I Learned of the Existence of My 10 Brothers and Sisters | Animated story of family mysteries

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hello my name is Marinette and recently I found out something that completely upended the way I was thinking about my own family all my life I considered myself to be the only child of my parents but in fact this proved not to be the case but perhaps first I should tell you more about my parents mom and dad got married when they were both over 40 according to their stories it was love at first sight they both were serious adults but after meeting each other they turned into inexperienced teenagers they had dates held each other's hands awkwardly and watched many romantic films after some time my dad proposed to my mom and of course she agreed after the wedding their lives had been about themselves for several years they were equally involved in a number of sports attended hobby groups and traveled a lot my parents traveled to almost 20 countries of Europe together but the time came when they finally began to think about children people around them thought they were crazy because having a baby at 45 isn't easy but mom and dad didn't listen to anyone they had read many books on parenthood and childcare and fully prepared a nursery and then finally I was born yes I was a very late child for being the first child of my mother my mom had a rough pregnancy and the doctors fought for our lives when I was born but everything worked out for the best I was born a healthy and strong girl and my parents were very happy because they were waiting for me for so long from the first day of my birth mohamad dad surrounded me with love and care they thought the world of me even my childish tantrums tears and hysterics could not drive them mad after a while my mom went for a routine examination and the doctors told her disappointing news she would never be able to have children again my parents were very upset because they planned to have more than one child when I was about five years I started asking my parents for a sister or brother all my friends in kindergarten had a brother a sister or both and I was the only one growing up alone but mom and dad only smiled sadly and promised to ask a stork to bring someone to our house but I wouldn't let up and continued to demand a brother or sister so my parents told me that though they really wanted to fulfill my request I had to accept the fact that I would be the only child in our family to their great surprise I was able to understand them and calmed down quickly well maybe I cried a little but these were not serious tears I had a happy childhood and the absence of brothers and sisters did not sat in it time passed and I started high school the first reports and research projects began then my parents bought me my first computer we had computers before but they were in my parents room and I didn't have access to them they had the most important information on them and were used for work only well I got my own computer with internet access of course I used it not only to study I registered in various social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook and began my active online life everything was calm and quiet but one day a young man friended me I would not have paid any attention to him if his last name wasn't the same as mine the fact is my last name is quite rare and I've never met my namesake in real life once I even specifically looked for them on various social media sites but it didn't find anyone my father explained this by the fact that in our family boys were born quite rarely and girls after they get married usually changed their last names that young man's name was Roland I wrote to him immediately yes I knew that talking with strangers was not a good idea but I was so curious communications started and he turned out to be a very interesting guy he was 10 years older than me but I didn't care I didn't tell my parents anything about him because I did not consider our talks to be important Roland and I corresponded for several weeks once I told him that we were very lucky because we had the rarest last name he just laughed and said that he had five more brothers and four sisters so her last name was not rare at all I was shocked as an only child I could not imagine a family with ten children out of curiosity I asked for a photo of his family and Roland send it gladly warning that it was quite an old photo but it showed all the members of his family I looked at the photo on which six boys and four girls smiled with great interest some of the children were little babies the parents stood nearby and I looked at these heroes who managed to raise so many children the next moment made me become numb my father stood in the photo next to some strange woman in his hands he held a baby and smiled happily I could not believe my eyes and froze in front of the monitor no I could not be mistaken the man in the photo was definitely my dad I immediately started writing to Roland asking about that man I wanted to know if it was their friend or perhaps their uncle Roland laughed again and replied that it was his father a father who left his family once and started building a new life for himself I was shocked the thoughts in my head got confused and I could not put them in order for a very long time I just did not understand what was happening I needed to talk with my parents and find out the whole truth about my father right away I got up and walked out of my room on weak legs my parents were sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea they were discussing some kind of a business project I went to them and asked them to listen to me they nodded approvingly with kind smiles on their faces they looked so happy that I could not help myself and started crying at that moment I thought it would be so painful for Mom to know about dad's other family mom gave me a hug and asked gently to tell her what had happened I looked up at my father and blurted out and one breath that I knew everything I told him that I saw that photo with ten children another wife and him with a baby in his arms I started yelling at him and demanding him to explain everything to me and my mother my father looked very sorrowful mom told me to sit down and ask me never to judge too quickly she said that she was aware of all these children and she had no hard feelings towards dad I was stupefied I just did not understand how mom could react to cheating so calmly but it turned out that I was wrong in my conclusions dad sat next to me and asked me to listen to him it turned out that a long time ago he really did have a different family he had lived with his first wife for a very long time and they had ten children there were twins and triplets among them but after almost 20 years of marriage they began to fight a lot their fights got really bad and they started to feel as if a wall of constant disagreements appeared between them they realized that they no longer loved each other and decided to divorce after the divorce it became much easier for both dad and that woman who was like a weight had been lifted off of them yes they no longer wanted to live together but they were able to stay friends in those days their eldest son Roland was a student in college already and the youngest was about three years old the news of the divorce saddened and even angered the children they didn't accept it and did not want to put up with the choice of their parents soon dad just packed his bags and left then he met my mother and fell in love with her at the same time he never forgot about his first children and regularly sent them letters and gifts of course I knew nothing about it mom supported my dad and even signed some postcards herself my parents did not know how to tell me about my brothers and sisters because at first the relationship with them did not go well they were angry at my father for the divorce only recently at the behest of Roland they forgave him and finally began to answer the letters so that's how I learned that all this time I had ten brothers and sisters it was a real shock for me that evening I wrote to Roland and sent my family photo to him he was very surprised but jokingly said that one more sister was not a problem because he was used to a large family in just a couple of minutes an unfamiliar number rang on my father's phone yes it was Roland he talked with my father about coming to visit he promised to take a short vacation and to come see us on the weekend to meet me and my mother he was surprised only that my father hid my existence even from him nevertheless he was not angry and understood the importance of the secret my parents were very happy especially my dad I can't wait to meet Roland in real life but to be honest I'm a little scared I want to see all my brothers and sisters but at the same time I am very afraid that they will not accept me yes Roland is very kind and understanding but the rest of his family I don't know if they will want to communicate with me after all I'm not their full-blooded sister what is your opinion should I get acquainted with all the brothers and sisters or is it better to keep things the way they presently are write in the comments what you would do if you were in a similar situation and do not forget to like and subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 246,886
Rating: 4.8460798 out of 5
Keywords: animated story, short story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, storybooth meet my story, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, true stories, meet my storytime, 10 siblings, 10 brothers and sister, big family, father's previous family, found my brother on social network, father's secret, rare family name, i have no siblings, mom is ok
Id: yuA483HrmMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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