I LOVE THIS GAME | Palworld part 1

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hello welcome welcome today we're going to be playing P World which I plan to have streamed on Sunday but sadly my internet had other arrangements so luckily I can record this though so you guys can see this game that I absolutely love and it's really small only two people are playing it right now I don't think you've ever heard of it but no it's become really popular and it's just it's a ton of fun to play if you love like selda if you love Survival Games well sort of survival games if you love building in games and of course if you like capturing little animals and making them your friends so let's just get this started before though I I need important things in my hands right now there we go now I'm ready to play yeah first we just got to make our own world and make a character also I apologize if I sound a little weird I've been sick recently and I'm still recovering but hopefully you guys don't mind okay let's quickly make our character and then get into the game [Music] okay welcome to Pal world now we can just start exploring the world adventuring and getting some Pals this over here let you it's like a waypoint if you find more of these around the world you can teleport to them fast travel they're very handy and you can also fast travel to your bases but we got to Minecraft this place right now and just punch trees I feel like I've punched enough trees right now now we just got to find some rocks there's also around the world there's these logs over here these journals I I haven't read them yet I just have been busy playing this game with other people so I've hav given myself time to read them but you can find these all over the world as well as another collectible which can be useful though you can also find these chests that hold little items in them this here is py and you use it a lot for example making the spears to catch your little pals as well as just a lot of a lot of other things you can craft and do Shin little chck ch ch oh now that we're leveled up we can get the different stats I like putting him in these first three up here and wait I don't use a lot of work speed I have my pals usually help me while I do other stuff now we can check the survival guide cuz the tutorial was asking us to do that it also has just a bunch of things if you need information when I started out I actually found some things that actually helped me in here cuz I don't want to look things up online cuz I feel like I'll get spoiled and soon pal I want to see in the game okay we can build a workbench now we can okay we don't have enough wood for stuff okay let's just punch wood and then make an axe so we can get more wood and then make a pickaxe actually we should make the pickaxe first cuz it's easier to just punch wood to get stuff and then we can make the axe afterwards I made the ax by accident by accident at least we can get a lot of wood a bath will be handy for us so we can um get them the pals it's going to be a bit brutal but we have to like beat them up to get them to low Health kind of similar to a certain franchise that another company owns but you have to get them to low Health in order to catch them and here in this technology we can find this is our technology point right now we have seven so we can unlock certain things I want to unlock the pal spe right now and the P box we'll unlock the other things kind of later down the line yeah we need more palum so let's try and make a pickaxe probably need some stone for it I would think yeah we definitely need two more Stones hello M oh my God also in this game there is hunger and if it runs out you go to one Health unless you're playing in like harder difficulties okay now we can make a pickaxe cuz I found two stones also just like the pum ore as well as other ores and things we'll find later on we can mine Stone obviously it's not just pick it up from the ground somewhere these uh Stone ores will deplete just like the wood as well as other things it will spawn again eventually there we go we made the pal spear so we can start catching someone I want the male over there oh there's a lot of cats actually we can capture a few probably plus with everyone you get until like you capture 10 of them you get an XP bonus I'm using the wrong [Music] tool oh no and with the palace as well they have different attributes like this one is a coward and clumsy there's another one over there oh yeah you can find Pal spe sometimes on the ground yes become mine oh this one is a coward as well so minus 10% attack speed but it 10% decrease to becoming Dragon damage from incoming Dragon damage he will not become a dragon oh this over there is something special they're collectibles all over the world scattered turn around and it's good to find and grab every one of these cuz these are here LIF monk Effy they will increase their like capture rate for Pals but we need to build a statue or find a statue later to be able to do that let's get ourselves a chicken and a sheep I I accidentally hit it too many [Music] times I did it again no I didn't mean to kill you guys oh no okay let's attempt number two to get a lamp ball there we go we got it okay let's get ourselves a chicken too chicken they're so cute look at them okay okay okay I think it's time for us to build H box oh I need more wood wait I can I just threw a spear bolt this this will happen a couple of times I will accidentally throw my spear balls I I don't know how I managed to keep doing it and it annoys me just as well as it probably does you guys okay come help me little cat look he's working he's so cute oh such a good boy with four you can command and do other things and I'm going to pet this little guy cuz he deserves it okay with your pal box you will store Pals that you've collected so if you have extra of any it they will go in here you can also have a pal in your work like in and also have one pal out at your base and with every level you get you will get another pal you can put into uh your base yeah I think with this one I will name it Kirby I've done that with every single one of my main cat yeah in the game you also my main cat I know I know hello I know you are my main little kitty let's name our sheep as well H she looks like a little cotton ball so her name will be cotton our little um bir here will be named nugget well she looks like a little nugget there we go the other ones will probably end up selling them cuz there's different ways you if you have extra heals there's a lot of things you can do with them you can do brutal things to them like chop them up or I I think even put them in like a blender which combines their strings and stuff and then more Humane things to do with your pals is probably to sell them you can also keep them in your inventory but there's limited inventory space you will have like the box you can also just like drop the the the balls and give to other friends but you can't keep doing that forever okay let's unlock some things like come seal a feeding box so they can eat spear let's take the Rants and the berry Plantation so have a income of uh food oh I don't want a fire arrow I want normal arrow and normal bow like sound is when you get hungry so let's feed ourselves we can also feed our little guys I'm going to first and foremost going to build the straw bed as well as a feeding station this looks like um no let's have them nearby the thing here should be fine I C get some more wood while he works on that so I can make him the food T soon I way he won't get hungry okay we're overweight so we got to drop some stuff there we go let's make him the feeding box let's put it just right here oh let's also make a campfire actually I'm not going to put that over there so I just don't accidentally walk into it oh look how cute he is sleeping it's was a good boy okay we should unlock the chest as well so they can store the items oh I don't have enough wood and Stone bar little Stone there we go also when you're cold your like food thing will go down faster as well as you slowly lose health I'm going to get a bunch of wood has materials so I can build my base a bit more as well build a probably a building so we show you guys okay also with the p box you can do certain things as you can see if F to get into that box as well as power B at base um and with Wii you can get the upgrades now we've done the wooden chest as well deploy your pal so we upgrade and with every upgrade of course we get a new pal like we can put another pal into the box now we got to build a workbench as well as a shy bed and with the shotty bed we need to build a house so that's what we're going to do right now on this guy over here he's the wondering Merchant you'll usually have like uh useful items for crafting or for just using in general and we can sell items to him as well I'm going to build a r so I can have a chicken in there or a sheep they will produce um wool as well as axe which is going to be useful okay we buil the R so let's put a little chicken in there so we can oh let's actually put the Sheep so we can get wool there we go and let's make him a bed as well so he can sleep look at them comeing try and help oh they're so cute what a good Bo and now let's start building a house first we got unlock all the the things for the yeah the wooden Stu set we can also get decor set to make it all nice and cozy later let's build the foundations let's have a nice and cozy kind of big house that way we can also put some of the work vences and stuff inside the house we should get some more wood so we can build house more and now I have damaged my axe I need to go to the repair station and with that we need certain amount of items to repair again I didn't know when I played this like the first time and I kept making more and more of the item and this disc guarding the the broken ones oh but at least I've learned now how to use it and I'm not wasting many many materials oh yeah and we also need to eat because I'm getting hungry our little guy is getting hungry too so we should try and make Little Berry Plantation so we can have plenty of berries and we need to capture a chicken so he can make us egg yeah this should be plenty of wood for repairing the EG and then we can get wood much faster with the pickaxe I mean not pickaxe the normal a but we can get this ore and the stone over there with the pickaxe though the little guys are breaking the stones they won't break the The Ore I don't think I've seen the break ore before so I'll have to get that later okay let's actually put in a stat Point um we did it earlier but I guess the the tutorial thing hadn't popped up then so it didn't get out of the tutorial thing let's increase all these the wool is quite handy but I'm going to take them and uh actually sell it to the merchant cuz there's one thing I want to buy from [Applause] him also note if you play this game and you're building a test try and have them a little spaced apart cuz it's very hard otherwise to get the indicator of which chest you're opening okay let's continue the house so we can build the shy bath so we can get get the upgrade noce and unlock the bed and also unlock cloths I'm pretty sure oh no you just need wool for it never mind we have one pal ball so let's try and capture this [Music] chicken ah Kirby got I forgot to turn kiry off okay so when you're capturing a pal and you don't want him die you can command not to attack or command to attack I don't know the difference between the attack rely and attack on the same enemy they both seem to work the same way I am jump it's okay I'm climbing out of the water I'm fine there's Al of course emotes as well so you can just break down break dance in front of your friends just or in front of your pals okay let's build some pal balls so we can capture more Pals let's have KY on on the station he'll like build until he has finished should be able to make the bed now yeah we can okay no no no no no we're not going to put it in the middle of of the house let's put it right here we'll have a little off section here where the bedroom is good job Kirby okay now get off the workstation do anything you want now we can upgrade our little thing so we can have a third character now we just need a straw three straw bads otherwise we will almost finished with this let's deploy this Kitty just for now and we'll get the chicken afterwards what level are these guys oh five okay let's command Kirby not to attack and try and capture one of these we're going to get a chicken but it would be nice to have one of these as well I don't know if they remember what these ones can do in the base but attack wise they are dark type so they should be really nice okay let's check this hres out oh mostal leader player speed oh nice while in a team increases attack power of all dark PS oh nice so it's like the kbus uh which we will see later which attack um increases the attack of normal type major injury you will slowly heal up in my uh inventory yes Gathering that's all he seems to have okay so he's a more of a useful pal to have in your actual team let's just get one of these cuz we need them for the tutorial [Music] we still have nine balls left so we should be able to get a chicken no problem and since I see a little Firefox over there I'm going to tell you guys about the cooking which we'll be able to do and he'll be able to help us as well as an fire type with the cooking at face I also just like these guys look how cute they are little firef foxes oh if I can there we go ooh they're also angry mean little guys but it's okay it's understandable I'm attacking them there we go now we should be able to Captain let's also get it friends they are quite handy these ones not only with attacks but at home as well I should have hit him maybe one more time I'm also afraid when they're at low level that well no low Health I'll do a crit hit hey but we got him anyway so it's okay where we get the chicken I know of a little thing over here we go down to this Beach area we should be able to find yeah an egg this is where one of many eggs spawn a large dark egg when we get an incubator we can get a little pal this will be really nice and really handy ooh getting that little pinklet over there could be very handy cuz once we make a farm he can water it for us cuz he's a water and ice type and when we get things that need to be frozen he can also freeze them for us well I haven't I haven't made the bow maybe I can he isn't fully in the water yet there you go please come out of the water please I want you as my friend oh yeah this m is is special there are special still bigger and tougher enemies in the game um these ones will give you actually um what is it called again yeah ancient technology points as well as ancient technology um items which will help you craft these items like here you need ancient civilization part and you'll get them from these guys as well as other things in the game ohas will be really handy the gas can um plant for the farm so we'll need to get one of these later they're also just super adorable they will their little tongue sticking all like and it's super cute they they are friend sh oh these are the premise look at them he's asleep and he goes like in those little KNC fur like a little turtle they are so cute cute we're going to get one of these just for cuteness sake he's going to be our friend cuz he's friend shaped yeah let's get a second which was our mission all along but I Tri to get sidetracked in this game I go to do something and then I find a hundred other things to do oh but that's what makes this game fun I could I could lose hours in this it's dangerous for me oh I'm getting cold okay I need to I'm going to grab more chickens just these two I think and then we can go back into the base also if you want to get items from the enemies well PS you don't need to kill them to get the resources you can also capture them so if you're worried about being inhumane or mean or brutal or anything anything like that you don't need to kill these guys I've never actually slept in this game but let's sleep okay oops I didn't mean to pick up this guy you can to go do whatever okay we built all the things now we can get a chicken and since we're going to be cooking let's put this guy out and get this one in this one has a lot of good things um except the masochistic thing I don't want to know about that okay let's make some berries he's going to come running look at him and he's going to cook for us cooking normally takes this a long time we we're cooking right now and it's very slow for us well he's helping us it's a lot faster but we just be cooking and then we'll just grab it once it's done for the upgrade we'll need to make I think a berry Plantation yeah Plantation let's do that well let's also make a new bed cuz there's another guy now feel like I want to have the berry Plantation there's nothing that spawns over here so let's just have some over here I'm going to need more wood cuz I want to have two of these uh at minimum good boys and girls yeah now they're already starting to drop a and the Sheep of course is always dropping wo now we can have another guy in our base can we need to build the Statue of power we need to unlock that of course also with these we'll oh yeah let's get a h work uh hell gear workbench and that way we can make these harnesses as well as saddles for certain Pals these are going to be super duper handy and going to be have different effects and different things that you can do of course the Saddles all work the same where you ride a pal but certain Pals can have certain attacks while you're writing them yeah let's have the statue wait can we put it inside the house actually I'm curious oh we can let's just put it inside the house there cuz there's no need for it to take space off outside can have Kirby help me oh okay bye Kirby I I guess you don't want to help me okay oh oh hello little cat thank [Music] you I don't know what happened to Kirby it was like no I don't want to build no statue and with these this is the statue that allows you to increase the um capture rate right now we just have one and that's all we need we just enhance and next time we'll need four so it will always increase quite a lot hello little one okay he's finished the berries so let's have him cook more put some cooked berries in here okay P gear work BS and we need more of a lot of stuff the PS will also automatically put things in the chest and they will not keep it organized so just keep that in mind things will get this organized real fast okay now we can build the armor let's do that cuz it's going to be really nice to have a little bit of protection and then later on we'll get more and more better armors nice and look it also just looks so nice I like like the the stylization of these clothes they look very nice look at these and then we get even cooler ones later on yeah let's also make a sealed sealed is actually really nice oh we're actually hungry oh Kirby I kind of need your help with this right now also throwing out uh your Palace into certain stations will make them work there so you can also pick them up and make them work by pressing F on them like I can pick this guy up oh I accidentally open the chest but yeah lift is f i can take her and I can throw her at the thing but she she she's already doing that see so no need to do that he's sadly upset and then he'll go to bed he'll stop working and go to bed uh later on we can make Hot Springs and other things to make them feel better oh thank you gby you did a good job I'll need to to make me a spear now let's repair this and let's then make the workstations kind of want to just for decoration sakes make this a separate room cuz this will be like the bedroom area so I think will be nice have like wed off sort of not completely but a little bit there we go and we probably probably have this like a kitchen area with statue and stuff and this be the bed and stuff here's going to be where I will put me me put my work stations are we still not we don't have enough stuff but it's okay we can grab more oh they've been mining these nice so we have the pum what did we need wood yeah more wood we have to find a pal soon that can um grab wood for us but the only one is that I know of that's like um can do it right now is a and they are mean to try and be friend we could try and get a the CH monk guy Li monk I think he called and I think he can get wood for us oh we need to eat let's eat some eggs let's give Kirby some oh I already finished them okay we'll cook more dinner and there we go they're collecting more eggs so that's that's good that's good here you go Kirby he made the spear for us let's have him make some some um Spears not the spear spear but the spear spear let's repair this so we have are ready to make some more PS um oh we can put this guy in um I don't want to lose any of these guys I'm going to put this one in as soon as I can let's have Cris with us this lamp B can just go in here here we go and should have we don't have enough oh I just oh I'm so smart I accidentally used all the things we needed for the build to make more Spears but that's okay we we'll need a lot of Spears in this game to capture more Pals and stuff always good to have all the pals in the world we all need friends oh goodness I just realized I don't have enough beds for the guys I need to make more beds before they get stressed out let's quickly make a bed before we made the crafting station just cuz I don't want my little guys to be stressed should still have enough for no we don't have enough pum oh there should be enough here yeah we just gathered three so that's enough okay let's put this here kby do you want to come help me your is a good boy yeah let's go outside Kirby oh the ex already there we go let's um GA some more things in here we should then have everything oops I'm not traveling Oh yeah press C for traveling so you can travel to other places but we don't need to travel right now we just need to upgrade that way we can put the pingle in in here should actually hold on I'm going to name these guys that are in the base oh then put them in there we go let's just um this is a female but I'm going to name it Pingu though oh Pingu ping your name will be goppo go there you go oh I'm going to take this chicken away and put nugget in there I'm also going to put cotton in there because cotton cotton doesn't have anything but still good stronghold Str what does that mean let's look at that actually oh it's just for the player if it's for the player there's no need for them in the base yeah let's name our Fox spark I know exactly what I'm oh it's a female okay I was going to name him Tails but because it's a female ah firei Boi the cutest of all all foxes have I okay now we need to build a crer a stone pit and a logging side they're going to be really handy cuz the logging site will give us wood and the animals can work there and we don't have to wait for anything to respawn the Stone Works the same way the cruster will crust the stone to become pum and it would also cross Uh Wood to become the string thing oh God I forgot what it's called a fiber which is really handy okay let's unlock the crer as well cuz we need to build that for the upgrade crer oh that one took two points okay we need a lot of pum so let's go exploring let's get the LIF Monk and on the way let's grab pelium as well as to just grab more Pals yeah oh he already finished this let's make a spear not spear no wor bears oh I'm so sorry I just sorry pink Letta but he's going to build us a bow Let's help him do that so it's faster and once we finish the bow we can get going on an adventure oh before I go though I need to make another bed for the guys our little family of little dudes is increasing and increasing probably move their food station somewhere else just so it's not um like too crampy up with the beds cuz that can make it harder for them to eat so let's see what we can unlock can we unlock any decorations cuz I'd love to decorate ooh wooden living room furn set and a Tavern let's build a Tavern later not going to ooh cabinets okay no more no more things we need to save up our points for more useful things oh look at these Round Table oh I've never unlocked these before like the oh my God these look so nice okay we will decorate later and we will make our house so nice looking just need to wait until he's done and then we can go Adventure okay now that that's all done it's night time oh actually that pal over there I love this pal their name is Daydream and they're also very handy cuz you can get a harness for them and if you get that harness for them they'll be able to stay out of your like their like P spear even if you have another pal out which is normally not a thing you can do there are certain other Pals that can do the same thing but right now this is the most like earliest game one you can get and plus it's super cute look at this little look at this little dude look at this little dude she's so cute I already know a name for her okay let's get home let's sleep one day we're going to get the this one we are not high enough level for it but I let you guys see it cuz you guys are probably curious seeing it in the distance it looks so cute look at it super adorable okay but let now let's get home and let's sleep and then during the day we can go and Adventure we have our pisp we have our food let's put some things in the chest so they can plant stuff have they plant oh they are planting stuff nice we're such good little goobers we have plenty of um inventory space let's increase our we weight by one so we getting 400 now okay the wondering Merchant so far has been very glitchy for for me he is supposed to go away but he always seems to get stuck in these rocks or he gets stuck by the river over there while the lake so it's kind of Handy that he whenever he gets stuck that way you don't have to wait for him to come back right now he doesn't have anything we need so let's just go get going we're going to be capturing more pal so I'm leaving my very empty cuz we might get some very useful ones oh that's a Nightwing over there they are super powerful and very nice to have but right now we're we're way under level once once again for them what level are we actually we're level well level eight so no I'm not going to risk it let's CCH this crise it's Nimble yeah let's unlock wait there might be oh the chest is over here yeah okay let's go unlock the thing then grab the chest and I know another place where an egg can spawn oh this one is locked so we need a copper key for it copper keys can be found in the chests so we need a chest that has a copper key order to unlock this chest chest setion the a should be around here if I remember correctly um might be a little further down there's green thing over there so we should grab that first also funny thing is the the little pals kind of just run in the water it's kind of cute and funny I totally forgot okay so you can find humans in this world there is a human in the beginning of the game over there I'll need to show you guys what they have to say and um what this one has to say as well and they will often give you items well some of them these ones in the beginning you're a new face don't tell me an outsider not that it matters to me now you're now that you're on this island why not catch some Pals you can get extra XP for capturing 10 of the same kind you know you know what they say pal Tamers get stronger by the more paltic capsure here take this I've got high hopes for you and they give me pum let's grab the green thing and let's grab a journal probably by the end of this uh episode I'll read the journals I'm going to have this a continuous in series serous there's the egg it was by this rock I knew there was EG somewhere around here but yeah I'll probably read a journal in the end of each episode so if I got the right ones like number one and stuff journals yeah I got the number one well XX I'll read that in the end so for those who don't want to listen to me reading with my distan all you don't have to then you can just skip the end but right now we're going to get a lift MK the spawn areas of each spell is not random they have certain areas that they can spawn in so I think we can find oh yeah here in the P de habitat and you can see all the habitation they can spawn in these ones aren't really rare so they kind of like despawn everywhere I think well in the St areas at least and then these ones are over here and these certain ones are over there I I don't know if it depends on where you like open the area but it seems yeah it seems they can just show up even if you haven't seen the area yet this is very handy oh o this one I want this one we'll have to get it later once we find it it spawns very rarely so I don't think we'll find it in this episode but let's just continue exploring and finding more things we could try and capture a tany with with s these monkey ones yeah let's try and capture one of those and then get the lipm which are usually in that area over there oh no okay let's capture him real quick those over there are Syndicate sucks they will kill any uh pal they find they do not like Pals they're like the team uh rocket not copyright no no no uh but yeah they are like meaner version of those that will just attack anyone go go go okay and they have have guns so they're they can do a lot of damage there will be tougher enemies human enemies later on careful woo oh is he attacking me now okay did I grab my bow okay I have it let's put the Nightwing now not Nightwing let's get the Daydream out so we can get the night one what what's their health and what's my health okay let's get behind this rock he's doing his attack it shouldn't yeah doesn't go through this get my should be able to get him once we get his health low enough we just got to be careful not to die ourselves CU you can die in this game then you drop all your Ps and you will have to go grab them again as well L all the stuff in your inventory she let's get her out again going have her not attack just so we don't kill him okay he should be low up now it will take a couple of Spears to capture him we have 12 right now so we should be pretty okay we actually got him oh my god oh that's such a good thing to get right now he does um a decent amount of damage what's there see some sparkly ooh Some pple oh and some arrows I I often find an arrow like stack of arrows here and Els maybe it's just a spawn place they can uh spawn I don't know though okay we'll get some also some uh lamp balls cuz we need them for the tutorial we only need two more to get oh helpful so I'm going to I think we should get them oh let's get a tea tant I like elephants but they're teacups well tea um pettles sorry okay that should be enough oh there's the LI monk that's the guy we need we got to get him come here little little chipmunk okay wait this one is level three the level three one could be easier to get probably can also get a harness for this guy and I'm not going to spoil what it is cuz I want to show you guys what what it does once I get it we we should probably catch two of these guys one for the base and one to have in our inventory well in our team we can also switch up the teams from now and then just have different kind of team setups okay we got him okay nice nice nice this guy should be able to wait um yeah we don't have him in our teamates to uh fo so we should be able to get him and see what he if he can actually cut with I think he should be able to but remember correctly okay nice and if we go over here we should be able to get another green thing as well as a tree with special things in them these are fruits skill fruit they will give our little pals certain skills as can see this one has pun flurry an air cannon and then there's one empty he'll get it probably when he as he levels up he should be able to though he should be able to he should be should be able to um cuz on when they're leveling up they'll get more skills and stuff like that but we can also give them certain skills if we want them to have those skills all of these seem to be ice it's rare that I've gotten ice ones on this this tree okay let's try and run over usually I have the the glider but I don't haven't made that yet let's try and run o okay we made it so let's grab this egg there was also an egg like further down there as well as another teleportation place but we'll get that later probably in the next episode when we advance more further on on this episode I kind of wanted to focus on the whole base mechanic of the game as well as base building so base base base this is all base but now we should be able to finish up what we need to do for the upgrade we should be able to put our little pal in yeah all this good times hello mer Merchant you're still here stuck looking at a rock we also got a frozen egg I've never gotten a frozen egg before we got two of the same thing I tickle clutter cutter so it's uncommon oh that's very nice we got nice things let's have them cook and let's see we need a cruster stone pit and loging site we should be able to do that in no time right now my little monkey leveled up and he learned sand blast I gu L threw a ball again oh my God such a waste of material at least we find him them randomly oh god oh look the merant he's trying to escape but he's stuck on the rocks that he was staring on now staring at now I got too many items on me got to put these on the in the chest and I'm going get more more pum I like this area cuz it like has a decent amount of wood decent amount of stone but it has like at least five pum that spawn here and there's some down there as well oh wait actually there's six oh the merchant finally was able to leave he left the base oh hello memorist you come for a visit it's nice to see you never ever attack these guys by the way until you're the high enough level of course they will mess you up also neat thing if you're in a online world you have security things so you can put a password on this as well as on your base so you can password so if you're making a base area you can kind of just put everything inside the house going to put the logging side around here like near the wood area but I have enough space for them to move around it so they can glitch themselves little dudes let's fit the stone one over here and the cruster oh I need need a little bit more wood but crer will'll put besides the stone one I'm also going to put chest around these uh crafting stations maybe wait ah I'm going to make them cancel this w w w ah damn it okay let's just disassemble this and we'll make a new one cuz I kind of I think want it near the stone one as well that way you can have a chest for both of them I want to use the crust resma so I think I'll put the crust over here I think I need yeah I need more wood for it hello memorist okay they've almost finished building this so let's build the pressure over here know if they need to finish building it or not yeah they need to finish building it before we get the upgrade so in the meantime let's build another B for the guys there we go and let's help them finish this oh nice do I have my there we go okay now we can upgrade it boom now we can have the left monk here um vard yeah I'm going to look at these guys this one has oh this one also can do logging prise I'm going to keep you in here a little bit just going to look at these guys stats and see which one is that's to have in the base H has lumbering level one oh he's unstable so I don't think that's good locking Foreman oh he increases players efficiency so he's not good on the base itself he's better in our team oh this one also increases player stats but he also has Diet lover um and um it's like like likely to decrease hunger by 15% he's also can do lumbering and a lot of other things as well as medic medicine production when we get a here he's going to be a lot better cuz he can actually uh he I think the only thing he can do is logging so he can focus on that let's have Nightwing on our team as well as um I think Cris yeah I think that's a good team I'm also going to put all my favorite ones like I want to collect them all so I want to put my Collective ones in here so I can have them all there oh this one has these both are good just eat this oh no c a lot of good lamb balls oh no I already had a chicken and the cast have been questionable they all have something R to them AKA on negative trait we need more land bulbs for adventuring but right now I think we're done for this episode next episode will probably Advent out we will of course keep upgrading our like base we'll keep updating our base we will capture more Pals we will just we will do a bunch of things and this will probably be a many part series I really love this game so I just want to keep playing it oh we need a fe feed for a little um Kirby let's make two x for him go here you go Kirby we'll make a harness as well as Saddles we'll go into that aspect of the game we'll just have a lot of fun this game is tons and tons of fun like I enjoy it a lot and so just thank you guys for watching and you can keep watching for the journal entry but otherwise I'll just say have a good day bye-bye Castaway Journal day XX this world harb is a secret I was convinced of this when I began reexamining the globe's Geographics features for my research towards the end of last year looking over the islands of the world I noticed something strange felt like a certain area was empy so to speak I knew there should have been something there it's unbelievable to me how no one could ever have noticed such an obvious absence in this location with a few months of preparation I was successfully able to guess the location of an island based on my hypothetic with conviction in my heart I chared the boat and set out for the island alone now that all of this is over thank you all for watching and yeah have a good one
Channel: Maria Ben
Views: 42
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, game, gameplay, horror, steam, anime, cat, girl, neko, blue, cute, scared, funny, scream, 致命的な会社, ブイチューバー, 猫, 猫娘, マリア, icelandic, iceland, fear, stream, terror, video game, video, fail, death, confusion, confuse, envtuber, isvtuber, 2024, best, laugh, moment, meme, chipi, chapa, dubi, daba, kitten, uwu, owo, japanese, world, vrc, 3d, crazy, tired, hit, mistake, chat, model, holy moly, hello there, fbt, free, dance, sweet, awkward, iphone, ipad, app, twitch, compilation, viewers, viewer, vrchat, vr, live2d, alerts, tits, throw, pog, PALWORLD, pal, pokemon
Id: d1IKZWgqgBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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