I lived like a Princess in a REAL Castle for 24 Hours

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so we have all seen or heard of the movie The Princess Diaries which is about an average American girl who discovers that she is actually the princess of Genovia if she gets a complete life makeover well for today I'm gonna be princess Jessica of London as I live 24 hours under the British royal family rules in the castle now I don't know what to expect but if it is anything like the Disney movies you can count me in [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally made it after three plane flights and pretty much flying all day I'm definitely ready to go to bed but super late but let's go ahead and see what my room looks like this sticks amazing it looks so comfortable it is comfortable it just rethink you think and they left this look note here with my last name others and it says welcome thank you for choosing to stay here at the castle please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you enjoy your stay sincerely but they're great that's so sweet oh my gosh you can't wait on this it's just and there's this vanity set which literally I feel like was making it because I love the Hat I love the color of the flowers and this is just a dream so I cannot wait to my makeup in here and wonder if this is actually like really real real world oh I was hoping we could see the view but you can't because it's super dark pipe will see that minute I'm and this room is so cute it's very shabby chic it's got like this cute little like floral or write like a floral theme going on there's flowers on the wall there's flowers on the pillows I like this it's so me and police tell me why this is what I look like without makeup like this is their way a painting of me at 6 a.m. [Music] oh this is the bathroom oh my gosh I'm living for this floral thing going on it's very vintage and obsessed and they drew a bath for me are you serious they literally drew me a bubble bath like that is it's amazing smells delicious in here actually and there is the strength that's waiting for me I actually won't know what flavor it is for punch perfect I can't wait to take a bath that's actually the first thing I'm doing because I feel gross after flying all day definitely definitely need a bath and to go to to go to bed because I have a super busy day tomorrow I'm really really nervous I don't know what to expect and hopefully I don't fail I pick up princess but okay so I'm gonna go ahead actually in pack take a shower and then go to bed because here girls exhausted so sleeping on that bed was honestly the most comfortable thing ever it was like sleeping on a cloud being held by little angels but I was not ready for the alarm clock a live alarm clock of a trumpet quartet [Music] so new Royals usually get a six months training course but I don't have that at a time so what I did instead was gather information from the Queen's actual ex Butler who filled me in on what the rules were and I just memorized it the day before rule number one makeup and hair the royal dress code states that you are only allowed to wear natural colors on your face and your hair must be in a natural frizz free style [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now the royal dress code was quite long but in a nutshell you're not allowed to wear any nail polish and if you do it needs to be a light pink you cannot wear any black unless it is for a funeral your dress has to be knee length or longer pantyhose must be on at all times and your shoes have to be two to four inches tall unless they are flat breakfast at the castle was at 8 a.m. and I was already three minutes late classic me and I'm already failing at being a princess so I went downstairs to the breakfast room as fast as the princess was allowed to walk aka not fast at all because you're not allowed to rush and I ate my first royal meal of the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your royal highness this is our potato hash this is our garden frittata and this is our chicken and Belgium waffle oh my gosh [Music] and the nice part about this as our potatoes in our onions and our peppers from our potato hash is completely from the garden our garden frittata everything you see on here is completely from the farm including the eggs and then our chicken and Belgium waffle is made with local mill flour chicken from Butler farms and local blueberries Wow so everything here is farm-to-table like literally it's not just a little thing the whole thing yes looks amazing so you did a wonderful job okay enjoy thank you all right so the first step the napkin so I remember I was supposed to take it off from the side and OOP touch these corners and then have the seam facing forward all right so let's try this out let's taste it I'm excited oh my god I'm not supposed to make noise I already failed that's okay moving on [Music] fancy no table etiquette just does not stick to me I have tried my hardest to memorize everything but there was just too much to memorize how was everything it was so good I loved all these bursts of different flavors and especially the cinnamon that's what sold makes I love cinnamon so this was such a good meal I'm so excited about it we're very happy that you enjoyed it and here is a letter from Her Majesty the Queen oh thank you Her Majesty the Queen requests you to make an appearance and a donation at a nonprofit organization of your choice at 3:00 p.m. yours faithfully Butler great now I was so excited when I was told that my main job as a princess was to do charity work because like that's already a goal of mine but I had so much free time until then so I spent my time exploring the castle [Music] so over here across the capsule we have a garden and also baby goats which is exactly why I am gonna tried all of this in heels because the goats are worth it so oh it's actually closer than I thought I am so excited this is so hard my heels keep digging into the dirt whoa I don't know how Dutchess is and princesses wear heels at everything they do cuz this is not easy at all it's quite painful whoa okay this garden is gorgeous and this is where all the food comes from so I'm really excited to see what they're growing but more importantly no baby goats that smells delicious and then there's this huge carrot right here in the dead center we just perfect it's really well made I like how oh I hear the goats I hear they got some calm today they were coming this is like the highlight of a castle above the nice chandeliers above the amazing food above the amazing room the go is the best part of the castle I know me too I know just gonna go check on the babies [Music] oh that's a perfect name hey hey cutie [Music] anyone more pets okay I gotcha her horns are gonna be growing in for a while so it's gonna get real itchy for her you know it's like when you get you know your little baby teeth and they start itching on the gums it's kind of the same thing your sweetie perfect ah there's so much fun and they're quite clean my fingers are spotless okay so as you're saying that the students that come in and volunteer which are in that tent over there right now are the ones that are maintaining the garden and the animals which is there goes my heel which is great this kind of reminds me of high school I used to do the same thing we had a little farm in the back and we would take care of goats and pigs and also play a lot of stuff so that's really brought me back it was a really cute little touch now we're going to go back to the castle I think I'm gonna go hang out in the study room just because I need to pass the time oh I didn't pass the time I've got a couple hours before I have to go to the charity that I chose and I can't use social media to pass time so I think I'm gonna go to study and either learn something new or read a book we'll see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] after two long hours of reading this boat it was time to leave off to my charity of choice I decided to choose the Woodford Animal Shelter because I have always loved animals growing up so as an official princess I am now the Royal advocate for animal rescue and conservation [Music] [Music] we are here today at the Woodford Humane Society with Beth hello and she's gonna give us a little insight on what this place is what you know what they do and what they need and get familiar with you guys yeah so we've been here for a long time we're in versailles kentucky and we're totally funded by donations you know one thing that says we have Woodford in our name a lot of people tend to assume that were a county organization we're in Woodford County here for sales for anyone it's not really err but we're not we're a totally private organization so everything that we do here is funded 100% by donation well that's awesome well today we have a lot of stuff we brought you know some fun stuff and that's not all so some of this has days so we're gonna go ahead and bring that in right and then hopefully play with some puppies yeah we're just gonna take a walk through and take a look at everybody here we have our kennel on the right and our kateri on the left we're very proud Oh what Meghan is coming back and we're very proud to have these dog rooms a little more space a little bit homey but no matter where the dogs live here we make sure everybody has a bed a kuranda bed to lift them up off the concrete and then like a big fluffy blanket or a pet bed that you'd buy at the store something to make it comfortable we know we're not home for everybody it's really a temporary situation but we want to make it as comfortable as possible same thing for the cats you can see everybody has plenty of spaces to just hang out and climb and jump and sit cozy one thing we also provide for everybody is a scratching pad it's an important part of cat behavior so we want to make sure that they can do that and it also is an important part of keeping them comfortable cats have scent glands and their paws and one of the ways that they say this is my house is by scratching so when they have that that they can keep with them it makes them feel a little bit more at home the tightening the time that it's amazing hi you a fat one in [Music] okay now we're gonna go visit the dogs and it's gonna be really noisy we have dogs of every renate real puppies will see big dogs will see little dogs at the end of the day it's really about the people who end up surrendering the dogs more than is about the dogs themselves a lot of people tend to assume that dogs and shelters or cats and shelters are here because there's something wrong with them but most of the time it's something that didn't go right with the people not with the dog we think Toby you wanna get me treats oh yes yeah everybody wants it's pretty famous fish my nose up Toby's one of my favorites too but there's someone special I want you to meet his name is kimchi and we're gonna get him out and see if you want to play with us okay so we actually have 13 of these yards we like to make sure that everybody gets as much exercise as possible it's good for the dogs and it's also good for helping them get adopted because they have the opportunity to get out and run and like burn off some of that energy they're gonna behave a little bit nice and when they're inside right so it's good for everybody you all an hour again rowdy [Music] are you good boy Oh Oh we always got bend your knees I can't believe he wants to run I had a lot of fun thank you so much for the tour and for letting me play with the animals what are some ways that people can help donate in person and online a lot of people like to volunteer if you can't have a pet at home and you just want that chance to have spend some time with some really sweet animals this is a great way to do it we do have volunteer orientations once a month so if you're local and you want to come hang out with us just send us an email and let us know we'll get you hooked up and then of course sometimes there are special projects that we need help with right now we are trying to fund a brand new industrial washing machine which is a big project it's about a fifteen thousand dollar price tag for that which of course is not something we can normally afford so we are asking for people's help if you want to give to something specific even a couple bucks five dollars makes a huge difference for the animals here as you guys can see here anything from here or on their wish list online on their website you can see exactly what they need follow their Instagram I'm also gonna be leaving a link down below where you guys can donate and check out their website and their adoptees we're at Woodford your name on everything the Animal Shelter was just so much fun I almost walked out with like ten new pets I loved everyone that was there and I did not want to leave but I was only scheduled to be there for exactly one hour so I have to go [Music] so when I went back to my room everything was already tidied up for me which was so nice and on the bed was his pink gorgeous long gown with gold shoes and my very own princess tiara and on the side there was also this white note which was an invitation to go to the royal banquet that evening so the Royal Knight dress code is quite similar to the dress code for this day but the only difference is is that you have to wear a floor-length gown also you have to wear the royal family jewels and tiara as a status symbol to show you are unavailable to the gentleman I'm happily taken so that is why I was allowed to wear the tiara otherwise you would attend with just the royal family jewels alone no tiara [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the royal banquet was honestly a total dream I got to make a lot of awesome new royal friends and the food was till like the best food it was so delicious and by then I was exhausted enough to go to bed especially because the next morning I had to go back to being a normal person [Music] so after successfully completing the 24 hour challenge as a princess the real question is would I actually accept the role of being a princess now there are pros and cons to my experience starting with pros one your main job is to help people like that is such a goal of mine and also you get to attend these awesome royal engagements as well you get to live in an amazing castle that's completely taken care of for you it's just very very relaxed and just what I would imagine my dream life to be like but there was also a few cons the first con is you have to speak in a very soft-spoken demeanor which is totally not like me I'm extremely animated and it's very hard for me to be calm and on top of that every time you do charity work it has to be photographed by the press and that I also wasn't really crazy about I prefer to do charity work in private so those are big cons for me but all-in-all weighing the pros and cons I would absolutely say yes I would definitely take on the role of being a real-life princess mainly because again your main job is to help others and be a patron and advocate for the things that you care about and that's slowly my main goal in life so that outweighs any possible con that there is and I see myself being pretty happy as a princess now before I go I want to give a huge warm shoutout to the castle that made this entire video possible and that is the kentucky castle thanks Jessica so I just wanted to tell everyone just a little bit about the castle so first off we are boutique hotel with 13 rooms we are farm-to-table restaurant event space and our bourbon hall we have our parlour our rooftop a space behind our ballroom and then we also have a temperature-controlled greenroom so if you wanted to do anything in the winter or the summer you're gonna be comfortable the whole time so we are pretty much our own self-contained City I feel like this own little castle we have all of our gardens that we take fresh from the garden and bring it to our restaurant we have local farmers around here that we also work with to keep everything Kentucky proud and fresh another great thing we have our own local bees on property so all of our honey is all fresh and from our own aviary and then we also have goats little pygmy goats so you can fit them in your hand they are adorable so you will hear them on property and you might even see them for goat yoga even now another big thing we're trying to do is just make it to where people can feel like they're a queen or a king in a castle so as I pointed out those chalets those are actually two storey rooms where you feel like you have your own personal castle you have a little kitchenette space and living room downstairs and then as you go upstairs you have your king-sized bed bathroom and a person and balcony so you can look over everyone to see the space as it is now we have courtyards all over the place we have little ponds up here with koi in there just pretty much everything you could think of we have here at the castle now if you guys want to make reservations or try to see any of the events that we have going on the best way to do that is to go to the kentucky castle comm and you can find everything on there if you're looking for tours hotel stays the restaurant menu everything is going to be on there or if you just want to talk to someone you can always just call the front desk and you can always just ask any question you want we can get you guys all taken care of well that's pretty much it as far as the castle we keep improving more and more and we're even gonna get a spa coming out and who knows what's gonna happen maybe a log cabin or maybe a tepee who knows well back to you Jessica so thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did give it a royal thumbs up make sure you subscribe for more content like this share it with your friends turn on the notification bill so you know when I post and I'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Jessica Vill
Views: 5,872,279
Rating: 4.8925343 out of 5
Keywords: behind the bunzie, behindthebunzie, jbunzie, jessica vill, princess, castle, 24 hour challenge, royal family, real, vlog, disney, documentary, rules, food, travel, film, holiday, vintage, makeup, hair
Id: YI2lLY74DOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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