I have Sinned a lot and lost All my Iman ! What can I do ?! Mohamed Hoblos

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the next question is a person is saying i have sinned a lot and i have lost all iman i had do you have any advice on how i can become a better human being yes right now man [Music] right now turn to allah and say oh allah forgive me [Music] that's simple that simple what separated islam from any other religion there's no middleman in islam you don't need to sit in a box or put some money in a box or sit in front of a human being and confess to this and come no between you and allah right now right now between you and allah [Music] say allah forgive me know that allah will forgive you this is the beauty of islam no matter who you are no matter where you are no matter what condition you're in no matter how much sin you've committed [Music] rather before that allah speaks in quran allah says o my slaves those who have transgressed against themselves don't you ever ever give up hope in the mercy of europe in the mercy of your lord don't ever give up hope and i'm not here to to to relate to sweden the you know or to try and inspire you or to wow you with my speech i'm not i'm speaking direct authentic material don't you ever i don't care how much sin you've committed don't you ever give up hope in the mercy of your lord and look at this concept of islam i challenge this with anything and everyone else you know everything else in this world you know your best friend what's what is it uh bbf yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not very is it is it bbf what is it bff i don't know what it is right bbf bbff i remember someone sent it to me i thought bff what the crack is this guy on man [Music] it's me it's best friends forever [Music] what the hell my best friends anyway right but i'm sure everyone in this room everyone in this room has a best friend has a kawaii has or if you're one of the boys bro we're like that bro custom bro i'll take a bullet for him bro bullet one like firecrackers go off people run out you let her know yeah but everyone in this room has a best friend no matter how close your friend is if you push the right buttons they will disown you i've had bffs go to war with each other because of what she said and how she said it and the way she looked at me and the way i looked at her [Music] i've had blood brothers let alone you know your mate your kaui at school i've had blood brothers go to war and shoot each other wallahi this dunya nothing is forever anyone and everyone in this world if you push the right buttons they will disown you you know you can work for a company you can work for a company and give them the best years of your life work there for 30 years straight you never took a day off you never took a sick day you you were you were there 10 minutes before work and 10 minutes after work and while even this company they have a schedule they have rules and regulations that if you break them know that you're gone you're done you're finished [Music] your own mother your own does does anyone in this world is there any doubt in anyone's mind that there's someone other than your mother that loves you and is there anyone that loves you more than your mother impossible even your mother if you push the right buttons she'll disown you but allah the king he says o my slaves do whatever you please do it a million times disobey me do whatever you want for 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 60 years you never prayed you never fasted sin among sin and then once only once you turn to me and you say ya rabb allah says what do you want man what do you want [Music] allah forgives now you don't need to read a book you don't need to sign up for an application now right now between you and allah and no one can take that away from you turn to allah allah says my slave if you come to me with an earth load of sin but you don't associate partners with me i will come to you with forgiveness that matches it allah says o my slave if you come to me a handspan i come to you in arm's length if you come to me walking i come to you running my slave when you remember me i remember you so yeah if you've sinned and you've lost hope then i tell you right now make tawba to allah just right now between you and your heart ask allah for sincere forgiveness and wallahi you will taste immediate amen and then obviously work on this and try to get closer to allah of course and i'm sure you know the pattern to [Music] you
Channel: Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos
Views: 1,123,666
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Keywords: Mohammad hoblos, mohammed hoblos, mufti menk, Allah, Quran, Muslim, nouman ali khan, Islamic reminders, Islamic lectures, religion, pray, Ramadan, mohamed hoblos, muhammed hoblos, muhammad hoblos, lectures from Mohamed Hoblos, reminders from Mohamed Hoblos, lectures, khutbah, Omar el banna, hoblos, Islamic media, mohamed hoblos powerful, mohamed hoblos emotional, merciful servant, Islam, prophet Muhammad, prophet, shaykh, mufti, muslims, mohamed hoblos shqip, mohamed hoblos italiano, sheikh
Id: vZDwItXr0T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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