HARVARD MIDTERM WEEK (*BRUTAL* 4AM routine, morning lift, study tips)

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it is so early right now but the grind never stops hello everyone in the next 5 minutes of your life I'm going to show you my exact schedule the day before midterm week starts at Harvard I just changed into my running clothes but I'm going to fill up my water bottle and then we're going to [Music] start I just finished my 5 m run the sun has just risen look how beautiful that is is I'm just headed back to my dorm we're going to change and then head to the gym to LIF okay I just left my room and we are currently headed to the gym if you want to be extraordinary you can't follow average habits so that's why you kind of want to deviate from the norm and for me that starts with instilling a lot of physical discipline and while I did used to follow a pretty routine workout schedule I'm starting to both lift and run now to really challenge myself physically and translate that into mental and academic discipline oh here we go [Music] again I am currently at annenburg dining hall and this dining hall inspired JK Rowling's design of hog Awards in Harry Potter which I think is super cool I have a lot to do today but breakfast is the most important meal of the day so make sure to eat your breakfast in the [Music] [Music] morning so the first thing that I'm going to do is review my cancer biology lectures since we had a bunch of content the past few days I always review my lectures because this technique is called spaced repetition which is basically where you want to review older material as you learn learn new materials so you can kind of have a very cumulative understanding of the content you're learning in your classes the employee just gave me a free coffee so now I have two coffees to try this is the Nola and then this one is the cold brew I'm now headed to Widener Library because it got a little bit too loud in the cafe and I'm going to start studying for my biochemistry exam tomorrow so I just need a little bit of a quieter place to study since I'm grinding out a bunch of practice questions to study effectively I always prioritize repetitive recall over a repetitive exposure reading notes the day before an exam is a passive technique but doing practice questions actively stimulates your brain and reinforces Core Concepts I finished studying for chemistry so just grabbed LUN I am currently in Smith CER just finished lunch and now I'm going to be working on my business for those of you who have been subscrib to me for a while you know that I run a college admissions counseling business and part of it is my private Community where I hold group meetings three times a week they're live Q&A sessions and I like to do workshops for them so I'm going to be creating a workshop uh making the slides and kind of planning it so I can provide a lot of value to the members that are part of the [Music] community I just made an entire presentation on all the steps to get into Harvard it's a really comprehensive presentation but I'm excited to share it with all of my students so I have a take-home exam that I have to do for my statistics class I'm headed to Capital 1 Cafe I just needed a change of scenary and the reason why I always move places whenever I'm doing different subjects is almost like a tailored version of the method of lokai which is where you associate certain information with a particular place so for me Capital 1 Cafe is my statistics class So then whenever I am taking an exam for that class or I'm doing something else in that class I think of capital 1 Cafe and it just helps me recall the information a little bit better I'm back at my dorm now but I'm about to change head to dinner and then go to dance practice I'm part of Harvard's Asian-American dance troop I'm doing a Trad traditional Vietnamese fan dance this semester which I'm really excited about because I've been trying to reconnect more with my Vietnamese Heritage I was part of this organization last year but I mainly did hip-hop style dances so this is definitely something new for me [Music] I I just got back from dance I'm super sweaty so I'm just going to shower and then go to sleep bye guys good night
Channel: Elise Pham
Views: 59,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C6w037Dqptc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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