I Built the Final Pods for the Star Wars Senate Building | Satisfactory U8 - VOD 38

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hello hello it's live stream day my favorite day my favorite day is live stream day all right think YouTube's all set let's get twitch rolling um crap what happened to my hey guys on YouTube just give me a minute [Music] I lost one of my um but I think I'm rolling on Twitch I think I'm online yep two viewers all right sweet yeah I uh I lost a window and I can't find it I'll find it later it'll show up oh I found it yeah I'm starting I'm starting the stream off great guys I uh really really professional really know what I'm doing here I don't know why it jumped around like that I'm just giving everybody time to get in here right that's the master plan two on Twitch how we doing on YouTube okay on YouTube thanks control soft appreciate it all right now last thing I have to do is I have to start the recording does I record this Beast as well as stream and we're recording should be a big day I'm excited hopefully we can complete all the rest of these Senate pods I think I have enough material saved it's going to be close going to be real close welcome twitch welcome YouTube it was a good day I worked on I got a video brewing for you guys showing off a new blueprint I got to work on it today all day it's basically ready to go so I'm excited hopefully I'll get that to you early next week is little doggo safe yeah he's safe he's still here all right this is what we're working [Music] on this is what we got and we're going to see if we can finish off the rest of these today how many rows is this one two three four five yeah see one two three four five right and then we'll do six and seven build this thing all the way up to the ceiling uh let's see what I feel like we're on the anti-aliasing that I don't like no we're on the one I like all right all right controls are good yep okay uh let's see anything else before we get started I think we're [Music] ready all right welcome to stream 38 and episode 38 and and today if all goes well all of these will be built I think I have enough material saved we're going to be putting in as many as we can be seven rows we have five on this side basically we have four and a half rows built we need to build two and a half more so that's going to be the number one goal of the day number two goal is going to be continuing to hook up the logistics behind the wall behind the pods we started that in our cosmetic stream uh we got uh well actually we started the logistics in our last stream and our last main stream and then the Cosmetic stream I messed around a little bit with these uh stairs I'm mostly happy with these we might play with those uh and then the big thing is I finished we need we definitely need some ESS points some better ones here we [Music] finished roof full of presentence so I'm not I'm not super super happy with exactly all of this stuff um in fact right we just do this and you know that's probably what we're going to do little hole so um I don't know if we're going to do this today I don't know I might just do this a little bit while we chat apparently not all of those are going to be uh were able to uh hit it's okay yeah let's just do this because it it was irritating me uh and uh yeah this is looking really good come on come on really really good and I hope I think we'll fit everything we need to fit up here hey Asuna how's it going so I'm excited I'm excited uh I I did get distracted right away here so I'm just going to finish finish this pretty close oh I said it and then I missed a bunch I'll come [Music] back we'll work on it we'll work on it I um I guess I'm just delaying because I want to give our parts as much time to rebuild as possible but that is pretty silly because you know they'll be they'll be working while we build so uh also we're a little we're a little light today on viewers so I guess I'm also giving us a small chance to uh there we go catch up on that as well how's twitch doing any chat on Twitch no chat on Twitch yet it's okay I'm almost all the way back around here we're almost done yeah we finished all of this construction off in the the Cosmetic stream I'm feeling better I still got a little bit of a cough but I'm feeling a lot better so hopefully that continues all right uh let's get this one so there we go so we have this area and then we have the subfloor of that area right and then we have the interior Senate area now I am not sure why we're getting this much light sort of weird light in here this should be pitch black so I I'm I'm not really sure why this is happening uh but it's interesting to me so I don't know I don't know why that's happening but we will get some lights in here as well probably I don't know if we're going to do that today okay enough dilly dally going well Happy New Year to you and the community yes definitely oh we got 11 viewers okay I've Dilly DED enough we are going to put this in we're going to get as much done as we can on this uh depending on our available materials so let's go and then I really do have to figure out like how we're going to get up uh get in and out of there a little bit faster cuz I keep closing off all right here we go uh let's do let's make this number eight and then I think we were Building 25 all right and what are we so full on what do we not need copper sheets for sure we have a lot of copper sheets have a lot of and a lot of plastic uh I was building I was building some uh different things and so I was loaded uh loaded for the wrong items apparently all CAD aluminum sheets that's what I have way too too much of let's check and see what we're sending ourselves Autos saving so this is my remote item delivery system and we are delivering ourselves steel beams plastic and quartz crystal and iron plates although I think the plastic is headed not here I think the plastic is headed to the other uh to the other Factory um steel beams yeah we're low on those okay all right let's so many iron plates still not enough okay concrete uh we are running low on concrete do we have concrete on we don't and I think we need to adjust the train trains here for that no we're good we got concrete set so basically what I'm doing here is I have the trains running um a a large route it heads to the center item pickup and on this on this time it only picks up quartz iron concrete and steel and then it goes to Senate delivery and it drops off concrete iron quartz and steel right then it heads back to the item pickup and it only picks up plastic and then it heads to Scarff and it only drops off plastic excuse me and then it repeats the process and I have three trains doing that so between the three of them they're pretty well spread out so that is how that setup Works uh where what do I want sorry [Music] all right it was the steel beams and way way way way too many steel beams [Music] man we are full full full full presents we don't need those [Music] all right we're almost ready hope you guys had a good everybody had a good holiday we have a little bit too much quartz crystal I did lots of editing lots of things going on I got some things going on that I haven't even told you guys about so yeah good times okay 25 loaded ready to go let's get some of these built I'm excited I want to get this done I want to get moved on to the next thing I want to get these hooked up and working all right let's build I think we're building down here make it is the easier [Music] one we get 25 of these and there's 36 in a row and what did I say two and a half rows uh that's basically 100 to go uh 85 I guess 85 okay that row is done we have two rows left so we do need to put these in hey John Jared how's it going yeah much needed holidays for sure uh so let me go ahead and try to prep both rows at the same time it would look something like this then I'll go back through and put in all of the platforms that we need yeah I was uh so I was editing last week's stream last week's Saturday night stream and listening to my own voice and I was like oh my God us so sick I sounded like I was dying probably shouldn't have streamed but oh well The Show Must Go On uh my voice is definitely better today uh I don't know eight hours from now at the end of this stream I don't know maybe I'll sound be sound like a dying frog like I did in the other stream but so far so good still got a little bit of a cough but you know I'm alive yes The Show Must Go On Shut Up Boris making fun of me actually I am slightly nervous I mean I really got to push this uh oh no I really got to push this because this save because I'm a little nervous that I I mean I got to be careful [Music] let's turn off d uh I got to finish the save and everything I've said I'm going to do before 1.0 comes out and I you know I don't think it's coming out super soon but I think I have another year left on this build I mean I've already been going for 6 months um 7 months actually you know and and we're only on the second now a lot of that was the starter Factory I know but we're only on the second Mega Factory in 7 [Music] months oh you typed it the same time I said it oh okay The Show Must Go On right [Music] okay so I you know I'm really you know I took one weekend off for Thanksgiving I took one weekend off for Christmas but I'm really got to be careful can't take too many days off because you know I'm going to wake up one day and 1.0 is going to be announced and I still am working on freaking the power plant I got to be careful cuz I have a whole another playthrough plan for 1.0 for you guys something really cool not not Star Wars not even Mega factories something something very different but still a theme and still kind of aesthetic a different kind of aesthetic all [Music] right he eight more oh except I used up my concrete allotment so let's reload for a full 25 [Music] here all [Music] right it's this quartz that I'm the most nervous about how much is left really oh we got two more boxes okay all right all right I I'm feeling a little better I was super nervous there but we got two more boxes so that's good we're a little low on the concrete Crystal [Music] oscillator [Music] all right let's go put these 25 in ah yeah I really got to work on this all right let's do this thumbs up let's do this Leroy Jin [Music] [Music] come on getting your [Music] home [Music] it's all content yep it is just nomed on some Domino's so satisfactory Domino's Pizza is that uh is that what you're referring [Music] to that sounds good to me [Music] then to [Music] go [Music] all [Music] right oh I'm on the opposite side of where I need to be okay cool go get some more materials uh what is see let's see there should be like I just put in 25 out of 36 so 14 no 11 plus 3 another 36 47 so two more runs should do this 47 so here's the first 25 out of that 47 and the the one that now I'm most nervous about is the concrete yeah let's just take it all all right well it live to fight another day at least uh we may have to scr for some concrete to finish this Beast off boom uh pepperoni bread thing instead of pizza making me hungry finally caught construction live how's it going uh makeo Shogun nice well I'm glad you're here I'm glad you caught me live too uh I'm a little efficient apparently a part lie I can barely fit 25 in here all right and then quick w got it we're loaded um I mean we're getting some concrete but we're going to have to scr there might be some bag at base we'll have to head there after we get these 25 in all right where do we leave off over here I don't know why I have to go this direction I know I could have easily started on the other side and gone this way but I don't know I don't like going that direction for reasons okay reasons [Music] thought you said it was full uh what's full I my inventory is full the concrete's not full I used up a ton of it oh you know what I bet there's some concrete there may be some concrete in those side bins I I might have thrown some in there maybe it was full and and then I threw some in there I'm using it up like a crazy person after this load we only need uh 22 more if my math is correct build is amazing oh thanks it'll be even more amazing if I can get it working all right one more row and we're done so might as well start here all right and so another little trick here so here's see how where I'm trying to build this and be exact the stupid pictures and letters and stuff are in the way so if you hit T it turns off the HUD and so all that crap is now out of my way and I can be more precise and it's just easier to see now where I'm placing stuff cuz all that shit's out of the way so I don't know if you guys knew that but that's that's what T [Music] does [Music] and thing things are going to go are we already done wow uh things are going to go faster also now that fixmas is over because I have the Cosmetic streams to kind of fill in the [Music] gaps but I I really wanted to do fix Miss I was really looking forward to that okay 22 left I think if my math is correct and it not it not all it isn't always oh look at that got a lot of concrete delivered not even a problem barly an inconvenience and there's Concrete in there too that's good I thought we had another bin no fors Crystal [Music] no we have about half what we need oh my god Becky and I I don't think I have any more hiding anywhere um actually I might let's drop all this off all right let's go let's go look I think I might have a bin somewhere let's go this is like the last the last piece we need you know what that off of there uh if you guys haven't seen the water packaging facility that in the distance we're going to head over there uh let's see we have faith I've been watching every episode so far I'm at 32 nice uh do you know how to remove it the toggle all the gooey or the icons you see on your left and right I want a super immersive gameplay yeah yeah yeah it's p so you hit p and then you hit um it's picture mode though so it doesn't have all the buttons available to you but you know you can turn everything off you hit p and then you hit the middle Mouse button so yeah you know anytime I want to take a screenshot I do that uh but this is the water packaging plant like to get rid of my my hand there we go here's our here's our water packagers or water extractors and then all our pipes that was a fun night we got a lot done that night I really pushed myself that night that was like a 12-hour live stream and we got more extractor under there uh trains and then let's see please I need a bin full of yes yes I had a stash of quartz crystal nice while we're here while we're here let's see how our canisters are doing I never put lights over here so I got to turn the lights on um yeah here's where we are all we have left are these these ones right here and you know these actually already partially filled so maybe by the end of the night uh definitely by the end of the next cosmetic stream these are going to be done all of these bins are going to be full of empty canisters look at all these freaking bins basically I have 10 * three for each row and there's four rows so 10 * 3 * 4 times however many are in there I don't know it's like 600 I did the math it's like 650,000 um empty canisters um but we got what we came here for we got the quartz crystal we raided now let's get out of here we man our C Building looks really good at a distance um I got to find a way to kind of change up the texture or and the color a little bit so it's not quite so uniform but we'll work on it oh you went to bed that night and I woke up and I was still streaming yeah that was a fun night yeah that was a 12-hour stream for me I hate how my hand keeps coming back like one hand and get rid of it but he keeps coming back okay we actually have too much quartz crystal [Music] now all right let's kill this [Music] grab everything we need auto save 25 viewers on YouTube two viewers on Twitch somebody must be streaming satisfactory right now on Twitch I only have two viewers that's okay maybe it's just uh a light night uh if you guys wouldn't mind taking a quick second on YouTube there's 26 of you now if you could just hit the like button there's only five likes I I would really appreciate it and it just it helps other people find me so yeah all right 22 let's do this hopefully my math is [Music] correct and and it's not like [Music] 23 all right let's put these in turn the light back on and I hit T get rid of that stuff we're almost done no no no no I could I mean you couldn't write this it's insane they just anything anything the Fate can do to keep me from this Pro from finishing this project it's always something um if I remember correctly the last autosave I was loading the goods down at the bottom I don't know we'll find [Music] out it's always something well that's why I have 10minute Autos saves they o I just hit my mic sorry guys I hit it with my drink it sucks because I have to pause every 10 minutes I know man one step forward two steps back [Music] yeah I thought I was loading up all right uh what was it 22 yeah we were almost done loading though got to rebuild those again all right all right it's a rerun one more time turn on our light turn off our [Music] HUD can't catch a [Music] break [Music] that one's wrong oh my my gosh uh I hit it exactly that's it they're all in they're finally all in I've been saving up materials for a month all right we're going to do a quick little save here quick little [Music] save uh you would have lost your [ __ ] and thrown your computer yeah [Music] Noah you know it's a marathon and um you know content those big stutters give me a har out pal itations that or is it the Arnold Palmer I'm drinking well hopefully the the Arnold Palmer isn't giving you heart palpitations all right uh it's like an entire like screen full of those smiling frogs wait till they're all making packaged oil oh man it's great you know I want to celebrate but we have work to do so we have to talk about these Logistics that's what's next because I want to get these all hooked up right there's three things that we have to deal with oil the empty canisters that are feeding them and the finished product the packaged oil okay and the one that that I I wouldn't call it makes me nervous but the the most complicated one is really the oil and so that's the one I'm worried that's the one I want to do first and we made some progress the problem is okay so there's two methods in my mind on how to feed this the oil that we need okay one is is we take oh well first of all while we talk let's put in the the pipes the pipes the pipes so we're going to put these pipes in while we talk and that's why we need the copper sheets that's why I had the world's largest supply of copper sheets uh and then let's clean up what we can here now that we don't need all the this crap let's get our iron I mean our pipes back and we better do some some [Music] plastic all right let's go we're loaded all right so there's two methods okay where I leave off [Music] I put any in there we go this is where I left off so all right where I'm putting these pipes in it's basically one big circle every row is connected I'm connecting them right now two main thoughts that I had on how to run oil to this is either we plug all the oil into the top row and then let it filter down or we give each row however much oil that it needs and then the whatever little bit extra oil there is only that drips down to the row beneath it and I've kind of gone back the last stream I kind of went back and forth [Music] on which of the two methods I'm going to do I ran the math for one and then I was like well I don't know and then I ran the math for the other and to be honest with you I think I'm going to switch back so sorry so if you just watched the video today that I put out while I was editing it I was thinking about it and thinking to myself that if I do it that way I'm just asking for trouble um putting it all into the top row and then it all filtering down I I I don't I think that that's going to be a problem there's going to be slashing there's going to be like back flow I I don't think it's a good idea I think it's too much oil and too small and there's no there's no real reason so instead I'm going to probably have to redo my math that's what we're going to do after I run all these pipes is I'm going to get back on to Excel and I'll I'll do it with you guys I'll show you and I'm going to have to redo the math the way I had done it the first time I think except without the mistakes uh and then we'll feed the oil I think we really need to just feed the oil into where it needs to go instead of all at the top it's going to be sad when all the lights go green they they look better red yeah they look good they look good well and and we may change the paint job right I never really like locks Down super happy with the paint job of the packagers themselves we were going to see how the light what the light the final light situation is in here and we do need to see what it looks like with the green lights you know because once these start you know they're going to going to stay going forever now we still have a long way to go before we can turn these on because just like the same oops no that's okay just like the same problem we had with the water packagers we have to have a place to to use the oil plus I'm going to be honest with you guys we have to Route all of the oil on the map to this location that's a lot of work we have a lot of work we got to build a lot of trains [Music] like a lot we we basically have to build our train Network all before we can like turn this on and then we have to build the power build the power uh Mega Factory which is the Superstar Destroyer right but like cuz this is all basically one this is all for the power the power plant all right one more row of [Music] pipes [Music] so there's a lot of logistics I mean and that's really what makes these Mega projects so difficult and daunting is the logistic side of it right and we just now have all our machines in right so the logistics are the hardest part no what is the deal today oh it's so frustrating welcome six viewers on Twitch and when I say twitch I'm talking about my eye twitching train building is fun looking forward to that yeah me too me too I don't know what our last auto save was but I have to rebuild these pipes man I've only been streaming for a freaking hour and we've had two crashes I just um recently uh validated my files on Steam so I don't think that's the [Music] problem in in an earlier life I was nicknamed kin [Music] rage because well I still do I still get hot pretty pretty easily I get I get fired up fast but I don't stay I don't stay I don't stay mad for long uh there's only really been one time that I yeah we're on this bottom this second last row unfortunately there's only been one time so far streaming that somebody's kind of pissed me off it was the it was the stream where I was designing these pods and like two people in the in YouTube comments were kind of like throughout the week were kind of blowing me up about how I say a word and I admit that I say the word wrong right but I also am like look it's a habit you know I I'll I'll see if I can try to change but like you know habit is a habit and it doesn't it it's not broken overnight and the problem is is that when I'm talking you guys have to remember right I'm I'm talking to you I'm playing the game and then I'm also planning what I'm going to do next and so I'm not that's not the best time for me to to work on breaking a habit of saying a word wrong especially one that I say a lot so anyway um it's kind of one of the you know and I and I made myself very clear and I was like look I'll you know I admit that it's not the right way to say that word but I don't really think it's that big of a deal and I'll try to but I'll try to do better and then the guy just kept talking about it and I I was like all right dude I don't know I got I I got all fired up for about 3 minutes uh but then I'm fine my wife knows to wait me out when I get like pissed off about something you know about two three you know five minutes and then I'm back to my normal self think of like do you remember the Hercules cartoon the Disney the Disney one and the the devil was played by uh or Hades was played by um oh what's his name I love I I love him he's he's great oh uh the guy um that they make fun of a Family Guy oo piece of candy James Woods James Woods he uh you know he'd get he'd get mad and you know he's made out of fire so the fire would change color anyway it's it's pretty funny I'm like that but I don't know I the older I get the less I try to let myself get worked up about things that don't matter you know and in the end this game is going to crash because it's an early access and there are there's work in progress bugs and I am pushing it to its limit with these builds I mean what I'm doing is insane so I have to be willing to you know deal with some crashes at least that's what I tell myself so that I don't get too upset okay that's done all right when it saves the virtual memory interesting I should have enough virtual memory uh Boris I don't think that was you words a word the purpose of his communication and the message get across that's all there is to it oh well hey I've got hey um uh lucar on um twitch how's it going I I have my own idiosyncrasies right and there are things that make me uh that irritate me as well um but it's a balance okay so what's next well we really got to figure out this oil okay and the oil is going to come up from the center all right and then there's trains right here isn't there yeah and although oh look what look what I did I made these inputs and outputs which I think we have plenty of space yeah there's plenty of room here although there may not be on this Edge yeah I don't know what I'm going to do here I may have to get a little creative with these corners but the rest of this should be okay here let's see I'll get a little bit of more room out of them um uh let's put this [Music] in [Music] okay so that's what that curve is going to look like we got to do it all the way around I'll probably do that on a cosmetic stream that's um pretty horrifying to do on a night like tonight but what I'm trying to do is make sure I have room that I don't have to do anything crazy like turn these to the inside [Music] I'm trying to make sure this fits he may have to yeah that's not going to work ooh close one fatty that that we may keep that here let's let's see what it looks like with a with a train man that is hanging over The Edge um will they connect yeah they'll connect all right it's a tight fit but if that one fits the rest of these will fit I think yeah I think it's the same thing over here all right well we'll leave that I guess because this one this one would go here I mean maybe I could turn it to the side I could probably turn it to the side if I really if I really needed to um but either way I we're not going to move these trains okay and so that means that I have the center open um Luca lucar Rick on Twitch I do not envy you fluids suck in the best case scenarios as long as the conductor doesn't stick his hand out the window right exactly his arm blown off um okay I did not mean to go through that crack all right so that means I'm trying to plan out the oil route here that means that this center is open for us to use that probably means we are using these radials for the oil and then they'll come out to somewhere and then come through probably in this area and then they'll plug in all right I think that works I think we have the space to do it [Music] okay and then we just plug them [Music] in sorry I'm just thinking uh let me read some chat while I continue to think uh L I get the less I give a crap about what people think yeah sorry I wasn't meant to be a stab at anyone I also worked uh get get worked up about it no you're good you're good uh love your control your content by the way been watching the series and only hit episode 23 at the moment nice okay all right so here's I'm going to tell you guys what I'm going to do um we're not going to work on this I don't think today unless we get all the rest of the pipes in but right here and we're going to move these train tracks I'm going to make a video on this you guys you're getting a a bit of a sneak preview let me let me go where I can work uh I'll just show you actually let me just show you let me pull it up so this uh I'm going to give this guy credit a AO gaming but this is what we're going to work on this is what we're going to use okay we're going to use a version of this spiral okay and then he walks through how how he makes it uh I'm going to make it a blueprint I'm going to make it an extended blueprint okay uh outside of the blueprint maker it'll be bigger than this at least the outer spiral will be uh and then I think it's uh let's copy uh let's I need more space [Music] even we also have all the space over here too which think we're going to need yeah I'm going to I'm going to build that um I'm trying to see here let's bring this over again um I can't remember remember how many how many he's got here one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay 12 that makes sense uh so what does he do he does him on the third yeah it's got to be uh one 2 3 four five six okay and then this one I'm just trying to get an account of the pipes I'm not actually building this right now but I'm trying to plan and I don't know uh one two 3 four five [Music] six uh I messed up oh maybe not maybe not [Music] okay so 180 no 360 divided by 60 is six yes okay and then what he did is he built these and then he built his [Music] walls right does that fit inside a blueprint designer and it's only only four it actually does yeah it actually really does so this is all going to be blueprinted I'm going to remake this in a blueprint uh and then he does this puts him on the 45 Dee all right and then this one and then I think he said there's seven one two three four five we're doing like a quick and dirty version one two 3 4 five 6 7 what is that there all right and then the pipe and then you go to Noodle yeah that doesn't look as good as his so I don't know something's a little off but it's close um and then he did one 2 m in going the other direction and so that's 24 total [Music] pipes my thing is is we have 17 and a half Mark two pipes but if I make a mark ones that means we have 35 Mark ones 35 is almost 36 and 36 is 3 * 12 so we could make a a three ring spiral because each layer a three layer spiral because each layer is [Music] is you know that's six no he had 12 he had 12 what am I something's wrong okay he's got stuff in the middle okay that's that's what's wrong I only have six duh this is kind of why I'm doing this [Music] um how did he do that I think he did it oops [Music] I think I just have to add I think I just have to add a couple [Music] more 1 2 3 4 5 [Music] 6 oh I needed to do I know what I did wrong I um yeah I needed to do both sides at the same [Music] time oh one 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 I did this like the long and stupid [Music] way which you know it's kind of my jam all right and then he did these I only had half of the I only had half of these in yeah I uh usually I practice this stuff a lot and so sometimes you guys get to see me figure this out in real time put in the rest of these [Music] hey I know I'm working in the dark OSHA would not be happy all right that's what it looks like okay so and we have 35 we have 17 and A2 Mark twos okay so 17 * 2 is 34 + 1 is 35 there's 12 [Music] here uh we could do uh 12 to let's see 17 and a half if we did what if we did one mark two and one no I'd rather just they'd all be mark one if they're all mark one and that's 35 divided by 12 it's basically three so we could do three rings of train spir of of spiral and I think this fits inside one of those but what I might do is I might make an outer ring that fits that that goes outside of this maybe I don't know either way we have 35 Mark 1es I think that we do this math off 35 Mark 1es and then we'll do a dummy pipe so that there's 36 uh for for this but that's what that's going to look like right and then you delete these right right and there's your spiral and you just keep it going um and you delete these twoo so it's nice and smooth but that's that's what it looks like and and that's what we're going to [Music] do all right 35 Mark 1es we have to figure out how we're going to put those in all right okay let me read some chat we're watching construction lay pipe yes you are now you're going to watch construction do some math okay so total pipe 17.5 uh this is Mark two Mark 1 is uh uh that times [Music] two 35 okay so we're we're going to go we're going to go with 35 so let's change our need here get rid of this okay every row needs just over uh well actually that's not true the last row there we go that's right okay so the first row we underclocked so just as a reminder okay here here's the deal we have only I made a door for myself there are 252 pods okay there's 36 * 7 252 pods each of those has two packagers there's 504 packagers okay now we need 10, 500 oil packaged divided by let's just say it's 500 21 okay that's 70% we need 21 per packager all right and if we go and we look I underclocked them to 70% 21 per packager down here it's perfect now the part where I said let's just say 500 okay we don't have 500 we have 54 so that means eight of them have to be underclocked to 35% to kind of erase the extra four that we have okay so the bottom floor is actually eight of them are underclocked out of the 36 okay 20 uh 20 28 of them are 70% uh and um here north south east west right here these guys are 35 okay I did the the the the eight the two at the South the two at the East and the two at the west and the North well I was gonna apparently I didn't yeah I didn't I need to do that right now 35% color this one [Music] right yep he's the one okay and now this one yeah he's got he's colored black underneath yeah I never I never under finished underclocking them okay and now this one okay he's gray but not underclocked okay now now now they're correctly underclocked okay so let's go back into the math so the bottom row actually needs less oil okay look at it 6 * 4 24 it's the look that's crazy I mean it makes sense right so the extras that we have this 400s of a pipe all the way down it's it's needed at the [Music] end that's an extra 24 right this is 6 * 400s that's an extra 2400s uh which is hilarious um wait hold on would it be better if I overclock the ones at the top or underclock the ones at the top yeah it would make life easier all right so that's what I'm going to do this is why this is why we're here Meg o didn't like that do this okay so we're going to underclock them at the top we'll put five Mark ones in at the top and that's the extra and the extra feeds down all the way down so every row gets five Mark ones we have 35 five time 7 that makes it easy okay we'd have to uh put six at the top yeah we want the top one to have the extra not the bottom one all right yeah that's better all right okay okay this is going to work this is going to work okay so so it's five over and over and over again we plug in five or would be nicer right because we have you know north south east west uh 36 divided by five right so it's every six it feed in I guess we could put two in I don't want to do it that way that's that sounds horrifying What If instead of that where is South well our pipes are going to be where are our pipes going to be I mean I could split them like that hey good morning the [Music] ghost all right what if we just plugged in we may have to move some of these cuz I put these in when we were doing something else yeah all right I hate you know you know how I hate floor holes but I I'm not g to keep these but I need these to go in for now okay sorry I was just trying to think where how we're going to do the non oil but I think I've got it I think I've got it it's in my head for now [Music] so I need to color I need to color one 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay and then just green just just for because one two three [Music] 4 5 [Music] six [Music] okay we have seven pipes coming up here seven pipes coming up here that's two out of five okay and then at the other north south east west there's seven more there that's that's our five time seven that's how we can do this so what would it look like CU we need to start putting them in uh I'm I'm done playing grab ass well maybe not done not done done um we have the space what if what if what if really horizontal to Vertical why you got to do me like this why can't you be square autosave how am I constantly flying I'm cheating I um with these big factories I the first factory that I built the big one the first mega Factory I built I only used my um uh not jetpack the other one hover pack but it needs power um and so I turned on the cheat mode Advanced game settings gamep playay flight mode uh so that I can build these things without having to C screw around with power cuz it was turning into a nightmare uh that's that's really why [Music] it would let me do a floor hole right which I hate doing no it still is doing it why is it doing that you suck why can't you just do what I want what are you going to make me do you're going to make me build a wall okay it's one wall up on the corner [Music] all right how are we going to do this next one I got to got to figure it out I drank too many Red Bulls it does it gives me wings yeah from the other Mega build yeah I was done doing that I I was uh I was done with that crap we got to figure this out what do we how how how am I going to get this [Music] [Music] [Music] oil that's not going to work that's pretty good I'm going to hit my head when I run into that no all [Music] right [Music] straight down we can't do straight down because if we did straight down here wouldn't be enough [Music] room hey Peewee how's it going extra do uh extra lurking today right let's let's pause on that what if there's a way we could put this one in here and then they're kind of all lined up I like that [Music] actually um no I don't uh for flow reasons I don't want it to split directions um okay this is really hard guys what if we don't do this I just need to make something for uh but that's too far out so the Wall comes up okay now who's next this one's next same thing here's the thing we need something easily repeatable we have to do this so many times whatever we design it's got to be something that I can do over and over again quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] uh but we can't do that all right what's next this one all right how many spaces one uh one two three 4 One Two Three 4 so we could use that actually would be nice if this one's a tough one this one's tough all right this is the last one one 2 3 4 One Two Three [Music] 4 so I like I like this so [Music] far but then what do we do after this this is so I can do this [Music] [Music] for so he's here and I want to go here and then there one two we need we need to fit four it's not going to work it's not going to work uh construction dog hope it's going well today just saying hi and droping aler hey how's it going um yeah I'm just trying to figure out this pipe setup and I will figure it out all right what if what if what if what if [Music] that's Auto and we can do the same thing here look silly isn't it yeah a bit what if I mean you can't really tell all right I can deal that I can deal with that basically each time down I'm notching at one over so by the time it gets down here uh oh but it's not going to work because I got to notch him over one too got to notch over two okay okay okay okay okay think I think we're getting here we're getting there okay so one two two oh no they're not sorry oh my gosh um I got to laughing I can't I can't put them in like that I have to I have to put these in cuz they're not straight one two um and and what I can do is I can make a I can make a blueprint of this wall basically right uh um yeah I can I can blueprint this wall all right and so we just connect Here auto save course right when I get on a get on a roll what about run them up a slanted wall to match the angle of the other walls [Music] okay that's sort of what I'm doing but you're saying on the on a wall okay that would be way easier because then I could just zo the wall up right I could zop the wall up run the pipe and then delete the wall um Let's test it on this one so we Z the wall up I mean already it's way it's going to yeah I that's a good idea I like that Jay why didn't I think of that that's why oh yeah Marcus I am feeling better I just uh I still got a little bit leftover thing and I'm fine until I start laughing uh morning all sen looking good are all the materials made are we still waiting on deliveries before to finish uh Paul Allen we were all built that's what it looks like Paul we're all in I'm figuring out the logistics of God it looks good it's worth it this is a pain but damn it's going to be worth it okay so this is how we're doing this this is way cleaner now how do we hook up we got to run the pipe that's all we got to do we just got to run the pipe quickly we got to run the pipe quickly okay what if so this is a three and that's a four what if they're both just threes and we skip the bottom one cuz then I could make a blueprint cuz you know me okay okay okay okay and what's it look like it looks something like yeah it needs a wall support seven uh there we [Music] go [Music] for [Music] is that in the middle make it in the middle middle it is in the middle okay so this is middle middle three of that piece that looks amazing here let's just let's just bust one out real [Music] quick nope uh yeah actually that should have been that should have worked where are [Music] you you're here right yes now middle is this right from the edge one two 3 4 five one two 3 4 five yeah that's middle doesn't look like it's a middle does it okay new blueprint 17 Bring It On is that a new blueprint 17 I resaved it hope I didn't need new Brint 17 got resaved if I needed it I would have named it missing iron rods delete all these that's so much better of an idea the angled walls I'm so glad you guys are here to think of the things that I should have thought of uh but we need more iron rods get them all all right just uh turning these off real quick all right so they can be storing up back at our base we drained all of our supply okay and it's the one right underneath so he's next the one right right underneath he I get my piece he builds there now the fun part is this has to go here is that okay does that look like crap I mean I don't know it kind of or or we just this one just goes here we take the we take the bend right right all right then they're flat all the way down but that looks funky or we'll just do this yeah that's what we do that's super easy super easy barely barely an inconvenience come on fly come on I pay you to cheat okay and then we'll just do this and then we'll just do this uh all [Music] right probably build that into the blueprint and then delete what I don't need um mods uh no mods except for uh the only mod I have Sebastian is inventory also can of there is a set height and positioning of the pipe mounts then make the whole distance between each level as a a blueprint oh yeah okay I see what you're saying and then I could just just well that might be too tall for the blueprint Maker 1 2 3 [Music] four uh it might work actually it's barely it's on the edge in reality I should probably just do [Music] this and eat the [Music] [Music] that's not bad though I mean that's it I built that way too high that was silly the question is do we leave it we could leave it there for now for sure here's three and then we have the same issue here let's get rid of these we do have our bonus we do have our bonus friend here we'll worry about our bonus friend in a [Music] second oh uh let's see if we can make it work yeah four one two three four it's on the fourth [Music] one come on where are you why is it a power pole instead of what I want it changed I want this for [Music] seven first one comes in it gets moved to the [Music] [Music] middle [Music] no [Music] jerk fine just do this I'm going to do that there's no clipping and that's a lot a heck of a lot easier all right I'm going to do that okay let's delete these I have a plan now and I have the blueprint all right let's watch it go [Music] [Music] in okay well that's irritating means I got to build this out oh well going fast oh let's get rid of this uh I am something's wrong look ah I placed it wrong look like crap rid of those let's try this [Music] again right in the middle still looks like crap better though [Music] one two R all right let's let's keep going [Music] here [Music] for huh I guess this last one wouldn't need that right where does he go how do I get the fourth one really need to be able to fit all four on here which I can do down here at the bottom would be here and then this one was here I don't know I don't know I don't know if I like exactly how I've done this I mean I don't even I don't want to eat that just one that I have to do occasionally all right wrong button so straight and that so sucks it's not bad I just deal with this fourth one this something get it to the ground that looks like crap the problem is is that it would have been nice if I had thought about this when I made my blueprint because I could have moved it over a little bit more and would have freed this up I have to think for a second I'm going to read some chat uh what's the construction topic okay so I'll catch up some guys uh we got 47 viewers here and I'm getting bogged down with these stupid pipes let me take a breath uh I'm getting I'm losing the force for the trees this is what we're doing these are oil packagers there's 504 total oil packagers and we're building this is uh I'm making the Senate building from Star Wars which looks like this so these are the these are the Senate pods fly out in Star Wars that's what we're making right and that's what we have not quite as many as in the picture but pretty happy with it I don't know if I can handle anymore that's for damn sure they all in I'm just trying to figure out how to very quickly run these pipes and it's kicking my butt it is kicking my butt what do straight down look like straight into there is almost okay like I may just live with that okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I've got it it's a much I I've got it [Music] okay he stay as three okay I'm going to cheat cuz I mean I love cheating we got this and I I'm going to show you what I'm going to show you what I'm going to do three and [Music] three go a little let's go a little lower so they don't stick out of the floor okay three and three I'm going to use we need we need seven Mark ones but we only have room for six pipes so if we need the pipes the pipe work for seven Mark ones I'll just do uh five Mark ones and a mark two so we'll we'll still have seven but it will be in yeah that's what we're doing does that make sense I hope that makes sense I'm basically gonna I'm going to cheat cuz I mean that's what I do all right and so basically this one and this one [Music] um going to [Music] work [Music] no it's not going to work crap shaft the ice pipe T across shift the last pipe I think we still should do six and six make it match this pipe here shift the last pipe T across a bit well I can't shift this one CU it's connected in but I could shift a new I could make a new one I could just do that the bottom row just gets to feed in this way and then I don't have to worry about this bottom the stupid because we have seven right what a mess I hate using floor holes I hate hate hate them um what if we just come down yeah okay that's that's that's how we'll do it it's still cheating just cheating it a different way all right and then this one middle this one doesn't shift uh he goes in oh I'm off crap I'm off too I forgot last one doesn't shift I can delete those this one goes here this one goes here one two three where's yours CU yours is right [Music] here [Music] I guess it does uh this last this one does shift so screw that up uh what's Happening Here those go I don't need you okay yes that's built okay here's our first seven we're one fifth of the way done with this nightmare hold on let me mute my mic and cough turn my head and cough [Music] [Music] okay better all right so we have to do 35 pipes we've done seven we are uh 20% done but this took forever to figure out I I like this though this this will work um and then what would we do we would probably delete these and just plug in cuz our pipes are coming from the spiral is going to come in through here and then we'll run them across the ceiling and we'll run them in um and then I could even yeah I'm not going to go ahead and move that no I uh I just kind of want it out of the way you not building invalid shape you monster all right [Music] one day one day okay I like this this works this puts our pipes where we need them um and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to go ahead and get rid of these now you might be asking yourself Ken don't you need pumps and um uh technically you you you know you'd be right to ask that the answer is uh I don't think we do need pumps now I haven't tested it but I don't think we do and I'm going to try to set this up so that we don't need them basically the idea is that you can gravity feed to from anywhere as long as it's high the original as long as you pump it higher if we pumped it up to here and then fed it all the way down and then it would come all the way back up does that make sense so the gravity feed of the fluid you know as long as it's higher it should gravity feed itself all the way back up to almost as high as as it was before the trick is is that what I'm going to try to do is gravity feed at the source I'm going to make oil Towers really far away from here but I'm going to make sure they're higher than this so that these get fed in so that these get pushed up without pumps now eventually I might actually even get rid of these walls right well actually let's just get rid of them I mean I could put him back if I had to I of want to see what it looks like um I think it looks good A little funky but that's as good as we can make it like it okay okay so we have five of these to do we did one the other one is going to go in here here and here the uh the next one this is the only side that gets a double up yep right here so let's put it in which one is this is this the correct one um no this is the one that I have to go up to so let's uh let's actually delete the whole thing just start it up to it's going to uh this is actually going to be in our way he then we this one you put in by hand but it's not too hard just that right there and this goes here yep that goes there that goes [Music] there no one more down okay that look right right is that what I [Music] did barely barely peeking through barely peeking through got it get rid of that right looking good this one goes in one connects there connects there connects there that goes away all this goes away all that goes away that and that that that that that that okay it's first half sorry guys drinking iced tea okay first half is in the first three out of seven now let's see if I can match I I did it between them okay all right so it's probably going to uh this one builds right against the ground okay that's our weird number seven and now the other three just delete as we work our way down plugs in here that goes these [Music] go is he goes [Music] here oh this last one doesn't shift that's right they just go straight in okay there we go uh this is going to this this took longer to figure out how to do that it will actually take to do it so there's the next seven oh we're 40% done okay nice everything's still going well I've been so focused if I dropped the stream I probably wouldn't have even known um I think we're going good we're going well all right let's put in the next one uh [Music] okay going to be these two now can I do this now that I don't have one to look at think [Music] so I say that and now I have to go back and look at the one right across uh the one on the ground I think that yeah the two up one this one knocked out of the [Music] way looks [Music] good [Music] uh no I'm off one goes right against the ground it's the other one that goes up too hey toasters how's it going man and this is the one that we don't shift just come straight down like [Music] this one to go hey [Music] [Music] okay cool now this one we come up to First think your YouTube name is toaster toaster Cobra there's a lot of toasters that play satisfactory there's also a YouTube um Creator a content creator called toaster gaming you guys and your toasters um and then we got to put this one in by hand where does it go does it go here feel like it goes here kill this put this in and then we were doing something like something like this that and that oh hey looking good [Music] he we're done with another uh another one of these hookups uh three out of five done this is going fast now that I figured out what I was doing quick uh Ken what VOD did you automate steel production in uh let me look let me look I can I can look I can look for that for you my man I want to say like five a six yeah six episode six and VOD six There You [Music] Go episode 6 and VOD six okay I just want to make sure it's that close is that right what does the boots do uh the Blade Runners is that what you're asking what do the Blade Runners do yeah it is that close uh they make you run faster and jump higher like plyers guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher and then this one and fall distance yes you also can take more um more fall for sure for sure the good bad I forgot about that all right and then this ah crap irritating it's okay okay take a deep breath it's going to be okay Ken we're almost back um I'll look next time I'm sure we won't have to wait long [Music] yeah crap any interesting things going on in public school funding still a challenge to get developers to pay their share to help the community oh uh yeah I mean you know depends on the area excuse me and the developer but in general yes in general I haven't talked about that in a long time that that is that conversation is buried deep inside of a VOD uh it's actually my busy time my my time I have a 2-year cycle that's uh super super busy uh we delete these and uh my uh the next 6 to 9 months is going to be pretty insane for me so [Music] uh but you know other than that same old same old what what are you doing none of your friends have done that why oh I know why horizontal to Vertical baby it's cuz I crashed go and this can go and [Music] uh see you later Sebastian I needed two changes to avoid crash both were mentioned in aor text okay control I I appreciate any help you give me on that uh I will um I will look next time okay just had to stretch my neck a little bit all right I think this is [Music] done do not delete the train station underneath the floor kin be bad okay I started playing the game four days ago with some friends it's fun what's your opinion on Co-op unsatisfactory have you ever played yeah so the first games I ever played were Co-op I played with my um uh my uh my brother's uh my brother and sister and my brother's wife and my daughter uh and a couple of our friends there was a bunch of us um there's some tricks that you can do to really help um because it's it it can be pretty unstable um you if you do uh if everybody increases there there's a where is it game play Network quality so if you increase your network quality to ultra that helped that helped us a lot especially the host uh especially the host really needs to do that this right yep looks right to me uh that helped [Music] us [Music] all right those seven are done I think we have one left to go uh no one I think one let me let me read some chat um uh one of the oh uh one was too many uh objects I changed it in the uh yeah on the file another referred to setup in game I not had a crash for weeks now okay good cool um yeah I'll definitely check it out yeah we have one left [Music] [Music] yep and we're going to put it on this side of this [Music] one that one and that one here and here all right auto save okay so this is the last one here uh the oil um and then I think we're going to work on the the um canisters and the packaged oil and those should be much more simple and there's a lot less hookups to do but not only is it more simple but there's less hookups there there's only two each so four total and we've just done seven so both of the next ones together should be about as much as this one was the oil well we'll see [Music] we will see how it goes plus dealing with belts for me is just way easier so it should go faster oh and then we get rid this all right that one's done [Music] we got to put this one in by hand uh there is actually a little bit more we have to do with the oil uh and I will show you when we're done here we're basically done I just remembered it's no more of these hookups these are done all right those are our 35 pipes they're in okay now let's take a look at the math now the top is getting five pipes okay the top is getting five pipes here is but there's a quarter of a pipe left over okay uh leftover per men you left over uh per Min so that's going to be this times 3y 72 uh and then let's go ahead and do minus this yep zero at the end okay so the top row row seven needs 4.76 pipes but we're giving it five so there's going to be leftover of 72 oil per minute we need one Mark 1 pipe connecting each row down so that these leftovers can get can make their way down down that's what we have to do that's all we have to do now we came up with a method of doing that and we actually put in a bunch of these and we we have to get rid of these we these have to go these are in the wrong [Music] spot and they're they're just they're not there's too many so I'm going to I'm just going to get rid of them and we're going to put them in fresh where we want them to go because I think they need to be offset so we're looking for that pipe connection yeah right there we're going to get rid of these because now that we have the pipe inputs in place we know where those need to go at the beginning of the stream I changed how I was going to do these pipes these are these are left over from the last stream and we don't we don't need them we don't want them and I need to make sure I get them all I'm going to get rid of them all and then I'm going to put in one and I know where I'm going to put them in or I have a good idea where I'm going to put them in [Music] basically I'm going to put these in as far away from a source of these of of oil as we can autosave longest Autos saave in history actually that one wasn't that long I've had worse your arms off all right we gotten rid of them all oh here's one there's another another one there's two more okay think we got them all now where am I going to put the new uh I got to put one in between each row so this is a South Side this is where the most oil comes in okay and then I put this one on the other side of I guess I put it on that side of it huh oh no no this is not okay this is not where the most oil comes in this is the this is the West uh this is the east corner this is where the most oil comes in because we got one here and [Music] here okay and then we on the other side of the catwalks I have one the East Side yes now on the near side of the catwalks I have one so there's a lot of oil here now now the the the place where there's the least amount of oil is this one's on that side of the catwalks and that one's on that side it's going to be right in here halfway between so hey uh jemus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 so that's 17 I mean right on the blue one it's halfway so that's where we're going to connect these we're going to run we're going to run one all the way up and my thinking for this is that you know f for the down spout basically uh let's just do this systematically here and then here then here okay I crashed um fatal [Music] error invalid with eror e invalid ARG uh are you still here uh control soft I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at fatal error build agent work engine Source runtime interfaces. copy command list close failed at Comm list. C PP 268 with a e invalid ARG I don't know if you're still here uh control soft but I will put this in my Discord and maybe we can [Music] try to figure it out later okay cool you're here yeah sorry guys getting bogged down here but if I can figure out my crashing then trying to take good pictures here yeah the text is new for you of course it is cuz there's no way that uh but you know I could do some Googling on this later all right I have it saved and I'll uh see if there's something I can do about it because it's really driving me up the wall you know I used to not crash very often but now I'm crashing like a lot had to remove hierarchical buffer occlusion off is that a setting or is that something in the control panel I don't want to get too crazy like while I'm live streaming you know I want to make it worse really I got to Red delete these so irritating [Music] I swear some sometimes it feels like I lose more than 10 minutes cuz I deleted all this crap and then I fixed my Excel sheet and we chatted about why I have to do this all right I bet you those are the last ones all right there's the double and we're putting it in right here all right this is what we were doing and I guess it was wasn't that much just always feels like a lot I don't know [Music] no this is really screwed [Music] up it's never been this bad before it's really frustrating um I mean I guess I could try I mean we haven't had a um all I'm doing is um I'll do a check on my files sorry all right uh installed files um here I'll show you here I'll show you so satisfactory installed files uh view Integrity of game files I mean I I haven't done done this oh yeah no uh yeah no way Richard the beginning of uh joined right at the start of one of my crashes I mean I might as well while that thing goes um uh error invalid uh e uh this is a lot more than mine I don't know I don't know I just don't know man all right all files successfully validated which doesn't give me much hope what is a aox text what is a aox text sorry not sure what you're asking I would say so I ran for two streams with that mod on and no problems well no more than usual and today I it crashed when I did this uh I did the same thing I attached one of those um I cut that oil in half that oil line I mean I'm only halfway done with my stream we've got we've got to get more done before I stop so but today has just been really crappy and I don't want to necessarily like reset my computer hey Dad gaming um I don't want to reset my computer because I mean I have to start I'd have to you know do a fresh recording and that would really suck I mean I could keep the stream running cuz I uh I stream on a separate PC so I could restart the gaming PC I could keep the stream running I just don't know if that's going to do any good but we're going to find out here I'll save before I start the next project I don't have to keep uh deleting these things over and over again like purgatory I think there's only those two the aor text approximately uh I mean I just yeah I mean I could do that again uh there's all you know there could be something new uh let's do save let's do stream 27.5 oh 37 not 27 yeah I could check the graphics drivers hey Gary Wilson subbed on uh twitch thank you man appreciate it racking up those Prime Subs man thank you guys all right it was like uh where's the blue one need to be over here yeah so what was I doing I was like right right in here it did it when I did it to the top one and then I went like this and it crashed twice yep we crashed again well at least I can repeat it h that's so irritating um there we go I can pull it all the way open I can take one picture of it here uh I'm going to post this on my in my Discord if you want to if you want to check out my Discord I'm going to post it there uh it's in the general and it and and if you don't have my Discord uh control soft it's um it's in my um description okay so we're not going to do that job apparently we apparently the game is not going to let us do any more pipe work uh started without you again sorry Gary don't worry you haven't missed much I've just been crashing a million times um I mean actually to be fair we have gotten a crap done of work done uh a crap ton of work done today even with the stupid crashing so the full text in one picture is in my Discord if anybody wants to if anybody's smarter than me wants to see if they can get to the bottom of it okay so we're going to switch gears I wanted to get that last little piece done but obviously that's not going to happen we can always do that later so let's do something else what I want to do now is figure out the belts so let's first off let's put in all the belts and then all the rest of these belts switch over back to my belt uh what would it be faster yeah I think it would actually be faster just to instead of going around and around in C [Music] Les do this and then move down go back down and then just work away all the way around you we get something done right we also have to do power that will probably just do in circles unlimited power so what I want to do I'll get all these belts in and then I'll explain the plan for how we're going to what we're going to do with these belts because so this top belt here the belt that's above the catwalk the belt that's above the catwalk is the input of canisters and the belt that is below the catwalk is the output for the packaged oil all right and then I'm going to show you what the plan is at the very least kind of where we have to put it and then we'll try to make a plan and then it's about time uh I in about you know somewhere in the next 20 minutes or so I do need to do my uh take my nightly five minutes uh usually bio and let the dog out you know kind of a deal uh it's 5 minutes and then I'm back for another four hours I usually can go about 4 hours uh uh and then I need to take a few minutes cuz reasons mostly I've been uh drinking a lot of um iced tea and water for my throat and uh you know go to the bathroom uh you know nature Falls and won't let up so let's see next one here yeah all right let me read some chat so I can take a break from that horrifying uh try doing it a different order going to go ride the delore start from the beginning okay sounds good Gary uh uh L uh Lori 9300 I've been B binge watching your back catalog the nine hard drives incident was hilarious yes so what's interesting you know looking back I have better context now but something you have to keep in mind is before that happened nobody was really watching me like that night was my first time that I really had like kind of like feedback like real time feedback and like I don't know I it would have been easier of course just to like save scumm it you know but it was actually really fun and the people that were there live it was very engaging for everybody so you know I've had several complaints that it was quote cringe but to be honest with you uh it was actually good for my channel well and good for me too not just the channel but like I got to chat with people and and you know we solved the problem together that was the first time I'd kind of done that in a live stream so that was a good that was a good episode I that was a good stream oh missed one apparently you know I probably got it one of the times that the game crashed uh but I'm glad you enjoyed it I um I'm glad I did it that way you know went looking for them and didn't just cheat them to myself or you know I mean now I have fly mode on you know but at the time I was still progressing through the tech tree right now I'm basically in the end game and so you know it doesn't really bother me to use I mean now the goal of the stream isn't to progress through the tech it's to build these so to me it's not really cheating [Music] because I mean at the time I didn't even have I mean all I had was parachutes at the time right unlocked so nope there it goes damn it I wonder if it's the same I'm going to I'm going to get this s code too man I am I'm really frustrating it looks the same looks exactly the same I have no idea how to figure it [Music] out really frustrating tonight hey how's it going uh tell your wife I hate her she makes painting with o paints look so easy yeah she does really I don't have an Autos save from here there's no there's no [Music] way I can't get anything done you guys all those freaking belts I put in they're all none of it saved cuz all right um all right so here's what we're going to do I'm going to stop my recording we're going to keep the stream on because I have two computers okay so I'm going to restart my computer my live stream or my my gaming computer okay so you guys are going to see a stream but I can't talk to [Music] you uh change a save time to five minutes down from 10 minutes yeah I mean I could I mean I could do five minutes it's already at 10 minutes uh but that doesn't solve the problem I got to I got to try to solve the problem okay so don't go anywhere you guys okay I'm going to reset my computer my gaming computer my La the the stream will not be affected it's going to keep going all right so hang out don't go anywhere I got to stop the recording I'm going to get everything back up again and I will talk to you guys soon okay all right here we go we're going to try this all right all right you guys hear me okay oh geez what a mess what a mess music's back all right the recording back let's see if this helps ah crap stupid OBS I gotta um it's sitting behind my other monitor uh hold on one second let's let's get satisfactory loading and I got got to I got to fix this stupid thing which means I got to stand up okay man it's just been a nightmare all right recording is back on okay now if if I keep crashing guys I'll probably have to call the stream early because I can't I can't keep like doing the same thing a million times and it not like you know I can't I mean the last times they've been like eight minutes between crashes all right so is everything set back up I think our our live streaming thank luckily I have a live streaming dedicated computer or a streaming dedicated computer so it doesn't interrupt the stream cuzz then I'd be really irritated so the gaming the gaming PC has been reset and we are recording again I cannot believe all that freaking so horrifying all right where are we going to start uh let's start I guess it doesn't matter uh I'm just going to I'm just going to I'm going to see if we make it to an autosave I'm going to put in belts and we're going to see if me restarting my computer helped I guess it has been if I stop and about it maybe it's been a week since I've restarted my computer and I usually restart it every day but I started listening to music at night and so I was leaving it on that's the only thing that I can think of that's different shouldn't be that bad but I don't know but if we if we crash again I'm probably going to call it a night and we'll try to and we'll have a short a short stream and a short episode I guess and I'll work uh this week on seeing if I can figure it out we got to get rid of this you know I I verified my game files reset my computer I'm a simple man I'm a simple simple man about all I know how how to do but I'm open to any suggestions because you guys are a lot smarter than I am okay so all right well I guess you know we can save a million billion times every time I go around one that's horrifying okay looks like a direct X12 error can we see on Discord a photo of your setup meaning like my computer setup uh yeah actually I just posted one in I have one like really easy to get to okay voger is that you um oh somebody on uh somebody in my discord's giving me some advice we willing to bet that that updating Graphics drivers would help with that a method in direct X12 with an argument that shouldn't uh where there shouldn't be anything launching the game with Vulcan interesting um okay uh I will definitely update my drivers I mean I just well okay that's not true well first of all nothing's changed since last week right so but my I was having a problem with with my rendering speed rendering these videos okay and so I installed one of the um what is it Studio drivers one of the non-standard drivers because my editing software responded to it better but I mean that was a long time ago that was months ago but I'm willing to do anything what I will not do though probably is make you guys stream myself trying to fix my I don't know I mean maybe that would be helpful uh stream myself updating my Graphics drivers I really need to do like a clean install of the graphics drivers and I honestly can't remember how to do that I'd have to look it up it'd be a whole thing and I'm not going to put you guys through that I'll I I don't even want to put myself through that so um if we crash again we've been two times around all right cuz the way I look at it is what changed right and what the only thing that I can think of that changed is I haven't uh reset my computer in a a while whereas I was doing it every night I was doing a full shutdown so I'm hoping that that alleviated it no matter what I'm going to update my drivers uh I will definitely and absolutely update my drivers [Music] after this stream before my next Stream So after I go all the way around with this line we got to be almost there here we go I'll save and I'll read some chat yo kin how on Earth can I transport all resources to one Mega Factory I'm stuck here and I can't go any further help please Ramsay so um yeah I mean you know trains trains work um a lot of materials you just build where you're going right you know just build a new Factory you know um things like iron and copper and lime Stone there's so much on the map my man that you just you just make that stuff wherever you are uh on Twitch I've got some poly rythmic stuff I can send you the link for works like a charm I don't know what that is sounds like you're going to send me porn I um I don't know I I knew a lot about computers about 15 years ago and then I got busy and didn't keep up I I know bare the bare the bare minimum these days to keep things running and apparently not even that anymore uh most of the time I just Google stuff and then I put in what they say without really understanding it that's pretty much how I uh scrape through life with tech [Music] I've been putting these belts in for hours feels like I swear to you we were almost done [Music] for well we made it to an autosave we made it to an auto save that's better than that's better than we were making them before uh when you go back to the pipes before you split the last pipe make sure to save then try a different pipe on that level not so aesthetically pleasing but if it works it works right well I mean you know I I shouldn't have to right I wonder I do wonder if it is a direct X2 thing I wonder if it's a graphical thing that happens when I split those pipes but I mean I've been doing that all night so weird I I don't understand I'm happy we got to an autosave we hadn't done that in Forever I don't know maybe we can continue uh so I don't actually build everything in a mega Factory I mean mean no you don't need to not at all had to say it all right I'm not giving up yet I'm not giving up yet Uh crap I don't know guys I don't know if I want to do this kind of tech work while I'm live streaming um I think I'm going to call this I'm I'm super frustrated I I'm I'm super super frustrated so uh I'm GNA update my uh live stream or my drivers uh anybody with any other information they want to come to my Discord help me out see if I can get this fixed but um we're about four and a half hours in and we did get some stuff done um I did check I just checked the game f I did that earlier dad gaming before you got here I did that I reset I I um and I don't want to you know accidentally stream something that I'm not uh aware of or whatever and uh I gotta I got to fix my drivers but uh we only have three and a half hours left to the stream I mean about half so it sucks um but I think that's it so we actually unfortun I mean we did get some cool stuff done but what a lame episode um I don't know maybe I'll combine it into another episode maybe I'll do that so maybe make a make a make a two hour make a little bit longer than two hour one combine it with next next weeks uh that's going to be it guys I'm oh frustrated but there's nothing there's I there's nothing I can do right now um I did the I did the easy stuff I will update the drivers and I'll see you guys on Tuesday night we'll do a cosmetic stream um and um yeah I think that's it that's it for me uh have a chill fix oh don't no I know you're joking but no you don't have to worry about that okay guys super frustrated uh but we will return I will will return all right twitch thanks for thanks for hanging out and uh we'll try it again on Tuesday night I'll see if I can get this fixed stupid crashing all right twitch is [Music] gone bye guys and then as soon as they're set they're set and YouTube's gone see you guys
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 1,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0dPDgIbEp2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 273min 28sec (16408 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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