I Look to You

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it all starts when started I should say when I was when I was 13 I was a cheerleader and I'd like always been a chunky girl and I was kind of okay with myself and one night I was cheerleading and this teenage boy walked by and and I still remember his name I remember what he was wearing and he leaned to over to his friend to where I could see and hear him and he said that girl's too fat to be a cheerleader it did something to me and and I didn't even realize how powerful those words spoken into me were you know as a teenager and a young adult all I ever heard was you know you'd be a knockout if you just lose 50 pounds or you'd be beautiful if you would just lose weight you'd get a record deal if you were thinner and so I just equated my beauty with my size then I met my husband who was this amazing geeky nerd who was just smarter than I could possibly imagine and he used to work for Apple and he disassembles max for fun and hes just super nerdy and but he told me I was pretty and he like meant it and I was just like not I'm not saying you know go marry the first guy that tells you you're pretty but but he just he meant it and then I remember when I knew that I wanted to marry him he looked at me and he said I I know that I know that I'm supposed to marry you and take care of you the rest of your life no matter where God calls you to and last year he said you know what let's have a baby and I just looked at myself and I thought I'm sick all the time I'm touring with Sayla I get migraines I was getting ill on flights and trying to just push through and and I was like you know what god I can't do this anymore I'm done I am so done like I don't know what I'm supposed to weigh I don't know what I'm supposed to look like when I'm miserable and I just need you to fix me and so I just laid it at his feet and I was like I don't know how I'm supposed to do this because I've done Weight Watchers like 12 times I've done you know Hip Hop Abs I remember sweating to the oldies with Richard Simmons when I was like 13 and I'm like nothing works long-term Lord but it was because I had never asked him to help me and I'd always tried to get skinny for guys or for cheerleading or for a record deal and it was like you know what Lord I want to get healthy for me so that I can have a healthy child and really be able to minister and some freedom here not be walking around held up in Chains that nobody can see and God is so cool because I have a friend who I hadn't spoken to in like five years and she's a nutritionist and personal trainer and a diet coach and she has this program and she said the Holy Spirit would put her on my heart like call Amy call Amy and she was like I'm not gonna call up some girl I haven't talked to him in five years and be like you want to go on a diet she'll hate my guts so she was like no Lord and like every day and her prayer time she said my name would just pop in her spirit and she was like I do not know what to do and so she found me and she said I want to coach you and since last May I've actually lost 80 pounds with her but it's just been amazing because all of the other stuff I've lost on top of the weight like the anger and the bitterness that I didn't know I carried around inside my heart and hurt like I can let go of that boy for twenty years I carried his face in my heart and and wept when I looked in the mirror because some boy called me fat so when I sing the song I just I share this I just tell people like this is you know I'm still if you do the math I weighed 282 and I lost 80 so I'm still over 200 and I've still got a path to go I still got some weight to lose but and so I just you know encourage people when when I sing this to to stop looking at the circumstances that that have just hurt them and stop looking at the people and to just look to God and just lay it at his feet because he can do so much more with it than we possibly ever could after all singing you to rise no more searching for that after all my strength is gone - yeah these are gone here to you
Channel: TheSelahVideos
Views: 5,880,628
Rating: 4.8869314 out of 5
Keywords: Selah, Christian, Music
Id: gP2IzErAQPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2011
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