I Had To Get This Off Her Hoof!!!

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first two lines of cows this morning are under looking pretty good three or four cows just spraying milk out of the rudders as soon as they got in the parlor so there's lots of milk in the editors this morning so i got a cow here with duct tape around her foot and that's from when the hoop trimmer was out here some cows they had a little sore in between their hooves and if we wrap them the hoof trimmer he's got some type of organic paste these puts on there and it gets rid of those sores but you do need to come along after a week or so and take all those wraps off because a lot of them won't come off by themselves and if you're going to leave that thing on there for weeks and maybe even months obviously it's not going to do any good for her so we got a special tool where i can just um take that duct tape right off it's smooth around the edges and then the inside of that is kind of a knife that's a nice little hook you kind of just put it in that duct tape and pull it off super sharp and it's pretty safe because of the design so all you got to do is put it in that duct tape yank it off and it should come right off [Music] so [Music] so so a lot of the cows are gonna kick when you try to take that wrap off their hoof it's a pretty unnatural feeling for them to get something yanked from their hoof but it doesn't hurt the cow at all and she's just kicking because it feels weird so my aim is a little bit off today [Music] do [Music] all right we're all done milking this morning now comes the fun part of cutting all that duct tape off of the cow's hoops got to pick it all up i don't throw it into a bucket while we're milking that just takes too much extra time so just cut it loose let him kick it off it sometimes takes a couple steps for it to come off when a cow is walking it doesn't come off right away so you can see there towards the back there's a bunch on the ground as well so we're gonna go and pick that all up before we flush it and kick it all down the gutter we wouldn't want to do that so i'm gonna clean it all up some people are probably gonna ask why he uses duct tape instead of a more conventional wrap for a cow's leg or a hoof and that's because duct tape actually does come off a bit easier and it doesn't stay on the couch hoof as long the idea behind using duct tape is hopefully within a week it's going to fall off we just go along maybe a little bit earlier five six seven days after and take it off manually by hand just to make sure that it all comes off because otherwise the odd cow might have it on there two weeks from now we don't want that to happen but he just uses duct tape this is cheap too it's it's pretty cheap stuff and you can wrap a lot of cows with a single roll of duct tape and it doesn't really matter what you use as long as it works and keeps the solution on the cows sore and that's kind of what fixes the sore on the cow's hoof but yeah we're going to clean all this duct tape up and then we'll clean the parlor off it's a bucket right there the next thing i'm working on this morning is cleaning out a calf room and dad took the calves out of this room yesterday evening and they were a phenomenal looking batch of calves they're super healthy they've been growing really good and they're nice heavy cows about two and a half months old and that's um awesome that they're doing so good in this calf bar so next step is clean it all out sanitize it all really don't pressure wash it again we've been able to get these times to turn these rooms over down quite a bit too if me and my dad work together cleaning one of these rooms out takes us about two hours and then the lean comes in actually pressure washing about three or four hours i think so we're speeding it up we're getting used to these calf rooms it is only you know this barn is only in use for maybe a year and a half tops now so we've probably moved now i don't know 12 maybe 14 rooms through in total and it's just been a joy to work in this calf barn so i'm just going to finish scooping the sawdust the bedding out of this room and then we're gonna pressure wash tomorrow probably [Music] so we just unloaded 24 pallets of sawdust that's the truck massive truck so i guess this is from big river saskatchewan it's about 250 clicks away from our farm so a bit of a haul but i guess that's where the sawmill is and uh the guy was telling me about his trailer there it's got a walking floor i'll put a couple clips up while i'm talking here basically what that means is it's got three different sections of slats on the floor that move um at a time so i guess every third one will start to move and it slowly kind of walks the pallets out and that works really good you can see i took all of them out every single pallet made it all the way to the back doesn't always happen like that but it did work really good today another interesting thing he was telling me he could just throw bulk in that trailer of sawdust so just buckets and buckets and buckets in that trailer doesn't even have to be on pallets like this it can just be loose in the trailer and same thing he'll just walk it out with that trailer just like that as well so it's pretty cool and this just works good for us in our calf barn just with the bags of sawdust so that's how we do it but i guess some guys will buy it in bulk and they'll have a nice bay and they'll just fill that thing up and grab buckets with the bobcat to each their own but it's cool that that trailer does them both good morning everybody today we got some brushes to fix up in the barn here you also notice it's a little bit warmer outside and that's why the barn is nice and clear cool fact about the last video i guess minus 40 degrees celsius is the same as minus 40 degrees fahrenheit so if you're wondering how cold it actually was i guess that's where the two intersect and it's the same in both um degrees i guess so that's pretty cool but we got two brushes to fix up this morning the dale of all cal brushes it's just a wire you can see cal has been biting and biting on here and it's just been pinched and ripped apart and that's why these things aren't working you see there's a cow standing at the other brush at the front there it's not turning at all the two front brushes in this barn both have the wires broken and that's the power source you can see it's plugged in right there and the wire goes down to the motor and the control box here that's what's broken so i'm going to start out by taking that wire out and then we can grab the new wire put it back in here oh that's not gonna work out there you go look at that what's the wire supposed to go all the way up to where it's plugged in but you can see it's just snapped right off that's no good all right so that first little section of wire was from that control box up into the metal wire there right where it kinked now we're going to open that one up and we're going to pull the rest of the wire out that end then we got some new wire and we'll just make a copy then we'll head over to that brush i've always gotta take a picture so i know how to put it back together just be able to pull this wire straight up pull it through this entire housing here but it looks like i'm going to have to pull this apart because it's stuck in there it's been really nice just be at the end right now but it doesn't look like that's gonna be the case there we go we're in the water room and this is where we're going to get that new wire going so this is the new wire that the dealer gave me and it's apparently going to be stronger it's going to be i guess better in cold weather that's kind of why we suspect that that grayer wire broke probably because it got cold and then cows were biting it and it just snapped right in half unfortunately so hopefully this new one that they gave me is going to be better hopefully it's going to last longer we'll see if it does or not but i'm just going to line that old one up to this new one then we're gonna cut it strip the ends you can see the ends are stripped like this so that's how it plugs into the brush they're not like that on here so we're gonna have to do that and we can get it back in that brush hopefully we can get it running again [Music] [Music] all right so this is the new wire for the brush and i brought it over there to try and weave it through but this is the kind of protector it's kind of a spring just a bunch of metal coil and that's supposed to go around this wire to keep it safe funny thing you can literally see right here that's where the wire broke and i was kind of struggling to get this wire to go through it so i just took this thing off we're just going to thread it through here hopefully it'll be easier if it's straight so it's kind of difficult to film in the barn with all the cows trying to knock the camera over so i got my sister here she's going to film me in the barn hopefully it'll end up good all right [Music] [Music] okay so green wire is the ground and then there's two power like electrical wires there so you gotta remember that once you go to the top and uh wiring back up top there gonna be in the video nobody yet see i am giving this to you on because he dropped it the bonehead dropped it i hand it to the [Music] yarn just like that zero struggles at all the brush is fixed zero struggles at all thank you very much for watching today's video guys if you enjoyed be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below if you guys want to you can check out the instagram and the tick tock same as the youtube channel here sask dutch kid and i hope to see you guys in the next video
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 89,329
Rating: 4.9769053 out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: wHwlE7vJmXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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