"I Killed My Own Daughter In A Car Crash" [Serious] - r/AskReddit Stories

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our slash asked readied by reticle serious 911 operators what's the one call that will be with you forever mobile so forgive the formatting also not a dispatcher but my mother was and I used to go sit with her in the center while she worked the worst call I ever witnessed her take was a fatality on the interstate she received a call said there was a major collision she entered the call and police and fire were dispatched she then took another call about the same accident however this call was from someone attempting to help the people involved in the crash the person trying to help was the mother and father of the daughter in the car the mom and dad were following the daughter and boyfriend home when the accident occurred dad was trying to help the daughter and boyfriend and mother called 911 I can clearly remember my mom had this flip chart where she would ask questions and based on the answer she could flip to get medical help or basically instructions on what to tell the caller to help them in a situation my mom asked if she was breathing if she was bleeding so on and so forth basically trading the patients I will never forget when my mom told the caller not to move the girl and the mother said her head is gone my baby oh god my baby it was the most shrill gasps sobs cream I have ever heard the pain and inhuman anguish that poured from that woman I have never felt my blood run cold like that before the mother kept asking my mom what do we do how do we help her literally my mother looked down at her flip cards looked at the call taker next to her and gulped for air I did not hear any more from the caller what my mom said because I pushed my chair to the wall to get away from having to hear more they called in another person to take over from my mom and we never talked about that call again my mother was a mess for a few days after that I also stopped going to the center after that I thought for a long time I wanted to be a dispatcher and showed a lot of interest so that's why I got to sit in and watch but not after that call I want to give you and your mom both a big hug I know it's a part of that and she's an angel for her service but there aaww thank you that time a guy tried to convince me he fell on the vegetable lodged in his a-hole favorite quote that's night worse before you come in grab the Halligan or when I had a lady argue with me because she's lived next to the train yard for 54 years and is complaining about how much noise the trains are making if you're going to call us and complain about trains in a train yard being trains there's nothing we can do mom less fun was when I had to instruct a thirteen-year-old how to do CPR on his definitely dead father until an ambulance could arrive took ten minutes for the cops to arrive kept asking me why it wasn't working that one had me drinking when I got home Christ you had me laughing right up to that last one sustaining the illusion that everything is going to be okay just so the kid doesn't freak out must be incredibly difficult he was a champ but he had no fun I worked with a nurse line finding people places to be seen after a nurse talks to them I had a woman raped at a job by a co-worker she had no idea if he was still around she didn't want to go to the nearest medical facility because he might show up there I had to do some quick TIG but I found her a hospital Edie 20 miles away with same stuff what gets me as she was so flat and emotionless she never got teary and had the presence of mind to call for advice but not any law enforcement she was probably in survival mode just getting through what she needed to before dealing with the emotions thank you for helping her I just experienced this for the first time last month not in a rape scenario thank God it's amazing how you function on autopilot to do what needs to be done for the situation to move along I didn't feel anything for about two days after that I hope this woman was able to process everything she went through used to work at zero zero zero I'll never forget a man calling up because his housemate was dead in the lounge room from an overdose and had been all day he called around 9:00 p.m. or something it was worse because their other housemate was an intellectually disabled guy who had been home all day and just didn't realize what was happening I told him to get her on the floor and started some CPR instructions he did it for about ten seconds before he said my name there is no point she is gone I asked what medicines were nearby and he started naming them and just said there are too many I'll collect them up for the ambos anyway we had gone through the formal process and I was getting ready to hang up he asked me to stay and talk to him so I did for about an hour while help was coming he lived in the middle of nowhere he said he was just sitting out on the back step and it just killed me listening to a grown-ass dude being so racked so when it was time to go I said goodbye and hit the end button before I burst into tears and ran away for 15 minutes I hope he is doing okay the time when my caller watched a 16 year old boy in the passenger's seat of a BMW be burned alive I can still hear her screams in my head edit he was 20 years old not 16 were also related article sun-sentinel commlink whoa I am so sorry thanks for all that you do if you ever need someone to talk with let me know I'm glad to listen thank you for the support I learned a lot about the value of life while working at 9-1-1 i am thankful that I no longer work there it was extremely stressful mentally I copied pasted this from last time to save my fingers son work and all hope you enjoy it it's one that will stick with me for a while the worst one I'll hold on to that one for a longer one that sticks out in my mind it was my first week of being released on my own as a call taker a fourteen-year-old girl calls to tell me her friend and her are being followed by a guy near the railroad tracks and he kept pulling out his penis and touching her friend on the vagina area she was walking slightly ahead of him and her friend with her hood up and her phone tucked in against her ear she would stop talking to me to talk to the guy and turn back around and try to tell me where they were all she could tell me is that there were near the railroad tracks I rebid for her location felt like it took forever to catch a phase-two okay now I know her general area wrote the run to the nearest house my pointer fell on so we had a start point putting in we're off to give the officers our good reference I had already sent the runner and was giving updates as I talked to her she was trying her damnedest to make sure the mail didn't know she was on the phone to top it all off with it was dark outside she couldn't figure out which way they were walking East Hill West so I told her to pick a direction and well she came up on a good landmark to tell me by this time the helicopter is up and is bearing down on the area I got a quick description of the guy and told her to keep it moving now I can hear the helicopter over the phone put it on the run it gets sent out helicopter is circulating the area so we are all pretty close officers are driving down the side road off the railroad tracks and she finally tells me she can see the highway he narrowed it down even closer helicopter finally spots them off in the wood line and B lines the officers to them guy was arrested he had a gun two kids are safe and the whole ordeal took about six eight minutes tops it was scary to me because I have a daughter that age and as hard as I try I still get emotionally invested in these calls I have definitely had worst calls but that is the one that tugs on my heartstrings that's a rough one solid dispatching work though that kind of detail for responding units can make a night-and-day difference in the outcome of the call too often I see people become complacent and just into whatever addressed the phase two hit song and say they'll figure it out when they get there I had to stay on the phone with her I wasn't about to leave her basically alone in some weird spot with some ducting weird of following and messing with her and her friend I figured if he kept rebidding and kept her on the phone I could do my little part from the room that and if something real shitty would happen the audio would be recorded ducking weird I know maybe catch some background noise to get a better idea where they are especially when I heard the ghetto bird I knew the boys were close and I was a lot more comfortable when I saw on the runway had eyes on and could direct the bones in there better than I could took a call from a non-native English speaking Chinese woman her and her husband had just returned home from visiting family in China the night before the husband who was a doctor said he had to get some work done before the next morning and was going to stay out late the next morning the wife woke up and discovered that her husband never got in bed she found him in the garage laying over the hood of their car as I am talking to her and asking her to get him on the ground and perform CPR she said she couldn't she was so distraught and didn't speak English well enough to articulate to me that her husband was actually in between their two cars and she had to back one of the cars up out of the garage to get him on the ground to perform CPR eventually she gave up trying to answer why she couldn't start CPR and started to scream you are killing my husband at the top of her lungs I had to listen to her shout that at me over and over and over for the better part of five minutes before medics arrived and in 911 call time that is an the coroner stopped in later that day and confirmed that the husband had a heart attack and being dead for hours at full rigor had set in and when they pulled him off of the hood of the car he began to spin like a top cause of the position of being hunched over the car I know now that there was nothing I know the wife could do to save her husband but for the longest time I've hated her for making me feel like I failed them I've had Santa calls by far but that's the one that took the life out of me for continuing to do this job I'm so sorry she said that to you on the heat of her grief that sounds like a dreadful experience there's absolutely nothing anybody could have done it's not your fault red heart there is never just one call unless you have a bad call and quit which happens most others are dealing with years of exposure to the worst day on people's lives I've worked a lot of really horriffic traffic homicides suicides children murdered or beats to death drownings rapes fatal accidents everything you can't really compare one to another as a worst of the one one reason all our calls stick with us is that 911 operators are not considered first responders we are administrative therefore we do not have the same benefits resources to deal with trauma exposure PTSD or mental health in general we can't take a call and listen to a baby being stabbed to death the officers that respond to the scene are eligible for therapy services but we are not please consider writing to your elected officials to help us get recognized as first responders so we are eligible for the mental health care benefits are the first responders receive thank you kind strangers from the gold and Silver's I really am floored by the response this comment is getting I appreciate everyone's interest and willingness to write to their elected officials 9:00 and eleven staff aka PST Public Safety telecommunicators need to be reclassified as protective service occupation to be eligible for similar benefits to what other first responders receive if you want to learn more about what's been happening aapko is the main agency for PST that has been working hard to push for reclassification and they have good information on their website if you search app Cossack revision in Google I'm super new to Reddit so I'm not quite sure how to share a link right now we are at a standstill with the on because they are under the impression that PST s do not provide life-saving care guidance on 911 calls which is highly inaccurate public pressure cannon will help us get the classification we deserve how our 911 operators not considered first responders when they are literally the first ones to respond I wasn't aware that they didn't get the same benefits thank you for all you do many departments have separated benefits for civilians versus sworn field response employees reclassification will help us get the same benefits I took a call for a vehicle in the ditch all I could get out of the guy was the old Church Road out in the county there are lots of old church roads had to wait for the cell phone to give me phase 2 and I was able to pin to a specific location the guy said it was a bad accident I had no idea how bad he meant I sent first responders and ambulance and my deputies turns out a kid my age about 24 was out drinking and tried driving home or smashed into a guardrail over a bridge and the kid wasn't wearing a seat belt so he was ejected over 60 feet from the wreckage or his vehicle and had been laying out in the snow for about an hour at that point last I heard he was paralyzed and one of his legs was amputated can't believe he lived to be honest hearing someone being stabbed mentally ill people crying and screaming for help we can't do anything most of the time but someone went to an animal sanctuary and set their dogs on the deer bastards my boyfriend is suffocating our baby trying to save for Ducks sake he'll get that pillow off that baby mindfulness man could kill the caller police were there within six minutes I am always particularly upset of missing children from children's homes what chance in life what happened to the baby survived the attack and removed two foster care guy put in jail I don't know what happened after that I like to hope he was sent down in the mother got the baby back but I don't know unfortunately I've answered this question a few times there are many calls that will stick with me and that's a good thing it's important to care about people when your job is to care about people some of my memorable calls are funny some are sad some are just plain weird I'm in the mood to share a funny one I took a medical calls from a couple of guys who I'll call the dude esky brothers just imagine that this descriptor is accurized and you'll get an idea of these guys one was diabetic the other was taking him the hospital but pulled over at a gas station after his friend started vomiting the diabetic guy was wandering around aimlessly during the call so his buddy told him to move the car away from the gas pump name please keep your friend here don't let him drive bro come on our car is like right in the way of this gas pump and it's getting kind of crowded me aaww that sucks you can't move the car yourself when I get off the phone with you run up actually my friend is like getting in right now it's cool me dude do not let him drive have him come back here I want you to keep an eye on him in case he gets any sicker or faints row that can happen dude hey man come back here the 911 is saying you shouldn't drive bro don't okay now he's with me stay here dude you can't drive diabetic dude huh Oh foo will walk and then the three de Neely's Pro paramedics we had showed up on scene like these guys would wear their uniforms with popped collars if they could anyway bro moved his car diabetic dude got transported and there were fist bumps all around I am NOT a bro I am a middle-aged woman and sound like one of the phone lmao your disclaimer ready and made it so much better thanks for doing what you do I lost my daughter a few years ago so calls involving parents and children would get to me but this one would want anyone a resident of a high-rise cool to tell us that someone had left a bag of dogs or cats in the stairwell that they were afraid to open the bag I explained that animal control when no one was in danger was not a high priority call the caller got her husband to come and open the bag a woman had put her emaciated 13 year-old in a garden garbage bag and left him in the stairwell of her apartment building Jesus Christ what the dark was he alive just barely and now my PTSD kicks in getting a call from the father of a shooting victim who found out his daughter was dead via Facebook and further not being able to tell him his grandchild had been kidnapped by the ex-boyfriend but not being able to confirm in a thing thanks to poor quality policy in the left hand who was more concerned with calling the chief and talking than handling what turned into a father destroying a homicide see I've had over a dozen suicides on the phone in six years and that father on the phone still haunts me there are a number of calls that still stick with me and every dispatcher has that same issue were they able to find the grandchild yes he ended up safe and sound and we pursued the male suspect for about an hour until he turned the gun on himself just a terrible day all around thanks for watching this reticle video subscribe for the best reddit videos straight to your feed [Music]
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Keywords: reddit stories, askreddit, reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, askreddit funny, ask reddit, r/askreddit, reddit cringe, askreddit stories, scary stories, 911 operators share funniest kid calls | r/askreddit, askreddit top posts, tz reddit, funniest reddit posts, best reddit posts, dankify reddit, stories, reddit horror stories, reddit story, r/ askreddit, ask reddit people share, scary true stories, best of ask reddit, funny reddit
Id: 7nrTzpVTRug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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