I Got Rejected By A TOXIC Magma Clan.. (ROBLOX BLOX FRUIT)

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all right guys I was just chilling here at like the freaking volcano area and I saw like a bunch of fruits here out of nowhere I was just like super confused so I just went ahead and picked up like a freaking chop fruit a bomb fruit I might as well just go ahead and store all these fruits wait wait wait hold on who is that like right behind me um who are you and why did you take all the fruits that we were collecting listen bro I didn't know that these were yours they were on the ground well I'm going to be asking you nicely you better be dropping those fruits or we're going to be having some serious issues I mean fine I might as well just drop all these fruits that I got but I'm keeping this Buri of fruit for myself thanks but we're missing one now where is that burier fruit that you're hiding can't I at least just keep one I could have just taken all of them and ran off with all your fruits no you can't and that isn't my choice the leader of the magma Clum will be so mad at me oh so you're in the magma Clan can I join why would I even let you join you're not even giving me my fruit back how about I just give you my fruit roll instead if it's a trash roll you're getting rejected and if you do anything funny you're dead Bo boy all right fine I'm hoping that I can get something garbage regardless so let's see what your boy is going to roll here and I got myself a sand fruit and this is actually not so bad you do know this is a downgrade compared to barrier right listen it's literally better than nothing you really know how to make a girl mad and what is she doing bro she's dropping like all the fruits all the way in the corner man I guess you leave me no other choice and oh my God she's spamming a bunch of freaking magma powers on me and she's still going bro all right if you want want to play like freaking magma I will play freaking magma let me just try to use like my volcano so on her like this she's getting flued so high and I literally just combo her in two freaking shots man and on the bright side I can take all her freaking fruits too for treating me really badly man where are the fruits that I left here they're all gone I'm pretty sure that freaking idiot stole them all I got to go ask for backup fast and funny enough I actually see like a giant boat heading to like the prison Island right now wait the girl actually met up with someone what is she doing here with this guy named Mark Mark what do you want girl I get some very bad news and it's not looking good for us what do you do this time didn't even do anything I left for about 5 minutes to bring back another fruit to the base and you know what happened next some guy stole all of them you were supposed to stay at the base did you kill the guy at least oh what the heck he's super strong even my awakened magma couldn't stop him so that's why I'm here so you let the guy steal our fruits and you fail to kill him bro this guy is so mad at her you do know the B is going to be furious right I know I know but you had to help me out he's at the jungle right now so please help me kill him all right fine bro they actually just teleported straight to like the jungle just now so how does this guy even look like well he's wearing all red you'll find him super quickly just trust me that's not even helpful information bro he doesn't even know if it's a guy or a girl all right just give me some time to look around and this man just like went Speedy head and this man went just straight ahead to just go to like this other side this is is a perfect chance for me to go ahead and talk to this guy who are you oh well uh I'm just here grinding some materials do you know a girl called Maddie yeah but she tried to kill me for no reason let me give this guy like a diamond fruit so I can just make him feel safer around me oh well she gave me a different story what is this for to prove that I'm not a bad guy here you can also have like a bomb fruit and like another freaking chop fruit bro aren't these fruits for my base no oh no bro M you showed up Mark what are you doing with him this is the enemy well he doesn't seem bad he seems like a nice guy yeah but he's trying to buy your kindness so you can feel bad for him now stop trying to feel bad for him and now attack him Mark I'm not going to do that all right then hand me those fruits then when he's actually doing it just wait until the boss finds out he's going to kill you no bro she's running off and she went ahead and killed like the freaking gorilla King well this isn't good the boss is going to kill me how about you just take this sand fruit bro you need it more than I do now looks like this guy guy got himself like a John boat bro I need to go follow this guy wait is your base located at like another Kade bro and it looks like the girl's already here just know that you're in big trouble Mark Maddie Mark it's good to see you so where's your contribution to the clan well first Mark has been up to no good he seriously let some guy raid our base and take our fruits what that is not true at all you had one job to do Mark and you know what's worse he also befriend of the enemy you seriously made friends with some loser outside of our clan you're a disgrace mark As for me girly I brought you back these fruits and she gave her like the chop fruit bomb and then like a diamond good girl I can always rely on you and Mark only just dropped like the S fruit that I gave him I'm going to be giving you one more chance to redeem yourself make sure that Noob never messes with us again yeah mark this time you're going to kill him and not become friends yeah I'm not going to lie Mark is kind of doomed here now excuse me I'm about to be going to my lava base report to me once this guy is done in and dead okay it looks like these guys just teleported themselves straight to like the pirate Village here bro why did you lie to the boss about this I tried helping you out you did this to me well I guess you shouldn't have trusted me you think I care about a bum like you but anyways I know this guy is on this island we're going to kill him like the boss said so don't let him go fine we'll just split up here all right perfect now let's go look for him okay it seems like the girl went to like that direction and I'm pretty sure like this guy is heading towards my direction you get over there listen I don't really want to kill you but I have to it's just business you know listen man what if I give you this barrier for it'll probably make your boss happy yeah you're right I think it will it might make her like me more Ark you're doing business with him now I knew you were a dirty Traer F it's not what it looks like yeah keep lying to me I guess that's to go ahead and kill you and like the freaking enemy and oh my God she's literally doing so much damage that I can't even see and Mark is dead having your little buddy gone for the time being should be a warning on what I can do now excuse me I think it's time for me to go ahead and report back to the boss oh no bro it probably should just go talk to Mark really fast about this listen bro do you even know where your boss is at because you're in big trouble if we don't find her in time oh trust me she's at her lava base at the second seed well that shouldn't be like that difficult to find bro I'm pretty sure like their base is all the way over here by like the lava area which this place looks pretty cool you know Amilia boss hurry up and spit it out Mark be betrayed us he was literally getting fruits from the enemy what that guy's a piece of trash how dare that guy defy me I know but we need to go ahead and get ourselves stronger do you have awaken magma of course I do I'm not sure if you got it fully maxed out so I'm going to go ahead and carry you in the raid oh my God thanks boss we'll go there right now okay Mark this is a perfect time for us to go into like this raid here so let me go ahead and talk to like this NPC here I got myself like the magma chip and what's going on over here bro why is Mark getting surrounded what are you doing here you're not supposed to be in this raid room you know okay it looks like Mark is in big trouble even though we're in the safe Zone boss this is the enemy he's the guy that I've been talking about so this is a loser that's been causing me so much trouble who do you think you are okay listen I'm here to help Mark get way stronger than you two so back off and let me get his Awakening oh you're not going anywhere we're going into that R to show who can carry better yeah okay man these people are probably going to suck though cuz I can just go ahead and just put on like my big boy Buddha fruit your boy can instantly just transform and I'm literally going to go ahead and just like slice all these NPCs around me I'm dealing like over 50k damage and Mark is also dealing a pretty good amount too like how are these idiots going to compete with someone that has like enchantments on their weapons but anyways we managed to clear off like the first island over here you're stronger than you look what other fruits do you got well let me try to rise this girl up because it seems like she's interested your boy is about to be pulling out like a dragon fruit out of his inventory Dragon I never seen one in person that's not even that impressive what you think you're richer because scamming people doesn't even count being rich doesn't even matter when you're strong as me yeah okay girl you can keep talking to yourself on that island man but I'm probably going to go ahead and just jump to like the freaking next Island here now it's time for me to go ahead and just use like my chain lightning powers once again and these guys are still like that belt just driving all the way over here bro they're all just letting me do all the work but hey I don't even care we managed to clear off like the second island with 60k damage um boss I'm not going to lie to you he's pretty impressive how dare you what I'm telling you the truth well he's nothing but a piece of trash and if you keep talking back to me I'm probably going to be kicking you out of this clan do do do boss please no here I'm probably going to make this a little bit more entertaining by putting on my Mammoth fruit your boy is going to be transforming just like this and it's going to be kind of fun just jumping around let's see how much damage we can do with pressing like the F ability I'm already at like 20K damage by running over all these NPCs bro like how is this not going to be impressing anyone by just ranning over everything and that's how you clear off like the for fent boys wait what happened to like the other girl their boss I mean their boss showed up but the other girl didn't did you kill her or something obviously not I'm just trying to keep her safe she's definitely trying to hurt her bro wouldn't even surprise me if you did kill her now let's see how their boss is going to do at like the final area which I'm probably going to go ahead and call myself for some backup here by summoning like a giant seab Beast now let's see if your boy is able to use his Hol SL to chain all these enemies like that use my katune fruit and just beam everything around me too because because 2 minutes and 50 seconds to clear like this m raate is not enough time maybe I'm going to go ahead and just Summit like another bad boy here now your boy has to go really fast and equip like the magma fruits that was my chance to go ahead and just Spam like all my abilities on this like fat guy here and this guy is getting himself completely comboed and we managed to clear out like the freaking magma ra by ourself boys wait Maddie is alive I thought that she was dead I saw everything from far away that katun fruit was super hot Maddie I told you not to talk to this guy sorry I couldn't help it I like guys are rich except for Mark he's a bum but anyways can I join your clan if you got one damn Maddie is seriously about to be leaving her freaking Clan here you know what I am done with you you're going to regret Crossing me yeah okay Grandma you're way too old for me anyways and she's literally about to go ahead and just like awaken her fruit right now and the same thing for like the other girl they're both gone uh Mark I don't think it's a good idea leaving her alone with that other girl yeah but she deserves it trust me bro it doesn't matter we need to go check it out regardless you think you can disrespect me in front of everyone like that I won't allow this you stupid bits wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa what is she going to do bro she literally just kidnapped the girl is taking her somewhere else all right Mark we're probably going to go ahead and St them so you better grab your fat booty and come with me man wait did they seriously take it to the mansion um why did you even bring me here that's because I'm going to be keeping you forever and I'm going to be torturing you every single day until I'm satisfied no you can't do that to me I literally gave you all my fruits well too bad you're the one that betrayed me so you're going to be paying for this wait she's literally backing her on like the freaking corner of like the place man so let me see if I'm able to teleport myself like right in here bro you again a my red Heroes here to save me well I don't think you're going to be the queen any longer L you did not just say that oh what are you going to do about it we all know that you're weak bro she's literally trying to attack me but like the other girl is out trying to protect me with her freaking magma powers and I'm not even sure if Amelia is able to win this fight so and oh my God Maddie got herself clapped finally that girl got what she deserved that girl just talked too much trash and now now it's your turn wait what is she going to do to him oh my God not again she's literally kidnapping him let me go Rex way wait are they going to like the dogghouse area what am I doing here well hurry up and get in that dogghouse you're going to be my pet from now on there is no way this guy just went in there if that guy tries to save you I know your account info so you can say goodbye to it oh my God please don't do that this is going to be a little bit much more harder to save this guy but I got the perfect idea now let me go ahead and just like teleport right behind her hey why are you here that's because I got myself like a deal for you a deal what is it I'll be giving you a permanent fruit if you let Mark go completely h fine I'll take up that deal let's see if she's going to be liking permanent sound for 1.9 th000 Robux out of my own Pockets permanent sound that sounds like a good deal but you're actually stupid too think I going to be letting him go oh my God she's literally like hitting him all right no no no no no you're about to be getting yourself completely blasted by my magma fruit and I managed to save Mark here you good man oh my God you saved me but can you also give me a permanent fruit too bro I saved your life I don't think you're going to be deserving one see you later man
Channel: Rektway
Views: 129,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, roblox blox fruits update, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, mammoth fruit, blox fruit update 20, kitsune fruit, trex fruit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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