Big Joe Is OUT With His New Herd! Major Changes To The Ranch

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let's go big guy hey hey move marissa don't do that shake the bucket [Music] i think they're ready to move doesn't it seem like it hey big guy hey guys dusty baker customers bison welcome back to our channel got dumbbar right here he's already ready we just pulled up to the gate they've been hanging out and one of the far away pastures i guess corner lot but he's sitting here waiting been waiting on a long time for this i'm a little anxious and a little nervous at the same time my wife and i are going to move this herd we've got cubes with us so we're going to move this herd we got to take them down and around and basically back up here this is one of the lots that i sprayed for cuckoo birds not too long ago it is breeding season and it has started and i've seen signs from the bulls the perfect example right there so so he's uh he's ready to he's ready to go so we probably shouldn't wait any longer but this is the moment right here we are gonna take big joe and let him out with this herd here the dunbar herd and we're gonna take dunbar and put him in with kit and flow which big joe's been with forever as far as i know even before i got big joe and kit so and then i've gotta try to get dunbar soloed up get him up in our corral from there i've gotta put him in a pin hold him and then i've got to get big joe singled out and get him down here so big joe's never been out in this side or these pastures at all we don't know what's going to happen i mean he's never even been around these females at all breeding season's right here we got to get these bulls switched let's get it started i guess [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] we got the herd up here for now but uh there he is right there i need him to go right there i need to go look at there holy crap here he comes wow that is crazy yeah just get down let's go big guy hey hey move marissa don't do that shake the bucket seriously [Music] so so [Music] okay [Music] foreign i think you're standing on one okay let me talk a second we got really lucky as i was filming dunbar jumps over the old barn sidewall sneaks in behind me comes down the lane which is exactly what i wanted to do i really wasn't prepared for that because he snuck in behind me then i didn't shut the gate because i just trusted him i thought he would come up here in this holding pen of course he didn't but luckily got him back in here he really wants to see big joe that's why he came back we just got really lucky this is exactly where we want him now i think the hard part is over i think this transition should be a little bit easier so we'll uh it's time to let big joe out what's the big herd all right so let's see how it comes operation switcheroo operation big joe dunbar switcheroo there he is [Music] don't come in there he knows he knows what happens over here so i need somebody right down there shut that gate hey watch my he's coming this way hey he's coming back hon dusty huh let's go [Applause] all right so these two are smooching and smelling each other we just need big joe to keep going way down there through that orange gate oh there's a female it's a little heifer oh here the whole herd comes this will be good smell peaches is that's what we're doing i think joe is with the big herd all right he's in there i want to give him some time to do all the smelling and stuff and saying hello and introducing himself i guess this is weird really weird then we got to move dunbar with kit and flow all right let's go get a little up closer i'm showing a little dominance let's see he's the new guy you guys probably wondering what is all this dead stuff right here well like i said a couple weeks oh cap's gonna go check him out golly who's that big old guy these are all the dead cocker birds that we sprayed and it just takes a while for them to wilt over and actually decompose so they're on the way down but the big guy he's showing us some stuff off here well [Music] let's go check out the yearlings huh okay okay last but not least everything has gone pretty good so far big joe's out in the big pasture let's start over on this he's ready to get out big dude i'll take this to some new ladies he's fine all right here we go [Music] come through here oh marissa look at this deer what in the world i think she's looking for feed oh my gosh that's crazy you guys seeing this she's about 20 yards from me camera probably doesn't do it justice but she is wanting some feet i think she's been eating off the bison a little bit maya you eating grass and it's a doe and see her back she's got a baby somewhere it's weird seeing dunbar up here so the wife and i we succeeded today we got big joe we got dunbar up first then we got big joe out in the big pasture with the big herd dunbar's heard that he's been with for a long time i mean a long time he's had two sets of babies with that herd now he's in here with kitten flow and i know some of you are going why is he in here in this pin well there's a couple of people that always ask me why do you put the bison in this pin listen guys i want you to understand something this area you see the big shade tree there there's a big shade tree right here it's cool there is dirt here but i don't know if you've noticed but bison do like the dirt okay yes they love green grass and whatnot but they get to go out there and grace okay they're not locked up in here right now they are because we had to get we had to get kitten flow up here and big joe pin them up in a big pin then reduce them down to a small pin that's what you have to do with these animals just like cattle it's no different in cattle this is part of ranching this is part of raising bison one pin to a smaller pin and reduce it down until you can actually single them out so right now dumb bar and kit and flow i'm gonna have to get used to saying that are in here and this is a safe pin so if they do get a little bit of rambunctious we've got these continuous panels here so besides that successful day successful evening um with marissa and i appreciate my wife helping me uh come out here and do this she did a lot of my filming and uh she helped me um help me cut and whatnot this is gonna take some getting used to because dunbar is kind of my he's my baby he's my he's a guy i've had for a long time since his yearling he's always been a good bull to us and he's rolling around in the dirt right now but he's gotta show his dominance too hey big guy so a lot of you are probably wondering why did we switch these bulls out well to be honest with you guys big joe is about seven years old you know these bulls start to they gotta get out of their prime eventually dunbar is just starting to get into his he's only four years old doing what he does best just making a racket with it fb drop we use he's got to show his big toughness somehow but he's still young he still has a ways to go no he's not near as big as big joe is that 1885 pounds that big joe is dunbar is only about 14 1500 pounds depending on the uh depending on the time of year so anyways this will be interesting i guarantee you kit if she already isn't she is will be in heat very soon because remember kit had her baby on may 5th flo just had her baby here recently it'll take flow a little bit before she comes and heat now dunbar could have already bred some of the big herd and and maybe we we i mean we've been so busy lately well maybe we didn't catch it but um july is typically when breeding season really kicks off and it gets hot and heavy here pretty soon we'll keep an eye out on everything and and the herd big joe especially he's got some work to do big joe's got seven females now uh to breed he's i don't think according to the previous owners i'm not sure and they may correct me but he's had these two cows hit and flow with him for a long time this is the first time we changed it up and um really excited about it but also a little nervous big joe's out with the big herd and dunbar's in here we're going to let them out of here at this area and they'll get their graze and whatnot we're just going to keep them here probably for the night let them get used to each other and get those smells and properly introduce each other and uh we'll keep you updated on everything thank you for being a part of this first time ever at crosstimers bison it's fun to come out here and do this with my wife and she gets super nervous so if if the camera is not perfect or we missed a shot it's okay it's just part of it so we love doing this and we we do this all for the bison and dunbar he still has a ways to go he's uh he's going to be our bull for a long time and we've invested in him and he's not going anywhere he's still my guy and uh we're just giving big joe a chance to use while he's in his prom we love that big body frame of big joe's we're just gonna try something new and see how that goes guys we'll we'll continue to do this and we'll keep you updated on everything and see how it goes and uh hopefully it all goes pretty well and we'll see we won't see results for a long time right it'll be a couple years before we really start to see the development of those babies that um they're producing so anyways thank you guys for watching us and we really appreciate you following us if you haven't subscribed to us guys raising these awesome animals there's no cooler animal in north america thank you guys kevin was actually cooking dinner for us while marissa and i were out here working but i want to thank kevin too my stepdad kevin he uh kevin is my herdsman top herdsman he does a lot i want to thank him as well for helping me take care of these animals and he puts a lot of time and effort into it even though he he has a full-time job and has a lot going on they raise a sheep farm on the other side of town about 20 miles from here and they've always raised sheep and so he's busy but he takes time out and as always helping us take care of the bison as well so i just want to thank kevin for this because this is a big deal for us and to do this and everything went smooth and great but i just want to thank him as well for helping us take care of these animals so that we are able to do this because he helps us a lot so thank you kevin
Channel: Cross Timbers Bison
Views: 187,656
Rating: 4.9692106 out of 5
Keywords: bison, americanbison, buffalo, farming, ranching, babybison, oklahoma, oklahomabison, farm, ranch, agriculture, western, wild, animals, calf, wildanimals, bulls, big joe, Dunbar, cross, timbers, crosstimbers
Id: sU-z8v4AXys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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