Why I Quit My Corporate Job for Labour Work

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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel today i wanted to talk to you about why i left my corporate job for a blue collar labor job so i know that it's not a usual change in career paths so i thought i'd explain to you why i did it and maybe some of you will be in the same boat as me you just need some encouragement to make the bigger change so for a little background i went to university studying sciences and i loved it while i was there i was very career ambitious i was like hey i'm gonna study this i'm gonna get a job here i'm gonna have this with my life i just like had it all planned out right and when you're in high school that's what everyone is telling you is that you need a career you need to do post-secondary school to get your career so that you can be successful and happy in life and this is the formula and this is what you need and you'll be good so i was just like following the steps right and until the day i graduated university i was loving what i was doing and i was really excited about what i was studying and once i did graduate a couple months later i was able to land a job in my career which was just like the apex of my life at the time like you know i took all the steps i i was grinding hard with that school grind and i made it here and i finally have this career of my dreams right and so i started that job and it was great it was so exciting like i had my own desk i had like a user login i was like part of a team it was so exciting but then as time went on i was getting less and less excited about my work they just they ask a lot of you you know to come in early stay late do things outside of the work hours to improve your work and i just wasn't really feeling as gung-ho about it as i felt like i should have been so i even went and talked to some of my friends from university that graduated also and found careers in the same field and they were working for similar companies where they were asked a lot of them but then they were like so excited to put it forward and like work hard dust till dawn put your time in like getting so much fulfillment from it and i wasn't right and i think part of that came from uh you know over the years i was in school and school was everything to me but slowly other things in my life were becoming more important like family relationships and friends and and hobbies and i just found that there was more to life than just this career so i put my time in at this company i worked there for about a year and eventually just got to the point where i just wasn't happy and i also looked at the positions above me right like well would i be happier if i had these other jobs that the company could offer and the answer was no like i i didn't want a job that was my whole life like the people i was working with their job is everything to them and i would ask them about their evening plans weekend plans like what are they doing outside of work and they they oftentimes didn't have any because like work was their life right and it turns out i did not like office work that much uh i hate like the silence in offices i hate the cubicles like you can't have like small chats with your co-workers you can't like build relationships it seems like because it's such a professional environment everything's just surface level like you can't get those deep awesome relationships with your co-workers because you're stuck in your cubicle and you only get like lunch time to chat with people right not that i just want to talk to people at work obviously but it's cool in other careers you can talk and work so you're building relationships and getting your work done and having a good time doing it right that's a little like segue into why i picked my new career path the other thing i didn't like about office work is that you're stuck in an office and you're just you know monday to friday in these four walls sitting down on a chair like it's exhausting staring at a screen all day um and sitting in a chair all day like i wanted to be outside i wanted to be active and one of the biggest things for me was that i i just realized i don't want a stressful work environment like i know for some people they thrive off it but i already can create enough stress in my life as it is why do i want a a career that is just creating ample amounts of stress in my life like the people that i know in other companies and the people in my company you can just see that the stress gets to them about all the deadlines and all the complications and the issues at work right and again it's not that i need like like zero stress at work like stress is a good motivator to get things done but when it's so much so that it just like never leaves you that's when you start getting sick from it right and i even heard on the radio the other day like is something like 80 or 90 of people say that work is the biggest stress in their life and that is like not the case for me anymore which is so relieving so then i was in this position where i was like hey well i put four years into this and i like what am i supposed to do just leave it like all of that hard work for nothing and you know it was like a really hard transition just leaving all of that hard work but i did know like it really was for the best like this is really what i wanted to do and i don't need a big career to fulfill my life i don't need a big fancy career to make me happy if anything it made me less happy because it's more stress and less time with family and friends right so i just realized that i was kind of fed a lie in high school like for some people don't get me wrong some people they want to work at this these big corporations and they love it right like that's like so so good for them you go on and do your thing it just it's not for me i want more of a simple life and that's part of what this channel is about is going over how to simplify your life and be happy and relaxed and really enjoy the time that we have here right so i had to evaluate my life and what i wanted from it so i knew i loved being outdoors and i wanted to work outside i wanted a low stress environment and i didn't want to be sitting on my butt all day not that are there any jobs when you sit in a chair outside i don't think that's that exists but anyways so uh i decided to change over to labor work outdoor labor work i do landscaping and that to a lot of people seems like a big step back but for me it was like the best step forward um i'm working outside in the most beautiful areas and i do like really cool exciting work i get to work with people intimately where like you're working together and you can talk and work and it's just like a great combination like the day goes by quickly because you're you're you have relationships with the people that you're working with right it is nearly zero stress and any of the stress that i do have is minimal or like i bring it upon myself i'm also working out while i work since the labor position and you know it's not it's not back breaking work people think that every labor job is like your body's going to be broken down by the time you're 40 but not necessarily like i work hard and i'm sweating i'm out there working hard but it's good work that like i feel good afterwards like i don't need to go to the gym because my my work is my gym right and another perk is that i'm actually getting paid more at this job than i was at my corporate job and i think that's just because of the choices i made so i found a job at a municipality and municipalities pay better than private companies right so with this switch i was able to take all the work stress out of my life uh spend more time with friends and family create relationships at work work outside in the beautiful province that i live in work out at work so i'm like healthy living and get paid better like just makes sense to me everyone's told like you need your career you need your education that's how you're going to get through life but like it's not for everyone it really isn't it wasn't for me and i wish someone had told me earlier so if you're sitting there in your cubicle watching this on your lunch break and you're feeling like you're just not where you want to be really look inwards on yourself and find what you love doing what you would love to do for the rest of your life and just pursue it so yeah that's the moral of the story is if you're not happy you can make changes in your life to make it better obviously everyone's dealt a different hand and for some people it's a lot more steps to take to get to a place where they're happier but like you're in control and you don't have to follow a schedule that people told you is the magic recipe for success and happiness so if you liked this video like this video and if you're interested in more content about life and simple living i also do a lot of home and home decor type of videos subscribe below and yeah stick around for whatever else i have coming out thanks for watching bye
Channel: EMBERS & ASH
Views: 211,637
Rating: 4.9471707 out of 5
Keywords: Why I left my corporate job for labour work, quitting job, quitting coporate job, millennials, labour work, blue collar work, white collar work, simple living, minimalism, happiness, switchign careers, quitting career, take charge of my life, story time, simplicity, embers&ash, embers and ash, lifestyle, quitting my job, finding happiness, improving my life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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