I Got My Drivers License!

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- It's probably not happy that I'm gonna go do this. I have Find My Friends through Apple on my phone, so I am tracking where his location is. Oh, he's on the freeway. Why is he driving so slow on the freeway? If you remember back to a previous video, we got Lincoln a blue Tesla Model Y. - Surprise. - So this car for when he turned 16 years old, this is what he'll be driving if he can get his good grade. Right now he's on track to get good grades, which is good. But today is the very last day of his driver's school, and I wanna go follow him around town and see if I can find him while he's like in the act of driving the Driver Z car without distracting him. I want him to be safe and good, and I wanna kind of see him out there. And then also an update, we did send in our Tesla Model Y, so Lincoln's car, to get the dent fixed. And after about three weeks, they did fix the dent without having to replace the door. So let me show you what it looks like. So this is it, that's it right there. This is where the dent was, it was right on this area. I can show you some of the footage of what it used to look like, but now the door looks great. I don't know what they did to fix it, but it looks good. Anyways, Lincoln's car is awesome, I'm so grateful that we have it and I'm so grateful that he's learning how to drive safely. He's been going to class for about four weeks now and learning everything that he needs to learn about driving, and tomorrow is his driver's test, where he actually drives with a person and has to do like the parallel parking and all that stuff. So today is not only his last day of driving around for an hour and a half around town with a driver in the car, but also it's his last time before he takes the big test. If he passes today and he passes his test tomorrow, then what that means is on January 3rd, when it's his birthday, his 16th birthday, we can walk into the DMV and he can just give them the papers, they take a picture and they give him a license, he's done. Let's go see if we can find Lincoln. This will be fun. I actually have not seen him driving around in the car, but I would imagine it's like most Driver Z cars, they just drive really, really slow, and the drivers look really inexperienced in there because they are and they're scared. He's probably not happy that I'm gonna go do this, but we're going to find him. So I can see on my phone right now, I can see like where he's at and that he is moving. It looks like he must've pulled a U-turn. Oh no, I see where he's at. Oh, he's on the freeway. If he is not on the freeway, why is he driving so slow on the freeway? Okay, well, we'll go find him, I hope. Oh, whoa, he jumped. It's catching up. This is more difficult than I'd planned. He's on one side of the golf course, I'm on the other, but I don't know which way he's gonna move here. I could see it on the map. I'll put this screen recording up. (video rewinding) (bright music) He's on the road, we're gonna turn. We're turning. There goes my phone (indistinct), it's now in the crack. Let's hope he turn left. Where is Lincoln? Look for Driver Z car. (video rewinding) Okay, I didn't see the Driver Z car. This is the road he would have been on right there. So he must be going this way. I need my phone back, it's in the crack. Oh, I see him up there, okay. I don't have my phone, but okay. I know. The car just gave me a warning that I was following too close to that car. (video rewinding) He's pulling over but we found him. He's going in reverse. He's going backwards, he doesn't know that's me. He didn't know that was me right there. He didn't know, I'm pulling over right here. He didn't know. I really don't want him to get distracted by me. Here he goes. Moving out on the road, here you go. This is Lincoln's Driver Z training right here. The spy cam. I don't think he has any idea. They turning, he's turning. - Let's see if he catches and see this. (Man laughing) He looked over and was like, what is my dad doing. Busted, he totally he saw the camera. We're busted. We're busted. I don't wanna throw them off. I didn't want him to see us. I thought I was sneaky enough, but apparently I'm not sneaky enough. I feel bad, 'cause it's throwing him off. He's probably a little embarrassed. Sorry Lincoln. I'm not gonna follow him anymore. I'm gonna leave now and let's catch up with him after his driving, because now he's gonna be on the lookout for us and I need him to focus on the road and to drive appropriately and not be bugged that I'm filming him. Let's talk to him in a minute after he's done with his class. All right, Lincoln, did it throw you off when I saw you at the thing? - Yeah. - Did you make a mistake, did you move around weird or what? - No, I was just really, I was really shocked. I didn't know what you were doing. - Just sitting, you saw my camera or you just saw me? - Yeah, I saw your camera. It was really weird, and teacher's like, who's that? Yeah like, it looks like they're filming. - That's what he said, it looks like they're filming? - Then he's like, what does he do for work? This is just great. - It is the next day, and today he has his actual driver's test that takes 20 minutes. You bring your temporary ID and $50 and you go with a different person. It's a totally different person, not the one that you've done all your hours and hours of training. - Parallel parking, three point turns, parking lot uphill and downhill. - This is a big moment, it'll be fun. I'm not gonna stand outside with the camera. I gotta be sneaky and stealthy, I don't wanna take away from his thing, but this is crazy, we never any of our kids actually get their license. - They always are like, checking your speed. Like, if you have a car with the speed limits kind of like hidden from the other person, but they can check your speed, but like, here it's like speed limit, the actual speed of road and how fast I'm going. - See, now you're speeding right now. Slow down. - Yeah, I'm speeding. - I don't know, I'm sorry. Was that better? - That's better. Okay, so here's the deal. We have put Lincoln in the car with the driver. I will say parallel parking, Lincoln just tried three or four times and needs some work on the parallel parking. It takes about 20 minutes. I hope he passes. There's definitely a chance that he won't. Not everybody passes their first time. We'll see. Okay, here he comes. He's driving fast. I hope he passed. I hope he passed, he's all done. I didn't follow him or anything. I didn't wanna put more pressure on him, but there he goes. - This is gross. So give me a second to seal that off, and you'll be set. - [Dan] How'd it go? - He did fine. He ratted you out, I'm going I know that guy 'cause I watched his videos. - [Dan] From YouTube? - Well, you have a Tesla, I'd imagine. - [Dan] Where we are, that's just where I started. - [Dan] He able to pass? - [Instructor] No, he passed good. - Well, all right, here we are. Lincoln, did you pass? - I passed. - Yeah. What happened, how did it go? Did you mess up on anything? I was worried about your parallel parking. - Yeah, I messed up once on parallel parking. I put my blinker on too soon, I mean too late, so I had a late blinker, and then tried to park in front of a fire hydrant. - [Dan] You can't do that? - Which I didn't really realize. I didn't really know that. - No parking in front of fire hydrants. - Yeah, so... - [Dan] He just told you to park somewhere and you just randomly chose right in front of a fire hydrant. - He told me to park and a fire hydrant was pretty close, and somehow I just picked that exact spot. So it wasn't great. - Oh, I love it. - It's okay. - But even with that, you passed. - Yeah, we're good. - The great thing is it turns out the instructor is a super cool guy and he, we didn't know who he was, but it turns out he's watched a lot of our YouTube videos on Teslas and also has solar panels on his house that he put in himself based off of watching Zack from Jerry Rig Everything's videos. So how does it feel to be done with that? - It feels great. I just can't wait to go in on my birthday to the driver's license, the DMV and be like, give me my license, then they just hand it to you, you don't have to do anything else. - Now, the only thing left in the way is he has two weeks of school left, and he has to get all A's. And there's two classes that are online that he's only done 6% of the class and he has two weeks left. - [Lincoln] Why are you stressing a little way too much, it's not even a big deal. - See I'm stressing, it's not a big deal. - [Lincoln] It's not. - I just really want him to drive, and he has to get all A's or A minuses. - [Lincoln] Oh my gosh. So that's the one thing, hopefully it happens. - You talk about it everyday. - I talk about it everyday? You know, I just want him to drive. So anyway, there you go. Driver's school done, good job, nice work. - Thank you. - Today's officially Lincoln's birthday. Happy birthday Lincoln, it's January 3rd. So we got a random tweet today of famous people whose birthdays are today. And Lincoln was in the top five. What? Thank you. Number two was the girl from - Black Widow. Black Widow. - Elena. - Elena, she's the one that has like a Russian accent. And in the latest, I don't wanna spoil anything, but in the latest show, what is the show called? - That's really weird. - Hawkeye, in the latest show, Hawkeye, one of my favorite moment. This isn't spoiling anything, but - It is. that totally spoils it, I can't even say it. We have an appointment and three minutes, and it's his birthday, so we're gonna get the driver's license if they give it to him and then we're gonna go do some fun stuff. So let's go see if we can actually get the driver's license. I'm gonna take my phone in to sneak some shots inside the Driver's License building. (upbeat music) - It's really dark. (people chattering) - Do I need to read one of these? - [DMV Attendant] Line 3, all the way across. - Okay, N-K-C-D-Z-R-E-H-D-V-S-O. - [DMV Attendant] You see blinking lights anywhere? - Yeah, left and right. - [DMV Attendant] All right, I think you are done. Do you wear contacts? - I don't. - [Dan] Did he pass the seeing test? - [DMV Attendant] He did. - At last is a one point. - [Dan] Good job. (indistinct) - [Dan] We did it. You're officially licensed. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be. - It was. We didn't even, like, we hadn't even like one thing. they're like, oh yeah, you're good. - [Dan] You're good to go. - So we have temporary one. - And I'm gonna drive home. - [Lincoln] Yup. - I'm still a better driver. - [Lincoln] You are. - And we are doing something for his birthday today. We are gonna be driving to Las Vegas and doing a little top golf. I would say you should drive, - [Lincoln] No. but we're gonna be bringing his friends and there are some restrictions to his driving. - I can't drive, until I'm 17, so a year from now, I can't drive between 12 o'clock and 5:00 am. - Oh, I had no idea. - I can't drive with somebody else who isn't over 21 with a license. - So you can't just like throw your friends in the car and go driving with them. - I don't think so, no. I have to be with somebody else. So like if you came and then they were like, then that'll work. - Interesting. What are you most excited about for having a driver's license? - Not having to ask all my friends for rides anymore. - That's what I'm most excited for. 'Cause like, I don't need to go that many places, really just school and the golf course and just some food every now and then, but still it'll be nice not to ask for rides everywhere. - I was just getting my hair cut this morning, looks pretty good. And the girl that was cutting my hair, I told her that my son turns 16 and we're getting his license today. And she couldn't believe that I had a 16 year old son, 'cause she said that I looked so young. Maybe that's just the thing people say, but in my mind, I definitely still feel like I'm like 20 years old, and it crazy to think that Lincoln who is just a little guy usually is now all grown up. Like, when I even look back on old YouTube videos and see pictures of him, I think that's a different person than now. He's matured, grown up, and it is crazy to think that I have a son that's 16 years old, and then the girls are not that far off, they're 13 and 11. But anyway, kind of a monumental day as a human, but also as a parent. So yeah, I don't know what to think about it, but we're gonna go party. So there you go. Happy birthday to Lincoln, good job on your driver's license. Any last words for the world? - Be careful on the roads because I will be driving. - [Dan] Look at this. According to that wall, Lincoln's with his hair is six feet, maybe 6'1", wow. Well, there's another student driver right there, another one. That's a different school though. The list of five people I can't even, that we've already been talking about that. I was gonna pull the tweet up as a screenshot, because I thought it was really funny. - I got to grab my glue stick out of my car.
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Id: NnLfjWzC0RM
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Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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