I Found the First People Living in a Folding PREFAB HOME! 6 Month Review

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today I'm in High River Alberta and behind me is the very first completed seed home these things unfold from 10 ft wide to what you're looking at which is 27 ft wide and something people have been asking for on the channel is to sit down with people who actually live in these homes so that's exactly what I'm going to do today I'm going to find out why they decided on this home what they like about it and maybe even a few things they would change if you haven't heard of seed homes they are a brand new prefab home company that just took possession of a new Factory four weeks ago so if you're wondering well if they just got possession of the new Factory how are we looking at this home well they've actually got another Factory from a different business and that's where they built the Prototype which is what we're looking at here today down in High River what first got my attention about seed homes was the fact that it unfolds and that was enough for me to come out here and find out more about what they're all about so let's go inside and we can sit down with the customers who are living in the home get their thoughts I am here with Russell and Heather they're the owners of the first ever seed home people have been asking for something like this where I actually talked to people living in a home for a long time so first of all thank you for being open to it and uh opening up your home so we could have a look around um my first question I guess is is how did you land on a seed home we were we had sold a a large house in Okat toes and needed to figure out where where we were going to go that day Stephen Morgan did a video from a trade show talking about the concept of a seed home which we both heard independent of each other and at the same time we drove by this empty lot in downtown High River and we went wait a minute that sounds like it would be really great we were at seed homes the following day and started the conversation so I was up there yesterday and looked at one that was almost done it's basically a frame I guess I shouldn't say almost done so you were working off drawings and it's basically a leap of faith taking the first home how do your expectations live up to your reality I guess uh so I did all the design because they didn't have any pre-drawn plans or anything at the time that we started our process so I did the design for this home and I'm pretty good at visualizing so I would visualize walking in the front door what does it look over here what does it look over there and we're pretty happy with the results you are okay that was going to be my next question what how long have you been living in it now since December 30th so about what is that four months five months what do you like the most about it I love the light okay yeah yeah there's sliding glass doors on is there one on each side yeah and we did that for airflow so that we could have um uh less Reliance on any air conditioners or anything like that so we would just open the doors when it's nice out have crossb okay cool now I was saying to Russell like you guys are the perfect candidates to have this that they can kind kind of used as a show home because the touches that you've added and the art pieces that you've got through I think I feel like kind of take it to another level so if you could touch on like what maybe came standard and what are the things that you guys kind of personalized for your home um we added the bamboo wall feature walls okay in both sides of the house um we also upgraded all of our appliances and added the island for the kitchen which was a real big bonus at the island uh makes it quite a usable working friendly kitchen for sure um I think the other important thing is Heather sourced out the pendant lights that give the the the home its personality in a way and then connect the eye to the feature wall which connects to the Cabinetry which connects to the floor so when you walk in there is this feeling that we've watched people react to it yeah and it's really quite remarkable it it just aesthetically brings everything together what was it like going through the entire process was it stressful was there anything you know that was easier or harder than you're expecting it was harder than we've expected because we've never built a house before okay everybody we've talked to who has built a house there's always some kind of issue or delay or something that pops up unexpectedly and so we had several of those specifically with timelines okay uh we ran into an issue with our land nothing to do with seed homes but we found out it wasn't servest okay so that delayed us by 3 months and at that point we were out of our old house and we didn't have a place to stay so we were house hopping we moved what seven or eight times in the period of six months wow um and until finally this was ready in December and then we jumped in and we're so happy yeah I think that the comment that I've made multiple times s is that as the first customer of seed homes it the relationship never felt transactional okay it felt like a partnership relationship and at times there were words shared Stephen will tell you that you know when when the completion of the the build of the house happened right when the freeze up happened okay well certain things couldn't happen because it was too cold which caused heating issues and uh which was very upsetting so there were times but we had the that healthy relationship that when there were challenges we were able to express those in a respectful manner te came out immediately immed to to remedy those challenges good yeah so it's really felt like a collaboration we embrace the fact this is a prototype this is the first of its kind yeah and and what's really cool about that Heather has her stamp on the design of it yeah and that's completely unique and it will have a ripple effect I think especially the folks that have come here from other parts of Canada that see it as a potential solution to their housing challenges uh it was a lot of Heather's design work that uh they really reacted to in addition to the philosophical concept that seed homes had right from the very beginning of using sustainable materials uh looking a little bit further along so that the house is going to have a longer life than a traditional build so how was that going from a larger house to a small you were saying this is just about 1150 Square ft what was that like well I had a a a stress meltdown in the days when we first moved in because the second building was far from being ready then we moved in and what I realized now is we've got more than enough space I'm curious like what is each of your favorite space in the house M that's a great question uh I spend a lot of time in my office okay because that's my place yeah nobody else really goes in there yeah um but I also like sitting on the couch in the east side of the house okay uh in the morning with my my beverage in the morning and just have some quiet time with the dogs and absorb the sunlight through the window I really love that cool I would say the same thing but I'll do a different answer um I I love the kitchen uh it's it's really functional for preparing a meal even when there's two of us we didn't know that looking at a design on on paper the answer to that question changes throughout the day it really does it depends certain times of the day I like sitting in this room when there's indirect light and it's soft um we we use the other space the living space for a TV area our downtime in the evening it feels very like home and then the art the art was the very last thing that went on and the combination of all that turned a house into home it does and I want to ask about that like there's art hung all throughout the home and most of it's yours so both yours you guys are both artists is that right yeah so I'm guessing people are going to see it and and have questions like if if they wanted to find out more about what you guys do what would be a good place for them to do that uh our website is Birdsong studios.com best place to go uh even to contact us you can just send a contact form okay uh for Instagram it's Heather Thomas art okay and Russell Thomas art we're so excited about the second building the bird song Studio building which is almost complete will allow us again to have a place where people can come to and experience it in person and we love having experiences with people uh creatively and so the second building will have an uh what we call the bird's nest a small micro Airbnb Suite nice so theoretically you can be an artist come stay in the Airbnb Suite the bird's nest and then have use of The Studio Cool very cool I want to thank you again for letting me come through and opening up the home and just sharing your experience because like I say people have been asking for me to talk to someone that's actually living in a home and I'm like well that's easier said than done so thank you very much I think people will enjoy this side of it it's no no problem it's our pleasure to to show the home off we're very proud of of it and the work that's been done and the seed homes concept and um yeah okay you're welcome anytime all right thank you big thank you to Russell and Heather for opening up their homes so we could have a look around uh hope you enjoyed the interview thanks for watching we'll see you in the next
Channel: Kerry Tarnow
Views: 82,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reventure consulting, boxabl, boxabl casita, prefab homes, modular homes, modular prefab home, graham stephan, modular prefab, manufactured home, single wide tour, mobile home, mobile home tour, mobile homes, mobile home park living, Timothy p livingston, kristina smallhorn, kirsten dirksen, kirsten Dirksen tour, chances mobile home world, enes plus, enes yilmazer, Shelby church, affordable housing, real estate, tiny home, home, boxabl factory, boxabl tour, home tour
Id: 4C4sVPzIK2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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