are they worth the hype? i read three popular booktok books

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hello everyone it's me jamie welcome back to another video so i'm sure you've read the title by now but today i am going to be doing a another reading vlog but it's going to be like another reading challenge and i have given myself three books that i have seen all over tik tok and all over book talk like constantly i have never read these three books i didn't really have any interest in reading these three books but i am going to read them in this reading vlog so if you live under a rock and you don't know what book talk is but you're still on booktube basically booktalk is a community that has been created on the app tick tock and it's basically just like short little videos where people talk about like their books and sometimes there's like skits sometimes it's like what they've been reading it's recommendations i don't know it's all really fun so i decided to just give it a go i'm actually doing this vlog like we're not doing it together but this is a reading vlog that me and my three friends are going to be doing so kevin kaitlyn and chloe we're all doing this specific reading vlog and we're actually all going to be buddy reading one of the books in today's video obviously we will let you know how we go there might be a couple of like facetimes in this vlog but yeah for the most part it's gonna be me reading three popular tik tok books or book talk books and seeing how they are so let's just get into what i'm gonna be reading so the first one i'm gonna be reading is it ends with us by colleen hoover i have seen this everywhere especially by romance book talkers and now i feel like a lot of the romance booktubers that i watch have been talking about this and recommending like colleen hoover books and i've always known that colin hoover existed but i never really thought about giving her a go until now so i'm gonna be reading it ends with us apparently this is a really sad romance i honestly don't know anything about the plot but i'm so excited to get into it there might be like a little love triangle situation in this from reading the back but i know i know it just breaks people so yeah this is the book that me and my friends gonna be buddy reading and i'm just really excited i hope i cry i love crying so yeah the next book i'm gonna be reading i am going to be reading on my kindle and it is from blood and ash by jennifer l armentrout this one is the one that i was most inclined to pick up at some time this year because it won the goodreads choice awards in 2020 for i believe romance which is a bit weird because it's like fantasy but i think it is a fantasy romance but i'm so excited to read this i've never read anything by jennifer l armentrout and i know that caitlyn quite likes this book just said it's really fun and again it's something i know nothing about but just like a fancy romance vibe i've never actually read a fantasy romance like i've read fantasy with the romance actually that's a lie i feel like i have read fantasy romance like i've read a court of thorns and roses and stuff but yeah no i'm just really excited to get into this and yeah so this is gonna be one that i'm reading on my kindle and then the third book i'm gonna be reading is they both die at the end by adam silvera this is definitely one that i had no intention of picking up like i just didn't really care for it but again this one has been all over book talk people just posting videos of them crying and we all know that i love to cry basically this is just two boys they both know that they're like on the brink of death or something but these two strangers come together because they have both found out they're gonna die on the same day and they decide to spend like one last day together apparently it's like really really heartbreaking obviously there's gonna be some deaths i mean it's in the freaking title so yeah i'm really actually quite excited to read this now now that i've put the idea in my head of me reading it so yeah no i'm looking forward to it i am looking forward to it and kevin said this was a good book as well so yeah so those are the three books i'm going to be reading in this reading vlog i really hope you enjoy i think i can definitely read these books quite fast i think it definitely won't take me longer than a week or anything so yeah i'm actually really excited and i'm excited to just get into it i think the first book i'm going to pick up is they both die at the end because it's the one that i was the least inclined to read i think i would just get started with this one so i can get it out of the way so i can move on to the ones that i was actually quite interested in but i still think i'm gonna enjoy this and also like i have been in a really weird space mentally like just with lockdown and everything i've been feeling really like burnt out but also just like emotionally distant emotionally unavailable and i just wanna i just wanna cry i just wanna sob so i think i will be starting this one tonight and i'm really excited and i'll let you guys know how i go i'm not gonna start reading just yet because i still have a lot of work to do today it's like two or three o'clock and i need to do my work but as soon as i've finished that i'm gonna get started on this and it's gonna be a fun time so i'll talk to you very soon and i hope you enjoy the video hello guys good evening i i don't know why i kind of look a wreck like i look like i haven't slept in a thousand years ignore that hi um so i wanted to say i started they both died at the end tonight finally i did get some work done all that stuff so feeling productive but yeah i finally started this i am only on page 41 so i've only been reading for a little while but already like the vibes are like fine like it's it's okay i don't think this is gonna be a five-star book like so far i'm not like enamored by adam silvera's writing style or his like author's voice i've never read anything by adam silvera so this is like my first experience with it and like it seems fine it is gonna be a fast read whatever so basically we're following our two characters mateo and rufus mateo has like i think lost his mother and he just lives with his dad but his dad is really sick at the moment he got the call from this thing called the death cast which basically tells you that you're going to die within the next 24 hours but it doesn't tell you how and so basically he's just kind of like figuring out what he's going to do with his day with his last 24 hours and then we also follow rufus who is an orphan he has lived in a foster home and all of his friends and everyone they're all from the foster home as well and he found out he was going to die in the middle of beating up this guy who was like dating his ex-girlfriend so very interesting so far in terms of the characters because it's dual perspective as well we get to like be inside their heads and so far with the characters i feel like mateo i don't really get his vibe like he's just kind of boring to me at the moment we'll see if he picks up but i do quite like rufus i just feel like he's a little bit more about him he's a little bit more interesting yeah obviously don't condone him beating up this random guy who's minding his business because you know we don't like violence we don't like unnecessary violence but i still feel like he's going to be the most interesting character read about from the two perspectives right now they haven't even encountered each other yet they don't even know of each other's existence so obviously i will be getting to that soon but yeah it seems okay i was reading it and i was like actually trying to wonder like would i want to know if i was going to die that day like what i really want to know and i genuinely think no like honestly this is my worst nightmare to be honest someone calling me being like just so you know like you're going to die today and that's like a normal occurrence in like our daily life like everyone knows that they might get cool one day saying that they're going to die like and that happens to everyone i don't want to know i don't want like i feel like there'd be so much pressure to like have a good day and then that would lead to me not having a good day i feel like it's kind of like a birthday because do you guys know what i mean when i'm like you there's so much pressure to have a good birthday that you end up don't having a good birthday and you end up having kind of like a shittier day than normal is that just me am i like kind of weird and quirky for that but yeah you know i don't know so yeah i'm gonna keep reading i think i can easily get to like page 150 tonight which is yeah not far away like just over 100 pages i think i can keep reading more of and then i'll probably go to sleep i do want to do a little life update as well so obviously we're still in lockdown because covert situation all that sort of stuff we are in a strict lockdown i am going to be changing bubbles tomorrow uh just because i currently am i've just gone back from australia i'm living with my family and it's a huge family like and i'm spending most the day babysitting which is fine i love looking after my niece all that stuff but i just live with a lot of people and i've had quite a few auditions come through that i have to do from home and it's a little hard to do them here i don't really feel like i have to like you guys that interested or like i have to explain anything but basically like i can't do auditions here so i'm switching bubbles to my friend jana's house um it's literally just her and one of our other friends both of them are actors and it just means that i can actually properly do my auditions and like get this work done and it's just the two of them so and i definitely don't have covered because i have been in a quarantine hotel the entire time and then here and i haven't left the house so yeah i'm gonna be switching bubbles tomorrow and then just staying with them until lockdown is over so i'm gonna be taking a lot of books with me i will let you know tomorrow how many books i take and like what i'm taking but i'm definitely gonna be taking obviously my kindle and this and it ends with us because i need to do this vlog i'll let you guys know how i go hopefully i can like film some videos in their house and stuff and it will be a nice easy way to do it yeah and you guys can get to know jana a little bit and subscribe to her channel and hang out with her and hang out with us and it'll be fun anyways i'm gonna jump straight back into bed i've turned my electric blanket on i'm so ready let's keep reading this and i'll let you know how i go when i continue oh get out of here get out of my room hello do you like my hair no it's ugly yeah least i don't have an ugly personality oh shut up and get out okay hi it's um [Music] sunday sunday yes sorry i was just dividing the five by the two and then just figuring it out that it's sunday oh my god did you just do math yeah you know how to do that yeah that's crazy i know and she can read did you know oh yeah i can it's something i learned recently i keep on looking in the viewfinder and not on the lane oh i only look at myself well you're a leo so okay hi um i'm at lyanna's house we are look downing together and it's sunday night and we are going to stream to all that sort of stuff but i want to update that i'm here this is yana you may have seen her on twitch or on youtube because she has a youtube channel now called child and she has joined the booktube she does book videos she does book videos i'm creating my own little online cult with all my real life friends i'm i'm getting them all to come in collecting them it's amazing so subscribe to janna please um but also i wanted to say i've read more of i'm i've read more of the words at the end called i'm on page do you want to read that out and then you can actually do something useful page 227 well done so do you want to hear my thoughts okay literally why you subscribed to me like why are you my friend if you don't have my thoughts about anything okay so anyway i prefer to have a parasocial relationship not you i don't want a real one you would die so well no i i j i asked you when i came back you said you were reading it i was like oh what do you think so basically i read up to page 99 last night and then i read 200 i've read up 227 while i've been here which is great i've done a lot of reading um because she went to sleep like a lazy and i was like i'm going to have productive girl boss day yeah you had you did girl boss girl singing your dreams but yeah so it's okay i'm not gonna lie it's okay it's kind of exactly how i thought it would be like the writing style like who kind of cares like it's it's not amazing i don't really care if the characters that much and i don't really understand like why they're becoming friends apart from the fact that they're both like gonna die like that's the only thing they have in common and the friendship is just kind of like i don't care about them like i would much rather follow their like own different storylines maybe find a little bit more about like matteo and his friends and his dad and everything and then like rufus and his friends at the foster home like i kind of feel like it would be better if we had like two separate story lines but like they were interwoven because i just don't really care about them being friends honestly the chapters i find the most exciting are the chapters that are from like non-main characters and about what they're doing on this on this last day so you know it's kind of stinging on two-star vibe for me but i am reading it really fast so i think i will probably finish it if not tonight then definitely tomorrow but yeah so far tick-tock i don't really get the hype and i'm definitely not gonna cry like i just know for a fact that i'm not gonna cry cause i'm not connected to any of the characters do you wanna hear my thoughts yeah sure go for it or you haven't read [Laughter] because i have seen so much of this book yeah on on and on booktube yeah i've heard everyone be like it's okay yeah and i feel like with the title like they both die at the end it's it you're kind of setting yourself up for i feel like almost failure because it's like well okay well i'm expecting tears now and i feel like that makes it a lot harder to cry exactly and like that's the whole concept of the book i feel like the big like plot twist or the big surprise that's gonna happen is that they um we like figure out how they die because right now like they're not told how they die they just like both die at the end and like it's their last day but i feel like it's i know i feel like i just know what's going to happen like i feel like it's i've guessed the plot just connected do you want to predict it no because i don't want to spoil anyway that's how i feel we're going to go and get ready because we're going to do a twitch stream tonight but i'll talk to you very soon good morning guys it's monday morning hello i'm talking kind of quietly because my friends are asleep and i don't want to wake them up and i'm just like chilling in the lounge but it is monday morning and i finished their birthday at the end just then um [Music] cool like awesome like i didn't cry at all first of all like literally i was not even sad which is disappointing because of like how everyone likes sobs of this book and it's like so heartbreaking for them like i kind of wish i could like get in on that but just know i'm gonna be giving this two stars for me i didn't buy the characters like chemistry so i thought the romantic aspect of their relationship was unnecessary i just didn't feel connected to them and it just felt kind of like everyone loves romance so let's put it in and i i don't know i sent by the chemistry and it's just it just felt a bit silly i also just didn't find that they were particularly well fleshed out characters i know that they were like supposed to be super different and rufus was like just living life and mateo was like kind of paranoid and you know a bit nervous and everything but a lot of the time when they were talking i was like who's who to be honest like who's saying what line like i didn't have like individual voices this is all my opinion and i could be wrong but this is just like how i felt in the moment i also found the concept to be kind of cheap to be honest like the magic system is just like never explained and it's like how do these people who like alert the people that are gonna die that day how do they know like how do they know it's just like never explained and so for me it feels quite lazy not that everything does need to be explained but like it just didn't make sense and then also the concept was just stupid anyway because a lot of these people would not even die if they didn't get the phone call saying that they would die they literally a lot of them just genuinely would not have died and then also the ending i don't want to give away any spoilers but the ending was just stupid and it also felt like a really lazy ending i i suppose it was supposed to be like kind of like a glimmer of hope or something but like it just didn't impact me whatsoever so i personally found it lazy and i wasn't happy with it but yeah i finished it and i also finished my goodreads challenge today this was my 75th book this year and i did say that i wanted to read 75 books this year so i'm feeling very happy and very accomplished i want to film a video which is like 25 books i want to read before the end of the year so then i can like do like 100 books this year but we'll see if i film that i'll probably film that sometime this week but also now i think i'm going to do some work and do some editing and then move on to my next book uh once i finish editing the stuff i need to edit so i'm going to do that now i think i'm not really in a fantasy mood so i think i'm going to move on to it ends with us maybe that one could bring the tears but we'll see okay i'll talk to you guys soon happy monday hello guys so it's wednesday night now and i'm really sorry i haven't really been reading or updating the vlog i've had like an audition to do and i just haven't really been reading i've just kind of like had a little break from it all because obviously i read so much in august so yeah i just had a little break past couple of days but i did actually start it ends with us by colleen hoover so i'm now on page 72 and so far i am kind of getting the fact that this is going to be very much like a love triangle like this new guy that our main character lily has met and then also i think it's gonna be like a love triangle between him and someone from her past like her childhood love and that's kind of all i can gather right now also like she has just lost her father but her father was like really abusive so she's kind of like happy about that i feel like she's like she's happy that he died because he was like really physically abusive towards her mother so i feel like we're going to be learning a lot about her past and then also in this like love triangle situation already i don't know too much about the like past childhood lover and i really did like the new guy at first but since then there was literally a scene where he like got on his knees and like big to have sex with them so i'm a little bit like like kind of disgusting to be honest i really hope that she doesn't end up with him and i'm always a big fan of like second chance romances so yeah i'm gonna try and read more tonight i want to try and get at least halfway tonight and i will like update you guys as i go yeah it's fun at the moment i'm not like loving it but i'm not like hating it so it really could go anywhere from this from this stage um one thing though like our character is a really big fan of like ellen degeneres and i kind of hate that longer generous but that's like a personal thing so i'm like not really liking that aspect but yeah those are really all my thoughts no thoughts hit empty and i haven't read it for like the past two days so i'm gonna finally try and read some more tonight and i'll let you know as i read how it is all that sort of stuff so yeah i'm gonna get into pajamas now get cozy and try and read like a hundred pages of this him [Laughter] most people know my last name by now hi guys it's oh my god what day is it time it's just a social construct like what time is it it's thursday it's thursday afternoon it's thursday afternoon me and jana are about to get ready to film some videos today be girl buses do some streams like all that sort of stuff oh my god i'm being attacked it's worse than when i lived with chloe i wanted to say i read more of it into us last night and this morning so i'm now on page 138 i'm not gonna lie when i was reading it i was like like three star vibes so i said before that this is like a love gonna be like a love triangle and i'm really not a fan of like our character ryle who is the love interest at the moment like the current one i'm really not a fan of him like i think he's supposed to be quite like confident and like cocky and like he's a bit of a player but he's obsessed with her which usually is my favorite trope but for him i'm just like i'm getting really like arrogant vibes from you but not in a fun way and also he's the character that literally got on his knees and picked you to have sex with them so i'm like ooh yuck like i just don't like him i don't trust him and he's just a bit cheesy and like the lines that he says like i feel like they're supposed to be like end up on pinterest's quotes but i'm not really getting that bad like sorry colleen like i'm just kind of like okay cool next back jack fisher from females bring back jack fisher bring back jack fisher but anyway yeah so then i was like reading it and i was like okay like three stars but i feel like it could improve when atlas comes in and as soon as i thought that atlas appears so i feel like now i'm going to start enjoying it more because now i'm actually in the love triangle i feel like it's very obvious that atlas is probably going to be in game but he's a military man triggered has um dated a military man before so you know trigger warnings and trigger warning specifically for me um but also i'm a bit worried because atlas has a girlfriend and lily's obviously seeing ryle so i wonder if he's going to be like a little affair but i also don't really mind that because i'm not super triggered by cheating fair enough like i kind of could vibe with like a little affair story it gives me anxiety in books cheating i guess what i mean yeah it gives me a little bit of anxiety as well but like it's really weird so i read like a polyamorous kind of romance last month and that gave me the heebie-jeebies i was like oh i can't do this like she's watching him like have sex with this other woman and then she like joins in like i was just really like oh my god because i can't do polyamory yeah but they were cheating that doesn't really give me the heebie-jeebies reading about it no but also that's not what every polyamorous like a lot of polyamorous relationships are like you don't have sex while someone else is watching like that yeah like you just i think it's like do your thing separately yeah i don't even know why i felt more uncomfortable by the polyamory then i think it's just like with polyamory it's like that's a choice and that's decision and you're going into it knowing that you're going to be like sharing your partner whereas with cheating it's like easy to remove myself from it a little bit because it's like well i know people are getting hurt by this and it's not like this thing that i'm gonna have to like be okay with while reading the book because i know that it's gonna be like a bad thing i don't think they're gonna cheat but at the moment i am team atlas i'm kind of like okay break up with your girlfriend but girlfriend exactly but we'll see like we'll see i might end up hating him as well i think i just like atlas at the moment because he's like the guy from her past like childhood love like long lost love they lost contact for eight years like something about that is just like super romantic for me because it's so unrealistic to me like if i lost contact with an ex for eight years i wouldn't still have feelings for him i would want nothing to do yeah i would be like sorry who are you like i i just haven't had that sort of love where i've held on to someone for eight years and i have had relationships like 10 years ago i'm i'm older than i look but don't let this youthful facade fully yeah darling but like you know like even those relationships that i've had in the past i'm not sitting here like pining over them like if i saw if you if you were i'd i'd have to slap you i'd be like yeah one's in jail no but like if i like if my like first love came into my life after not seeing him because i haven't seen him for years and years my first love like suddenly came to my life i wouldn't be like hey i'd be like oh hi that kind of means nothing to me but that's why i'm excited about reading about it because it's so far from my experience and you know isn't that what reading books is like escapism like oh exactly so yeah no i'm excited to keep reading i'm going to try and read heaps more today after work i'm going to try and read heaps more tonight and i'm hoping to finish it if not tonight then definitely tomorrow morning but um i'm nearly halfway i'm like a third just over a third of the way through oh nice i was nearly like i'm two quarters of the way through but then i was like that's half you at least she caught herself okay so i'm gonna put some makeup on get ready and then do our thing be an adult thumbnail moment we are going to get ready but i was looking at jana's book collection and like we were talking about the books she hasn't read yet and i was like do you want me to just like leave they both die at the end here even though i know that like she probably won't like it and like i didn't really like it and she's like yeah i might as well and i was like yeah you can just have it and she was like oh you really didn't like it you didn't like it but i was like you might as well like keep building up your collection like there's literally like less than 20 books here yeah exactly and like i've already got so many books i don't really need to keep something that i'm never going to read again um so you can just have it and read it when you're bored because even though i know you won't like it it's still a really fast read and sometimes it's good to read things that you don't like enjoy as much because it means that like when you do read a really good book it's like that satisfaction i kind of like i like reading being able to critique things because like i don't just like going oh i didn't like this book throw it away it's like yeah well why didn't i like it yeah and like really analyzing that yeah exactly and that yeah so you can just have that book and you can read it like oh my god she's so genuine but yeah i mean it's just like for me it's like it's not like i had a bad time reading it if i have a bad time reading something then i just don't finish it yeah but i can read a book i have a good time reading a book that i don't like because i enjoy the crit like the critiquing aspect of it picking it apart and also you might like it i might you might like you need to know we don't have the same brain yeah thank god for that for you i know god i would hate to be a gemini moon um gemini sun is very different yeah that's true it's true all right we actually are going to get ready now i just wanted to share that conversation at the end in this video it was a good one yeah it's a good one yeah all right see you later your pupils aren't like as big now yeah it's because i'm it's because i'm looking at you you're a me and yana are about to go live on twitch that's me we're about to go live on twitch but i just really wanted to ah um we're about to go on twitch and i just read up to page 210 of it ends with us and i called caitlyn and i said not vibe in it like honestly three stars maybe might pick up who knows i was right ryle is disgusting i'll take your word for it thank you i'll let you know if anything changes but three star buttons oh oh my god i can't believe all my books so far has been have been a flop let's hope from blood and ash gets better but like we'll see about an ends with us it might not be like three stars just yet but we'll see we'll see hello guys um it is sunday and yeah i haven't blogged for a little while but i wanted to say in the past couple of days i finished it ends with us by colleen hoover two stars two stars and i have my reasons basically i just want to say like first of all when i finish this on goodreads i obviously like gave it the two stars like two star rating and i had about like 20 comments being like oh my god this breaks my heart like blah blah blah i just want to say like my opinion on a book should really like not matter like do not worry like we're all good no beef like it's true just because i didn't like it doesn't mean that it's like a bad book so don't worry guys make keep your hearts safe don't let it be broken because i it wasn't my cup of tea it just wasn't my cup of tea i'm not saying it's like shocking and bad but like yeah basically not my cup of tea i guess for me it's just that like obviously this is like a hard hitting novel it's not really a romance like at the end of the day it's a novel about domestic abuse and being a survivor of domestic abuse and coming out of that and that's like fine like i think in on that sense like it's a good book and it had some really powerful like moments in which our character was just kind of like reflecting on her relationship and reflecting on her past and her dad's relationship with her mum and i thought those moments were quite powerful which is why it's not like a one-star read for me but i think the characters themselves were incredibly half-baked for example like we're obviously in this love triangle with our main character lily and her current husband ryle and this like ex-lover from her past called atlas we see atlas maybe like five times in the book and i just have no idea why they were drawn to each other in the first place apart from like their you know their childhood like losing their virginities to each other like whatever i feel like this would have been so much higher stakes and i would have cared so much about atlas and lily if it was just more developed because sure yeah they have history but we haven't like seen any of it on the page and just because they had history like 10 years ago that doesn't mean that that chemistry is still going to be there and i feel like you it feels like a bit of a cop-out to just put and that they have history and they have a past and then that's why they are still in love with each other because that's absolutely not the case with real life like the author like no offense colleen like you have to work at it for me to care about it you can't just say they have history and then show us a bit of their history and then that's it like i don't know it's like i kind of want to see the connection as adults because they're complete two completely different people than they were than they were like when they were 16 and 18. like now they're in the like mid to late 20s they're not gonna be the same as when they were kids i you know i just feel like the love triangle it wasn't good ryle was disgusting i feel like he was meant to be disgusting and that's fine but i did feel like there was a little bit of like sympathizing with him especially towards the end and i didn't really want to sympathize with him i get that it's like you know sometimes abusers are a little bit more nuanced than that but like there's no like yeah there's no such thing as good or bad people they're just like good people that do bad things literally a quote from the book but it's like i don't really want to like see our abuser like crying and have our main character be like oh yeah i feel like really like sorry for him right now like i don't want to see that also i just didn't realize how prevalent ellen degeneres would be in this book like she's basically the fourth main character i don't want it i don't i don't want it i don't like ellen degeneres i don't want to hear about her in every chapter that's a more personal thing for me but yeah i don't know i just felt like the whole thing was super underdeveloped i still didn't really know lily as a person apart from the fact that she had like trauma when she was a kid and that she likes flowers that's like kind of really all i know about her i don't know i'm definitely going to like give colleen hoover another go like i'm definitely going to like try out another one of her books but this one just wasn't for me i really don't understand the hype that's all so yeah two books out of three that i've read so far that have been two stars so tick tock you're not off to a great start not off to a great start however i am going to finally start from blood and ash today i actually tried to start it yesterday i read maybe like the first four pages and asked us like i'm not feeling it right now on this moment i don't know if i can like pick up a fantasy novel and start it but you know chloe and caitlin have both said that it's like a really fast easy fantasy novel so i think i'm just going to like get cozy and try and dive into it today i am feeling incredibly lazy today so i'm going to try and read a big chunk of it and that's my last book so hopefully from blood and ash i know it's like a pretty different genre it's fantasy so let's hope that it pulls me out of this two-star funk and i'll let you know my thoughts i think i think i was expecting this to be my favorite but now obviously like i'm kind of hoping from blood and ashes it would suck if i get another two-star read but sometimes we've got to do that for content for you guys i'm gonna start reading i'm gonna have a snack and i will talk to you when i've like got enough of this book to like formulate an opinion so see you soon hello guys it is uh wednesday it's been quite a few days since i last updated uh as you can see i am back home and that's because i got the job i'm vaccinated well one dose of a vaccination i am one dose protected against covered kind of so yeah i have come back home because i did all my work that i needed to do in terms of like acting and like being with other actors and now i've got so much work that i need to do being home so like booktube stuff so i am back to do that but i just wanted to give a reading update so obviously since i last updated it has been quite a few days so i have started from blood and ash i'm pretty sure i'm like 40 through but that's quite a lot because it's like a 600 page book so i believe i've read like 250 pages so far it's like pretty good it's definitely better than the other books that i have read for this video so basically we're following this character called poppy she is considered the maiden so she is like chosen by the gods she's really special she can't show her face to anyone like her face has to always be covered by a veil and only her like closest like guards and maid and like the duke and duchess can see what she looks like basically one of her close guards has recently been killed and our male main character i guess or our love interest his name's hawk he's coming in and he's been assigned to be poppy's new like guard replacing the other one and he's like much younger than a usual guard he's very handsome he's like new to this like world and there's definitely some sparks flying there especially because they had already had an encounter which should be quite secret like she basically poppy is like under so many stretch rules and she like met hawke at this like brothel on like this night out that she had i don't know it's all very complicated like for what i thought would be quite a simple fantasy romance there does seem to be a lot of plot there's also this thing called the ascension which is whether or not the gods decide that you're worthy and we're waiting for our main character to like go through that because that's something that's talked about a lot i think that's probably gonna happen at the climax of the novel and everyone's kind of assuming she's gonna be worthy i think i know a little bit better because i've read a lot of fantasy novels i think it's basically going to be decided that she is considered unworthy which will lead into the next books in the series that's what i think i could be wrong apart from that i don't really have much thoughts i do think it is the beginning is definitely very intense like there's a lot of stuff that are just kind of that's just kind of put up on us i don't think jennifer l armentrout has really like explained the world super well but at this stage now i think i am following um but at first i was a little bit overwhelmed i was like wow wow wow all these new characters like who's who like blah blah blah but now i think i get it a little more i think i do kind of understand a little bit more and i am following i think our main characters are kind of like yeah sure like they haven't blown me away yet but you know whenever the cruel prince last month jude and karden didn't blow me away straight away and then towards the end i was like wait i love jude so again that could happen um i don't really know but yeah it's like enjoyable i think i'll definitely finish it before the end of the week but i will keep you guys updated honestly i'm pretty ready to like finish it so i can get back into doing like a normal weekly reading vlog and just like read whatever i want when i want so hoping that i finish it definitely finish it before the end of the week but i don't think it's hard because there's really no end in sight when it comes to lockdown right now so yeah i have a lot of things to do today a lot of videos to film and i'm doing a 24 hour readathon with my friends tonight so i'm gonna go and do all those things but i will talk to you once i have read more of problem ash so it will probably be in like a couple of days but i'll talk to you soon hello guys how are we doing okay so it's obviously been a few days i'm not sure if you can see like how messy my room is but i'm honestly so over locked down and i'm so over life and i'm so over everything and i just want to leave the house and like go and have some cocktails with my girlies and like i just want to go out and do things but it's fine it's fine it's fine that's not the point of this reading vlog the point of this reading vlog is my reading and i have read a bit more of um from blood and ash over the past few days i am now on 75 and it is a sunday my goal is to finish this tonight and well this afternoon and tonight and i know that i will because yesterday i think i read 30 of it and like yeah if i've got 25 left i can definitely do that it is 150 pages or around that because it is a long book but it's it's going by pretty fast now i think the beginning was a little slower for me this book isn't like stunning like i i it's enjoyable at the moment it's sitting on a three stars and i don't think it will get higher than a three stars just because while i love fantasy and all that sort of stuff i love romance i just feel like with this particular novel i feel like i have read books like this i feel like i could pick up another fantasy book and it will be the exact same as this one i feel like it's not really doing anything like fun and exciting and new or if it is i'm just not invested enough to be like wow this is a really great system this is really great like world building this is a really great magic system which i've never read before like i just don't really care for it that much and the characters i feel like our main character poppy is like fun and like cool and so and same with hawk who's like our male love interest but i just don't like fully care about them enough and obviously in this book there has been some like tragedy that happens because it is a fantasy and like a dangerous world but even when the tragic stuff happens i don't really like care like i didn't get sad anything like that so yeah i don't know i just think i prefer my fantasies to to be a little less generic i know that doesn't really explain much but it's just not very exciting to me and that's fine um i'm so sorry i feel like so many of my videos recently especially this one i'm just reading these books that i don't care about and like other reading vlogs that are going to come up that you guys are going to see that i'm in the process of making like i've just i've just been reading things that i don't like and that's just so boring and it's not why you watch my channel and i apologize but yeah what i'm gonna do now i was gonna do some work today but the lockdown lack of motivation is really hitting me so instead i'm gonna take some really big steps in my life and tidy my room right now i'm gonna fully tie my room and once i've done that i'm gonna finish this book and yeah i'm gonna do it and finish this video today as well it's been two weeks i've taken two weeks to read three books it's fine it's fine it's fine guys it's really chill i'm really chill i'm really good okay i'm gonna do that now next time i see you i probably will be giving from blood and ash three stars um unless something major happens but yeah i will talk to you soon see you after i've done a bit of tidying hey guys and they're about to have sex no offense kind of boring i don't really care i don't really care about the six the sexy times i don't really care about any of it get me out of here i'm serious though like it's not bad like the book itself is not bad i need to stress that to you and also to you guys i'm talking to them i need to stress that but like i'm sick of it now why is it 600 pages really long it does not need to be 600 pages and i don't care about any of them i don't care about the world i it's it's generic it's just i'm going to finish this and not remember it in a year two years two weeks two days i'm not but you know only a little bit left only a little bit left to go then i gotta read the sex scene first no i might skip no it you can't keep it i actually do have some good things okay the part where you're at was actually when i was into it and then the ending yeah you'll see okay oh thanks mom oh oh yeah okay hello guys good morning it's monday morning and as i'm sure you figured out i finished from blood and ash last night i actually like okay so i know when i last updated you i was talking about like how they were about to have their sex scene and stuff and then my mom called me and everything so from then on i just basically read the whole night and the book actually went in a like it turned i ca okay hang on how am i how do i explain this i feel like the book took this big turn i didn't exactly like not see it coming like i kind of knew that that was gonna happen but like the way it happened and the explanation everything like while it was predictable yes it was still a lot more exciting than what was like currently happening in the book so even though i did kind of predict it and was like yeah of course of course that big plot twist was gonna happen um i enjoyed it and i actually thought it made the book a lot more interesting so basically the final like 20 of the book i actually liked a lot more than the rest of it which was interesting yeah so i finished it i'm still going to be giving it three stars throughout my entire time reading this book i was like i'm not going to read the sequels i don't really care this book's far too long i'm losing interest i won't pick up the sequels but after like finishing that last few percent i was like maybe i will i don't know look if you've made it this far in the video let me know if you've read the sequels and if they're worth it because if they're like better than this one then like sure i'll give it a go but then if it's kind of the same then i don't really see the point because like i've i didn't love the book like it's never going to be a favorite i probably still will forget about it in like a couple of weeks but i did really enjoy the experience of reading that last like 20 of the book that last quarter it was fun and i liked i know i liked how the how the book played out and i liked i loved the character development and then there was a sex scene that i did care about because it was a little bit more spicy and exciting because of the circumstances so yeah finished the book three out of five stars but like enjoyed it like really enjoyed it just probably won't even think about it again and that's fine so we have concluded my tick tock books video i'm also the only person in the friend group that has finished the tick tock um challenge book talk challenge so i know i said that i was doing this vlog with my friends um their vlogs won't be out for a little while longer but you can have mine first hi yeah i do have to say tick tock you've kind of let me down i think maybe i just picked the wrong books for me i feel like there are so many popular book top books a lot of them i've already read though like i can't exactly read like the song of achilles like i've read that and i love it and i know i love it i know why it's popular but yeah these three books i do feel very lit down i wasn't expecting to like they both die at the end but i definitely was expecting to like enter this where is it so yeah this is probably my biggest letdown for the video but i'm glad that at least i've read it now and i know and i again i'm really sorry to all the colleen hoover stands uh it's just really not for me um but i'm glad i read from blood and ash i will probably never think about they both die at the end ever again but yeah thank you so much for watching this video let me know what other like reading challenges you want me to take on if you have enjoyed this video let me know if there's anything else that you want me to try or if there are any other like popular book top books that you want me to like read i could potentially do a part two to this video and see like if there is something more like a different genre maybe that tickles my fancy um but yeah thank you so much for watching keep an eye out for more videos coming soon and i will see you very soon in another one bye but she says and i don't wanna lie you're better off without me don't cry nobody wants to be
Channel: jaime's library
Views: 13,388
Rating: 4.9370699 out of 5
Keywords: booktube
Id: TVzFrOekQH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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