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candidates for the degrees of doctor of medicine will rise hey everyone welcome back to my channel this feels totally crazy to say and I've had to record this like five times because I'm still getting used to this out of it but I'm officially Dr Richard Liu after graduating from Harvard Medical School last week alert is my diploma this 250 000 sheet of paper that I got on Friday and it is completely in Latin so I can't read a single word of it but uh here is my name and let me take you out on this day so we had two graduations for the day the first was a commencement for everyone that was graduating and a second for medical and dental school students specifically the day started super early and we had to gather at the Harvard Yard around 7 A.M in our medical graduate section and waited there for almost two hours before processing into our seats so after a couple hours my friends and I were starving and the ceremony started a little bit late so we went on the lookout for some food we found the spending machine but it didn't work so we went across campus to Clover where we got a bite to eat before rushing back to our seats the ceremony ended up starting late around 10 o'clock and included a moment for us to thank our parents and family and as always a full speech delivered in Latin [Applause] Tom Hanks was our graduation speaker and gave a hilarious but also sincere speech about the pursuit of truth and the dangers of indifference and then finally we were awarded our degrees Mr President fellows of Harvard College Mr President members of the board of overseers as Dean for medical education I have the honor to present to you these inspirational degree candidates who have dedicated their lives to the relief of human suffering and prepared themselves well for a life of learning and service in medicine [Music] thank you by virtue of authority delegated to me I confer on you the degree of doctor of medicine or the other degrees in medicine for which your studies have qualified you and declare that you are ready to pursue and advance and honorable and merciful calling congratulations afterward we rushed over to the medical school for our Medical School Graduation we had no time for lunch because everything was going late and so we ate a little bit as we were processing in and then heard from a few of our really inspiring classmates and Dr Sanjay Gupta who you've probably seen as CNN's medical correspondent and then the official moment where I got my diploma Dr Richard jingsung Liu foreign it has honestly been such a journey getting to this point and I am so grateful to my family my friends my mentors my patients who have lifted me up for all of these years if you've watched any of my other videos you know that this decision to pursue a career in clinical medicine and EMT was not straightforward and came with a lot of reflection and self-discovery and so I do not take this degree and what it means for granted anyway this past month has been my first free month in years and it's been an exciting world when traveling to Italy to see some old friends and all over for a bunch of different weddings and I just got back from Cape Cod yesterday and I'm recording this today on my very last day living in Boston before driving to New York City tomorrow it's really Bittersweet to be leaving this home that I've been living in from the first day that I ever moved to Boston five years ago and just a shout out to this home and some appreciation here not only is it in the lovely neighborhood of Jamaica Plain right across from makeup on but I've also hosted so many friends over for dinner barbecues picnics and have grown so much personally over these last five years living here so I'm going to be spending the rest of the day packing up all my stuff luckily most of my furniture is being bought by the resident that's going to be moving in tomorrow I'm going to be crashing with some friends for the next couple weeks in New York City before moving in officially to the wild Cornell resident housing on June 15th with a start date of June 16th so the next couple weeks are going to be extremely hectic and a bit of a logistical nightmare but as always I'm super excited to take you all along for this journey and lastly thank you to all of you for watching sharing liking subscribing it really means so much to me to watch a community of people come around this content about medicine and business and next time I will see you all back in the greatest city in the world [Music]
Channel: Dr. Richard Lu
Views: 7,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xMsuwEMqMeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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