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today is a big day because my baby where's he going he's hiding he's running he's running away our baby is getting his whistle he's out today well i'm no baby anymore what are you talking about he came in here he's like oh chick-fil-a time to eat but guess what they said i couldn't eat eight hours before or i'll like die but i'm so hungry i wanna eat i do not wanna do this i'm just gonna be in pain for the rest of the week i feel fine right now why can't i just stay like this i'm excited to get a lot of juicy information out of bryson after he gets his wisdom teeth i've heard that it's more of like a truth serum and they just say a bunch of things that they haven't told you before we're almost there brayton how you feeling i'm not excited how many wisdom teeth are you having taken out i don't know i don't know either do you know it depends on the x-rays usually they do a consultation earlier but we didn't so they said they'd do it when we got there and then take out either two or four it's a surprise okay i really hope i only have to get two taken out i've been dreading this moment for the past week and a half because with all my other injuries and things that hurt it just like happens you know you can't stop it but with this i'm literally going there for the pain okay you're not going there for the pain you're going there to like fix something so it's not painful late i'm not going there just for pain i wouldn't be paying for pain to the pain to the death no to the pain i don't want to be here i'm not going to lie it is not going to be great okay brighton any thoughts and you're in the wrong spot hey this is your chair this is my chair this chair i don't think the doctor's gonna like it i don't have any weight like this i don't know experience not great my cheeks turn green for like a week after a week what it's gonna suck for a while i'm sorry stupid i heard there's a chance that his crush is bringing him a milkshake is it worth it no no no apparently not the thing is you're not even gonna want to eat after even though you want to eat so bad right now of course he's hungry he's 17. thanks for i know i'm like it was his fault i guess it's possible if i can pass with 17 year old wisdom so you've got these teeth growing in behind the last teeth here but you can see the teeth are almost up as high as they're gonna go and yet i'm sure if i looked in your mouth they're not fully in the mouth any health issues he has a crazy gag reflex you don't have to worry about that if you're sedated sounds good probably about a 20 minute procedure 20 minutes [Music] wow okay how long will i be out 25 to 30 minutes and then how long are the effects when i'm away two to three hours oh really a little girl you will sleep sounds good you had anesthesia before no matter when your tonsils out like no i didn't get my pencils out ashley dude wrong kid sorry we'll take good care of you i don't want this to be too big of a deal i'll see you in the back someone else just got their wisdom teeth out and his cheeks were huge is this where they do it yeah yeah it is ever do it awake uh-huh really yeah actually why they're afraid of sedation or they just don't want to pay for sedation or their teeth are easier than yours it's getting real right the kids were he just huge another kid leave and now he's so mad look at your cheeks that's swollen in 20 minutes [Laughter] she's enjoying this way too much and i didn't realize like i'm not gonna remember like this part which is i guess is good ashton said it's like a truth serum so maybe he's gonna tell us all kinds of crazy secrets that's why we didn't let ashton come but he's waiting at home these are the tools all right [Music] like every time [Music] take care of my baby feel it he's almost out honey what is that beeping noise can you hear that somebody flatline they break them flatline stop okay just relax why are you so tense did you just see yourself what i'm just chilling somebody flatlined and breaking flat [Music] your phone i don't know where his presence from how are you feeling where is that left no that's your chin yeah it feels weird yeah it just feels normal it doesn't think normal just feels weird right there yeah i can't think normal i'm so glad do we have any questions to ask brighton because he can think normal yeah is this definitely is there is there's stuff in your mouth i think there's some gauze on your mouth is this the chef yeah well no that's your chin [Music] where do i sleep no when i want to sit when did you go to sleep where were we when he was asleep oh you're asking away you were gonna stay awake did it work oh but i wanted to i said i wanted to stay away it didn't yeah yeah you know how long you were asleep [Music] no it's been three months no yeah we just got back from puerto rico yeah you wear the same clothes oh yeah [Music] he did it this is you can think normal it just feels weird yeah does it feel numb [Music] yeah his crush should we have his crush come over and talk to him right now but i'm fine he's fine actually who's ashley is actually your other no absolutely fine ashley's fine that's what i said you hear that he said ashley's fine i need to apologize because my camera works really shaky because i'm laughing so hard brighton's first surgery he survived it okay so we're gonna sit right here okay okay okay oh yeah i'm good your feet go right up here [Music] oh it's warm out here you want to sit in the front or the back [Music] thank you you're welcome oh this looks weird fat boy this little really funny it are you talking yes i'm touching it really yeah all right shall we end this video and then you guys can see it a little bit later when brighton is recovering a little bit you want to do something funny well for the very boring well what's funny what can you do funny i don't know what the medicine didn't make you funny it almost made me mad well then you better think of something funny for the video yeah the drugs didn't work guys he's not funny i don't know it didn't work i just sound funny but i should say [Music] you're like give me a puzzle oh um no why shane no writing you cannot drive i feel fine it's just weird but i can see i move my face how's my brightening impression it feels good but i can think my dress feels weird yeah exactly so i feel like you know what i'm sure he'd do a great job but i'm going to drive today no [Laughter] is [Music] that's your time what are you doing to your tongue my lips are dry you're wiping your tongue on your lips that's not weird well i can't move my tongue myself i look normal my shoes are about big your cheeks what i'm fine so i guess you can tell your crush to come over any time because you're fine yeah i'm telling you right now she's doing a video call i'm fine yeah you look great i want a milkshake milkshake yeah i am just normal do you feel normal is that what you said no no thanks [Music] okay i guess she's bringing him a milkshake why don't you call ashton annoying why would you say that it wouldn't be funnier why would she say what there you go you want to go see kade yeah honey what do you think should we go see cade let's go okay we're going to see caves how's it going are you home right now i don't know i'll come over later again do you know what's really weird brighton what i talked to the lady that was discharging you and she said you're not going to remember any of this one time i will she's stupid she's what she's stupid i remember i remember it's so good right now you're gonna throw [Music] there's holes in your mouth right now for me to tell you where you're gonna sleep i wanna stay back why would you want to be awake while they're ripping teeth out of you yourself chick-fil-a do we still have what chick-fil-a no i think that you can only drink things [Music] no are you working out i'm not taking you to the gym i'm going the wrong way we're going home they said take it easy i did not move my face this is like out of this stuff you use other stuff but not your face i don't need my hair [Music] i don't want to do that to the other people though what oh sorry what did you say brighton you just we're gonna go home we can't go to the gym why okay what do you guys think should we go to the gym [Applause] not supposed to talk like that are you like [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] because you just had surgery my feet oh my goodness it's gonna be a long day folks you're right hold up where are you going no you can't go on a one wheel ride no put it back put it back we're going inside no one will rise no he's crazy okay no all right brighton your balance is gonna be off careful oh this isn't a good idea brighton i'm not letting him i told him no i need to go inside all right i have no words okay you got to go for a little bit let's go okay put it away let's go all right good job he's even putting it back good job bry backwards yeah let's go to bed let's go watch tv [Music] okay where'd he go even closer down here in [Music] i have a present for you you want to come out and see it it's a little action figure it's really cool yeah it's so cool the thing is if i don't give it to you i might keep it for myself i'm not gonna lie so i think you should come out of the closet right now hey you look so good it's so cool i don't want to talk to my mom [Music] oh yeah it looks like you got punched in the face [Music] is he playing with you she's not sure tell me your deepest darkest secrets are you feeling any better how's the hangout time coming guys good good all right so what for ourselves [Music] all right we're going to take care of brighton so you guys can check in on his healing progress so you get to rest for a little while don't let her lick your lips you won't even know okay i'll take her i'll take it okay say goodbye to everybody thanks for being awesome yep this is the end of the video checking on his progress catch you next time thanks for being awesome you
Channel: Bryton Myler
Views: 24,836,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1305aQZDojw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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