I Just Found the Next Folding PREFAB HOME and it’s Already Available

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I think I just found the next unfolding prefab home and it looks like it's available now their tagline says the future of living unfolds and there's mention of affordability in their profile I got to go check this out well I have arrived in Calgary I had plans to do a really nice intro with the skylin in the background but the wind is absolutely whistling out there so this is what you got the reason I'm in is to check out a company that like I mentioned is building homes that unfold got to love it so I'm going to stop by the factory that they just took possession of 4 weeks ago and see a home that's in construction and then I'm going about an hour south to see their prototype the very first home that they built and trust me when I tell you you do not want to miss the interior of this home there is a lot to see and this is a short video so let's get to it today I am at seed homes and behind me is the third unit to come out of this Factory this home is 27 ft wide by just over 40 ft long and believe it or not it'll actually fold up so it can ship down the highway at 10 ft wide today I'm going to talk to their CEO learn more about where the company started and where they're going so yeah let's check it out all right I am here with Steve he is the CEO of seed homes and we are standing in front of what is going to be the third unit out of this Factory got a lot of questions um I guess I'll start with how did you get into this so we've been building industrial buildings for a long time okay uh some of the group we've been together for 20 years and building compressor stations and data centers and so on and so forth some of us even worked on some NASA projects as well and some some very cool stuff somebody said to me one day could you build a house and I said geez I don't know whether I could build a house but we seem to have built everything else right so over Christmas between 2022 and 2023 I started to Noodle this design and it has changed very little from those whiteboard drawings interesting so how it works if you think about a book and it's all and it's all closed up and that book has all of your Utilities in it your plumbing your electrical and everything is all running into that Center Corridor what we call the utility Corridor okay and then we unfold that book these ship they're only 10 ft wide okay so looking at this one here you'd have the utility Corridor running down the middle and then what's folding like what's all happening so this is the utility Corridor here you can see there's kind of a seam right at the top there okay so there's about 6 7 ft right here so what happens is these walls will come down the long wall on the other side will come down as well and then this whole thing will fold up and be basically locked into the utility Corridor we do the same for the other side and no oversized load so when this gets to the site it's folded up 10 ft wide mhm what has to happen before someone can move into it so we show up on site the piles or the found found is already there when we get there okay we've already done all the pre-work it shows up the house itself we drop it all folded up onto the piles okay that is welded to the piles and then these sections are unfolded and then the roof sections go on so the house is there in a day right after that it's just the finishing touches of some interior walls where the living space is so if you want to put bedrooms and things like that we put those walls in afterwards they're non-structural we connect all the electrical okay um and that's about it then it's there might be some fine-tuning depending on some of the things that you decided to put into the house as the client so you know some clients would like a very high-end wooden floor yeah we'll probably wait till we get to site yeah so it doesn't get scratched up but the standard a vinyl plank the floor is already there they even have INF floor heating in the bathrooms that's all done they are heated and air conditioned okay great R values yeah as far as everywhere in Canada these are considered a we're considered a new home builder so this is mortgageable all the things like any traditional Builder probably about 40% of the cost awesome that's amazing people are going to be excited about that so can you touch on I guess what you're building with cuz I'm not seeing a lot of wood in here so what are you building with so there's no wood in these houses this house is the last one to even have uh plywood as a subfloor okay so these are all made out of steel this is the the same material that we've been using for all our industrial builds so it has that industrial Heritage this is 22 gauge steel never have to worry about a hail storm or anything like that right right it has a this this particular one has a 30-year finish warranty on on the color itself Steel on the roof as well same makeup no shingles never have to change or anything like that windows are all high-end uh triple pain and inside the house what is going to change in the next one's going forward into the plant here is we're using a magnesium board and replacing all of the subfloors cement boards and any anywhere where there's plywood and we're bringing in magnesium board in instead completely fireproof and carbon negative after it's delivered and it's set on how long between that time and someone's able to move in would you say on average doesn't have a second average 10 days 10 days that's fast right you're mentioning before that everything in this is manufactured by you next door we're going to go look at that yes okay yeah so we do everything the the the machine that makes this panel self-framing panel machine I think there's like six or seven of them in the world we own one of them wow and this is something that the gas compressor and the energy world has been using for a long long time it is something that was Canadian designed in the first place okay and you can't get this in the states or anywhere else just here mostly just in Alberta okay and it is it creates some of the the reasons why these are so much less expensive is the amount of Labor that is dropped because of this paddle so you think about it we can make all the padels for this house five or six hours done wow right and then from there to actually assemble it is probably about a day you think about it all the frame is there all the outside is finished and all the cavities for all your insulation and where your wiring is all going to go through is already in place okay so it cuts all of those steps out of the process brings down the price considerably so how long is the build process on the factory floor 15 days 15 days here maybe 10 on site so 25 days 25 days and then you got to deal with the lead time I know yes You' got B back so we're we're we're we're working on all of those one reason that we have this new plant is because we're we're working on those lead times our plans are within 9 months we're going to build another plant okay this one will should be able to produce the equivalent of about 20,000 ft of living space a month but some of the ERS that we're now working on are are taking us all the way to 2030 oh so we're going to now look at you know something else that can can supply into those orders and as we discussed we're getting pulled in hard into the states and even into the Middle East that was going to be my next question because a lot of people watch from the states so do you go there will you go there and when will you be there we we will go um it was probably within 12 months okay uh there's four or five right now companies that want to like Bring the Whole Thing Down yeah we do a lot of business in the States but we do it on on the C gen side of things with uh with compressor stations and data rooms and so on and so forth so it's just a natural progression but you know with this is a new product so we're perfecting it here locally so that we can get these things done okay so you mentioned the studio unit is around 400 ft that right what is that's going to be the most affordable yes and what what's the price on that one it is just shy of 880,000 80,000 Canadian dollars yes and does that include shipping no no because we don't know how far it's going but it's it's not that expensive if you think about like we shipped a 1200t home to High River I think it was 1,500 bucks right like it's not that expensive right we've done a lot of modular design on the energy side and I think that's what helped to inspire some of this as Steve mentioned the home folds up around the utility Corridor which is where I'm standing right now so this section of the home is 7 feet wide and they're going to standardize this throughout their plans and then over here one of the interesting things that they're doing is this is 10 ft wide and what you have the option of doing here is throughout this home you'll get 50 linear feet of wall that you can basically put wherever you want so say you want to put a bedroom here that's 10 ft of wall there you've got 40 left the bathroom and the kitchen are built in the utility Corridor but the extra space can be customized to get the floor plan that you want to live in so it's kind of cool just had a new nutritious breakfast in the courtyard and today I'm going to see this home in person which I'm very excited about there's only so much you can see from a factory so we got to go check out the real thing my ride's not actually here yet so I think I'll go back inside today I'm in High River Alberta and behind me is the very first ever completed seed home so this thing was shipped 10 ft wide as we saw in the factory and as you can see is now 27 ft wide on the lot I'm going to walk around have a look at what they've got going and then get into side and see what this thing's all about if you had a hard time picturing what a finished seed home was going to look like as I was walking through the factory I was right there with you but as soon as I open the door into this place wow I mean my expectations were exceeded and they've done a fantastic job finishing this thing off so if you picture the utility Corridor that's this section right here where the kitchen is the bathrooms back here and then the other bathrooms behind us access from the other side so this kitchen has stove over here microwave above all of this is upper cabinet storage refrigerate there sink dishwasher and then this peninsula Island that opens up into the living room space they've got this wall right here finished with bamboo that's featuring one of Heather's art pieces and then down here we've got an office so office dining room living room entrance bathroom and then over here they've got a washer dryer in the pass through to the other side of the home I don't know if it's just how my brain works but when I was in in the other space I had a hard time picturing what the Finish space would look like and now that I'm in the finished space I almost have a hard time picturing what the steel frame look like so uh yeah what we've got here in the pass through between the two sides you got stacking washer dryer up and to the right is an art studio which we'll have a look at because it's got some stunning pieces in it and then another living room over here that they've got a bookshelf over there and then we cruise into the main bedroom at the end this home is about 1150 sare ft and if you think about the spaces they were able to fit into that footprint they've got the art room here the office over there two living rooms two bathrooms and still more than enough room for a large main bedroom it's pretty impressive it feels bigger than 1150 Square ft I'll be perfectly honest I don't know much about art but Russell and Heather have their studio in here and they've got some really cool pieces so I'll put a link to their website below just in case something's jumping out at you they've got this dog here with the uh snowboard goggles that's probably the one that I would go with all right that's it for me here in High River however I did have a chance to sit down with the owners of this home for a full interview of their experience buying and living in a seed home so if you want to watch that make sure to subscribe to the channel thanks for watching see you in the next
Channel: Kerry Tarnow
Views: 74,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reventure consulting, boxabl, boxabl casita, prefab homes, modular homes, modular prefab home, graham stephan, modular prefab, manufactured home, single wide tour, mobile home, mobile home tour, mobile homes, mobile home park living, Timothy p livingston, kristina smallhorn, kirsten dirksen, kirsten Dirksen tour, chances mobile home world, enes plus, enes yilmazer, Shelby church, affordable housing, real estate, tiny home, home, boxabl factory, boxabl tour, home tour
Id: usKL9C9bGlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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