I Got Hunted By FIREMEN and POLICE with Unspeakable

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apps and firefighters are the best seekers in the world but also have a rivalry so long your history teacher can't even keep up so I challenge them to find all 12 riders in my house to end this war once and for all bye oh somebody called 9-1-1 but not for me well technically it is for me all right I heard there's some criminals hiding somewhere in this house this is suspicious not that door don't break this door we're in the upstairs attic to one of the garages on the property and there's no way the police are a firefighter looking up here so we need to spend every single moment so we could beat the fire department not that I'm worried because they're rather lazy individuals hold on you can't lose to a cup you'd probably take a break eating those donuts [Music] the garage there can only be so many hiding spots C1 did you see one we see one okay you're back here where'd he go I just saw someone over here this is the sickest is this no let's go oh goes the helmet but we got the person somebody just got down yeah we've been looking for this guy for a long time not a long time I was the first one got any paraphernalia I should know about no paraphernalia until I tried my shoe this is a tiny TV with a tiny camera that we can use to spy on the police and firefighters through the Attic John my spot was so good dude someone's called my name John is that you in the roof yes I see you look up look up this man's caught spy cameras and I'm in a bookshelf oh my God got my first one let's go get more I wonder how many people have gotten caught yet well it seems to be one to one which I'm actually surprised he was able to find anyone I just heard him say it's Wonder Woman hello there anybody uh catch a movie it has to be more than one person downstairs no surrender no retreat they had the advantage of knowing every nook and cranny of this house what we don't have time [Music] it has to be someone in here but I'm pretty sure I did not think it was this possible to to hide them well let's go we got another another little spot though I'm definitely gonna win I'm definitely in a good spot right now what average fat same what do we have here so you didn't see me you just came down because we were in there no you didn't see him but now we got three I think someone else just got found all right oh oh squats squats stay with them stay with your Technique a dish ominous set of stairs that might be getting slightly worried now that people are hiding in the spots I've been looking at maybe there's no false wall there now unspeakable have you been found yet hey we got three we got three let's go no one's finding me it's not happening [Music] come here this is not the police department [Music] nope goes on the police officer literally grabbed my leg and walked away four people have been found there's only seven left I think we'll have somebody outside nah that's too extraving hey prisoners come here only if I get time off my sentence that's exactly what I'm gonna do you're gonna let him re-hide if they tell you where someone's hiding if you can tell me where somebody's hiding who's the rat here which one to use a rat you no rat come here yeah he points out the rat wait what is that what if we can get in there if we can get past this wood look at where we can hide I know where Kaylee is where's Keely I need to know if you will are feeling hungry your appetite will rise Jailer let this man back in all right if you're hungry you will rise is that bread so she's got to be in the kitchen oh it's moving oh my God I think is that safe [Music] hungry what does that possibly mean I hate riddles we gotta do it do it for the Vine that was a terrible idea and that's why you don't blow on on what dust you know what I meant [Music] no way you didn't hear that there's no way I've missed anyone here [Music] all right we're gonna go downstairs man I think we got everybody up here actually game's over better me than the fire department you you Hi how are you did you come here earlier yeah did you grab my leg that's what I thought it was I was like there's no way congratulations you found me but what if I told you didn't have to capture me now I don't make a deal you don't make deals y'all come on no you know who's winning right now who's winning the ball is winning okay okay fine all right I can't believe I'm doing this oh my God I'm stuck fudge oh my God we made it what a journey it's very intimidating hi how'd you find that guy he's he's sneaky I think he should take a break in a coffee a donut break shouldn't you be sleeping right now well I mean cookies donuts you know Dunkin Donuts is right around the corner wait are there more Donuts someone said no don't hey what's up guys I tried to rat you out you told me that's a lie I did not try to route you out you are you serious no I was gonna ride cheerio foreign [Music] we made it so far in the Attic that we can actually see outside the window you gotta be careful where you grab it those are bad Nails could this be where pressing time so this is what I'm used to As A Firefighter man research like this so I'm Gonna Get Low is there a hidden wall here there is an attic different attic than the one we were in yes what is this oh it's like you're tall it is going these guys are good man yes dang it yes I thought you came up never give up might as well just come out now if I have to get dirty finding you not gonna be fun there that goes deep maybe you should have chose different merchandise to wear on this day no oh it's hard to breathe I know a place that's nice and well ventilated that you can go sit in for the next 10 to 20 years I hope everybody gets found soon but being a firefighter is directly beneath me you can hear him right here man [Music] from the dust that's up here did he lock you out he locked you out there's always more than one way to get in somewhere you know okay yes my honey bun I'm gonna give you a phone call but only you and Jonathan here okay call John then you take your donut break yet I see you locked us out huh think you're slick how many people have you guys found three how about you eight what isn't there only 11 people playing I'm just looking for my cell phone at this point it's a big car gate stand like directly at it okay come with me there's two downstairs and two upstairs so do you want to take upstairs you're downstairs I'll take what I want oh okay okay I'll stay yeah upstairs yeah you need the exercise anyway is that so come from the guy who eats a thousand calories a donut just to show how insane this spot is I told James and John to walk outside and turn around [Music] dude that spot's so open bro I can't believe how could anybody be in here I'm in full search now if it's ever a bad fire this is kidding me [Music] no got your butt oh my god oh he found Logan not many times can I say I've been carried out by a fire let's go oh hey I guess at this point we're getting tired of squash I'm gonna go lunches [Applause] I like pickles in my macaroni Nathan that's disgusting Preston you're disgusting you smell like a giant armpit I know where you're hiding Nathan and it's a good spot but mine's amazing at least it'll smell like an armpit dude you're not gonna win man foreign doing the fire department's job right now nothing new that's one of those yo that guy has a really nice hoodie on from firematch.com you should totally go check it out this guy has no idea I'm admiring his hoodie doing your job right now sounds good hey guys guys guys come here come here come here guys that I found guys that I found never work alone ever buddy system I need a buddy system I need I need a couple guys to work he's right behind you don't worry about him I need guys to work with me let's go let's go oh fell out of my pocket and made the loudest sound all right guys let's take it let's Sprint let's work I don't need help it's cops they don't do as well so what'd you guys think um what do you guys think have you looked in here yet how high and how low I looked everywhere downstairs still oh it's getting old dude it's getting worse but I'm gonna do whatever it takes one in this hide and seek and I don't care is anybody this hurts on the screen upstairs that's probably a clue I could literally scream up here all day and they're not gonna fly me was that upstairs or downstairs it would be a false wall up there or somebody with just a really big head oh no you can see your head oh no there's two people I need one to win I claim the spot first I got it take a hike y'all want something super mind-boggling y'all both have been within five feet of one person [Music] yes [Music] I got him don't worry about it what's going on your record time is running out downstairs tactics used by the fire department are often sleazy childish so you just got found yeah where were you at I was up uh you came up there like three times is the only one left whoever finds Preston wins hey Preston we're just gonna play some fortnite you want to join us he likes Minecraft of your generation and he's not playing fortnite we're getting old no don't say we oh wait wait Preston's calling me hello hello I'm on the phone with the producer all right gentlemen how are you do it all as well I heard it's tied I need both of you gentlemen to come to the trash cans but don't look back towards the house until I tell you oh my God I can see them I see both of them all right go ahead and turn around see you later yeah you gotta go get them oh they're coming oh oh my God hey look at all my fans go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get over there and the police officer let me go in there and look for you Presley we got you we got you Preston thank you guys long enough dude [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,181,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: _O8bzZ2TkDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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