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yeah I told you guys I was gonna get my hater back for what she did and if you guys don't know what she did you need to watch the video where I discover my haters secret evil plan is on my channel it's a few videos ago and um yeah I said I was gonna get back in my hater and now look at me I'm on their account well we're gonna do something awful to the hater today just to give her a little prank back but if you enjoy videos like this don't forget to leave a like subscribe and Sparkle pizza if you're looking to buy Robux okay okay we're in the haters house uh if you guys don't didn't watch the video there's definitely a secret spot back here that we we discovered yeah you're gonna have to watch the video to see what is back there but I was thinking since we're on the haters account we can see what kind of item she has and give her a little makeovers why not let's see maybe there's something on here I want to trade to my own account all right let's look into her inventory and oh she has her favorite pets she has a unicorn named Susu okay okay and then we have tutu okay butterfly and another butterfly Juju okay uh she really likes butterflies we have a Lulu oh this one kind of looks like the one on our wall um we have a pink cat named MooMoo all right uh and a stinky Robin yeah I can't believe that she has some strollers favorited Vehicles things yeah doesn't look like she has much I know she was new to what that means so I guess she just has a few items but nonetheless we need to try and give her a makeover I mean this is way too much pink going on I think we should definitely just start taking off everything all right we have everything off now let's see what's the first thing we should do I think we should change how her walk is right now she has on bubbly let's make it something funny like um maybe like a werewolf or something oh my gosh look at her I'm gonna have to move because now I'm stuck in the books but look at that okay definitely gonna need a new face let's see any of these beautiful beautiful faces that we can go for let's go for something that we don't normally see often like something like this maybe or even we could go with oh gosh this one oh my gosh these faces are insane I want to pick out the perfect one I'm kind of like vibing with the Cyclone one I won't lie or this one oh my gosh this face creeps me out just a little bit or we can give her a beard I saw this one up here there's so many different faces that is possible but you know what I think I'm gonna go for the Cyclops one I think she would enjoy that very much and now we have things that we can put on her back so but it's a good back accessory we could put on her maybe we look to see what else oh my gosh a skeleton she's gonna freak out when she sees that she's gonna be so terrified I don't I don't think she likes scary things and what else what else um kind of loving like the bat wings oh this one's kind of like moody-fi these bat wings but it does poke him with a skeleton so let's not do that I think that's good ew what are these these like cockroach legs oh it's so gross those are definitely going on her um and we're also going to change this outfit 100 no pink allowed let's go for like I don't know there's this Army jacket I don't think she would wear this at all unless there's something more crazy oh my gosh the Among Us for their pants to fit with it there's these pants I don't think these are the right pants Oh here it is the SE she's definitely gonna love that all right and for the hair we need something crazy what about this clown hair oh my gosh that actually fits so perfect am I able to put more hair on top of that I am okay I was thinking maybe we could add where's it at I know it's in there the Strand the single strand of hair I love this hair oh there's oh that's not what I meant to put on there's money Mohawk oh my gosh yeah that would be perfect for the hater but you know what I think this is fine what about a sad face okay that doesn't fit an octopus it covers up the little hair so maybe maybe not the best idea oh look at this Noob spider oh it just covers up the whole head there's so many cool things but it just covers up everything oh my gosh the giraffe what about this one I like this one it's like the hater is an experiment and their head is in there oh look at this mushroom head I bet you Santa would like that a lot um did I just put ears on the hater oh jeez oh my gosh okay let's take this off okay we're gonna have to take the the little strand off you know what actually it's kind of gross because it's like hair is coming out of the cheese I know my hater despises cheese and I love cheese so much so I think the cheese is a good addition maybe a snake too I don't know what else what else is this snake a good one ooh that one is kind of a good one uh anything else that we can add to the hater or some face accessories I don't know we have the eyes and like the nose on already so I don't know if adding anything is actually gonna help what about the mustache the mustache is actually pretty cool but some whiskers oh my gosh okay so let's not touch any of this because I know if I do it's gonna switch everything and we can even paint the haters skin should we make her red I think red is good it fits with the outfit look at that I have the hater completely redecorated there's no pink on or anything this is great and you know what while I'm at it let's add some doo-doo in here I'm sure the hater will love that let's go to the Mounds maybe and just make it look like it's a big pile of doo-doo just sitting here um I I think I think that's just a good idea just doodoo everywhere we'll have some doo-doo over here perfect the hater is gonna be so grossed out let's make it let's make it a really good nice doo-doo color is that a good one or did that not change I think that's the exact same color what about this one okay well I I think I like this one I wish there was like a greenish brown maybe I could make it look like there's a little green in the doo-doo let's do this color here and do the small grid there's a just a little bit of green in the doodoo you know a nice little poop right here we'll get a toilet so she knows exactly what's going on the poop everywhere we'll put a toilet there and a toilet here perfect so when she comes in here she will see all the doo-doo everywhere she's gonna love this it's gonna be great oh and I guess I could rename one of her butterflies here which one should I do eeny meeny miny moe you we're gonna change your name Lulu we're gonna change you to oh we can we can still go go with the the theme doo doo your name is now a doo doo because isn't it you it's all the other ones now your name is Dudu I'm so sorry butterfly you're very adorable but the hater can fix it if she really wants to and yeah I I think that's good I think one last thing is we should spend a little bit of her books I mean we already did in the house but I might as well go open a present or an egg or something it literally looks like I'm about to poop my pants like the way I'm running it looks like I am about to poop myself I think the haters Really Gonna Love This I hope we get something the haters not gonna like I think we're gonna go for the egg I was gonna do present what I don't know the hater might like some of that stuff maybe we can get like an ant or something that would be amazing it's in the Japan egg I don't think so I think it's just in the normal egg so let's just get let's get a cracked one because I think we'll have a more likely chance to get the ant because it's a common pet so let's just ends the hatch at this oh she doesn't have any Robux wow I can't believe the remaining credit she doesn't have any Robux we're gonna have to hatch this egg all by ourselves okay fine I'm hoping we get a ant and she always talks about having money all the time she doesn't even have any Robux on her account I think she's just lying so try to impress people I don't understand why it doesn't matter if you have Robux or not okay let's go inside where is the bathroom what's it over here oh yeah here it is cracked egg go ahead and give you a nice bath oh gosh it's daytime I wasn't the bath supposed to be in the morning let's go visit the salon okay I guess we can do that after you take your bath though we have a few tasks you need to do come here come here come with me go one come on okay let's go now we gotta go all the way to the salon this pet better being and otherwise I'm gonna be furious okay we'll be furious but it'd be nice for it to be an aunt that's what I'm really really really hoping for okay we're here at the salon oh my gosh look at her character over here oh my gosh it looks insane you want to sit there Cracked Egg can I can I color The Cracked Egg I wonder um will the salon thing go away if I do this no it won't let's try to make it like a gold egg oh my gosh I can I met a diamond egg look we have our very own Diamond Cracked Egg wow that is the coolest thing ever oh maybe we should have painted it red okay sit back up there we're gonna paint you red because we're gonna hope that you are an aunt so let's do that all right red red red red red there you go all right um I I'm leaving my job because I'm not going to get any needs while I'm working here so let's get out of here all right Little Egg do you need anything some food anything I think they're definitely gonna want some food or something so let's head back to the house because that's definitely gonna be the next needs every type of what can I step in the studio all right me and The Cracked Egg are gonna be sitting here until I think I need two more needs so let's just wait till the two needs pop up and it'll be an instant for you guys but I'll be here for a while until I get those two needs see what did I tell you it was gonna be quick and easy for you guys I waited a long time for this and let's go camping which means I know it's gonna want to sleep soon but we have work and drink some water perfect perfect and now I need some sleep there we go great now we can hatch this egg and hope for an ant please please please guys leave a like on this video helped me get some good luck to see if we're gonna get an ant out of this egg come on ants come on come on come on or at least be something creepy please please it's attaching it's hatching it's hatching what is it what is it okay that might be that might be good too I don't know how she feels about orangutans but they are a bit stinky sometimes I I'm just looking at the pets that she has favored in the most the time these pets aren't that stinky at least I don't think so so uh if this orangutang can be nice and stinky oh we completed something hatch an egg perfect if this orangutan could be nice and stinky for the hater that is perfect how about we rename it too and we oh oh excuse me show my pet hater or four hater there we go or hater this is for you with the love from Moody and yeah I hope she sees all this and decides never to mess with me ever again it'll be perfect all right guys well if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Moody Unicorn Twin - Roblox
Views: 2,454,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, twin, twins, unicorn, unicorns, neon, legendary, adopt, me, adopt me, bloxburg, royale high, rare, new, update, roleplay, brookhaven, brookhavenrp, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven rp, brookhaven roleplay, roblox brookhaven, unicorntwins, moodytoo, sunnyunicorntwin, sunny, minecraft, gaming
Id: UZcY5mNy9Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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