I literally struck GOLD at this GARAGE SALE

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clocking the phone kathy oh my goodness i squeezed by you sorry good morning how are we doing hi is this everything out here good morning the time is 7 26 a.m saturday march 27th all right make us an offer oh i don't know what do you have a price in mind clocking the phone kathy let's go this is two bucks add it to your pile add it to your file yeah i said it's two bucks okay anything else in here did you want to go inside or i don't think there's anything inside i think it's just all over oh just the furniture yeah i think i'm okay on furniture thank you talking a phone to the phone oh i said the card was two dollars yeah the phone was five five and then there's a little clock and there's a little clock in there oh you can have that okay i was gonna say ten buddy we paying you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] how much are the rings and stuff are these all just costume jewelry yeah oh i don't know honestly there could be how much would you want for the whole thing here um the whole thing yeah uh all all the rings yeah just try it out um oh my goodness oh my goodness it's all right i'm sorry you rigging running into me i bounce yes uh all the this if he just took all the rooms you're saying they're a dollar a piece and then you're like a dollar a piece yeah yeah okay they're pretty see those rings any more rings hiding there's another one there's a cute little earrings for your wife yeah so there's 27 rings here and then what is this is that that looks like a oh that was her you got to keep that i'm gonna get all these little trinkets yeah i just did the whole thing for 25. there you go oh you're awesome thank you thank you so much i squeezed by you sorry thank you hello how you doing hanging in there [Music] that's not your favorite not the best one i'll check it out no i'm good now i'm good enough i'm breathing i'm just walking around i'm good okay okay i'm gonna buy this thing you mind putting like a salt sandwich i can't figure out how to unplug it from in here thank you yeah i just can't figure out how to unplug it from inside here i have no idea how to like goes inside the wall i know i'm not sure let's see and i don't know how to get on here yeah there's something up here oh carol said that if you go on the other side okay and she said to tug on the cord and she'll try to uh yes are you able to tell all right we got it thank you oh they're heavy okay [Applause] so [Music] okay i'm 110 here this was 12 let's see so 120. 25 each on those all right so we're at 120 here 20 here and then it would be 170 if i got those yeah all right let me look into those and then i'll get the rest of the stuff though that's fine okay cool i'll see you in one second all right i'm gonna pay her i'm just gonna get everything give it a try this ended up being a really bad decision getting these last two items they're actually medical devices and you can't list them on ebay unfortunately so this was fifty dollars down the drain oh well you live and you learn so was it one seventy should be 170. who knows trust me all right thanks pam yup [Music] how much are the rings and stuff [Music] the rest were unmarked and i'm sending these to a friend [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this was kind of a tough one because we got a lot of personal items as well we got a jean jacket for my wife my dad got a bunch of tools but i just put the total of everything we spent including the 50 that we lost out on on those medical items thank you all so much for watching really do appreciate it and we'll see you soon with another video [Music] you
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 93,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sale
Id: 8fvwBFl80w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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