Who held on the longest?!
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Channel: Walk off the Earth
Views: 12,222,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk off th earth hold on, hold on (the break), the break, hold on, walk off the earth original, walk off the earth, walk of the earth, wote, walk the earth, walkofftheearth, gianni luminati nicassio, sarah blackwood, ryan marshall, joel cassady, mike taylor, beard guy, music, cover, acoustic, ukelele, theremin, looping samples, percussion, drums, harmonica, guitar, mandolin, piano, keyboards
Id: XCSM3-mdSdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Beard guy is back!
"I don't sing." -guy on the left, probably.
Couple of tricks. Obviously they are sliding in something to stand on when you can't see their feet. But they've also shot this at a high framerate and sped up the audio track they lip-sync to correspondingly. This reduces the amount of time they are actually supporting their own body weight.
That guy must have seen some shit. Holds on like a champ.
The song was catchy and I enjoyed it, but the whole video seemed like a halfhearted attempt at an OK GO video.
I rather see them play their instruments.
Great bunch. I've plenty time for this band.