Defending Our PLANET From ALIEN Bugs

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look Blitz we have our own little planet to defend oh great I feel bad for the citizens Just You and Me Against everybody else what could possibly go wrong so I'm the blue tank shooting things you're the red tank shooting things and we have to destroy everything and get a whole bunch of fun upgrades oh yes all of them destroying all the tiny little ships in the process and you know what the best part is we get money actually paper clips but oh energy drinks are bandage uh speed up I mean that one's health and speed up so yes why not we got another health bar hey now we have to be careful about the red shots that are coming in don't worry I'll block one good also I can use that power to block you get blocked nerd and I can teleport oh yes oh no wait wait hold on what are we doing okay we got this we're defending oh they just spawned off in the little ones we have to kill them and take all of their lunch money all their paper clips all right the teleport thing is getting a little bit wild I'm gonna take the right side of the planet you take the left all right I will be the only one left and then you'll be all right I'll be all right feel like the dad jokes bullets mystical man does that mean we can shoot through I think that means we can shoot the red shots does it definitely can't shoot the I sure hope so hey that was on my you get on your side yeah I'm on my side of the planet no kidding those are my shots come on now well maybe you should take them I am doing it I'm working as hard as I can work today okay these look cool lots of tiny little chips doing little spirals I have a feeling we're gonna get a boss fight pretty soon which could be cool because we could get new treasure but we also get to shop aha what is this one okay cracked over charger that was my nickname in high school if you were wondering I was waiting for you to say that and then this one's the war Spear of something get more damage each Zone I don't know what that means which one do you want this one's cheaper I think this uh spear will build up more over time okay why don't you shoot it I'm beer where is it at it's with us we have gained your strength okay Shield oh the shields do shoot the red bullets that's ah very nice where's that boss I was talking about though he's gonna be dangerous uh hello boss stop sending all your little ships after us there's so many of them come find me like a real man or a real boss person yeah boss man real boss person man wait is he a real person I don't know this is a video game on paper oh oh hey boss hey boss how are you today whoa lots of yellow shots okay stay away and then teleports combined nope it's fine I'll give you a pass because shoot at me don't worry about it and this is actually working really good oh that looks dangerous no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign yeah it's like a portal where they go through the this is this is insane though I'll just shoot and then the enemies will eventually hit the bullets yes that's the good strategy and is working pretty well and it actually is we just have to spread it out a little bit oh yeah oh I got a big guy oh hey big guy hey how are you oh Mr stabbers he's got a nice he's got a knife get we need Mr stab again our team wait he's just a little floaty night yes go Mr stabby you might be he's having a time of his life oh he just hooked that's what he's supposed to smoke I just want Mrs Savvy to take care of all my problems your job is to shoot wait okay don't shoot let Mr stabby do his thing go Mr stabby wait he's not doing very much all right fine I'm gonna shoot things again he's coming from downtown whoa does that guy have a shield he does have a shield he's given his shield oh interesting so you attack one side and then the other side breaks cool sure and some of these ships are getting a little dodgy they are moving around being Big And Chunky having shields on their front how dare they ah very nice when I can just take a hand off the controller and let the bullets fly oh it's like usual not doing anything rubber band ball wait we have bouncy balls bouncy balls bag of bribes I had you like bribing people oh yes for lower shot prices okay so we still have 296 Health up speed down I don't feel like we need any more Health should we just save our money could we buy a rubber band ball we could I don't really want to though because we already have bullets that pass through the world we do and we can shoot paper clips right now all right up to you let's just keep going save our money for something special and cool like me uh well you're certainly special I don't know about cool it's mesmerizing kind of getting cross-eyed looking at this I know you will subscribe to in turn and join the memberships maybe we need Ed to join the memberships too hey have you have you heard about memberships okay that almost hurt I think you blocked him I think I did proper thing hey I'm over here now I'm the Reds guy so I'm gonna shoot the red guy okay I'm the blue guy so I'm gonna shoot the right guy it's okay we're Focus firing on this nerd oh there's other little kids yellow explosion you got shot again shot up it wasn't me we need to take this guy out there we go that's one down okay one down giant Yellow Bullet red bullets totally fine Mr stabby is going in stabby's having fun he is wow he is not having it shoot hit me again wow we just took big damage we did just go away can we just let Mr stabby do the work yes we need to we took care of it can we get a friend for Mr stabby can we please get oh pants Mr Fancy Pants I like pants I just bought pants for us it did speed oh there's boomerangs the Aussies are attacking the what's are attacking the Aussies Oh I thought you said a different word stay away from the yellow things shoot the bananas wait the bananas are attacking potassium because it's Peanut Butter Jelly Time no we're not no we're not going there hero spell double shot yes it works better more bullets are always a good thing oh yes did Mr stabby get bigger I don't know I think he might have focusing on staying alive I am very close to getting shot yeah Mr stabby looks larger just pollute the sky with bullets and then enemies will crash into him that is working out very well actually it's the American way yeah I mean we can shoot one way and then it goes oh avoid the yellow shots thanks dude that's fire the music is getting very intense too I know right making me rethink my life decisions about how much bananas I ate yeah I could go for a big old stack of banana bread right now ooh that sounds very good yes mainly because I'm super hungry we had a thousand paper clips in the shop oh we do that means we can buy Mr Rogers blood suede sweater yes and he'll have some okay I don't even know what this is yeah I did it we can afford all of them Cloud Spirit hey he's doing a little Jake I like him he's Mr Sammy's friend oh my goodness whoa whoa oh okay that's okay do we have to do anything now I don't know I'm just really concerned because I can't focus I think we can just kind of chill and just shoot the red bullets that come in okay shooting red bullets actually I'm just gonna fire indiscriminately that is also again shooting at me oh there's fire oh boss is here fighting for a bad time he is especially when we have clouds that rain bullets and seeds erupting from the planet oh that's okay okay that wrapped around the planet yeah I don't this is really crazy we just took one damn oh watch out false didn't know didn't know the player was gonna wrap around me yeah that's literally what happened to me this boss has a lot of Health too he does okay that might have been me I think it would have owes me I totally lost track of the bus they're not gonna lie watch out for Fire come on Mr stabby do the work oh it terrifies on you yes it was there's so much to keep track of now and teleport that was you but we got him we killed him we did it yeah we just need uh oh more bananas oh bananas also random homemade bullets homemade bullets oh okay wait hold me bullets too oh no actually oh yes oh my goodness uh we didn't even won already this is what's working we're already past Wave five this is happening so fast now I I don't even know what's going on global warming on this side of the world yet hey shop hey shot Health time Healthcare we have exactly one Health that's fine that's a little better than and get the shield oh face bullets oh shoot through the planet lower Shop prices we can bribe them again oh Health up all right here let's do the bag of bribes first because things might be cheaper than it might that probably works the next time around but we can afford both of these okay that worked and then uh Health up yeah yes okay we have a lot more Health now and we have a lot of bullets too that face through the planet oh and shields this is weird I feel bad for the little creatures attacking us I don't what about Mr stabby do you feel bad for him yeah I feel sad that we're kind of taking away everything okay whoa space flowers it's like a demogorgon I don't have any idea what's happening right now I'm just shooting at the boss and hoping this works there's a lot of Health there there is but we're chewing through it pretty quickly this Mr stabby just chewed through him too has the boss done anything yet shooting its own seeds is it is that what it's doing I think so oh yellow shot's coming in yellow watch out just do all the dodgies if you can dodge a yellow shot you can dodge a ball okay we're good we're good we did it we're good we're gunpowder oh man ah make it all right we need that oh look he's a little guy floating around oh look at that wait how does that work uh did we shoot him and he heals us yes money lunch Health money yeah yeah these are some centipede enemies now our combo is also constantly maxed out we are on a one we're on a 1200 combo good we could get that higher those are rookie numbers we gotta bunt those numbers I'm sorry something happened there hey we got healing we did oh good timing that's okay we had a shield oh and the shop is here the rubber bat oh what is this Rusty engine Cloud Spirit another Cloud okay we'll get the cloud we'll get to health as well should we just buy everything yes we bought them out hey okay yeah there's a lot more enemies all of a sudden good reason because this got real dangerous thankfully we have clouds with magnet bullets oh yes and a floaty Med kit let's just say hi I'm here we don't really know what he does you just kind of here for snack time oh another box this is like sword wizard Mage person okay do not touch the swords probably I don't know if those are ours okay it's fine he's taking a lot more hits oh no movement oh exclamation points wow okay he died we got him we still have an 1800 combo we do yeah yeah we need that anything to get more bullets yes oh no wow nothing healed us at the beginning of the wave oh good I can't even see the screen anymore is there even a screen it's just a swirable ball is this a little green this reminds me of being a kid with my old CRT TV watching the static at night because the the antenna oh yeah and you had to put the console on channel three or else it wouldn't work you couldn't play the game just what I always wanted a crunchy YouTube video so the real question is how are they attacking us if they don't be alive for more than a half a second good question actually I got it he got hit I mean that was you that got hit not me for real for real oh my goodness those are big they are my goodness it's a good thing they don't survive more than one second how did we accidentally break the game on our first time ever playing it this is the first time and we are the best I like the top left corner where it's like yeah you've got 60 FPS but also 900 bullets on the screen oh yes and also a 2500 combo ow bullets everywhere hey shop time oh the sky is clear oh is that a health belt every day waves we don't need that yes we do okay because I want it I was just gonna buy everything oh yes because it's Christmas buy out the seller somehow we just got stronger which is totally fine with me and all these yellow shots really can't do anything to us anymore because we can always see them unless we uh just kind of suck like what happened there shut up it wasn't me it was you I promise and Mr stabby is getting significantly larger he is he's gonna take over the universe go go centipede what's it doing I don't know go crazy I'm attempting to oh no telephone okay to the safe zone I'm scared okay this hurt hold me this isn't so bad wow good thing we yeah took that hit yeah why are there so many of them just destroyed the centipede I think I've been shooting the I can't even tell where my mouse pointer is there we go it's fine but let's go through planets oh they do that's right I'm just keeping track of where the yellows are and that's Survival oh no red bullets good thing we have Shield bullets yes not gonna lie these boss fights are actually pretty well designed yeah I like them I just can't tell if like we're doing definite damage to his health but like is he changing at all are we gonna break out segments like every other centipede in a game ever I don't know wow he's got so many hit points and we're getting hit quite a bit too no it's just you uh no I think it's gonna be you that was me that one was me it's probably halfway through the boss I know right the game's oh I think it's split oh did it okay you better stay alive staying alive like the Bee Gees literally what my brain is doing right now oh my goodness all right we got two Health left you die we're dead that is what happens oh watch out for the fire and laser beams laser beams oh and now the little yellow ones oh you got hit I guess yes oh no that's the C not the score bullets fired 30 996 waves yeah it's pretty solid that's it next time we need more damage and less points absolutely still fun though oh yeah definitely would do that again stop doing Turn and I do want to thank the channel members including bread Mr purple one ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C Donna Moto deviant X muffin stuffer Lucas s splatter sex the real nickname Edward Peggy Sue droop along tjb and seriously sarcastic
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 55,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, paper planet, paper planet gameplay, paper planet game, paper planet steam, paper planet intern, intern paper planet, paper planet coop, paper planet multiplayer, paper planet blitz, blitz paper planet
Id: jabnsI20eWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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