I Love Lucy: Lucille Ball Shares Her FAVORITE Episode (Flashback)

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everybody loves lucy i love lucy thank you love lucy yes i do thinking back over all the years of the i love lucy shows is there always one particular thing that comes to mind is the happiest memory from all of it no but they're about eight or ten give me the nicest one the happiest moment i suppose was the baby show ricky this is it [Applause] i'd have to mention that because i was really having a baby it was really my last show before i had the baby and it was for real and it was the most exciting thing in my life but what's the real reason for the success of i love lucy it was a marriage of several things not just the cast but the writers the producer there was identification with an american audience but with audiences all over the world we found out they didn't have to understand the language to understand the predicament and the way i got in the way i got out and the love at the end we always had a happy ending and domestic situations are very easily identified all over the world and that was our great thing that and the fact that we had an audience always as a barometer the audience was a cross-section of america and seemingly a cross-section of the world [Applause] [Music] you still laugh when you watch i don't laugh but i i cry a little why because they're gone and good memories they were wonderful to work with vivian was sensational bill was sensational the entire operation was innovative and great when did you know it was going to be as big as it was not until about two or three years were there scary moments at the very beginning that it might not run for as long as it no no we had no scary moments because we didn't expect to run we expected to do it for about a year a minute would all be over be something that i could show my baby as as home movies we had no plans nobody knew anything about television so we weren't disappointed it was all a big surprise [Applause] how unlike the character are you in real life i'm not quite a scatter brain i'm not as scheming and i'm not as clutzy but a lot of lucy who went into lucy it's bound to after a while what did you do to make certain that you didn't go off the tracks in this town i just kept on working i had no plan i had no format for that i only had a format for my show and i had great people and i didn't want to lose them and i kept them working and we all we kept each other working and on our toes we did the best we could we were happy in our work lucy you said that one of the reasons why i love lucy started was to keep you and desi together it was to have a family and liverpool you cannot have a baby over the telephone long distance i found that out so i love lucy brought you together what was it that pulled you apart i think jesse did such a fantastic job for so many years and worked so hard and and destiny does nothing in moderation he uh worked hard he was a great innovator he was a great businessman he was a great showman and he also played hard are you still close even though you did barry talk to him practically about three times a week children are very close we never had a un pleasant moment we didn't even get two lawyers when we got divorced are you tired run down listless do you pop out a party are you unpopular did you find yourself growing up and growing as a woman while you were doing it no i got more childish and happier when you are doing bigger than life things that are unbelievable you have to believe so you're believing unbelievable things and you have to use a child-like quality daily to get through that and make it honest i've never been asked that before i'm glad i had an answer [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 316,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucille Ball, Flashback, Amazon Prime, Nicole Kidman, Lucille Ball interview, Lucille Ball old interview, Lucille Ball i love lucy, i love lucy movie, i love lucy, Entertainment Tonight, etonline, et online, celebrity, Hollywood, news, trending, et, et tonight
Id: -uaTUn0-HCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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