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today I'm getting the brand new Titan computer man and look it's this unit right here it's the brand new unit and the owner of the game fixated studios is literally given to me bro this is actually him look I have him added he's literally right here this is the real one guys so he's actually giving me this brand new unit it's not even out yet too by the way so guys this is like this is like leaks guys I'm leaking the update to you guys he says these units are a bit too op so we'll change that when it updates so okay guys so this is probably not the like actual stats and everything and also I'm pretty sure like it's not supposed to be an exclusive so okay so here are the rest of the units and there's a question mark on this one I guess the icon's not done or something but yeah um I know it says all exclusive but I was told that these every single unit you're going to see in this video they're all going to be able to get to for free they're not exclusive they're not like the paid ones they're not it's not a Pay to Win update you guys can get it by just playing the game so anyways let's go ahead and use these units oh my gosh this is so cool there we go okay we don't need the upgrade time drill man we're using all of the brand new ones wait wait a second okay there there it is okay now works okay so let's see where can we go we go to toilet town but I want to go to camera base yeah let's go ahead and check out how overpowered or maybe not overpower like how cool these units are but I was told that they're not like quite finished so what whatever you see here might not be the final product by the update so let's just see okay we're going to go insane mode Let's see how these units can do against insane all right here we go wait maybe I should give myself some cash or oh look at this one okay this one actually looks kind of insane we can see these uh what is this the Titan camera woman or is this no no this is the upgraded uh camera woman that's what that is okay wait let me get myself some money all right here we go do that oh wait I can't show you I'm just kidding I can but that's basically cheating so now we have a realistic amount of money here we go the drill woman oh it has an ability wait let me see this what is it oh it did like a wait wait wait what was that oh that's what the ability does it makes it attack faster look you see the cool down goes from 2.5 to 1.25 wait a second that's op so if I get this to the max level It Go from 0.5 to what oh it Hales it okay that's actually really overpowered guys that's actually really really cool how long does it last it last like a few seconds but that's still pretty good it attacks really really fast okay that's pretty cool so this unit is um the drill woman okay okay this is actually like yo I mean like real woman you trying to you know trying to go on a date all right guys I have like El skibby RZ I'm going to try that another time and then here's of course the Titan oh my gosh look how B this thing looks the Titan computerman let's go ahead and try out the upgraded Titan not Titan what is he even called upgrade camera woman yeah it's not even a Titan let's see what the ability is um bro what is that what is it doing it's doing like a really cool effect look at that it just like charged up wait wait a second what did it even do wait wait wait wait I think I know what she does wait wait look let me see if I'm correct so I'm going to add the drill B right here right so basically I think she actually Powers up all the units so like let's see so it's 2.5 21,000 use this oh it makes it do more damage yo that's crazy look it it does like 500 more damage okay so it's like a booster unit that's actually overpowered so we have it like in a long range like every unit that's going to be around her right should realistically like be able to have that so that's actually really sick okay let's see oh my gosh look at all the yo look at the cool Aura it has okay that's actually insane yo y'all can't tell me that's insane okay so this unit is actually pretty it's actually a really decent decent unit and it just it's a support unit as well that's wow that's overpowered okay yo you trying to go on a date too get away from me oh my bad my bad my bad my bad okay okay all right guys my skibby RZ level is like at the bottom guys I need to go to Ohio so I can study uh some RZ okay so we also have the drill assassin I forgot to mention this okay so let's see this dude these are some crazy units though I can't lie and look at that attack that attack looks so cool it like shoots the drills from like on the okay that's actually so cool bro whoever came up with these ideas is actually insane all right so here we go we're going to place uh wait drill woman get out of there she's attacking them okay let's see the drill assassin this is what it is yeah it is okay um and obviously by the way guys the stats won't be like fully correct I'm just trying to clarify that's what I was told so if you see something that's probably like overpowered it might not be but maybe it is I I don't even know guys um I don't know that's just what I was told cuz first of all they're not they're not even going to be exclusives they're all going to be like free to play so let's see let's see what this thing can do wo wo wo wao wo what did he just do there wait bro I think he slows down the units or wait wait wait let me try this again let see this oh what was yo wait wait wait wait wait did you guys see that it slowed them down and then like it did like a slash effect look at this oh what what that was actually kind of CRA wait wa wait let me do that again let me do that again dude that's so cool oh my goodness okay okay okay that's actually really really cool um wait wa wait let me try that again let me try that with like with like some other toilets let's let's put in like a speedy toilet okay we're going to add some of these here we go spawn in a few of those why didn't they spawn in we're just going to spawn in an astro toy let's see how this goes okay so we're going to do the ability right there it's slow slows it down and then it yo wait a second he's actually kind of overpowered wait wa wait stop him again stop okay so it slows it down and then does like little slash effect which is really cool so now we have an astro toilet I think it's time to uh use the Titan computer man right over here wait now the Speedy toilets spawned in or like did they I I don't even know I have no clue well I might as well just show off the brand new tit or the Titan uh computer man okay here we go let me Place him Titan daddy here okay he doesn't actually say that but anyways um all right so there he is look at look at this dude this guy looks insane but this is the craziest ability out of all of them okay so this this this computer dude he can make toilets fight each other what do I mean by that like this look check this out look at this they go back and they fight the toilets during that time they just fight them not only do they do that but they also go back like that's overpowered that is so overpowered okay wait wait let's let's spot like some AST TOS did actually show what I'm talking about place these guys okay there we go so we have the Astro TOS right there right place this look at that they're attacking the toilets they attacked them that's so also they attack the other Astro toilet so now there's only one Astro wait no there's like two Astro toilets left wait me uh try to take him down wait I could probably like even like wait wait let me spawn in like some more did I spawn another Astro toilet okay I didn't don't think I did did I wait wait wait wait wait wait buddy buddy move back move back real quick all right so this is what I'm going to do this is what I'm going to do I'll make them attack those Asher toets right there watch this attack those oh my gosh look how many it gets too so it's only really useful when like it's out of the range so yeah so like this look at that look at that the ash is attacking the nerd toilet or the Herbert toilets oh wait hey yo wait wait wait why you getting through buddy hey you're not supposed to get through we're going to have to slow slow you down real there there we go do this do this attack speed it up okay okay do that take him back well yeah as you guys can see it's actually really really overpowered this Titan uh computer man he's really good too I like his ability all these new units have some pretty cool abilities this one really just supports that unit um of course we have this which can you know literally support every other unit so right now he does like 17.5 now he does 26.2 you see how crazy that is I mean it is just for like a limited time but that's still really really good in case like emergencies so yeah uh these are these units are really overpowered so let's see if it can actually be nightmare or not nightmare mode I'm sorry insane mode so I'm going to try only using one of each units so of course we're going to have this one right here and then we're going to place uh her right here the drill woman there we go and then we're going to place drill assassin drill assassin should probably be right here yeah there we go and then we're going to place this one in the middle so that way when we use her like ability she gets everything so yeah now we're going to see how this can last like in the final waves 1 hour later okay guys look look at this okay so we're doing pretty good wave 36 um okay I might have put some backups back here but that's fine that that didn't happen let me just delete those that didn't happen Okay so wait let me use the Ability right there come on go back oh yeah attack the units I mean not the unit the toilets okay there we go so we're doing good we're doing good let's go ahead and slash these guys out of here get out of existence easy okay let's use this ability and wait wait wait a second they're actually getting through wait this is not supposed to happen okay guys um for some reason it's like a weird glitch that just some units just spawned in at the back of the map I don't know how this happened but they just spawned in I don't I know how I don't know how they just spawned in oh oh how did they just happen Guys these units just spawned in the back of the map what is going on okay we're good wait are we good I don't actually no okay yeah we are good we are good okay okay okay see you guys look at that that wasn't too bad nah what is going on yo this wave is insane okay we're probably not going to make it this time uh yeah definitely not okay well anyways guys make sure to like And subscribe those were the brand new units I'm doing the leaks of course but uh if you think they're pretty cool yeah it's going to be the new update and they're going to be free to play so like And subscribe
Channel: DigitoSIM
Views: 318,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i got first titan computer man, secret titan computer man, computer man, toilet computer man, i got titan computer man, first to get new titan computer man
Id: 98HxF3LGMWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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