my profile the goobers check it out yeah Bros just been busy with recording with the new channel and all that yeah but I need more attention I get he's busy but he literally hasn't been around to even talk to me I need a man who can spare more time for me okay well I get girls like attention but like bro is on his bag right now do you not care he's making money for y'all no not really okay well I mean h that's kind of good she doesn't care about the money okay that's a w that's a w happiness means more than money for real for real I agree but to be honest demon I'm having a lot of fun with you right now maybe we can work something out between us wait huh huh what that mean you know no I don't know what do you mean woman we're in the game together and it's just you and me right now why she getting closer yo guys what is she trying to insinuate here oh no what do you exactly mean by that Anna align the Stars goober it's obvious and wait she trying to kiss me right now back up yo what is going on right now hey yo she said oh demon dot dot dot I've been kind of into all boys lately okay nah ain't no way ain't no way this girl is trying to call me emo right now just because my avatar is a demon does not mean anything chill out and then she said you can hit me more it's fine nah nah you're dead you're dead get out of here oh your tor's gone get out of here activ thing serious mode what do you mean by that maybe it's time for me to leave mango and find better options you look like a good one right now okay nah nah ain't no way ain't no way you're that lonely huh like for real and then she just said yes okay Ain't No Way ain't no way okay guys I'm going to go ahead and call Mango back and get him back in the server before things get too far this is getting out of hand it's sad but it's how I feel and you can feel me too nah nah all right I'm calling mango I got to hurry I got to hurry okay guys I really do not want to end up accidentally stealing Mango's girlfriend friend so I'm going to go ahead and give him a call and see if I can help him save his relationship before it gets too far come on Mango please answer please answer yo mango yo demon you know what I was thinking and I was probably just overthinking bro like I don't think she would cheat on me you know I think she's like loyal I think I was just overthinking a bit I think like everything's good you know what I'm saying H uh yo what do you mean by that um mango can you just can you just join my private server real quick bro we we got to talk oh okay I'll join your private server okay what happened just just join bro hurry hurry just sh all right bro I'm loading into the game all right yo demon what's up what's going on oh I see AO right there yo what's up an hi a oh she said mango yeah bro before you talk to her you should probably read the chat history chat history hold up before I read the chat history bro hey yo bro you cannot do that right off the bat okay let me just read the chat history let let's see yo why is she typing that in the chat what uh dude she told me she's been real lonely she's been second guessing your relationship dude I didn't want to like steal your girlfriend or anything I want to help you like save it if you can no that is insane what am I reading bro uh so Anna I brought mangle here so y'all could talk things out you know what demon should I just pretend like I didn't see any of the chats um honestly bro that might be your best bet but she probably already knows you saw them oh I'm just going to pretend like I didn't see them you know I just said in the chat hey Anna how have you been you know demon maybe if I me for her bro maybe if I me in front of her she'll find it attractive and then she'll like me more ain't no way bro that's insane but she said not good if I'll be honest I'm losing feelings okay n bro you got to save this relationship fast bro what do I do i' I've never had this happen before usually they just like get with the football team and then leave hey yo what I've never had to have this conversation before I think I'm starting to develop feel feelings for demon more than you he's been there more how have I been there more demon why are you trying to steal my girlfriend bro what the flippers D bro you hired me to come here what do you mean bro stop trying to steal my girlfriend demon you know what no demon demon get over you need to chill out bro they going in timeout get out of here get out of time out bark bark bark bark bark and no way this dude's barking at me right now okay and then I almost killed this girl so uh might as well do that too she just said what the heck you know what demon I was overreacting there for a second I I was letting my feelings get to me I need to just sort this out I need to stop overreacting he need to stop being a little bit okay you know what demon [ __ ] you bro yeah get over here I'll beat you up again yeah you want to call me Aon you don't want this man if I really wanted I could steal your girl but I'm trying to help you out man dude stop it are you done yet are okay no all right all right mango all right mango you're dead get dead no bark bark bark and this dude's barking again ain't no way that was so hot demon this is death why I need to get with you bro no bro demon why is she saying this bro like bro you're literally trying to steal her bro I'm really not you just you're the one that attacked me oh my God she's just slowly getting closer to me too oh okay mango I think what you need to do is just confess your feelings for her and then all would be fine okay you know what demon I have a really good idea so the other day on Twitter I was asking people for some pickup lines what if I use one of those pickup lines and see what she says okay that could be good that could be good okay hold on hold up let let me pull up my Twitter let's see bro this one says do you like Minecraft cuz I can make your bed rock actually a very good pickup line I think she might like this okay I just typed in the chat do you like Minecraft because I can make your bedrock and let's see what she says ain't no way my boy w r guys wri she's literally just looking around I don't think it worked bro bro I thought I had w r bro oh yep there she goes she's just walking away okay but maybe if I tell her like a skib toilet pickup light she'll like me oh my God bro just quit while you're ahead no bro the skib toilet pickup light's going to work bro what skiy toilet pickup lines okay I said in the chat are you skiy because I want to poop in your toilet bro this is a w pickup line This Is Such W race mango bro mango bro she punched me across the map dude I don't think she liked my pickup life and then she just said demon can you kill me H she said I'd rather be dead than hear these pickup lines for real for real yeah I just I just had to hit her with the oof Ain no I don't I don't know how to respond to that one bro she said she would rather be dead than listen to my R bro like what am I doing wrong mango I think you're just doing everything wrong bro oh but she said but demon you and me though Derpy face uh okay Anna is there anything at all that mango can do to save your relationship like come on there has to be something there always has to be something she said that there is one thing oh mango you reading this you seeing this bro bro she said there's one thing okay I just said anything for you BBG in the chat let's see what she says if you're honest with me on what you want right now we can stay together okay bro I want that good okay mango you are terrible at these things I'm going to tell you exactly what to say okay bro I think I should just typed in the chat that I want the G no do not do that do not do that don't type that in the chat oh okay I will type it in the chat then all right first you want to spend the rest of your life with her okay I'm going to type in the chat Anna I want to spend the rest of my life with you okay I typed it in the chat w r oh and then she said oh okay now tell her you want to grow old together I want us to be really old in our retirement hold together retirement home is insane all right oh but she said do you mean it really okay mango now this last thing you say is the most crucial one of all okay what do I say demon what do I say tell her you wish to smash her Gat till the day you die okay bet I typed it in the chat demon let's see what she says I want to smash your Gat until the day I die all right this is this has to work this has to work that is W RZ right there W RZ bro W RZ better than skib toilet and then she said I'm so sorry mango let's be together forever yes let's go you R bro I got to hit the gritty bro I got to hit the gritty to celebrate bro oh I really thought I was about to accidentally steal your girlfriend or something oh but what she doing you threw a trash kid at me yeah demon you thought you could steal my girlfriend bro you thought you could seal my girl wait they're both jumping me now what I'm the therapist here bro ain't no way she table flipped me I don't get paid enough for this
Channel: xDemon
Views: 286,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox game, roblox gaming, roblox gameplay, xdemon, demon, roblox strongest battlegrounds, strongest battlegrounds, roblox saitama battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds, bald hero, hero hunter, menacing cyborg, deadly ninja, adrenaline demon, sorcerer, saitama, garou, speed o' sonic, metal bat, genos, gojo, strongest battlegrounds update, strong battlegrounds new, stud, mangopool, atomic samurai, tatsumaki moveset, strongest battlegrounds tatsumaki, wild psychic, sukuna
Id: 7Y52gdOX9rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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