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look out [Music] so [Music] hey what are you doing in my seat huh what are you doing in here this is eleanor you gonna make me push you all right come on girl sorry to bother you here's the rest of them here's the pickup look out we like to lay in that shape they don't get up sorry guys trying to clean it up for you how you guys doing hey guys dusty baker with crosstalk bison welcome back to the channel check it out right here got the neighbors big tractor big cab tractor ac radio big brush hog right here so doing another little project maybe you could call it a test but what i'm gonna do today here's the yearlings you guys remember them or a couple videos ago these jack wagons messing with the water tank i've got it moved around right now just so i could get this big cutter in here this right here this is what we call our bermuda patch this is also the patch you see a lot of these dead things here this is where the taco birds were and you can see where the bison had actually rubbed into it because this stuff is so nasty look at those fine hairs on there bison hair came off we had the big herd in here there i just left that pasture with big joe in them but what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a little test is what i'm going to do on this patch here on this lot this is one of our rotational pastures that we use and so i'm going to make some strips i'm gonna run some brush hog some lines basically through here uh see bison don't love bermuda it's not their favorite grass to eat really and and this is the same type of grass that grows in a lot of people's yards and you know when that summer heat hits that bermuda takes off and we are summer is hit we're up in the higher 90s now and this bermuda will take off well the other bad part is part of the pasture rotation is those summer grasses are getting hit hard by the bison and the weeds start coming in because it's getting hot and this is our dry season so we are hitting our dry season but bermuda it's it's high in protein it also makes really good hay as well but i'm gonna try to utilize this bermuda and really try to see if the bison what i've noticed before as when they're in these lots they really like it when it's low and so that's the plan that's what i'm going to do here is i'm going to cut strips in here cut some lines i'm going to go around the edge and just clean the edges up which is what i've been doing in the other pastures since i got this big brush hog i'm going to run some straight line strips get it a little low and i'm going to see if that's what they like and just really try to get them to eat this bermuda if i locked them in here for a long time did eat this bermuda you just want them to eat and get the best healthiest grass and once this stuff gets so tall once this bermuda gets tall you can tell that they don't want to eat it just to give you an example i'm going to stand right here and show you the height of this you can see right there the height of where we're at it's over my ankles it's probably at least a foot tall in some places maybe even higher we're going to let it grow just a little bit and i'm going to let them back in here and we're going to test and see if they really hit this bermuda hard or not because you know this is just part of it when you get down to the summer and a lot of those grasses start disappearing because it's our dry season so we're gonna really try to use as much pasture as we can we're gonna hop on this bad boy get to work [Music] [Music] so come check things out what's up buddy whoa what do you think all right good chatting so so so [Music] so all right so i've got one two three four five six strips cut i think this is a ten foot brush hog so ten foot pass and that includes the edges i just went around the whole lot we'll see now it's definitely a lot shorter got some good hay right there that bermuda is actually good hey we'll just see we'll see how this works it's definitely a lot shorter than it was we're going to rotate the bison in here in a couple of days we just moved them down to the bottom so we're going to move them in here back up because there is a lot of bermuda here i mean there is a lot and if you will actually lock them up in here and keep them in here and we can do that and we did for a couple days and i actually knocked a bunch down but um i just really want to see how this works so we're going to lock them up back in here the big herds so it's some sort of uh what you'd call mob grazing but uh you know we're not gonna do it for hours we're gonna do it for days and see how it goes um some intense grazing keep them in here and we'll see if they hit this fresh regrowth here on some of these lanes that i've cut and that short grass just a little project to see if we can really use this bermuda grass you know and then maybe someday you cut hay off of it early in the season and you know once it's short put the bison back on here and they'll actually keep it short themselves with heavy grazing you just don't want to overdo it and not have any grass that's why i just ran these strips we are in the heat of summer this grass could stop at any time but typically bermuda will grow a lot faster and it will spread more even when it's hotter so and there don't have to be a lot of rain i also want to let you guys know water system's working great too these guys have they're still getting in it but the valve is still protected they've got a little space here you can tell it's a little murky not as bad as it was but they are still getting in it and getting the water out here a little bit they like to flap it on themselves and cool off because it is so hot so what's up lumpy hey buddy since i had the brush hog i went ahead and cleared out where we put our hay to see we've already got something stacked up from the hay we got here we got our 13 bills here we'll have a lot more remember i'm going to get something from daniel i'm understanding my homestead my brother-in-law i always buy some off him so we'll put the rest of our hay here for winter so had that brush i went ahead and cleaned it up and got it ready to haul the rest of her hand well thank you guys for watching just another project just another test or maybe an experiment that i'm trying out here on the ranch and just trying to find ways to exploit and use the grass to our advantage a grass that is not um your favorite farmer's grass for sure bermuda is is one of those kind of invasive plants and if it's in your yard you know that's and you've got fescue or something you're trying to get rid of it it is tough to get rid of yes i would love to have um some more native grass here there is native grass and a lot of our big pastures down the way we do have a lot of good native grass but just up here this bermuda patch has been like this for a while and you can go back and watch one of my older videos when i actually burnt this sucker on fire to try to clean it up and it has looked totally different since then and uh it is a straight bermuda patch now but anyways thank you guys for watching just still again super excited and happy to reach 100 000 subscribers just from all the followers and supporters that we have that just support the bison all you bison lovers out there so thank you again if you guys follow us along you guys can follow us on instagram you follow us on facebook and you can even check out some bison merchandise at our website at crosstimersbison.com thank you guys well i just got out of the big pasture with the big herd the big joe heard but uh i think all in all everything went pretty well i was just brush hogging the edges but uh i only got one t post i like to get a little bit too close to the edges but uh it's all right i'll hear about this one somebody in my family will catch it they'll let me know what happens right happens hey big guy how's it going with the new ladies doing good i know you're a little mad at me
Channel: Cross Timbers Bison
Views: 44,968
Rating: 4.9774504 out of 5
Keywords: bison, americanbison, buffalo, farming, ranching, babybison, oklahoma, oklahomabison, farm, ranch, agriculture, western, wild, animals, calf, wildanimals, bigjoe, big, joe
Id: Sw9hedhw99w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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